
59 lines
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subroutine grad_log(v,dv,rm1,dx,nx,method)
! Computes derivative of a function v(:) on a radial logarithmic mesh
! using d/dr = 1/r d/dx, since r \propto exp(x)
! Two methods are available (method=2,4), the second (method=4)
! is more precise (but more sensitive to noise)
use kinds, only : DP
implicit none
! input/output variables
real(DP), intent(in) :: v(nx), rm1(nx), dx
! function, 1/r, dx (step of the log. mesh)
real(DP), intent(out) :: dv(nx)
! derivative
integer :: nx, method
! dimensions, method used
integer :: i
select case ( method )
case ( 2 )
! "leap frog" derivative O(dx^2)
! use 2 points for each derivative
dv(2:nx-1) = 0.5_DP/dx * (v(3:nx) - v(1:nx-2)) * rm1(2:nx)
! this (forward) formula is also O(dx^2),
! but the error coefficient in front of dx^2 is different
!gv(1) = 0.5_DP/dx * (4._DP*v(2) - 3._DP*v(1) - v(3)) * rm1(1)
! while this has the same error coefficient in front of dx^2
dv(1) = 0.5_DP/dx * (-4._DP*(v(1)+v(3)) + 7._DP*v(2) + v(4)) * rm1(1)
! backward O(dx^2) formula (with different error coeff.)
dv(nx) = -0.5_DP/dx *(4._DP*v(nx-1) - 3._DP*v(nx) - v(nx-2)) * rm1(nx)
case ( 4 )
! use 4 points for each derivative
! calculate dv/dr (taken from subroutine lschps.f90)
dv(1)=(-50.0_dp*v(1)+96.0_dp*v(2)-72.0_dp*v(3)+32.0_dp*v(4) &
-6.0_dp*v(5))/(24.0_dp*dx) * rm1(1)
dv(2)=(-6.0_dp*v(1)-20.0_dp*v(2)+36.0_dp*v(3)-12.0_dp*v(4) &
+2.0_dp*v(5))/(24.0_dp*dx) * rm1(2)
do i=3,nx-2
dv(i)=(2.0_dp*v(i-2)-16.0_dp*v(i-1)+16.0_dp*v(i+1) &
-2.0_dp*v(i+2))/(24.0_dp*dx) * rm1(i)
end do
dv(nx-1)=( 3.0_dp*v(nx)+10.0_dp*v(nx-1)-18.0_dp*v(nx-2)+ &
6.0_dp*v(nx-3)-v(nx-4))/(12.0_dp*dx) * rm1(nx-1)
dv(nx)=( 25.0_dp*v(nx)-48.0_dp*v(nx-1)+36.0_dp*v(nx-2)-&
16.0_dp*v(nx-3)+3.0_dp*v(nx-4))/(12.0_dp*dx) * rm1(nx)
case default
call errore('grad_log','method unknown',1)
end select
end subroutine grad_log