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! Copyright (C) 2004 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
module funct
PUBLIC :: dft, iexch, icorr, igcx, igcc, which_dft
character (len=20) :: dft
! dft is the exchange-correlation functional, described by
! any nonconflicting combination of the following keywords
! (case-insensitive):
! Exchange: "nox" none iexch=0
! "sla" Slater (alpha=2/3) iexch=1 (default)
! "sl1" Slater (alpha=1.0) iexch=2
! "rxc" Relativistic Slater iexch=3
! Correlation: "noc" none icorr=0
! "pz" Perdew-Zunger icorr=1 (default)
! "vwn" Vosko-Wilk-Nusair icorr=2
! "lyp" Lee-Yang-Parr icorr=3
! "pw" Perdew-Wang icorr=4
! "wig" Wigner icorr=5
! "hl" Hedin-Lunqvist icorr=6
! "obz" Ortiz-Ballone form for PZ icorr=7
! "obw" Ortiz-Ballone form for PW icorr=8
! "gl" Gunnarson-Lunqvist icorr=9
! Gradient Correction on Exchange:
! "nogx" none igcx =0 (default)
! "b88" Becke88 (beta=0.0042) igcx =1
! "ggx" Perdew-Wang 91 igcx =2
! "pbx" Perdew-Burke-Ernzenhof exch igcx =3
! "rpb" revised PBE by Zhang-Yang igcx =4
! "hcth" Cambridge exch, Handy et al igcx =5
! "optx" Handy's exchange functional igcx =6
! Gradient Correction on Correlation:
! "nogc" none igcc =0 (default)
! "p86" Perdew86 igcc =1
! "ggc" Perdew-Wang 91 corr. igcc =2
! "blyp" Lee-Yang-Parr igcc =3
! "pbx" Perdew-Burke-Ernzenhof corr igcc =4
! "hcth" Cambridge corr, Handy et al igcc =5
! Special cases:
! "bp" = "b88+p86" = Becke-Perdew grad.corr.
! "pw91" = "pw +ggx+ggc" = PW91 (aka GGA)
! "blyp" = "sla+b88+lyp+blyp"= BLYP
! "pbe" = "sla+pw+pbx+pbc" = PBE
! "revpbe"="sla+pw+rpb+pbc" = revPBE (Zhang-Yang)
! "hcth" = "nox+noc+hcth+hcth"=HCTH/120
! "olyp" = "nox+lyp+optx+blyp" !!! UNTESTED !!!
! References:
! pz J.P.Perdew and A.Zunger, PRB 23, 5048 (1981)
! vwn S.H.Vosko, L.Wilk, M.Nusair, Can.J.Phys. 58,1200(1980)
! pw J.P.Perdew and Y.Wang, PRB 45, 13244 (1992)
! obpz G.Ortiz and P.Ballone, PRB 50, 1391 (1994)
! obpw as above
! b88 A.D.Becke, PRA 38, 3098 (1988)
! p86 J.P.Perdew, PRB 33, 8822 (1986)
! pbe J.P.Perdew, K.Burke, M.Ernzerhof, PRL 77, 3865 (1996)
! pw91 J.P.Perdew and Y. Wang, PRB 46, 6671 (1992)
! blyp C.Lee, W.Yang, R.G.Parr, PRB 37, 785 (1988)
! hcth Handy et al, JCP 109, 6264 (1998)
! olyp Handy et al, JCP 116, 5411 (2002)
! revPBE Zhang and Yang, PRL 80, 890 (1998)
integer :: iexch, icorr, igcx, igcc
! internal indices for exchange-correlation
! iexch: type of exchange
! icorr: type of correlation
! igcx: type of gradient correction on exchange
! igcc: type of gradient correction on correlations
! see comments above and routine "which_dft" below
subroutine which_dft (dft_)
! translates a string containing the exchange-correlation name
! into internal indices iexch, icorr, igcx, igcc
implicit none
! input
character (len=*) :: dft_
! data
integer :: nxc, ncc, ngcx, ngcc
parameter (nxc = 3, ncc = 9, ngcx = 6, ngcc = 5)
character (len=3) :: exc, corr
character (len=4) :: gradx, gradc
dimension exc (0:nxc), corr (0:ncc), gradx (0:ngcx), gradc (0: ngcc)
! local
integer :: len, l, i
integer, parameter:: notset = -1
character (len=50):: dftout
logical, external :: matches
character (len=1), external :: capital
data exc / 'NOX', 'SLA', 'SL1', 'RXC' /
data corr / 'NOC', 'PZ', 'VWN', 'LYP', 'PW', 'WIG', 'HL', 'OBZ', &
'OBW', 'GL' /
data gradx / 'NOGX', 'B88', 'GGX', 'PBX', 'RPB', 'HCTH','OPTX' /
data gradc / 'NOGC', 'P86', 'GGC', 'BLYP', 'PBC', 'HCTH'/
! convert to uppercase
len = len_trim(dft)
dftout = ' '
do l = 1, len
dftout (l:l) = capital (dft (l:l) )
! exchange
iexch = notset
do i = 0, nxc
if (matches (exc (i), dftout) ) call set_dft_value (iexch, i)
! correlation
icorr = notset
do i = 0, ncc
if (matches (corr (i), dftout) ) call set_dft_value (icorr, i)
! gradient correction, exchange
igcx = notset
do i = 0, ngcx
if (matches (gradx (i), dftout) ) call set_dft_value (igcx, i)
! gradient correction, correlation
igcc = notset
do i = 0, ngcc
if (matches (gradc (i), dftout) ) call set_dft_value (igcc, i)
! special case : BLYP => B88 for gradient correction on exchange
if (matches ('BLYP', dftout) ) call set_dft_value (igcx, 1)
! special case : revPBE
if (matches ('REVPBE', dftout) ) then
call set_dft_value (icorr,4)
call set_dft_value (igcx, 4)
call set_dft_value (igcc, 4)
else if (matches('RPBE',dftout)) then
call errore('which_dft', &
& 'RPBE (Hammer-Hansen-Norskov) not implemented (revPBE is)',1)
else if (matches ('PBE', dftout) ) then
! special case : PBE
call set_dft_value (icorr,4)
call set_dft_value (igcx, 3)
call set_dft_value (igcc, 4)
! special case : BP = B88 + P86
if (matches ('BP', dftout) ) then
call set_dft_value (igcx, 1)
call set_dft_value (igcc, 1)
! special case : PW91 = GGX + GGC
if (matches ('PW91', dftout) ) then
call set_dft_value (igcx, 2)
call set_dft_value (igcc, 2)
! special case : HCTH already contains LDA exchange and correlation
if (matches('HCTH',dftout)) then
call set_dft_value(iexch,0)
call set_dft_value(icorr,0)
end if
! special case : OPTX already contains LDA exchange
if (matches('OPTX',dftout)) then
call set_dft_value(iexch,0)
end if
! special case : OLYP = OPTX + LYP
if (matches('OLYP',dftout)) then
call set_dft_value(iexch,0)
call set_dft_value(icorr,3)
call set_dft_value(igcx,6)
call set_dft_value(igcc,3)
end if
if (igcx == 6) &
call errore('which_dft','OPTX untested! please test',-igcx)
! Default value: Slater exchange
if (iexch == notset) call set_dft_value (iexch, 1)
! Default value: Perdew-Zunger correlation
if (icorr == notset) call set_dft_value (icorr, 1)
! Default value: no gradient correction on exchange
if (igcx == notset) call set_dft_value (igcx, 0)
! Default value: no gradient correction on correlation
if (igcc == notset) call set_dft_value (igcc, 0)
dftout = exc (iexch) //'-'//corr (icorr) //'-'//gradx (igcx) //'-' &
&//gradc (igcc)
! WRITE( stdout,'(a)') dftout
end subroutine which_dft
subroutine set_dft_value (m, i)
implicit none
integer :: m, i
! local
integer, parameter :: notset = - 1
if ( m /= notset .and. m /= i) &
call errore ('set_dft_value', 'two conflicting matching values', 1)
m = i
end subroutine set_dft_value
end module funct