
285 lines
8.0 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
#include "f_defs.h"
subroutine solve_e2
! Self consistent cycle to compute the second order derivatives
! of the wavefunctions with respect to electric fields
use kinds, only : DP
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
use pwcom
use becmod
USE control_flags, ONLY: reduce_io
USE io_files, ONLY: prefix, iunigk
USE ions_base, ONLY: nat
USE uspp_param, ONLY : nhm
USE wavefunctions_module, ONLY: evc
USE phcom
USE ramanm
USE check_stop, ONLY: max_seconds
implicit none
real(DP) :: thresh, weight, avg_iter, dr2
! convergence threshold for the solution of the
! linear system
! used for summation over k points
! average number of iterations
! convergence limit
complex(DP) , pointer :: dvscfin (:,:,:), dvscfins (:,:,:)
! change of the scf potential (input)
! change of the scf potential (smooth)
complex(DP) , allocatable :: dvscfout (:,:,:), dbecsum (:,:), &
aux1 (:)
! change of the scf potential (output)
! auxiliary space
! auxiliary space
complex(DP) :: ZDOTC
! the scalar product function
logical :: exst
! used to open the recover file
integer :: kter, iter0, ipol, ibnd, iter, ik, is, ig, iig, irr, ir, nrec, ios
! counter on iterations
! counter on perturbations
! counter on bands
! counter on iterations
! counter on k points
! counter on G vectors
! counter on g vectors
! counter on mesh points
! the record number
! integer variable for I/O control
real(DP) :: tcpu, get_clock
! timing variables
character (len=256) :: flmixdpot
! the name of the file with the
! mixing potential
external ch_psi_all, cg_psi
if (lsda) call errore ('solve_e2', ' LSDA not implemented', 1)
if (okvan) call errore ('solve_e2', ' okvan is true....', 1)
call start_clock('solve_e2')
allocate (dvscfin( nrxx, nspin, 6))
if (doublegrid) then
allocate (dvscfins( nrxxs, nspin, 6))
dvscfins => dvscfin
allocate (dvscfout( nrxx , nspin, 6))
allocate (dbecsum( nhm*(nhm+1)/2, nat))
allocate (aux1( nrxxs))
if (irr0 == -10) then
! restarting in Raman
read (iunrec) iter0, convt, dr2
read (iunrec) dvscfin
if (okvan) read (iunrec) int3
close (unit = iunrec, status = 'keep')
if (doublegrid) then
do is = 1, nspin
do ipol = 1, 6
call cinterpolate (dvscfin (1, is, ipol), &
dvscfins (1, is, ipol), -1)
end if
iter0 = 0
convt = .false.
end if
if (convt) go to 155
if (degauss.ne.0.d0 .or..not.lgamma) &
call errore ('solve_e2', 'called in the wrong case', 1)
! The outside loop is over the iterations
if (reduce_io) then
flmixdpot = ' '
flmixdpot = 'mixd'
do kter = 1, niter_ph
iter = kter + iter0
avg_iter = 0.d0
dvscfout (:,:,:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
dbecsum (:,:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
if (nksq.gt.1) rewind (unit = iunigk)
do ik = 1, nksq
if (nksq.gt.1) then
read (iunigk, err = 100, iostat = ios) npw, igk
100 call errore ('solve_e', 'reading igk', abs (ios) )
! reads unperturbed wavefuctions psi_k in G_space, for all bands
if (nksq.gt.1) call davcio (evc, lrwfc, iuwfc, ik, -1)
npwq = npw
call init_us_2 (npw, igk, xk (1, ik), vkb)
! compute the kinetic energy
do ig = 1, npwq
iig = igkq (ig)
g2kin (ig) = ( (xk (1, ik) + g (1, iig) ) **2 + &
(xk (2, ik) + g (2, iig) ) **2 + &
(xk (3, ik) + g (3, iig) ) **2 ) * tpiba2
! The counter on the polarizations runs only on the 6 inequivalent
! indexes --see the comment on raman.F--
do ipol = 1, 6
nrec = (ipol - 1) * nksq + ik
if (kter.eq.1) then
dpsi (:,:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
call davcio (dpsi, lrd2w, iud2w, nrec, -1)
if (iter.eq.1) then
dvscfin (:,:,:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
call davcio (dvpsi, lrba2, iuba2, nrec, -1)
thresh = 1.0d-2
call davcio (dvpsi, lrba2, iuba2, nrec, -1)
do ibnd = 1, nbnd_occ (ik)
call cft_wave (evc (1, ibnd), aux1, +1)
do ir = 1, nrxxs
aux1 (ir) = aux1 (ir) * dvscfins (ir, 1, ipol)
call cft_wave (dvpsi (1, ibnd), aux1, -1)
thresh = min (0.1d0 * sqrt(dr2), 1.0d-2)
call pcgreen (avg_iter, thresh, ik, et (1, ik) )
call davcio ( dpsi, lrd2w, iud2w, nrec, +1)
! calculates dvscf, sum over k => dvscf_q_ipert
weight = wk (ik)
call incdrhoscf (dvscfout (1,1,ipol), weight, ik, &
dbecsum (1, 1), 1)
enddo ! on perturbations
enddo ! on k points
#ifdef __PARA
call reduce (nhm * (nhm + 1) * nat, dbecsum)
if (doublegrid) then
do is = 1, nspin
do ipol = 1, 6
call cinterpolate (dvscfout (1, is, ipol), &
dvscfout (1, is, ipol), 1)
! call addusddense (dvscfout, dbecsum)
! After the loop over the perturbations we have the change of the pote
! for all the modes, and we symmetrize this potential
#ifdef __PARA
call poolreduce (2 * 6 * nrxx * nspin, dvscfout)
do ipol = 1, 6
call dv_of_drho (0, dvscfout (1, 1, ipol), .false.)
#ifdef __PARA
call psyme2(dvscfout)
call syme2(dvscfout)
! Mixing with the old potential
call mix_potential (2 * 6 * nrxx * nspin, dvscfout, dvscfin, &
alpha_mix (kter), dr2, 6 * tr2_ph, kter, &
nmix_ph, flmixdpot, convt)
if (doublegrid) then
do is = 1, nspin
do ipol = 1, 6
call cinterpolate (dvscfin (1, is, ipol), &
dvscfins (1, is, ipol), -1)
end if
write (6, "(//,5x,' iter # ',i3, &
& ' av.it.: ',f5.1)") iter, avg_iter / (6.d0 * nksq)
dr2 = dr2 / 6
write (6, "(5x,' thresh=',e10.3, ' alpha_mix = ',f6.3, &
& ' |ddv_scf|^2 = ',e10.3 )") thresh, alpha_mix (kter), dr2
CALL flush_unit( stdout )
call seqopn (iunrec, 'recover', 'unformatted', exst)
! irr: state of the calculation
! irr=-10 to -19 Raman
irr = -10
write (iunrec) irr
! partially calculated results
write (iunrec) dyn, dyn00, epsilon, zstareu, zstarue, zstareu0, zstarue0
! info on current iteration (iter=0 potential mixing not available)
if (reduce_io) then
write (iunrec) 0, convt, dr2
write (iunrec) iter, convt, dr2
end if
write (iunrec) dvscfin
if (okvan) write (iunrec) int3
close (unit = iunrec, status = 'keep')
tcpu = get_clock ('PHONON')
if (convt .or. tcpu > max_seconds) goto 155
155 continue
if (tcpu > max_seconds) then
write (6, "(/,5x,'Stopping for time limit ',2f10.0)") tcpu, &
call stop_ph (.false.)
deallocate (dvscfin )
if (doublegrid) deallocate (dvscfins )
deallocate (dvscfout )
deallocate (dbecsum )
deallocate (aux1 )
call stop_clock('solve_e2')
end subroutine solve_e2