
671 lines
18 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2004 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
#undef DEBUG
subroutine c6_tfvw (mesh, zed, grid, rho_input)
use kinds, only : DP
use constants, only : e2, pi, fpi, BOHR_RADIUS_ANGS
use ld1inc, only : lsd, nwf, oc, ll
use radial_grids, only: radial_grid_type
implicit none
! I/O variables
type(radial_grid_type), intent(in):: grid
integer mesh
real (kind=8) :: rho_input(mesh)
real (kind=8) :: zed, rho(mesh)
!real (kind=8) :: vw_lambda=9.0_dp ! describes exactly the low-q limit
!real (kind=8) :: vw_lambda=3.0_dp ! interpolate between high and low q's
real (kind=8) :: vw_lambda=1.0_dp ! describes exactly the high-q limit
! local variables
logical :: csi, l_add_tf_term
real (kind=8) :: error, error2, e, charge, beta, u, alpha, dalpha, c6, du1, &
du2, factor, ze2, thresh
real (kind=8), allocatable :: veff(:), y(:), yy(:)
real (kind=8), allocatable :: dvpot(:), dvscf(:), drho(:), dvhx(:), dvxc(:), pp(:)
complex (kind=8), allocatable :: dy(:), drho_old(:)
integer i, iter, n, l, ly, iu, Nu, Nc, counter, nstop, mesh_save
allocate ( veff(mesh),y(mesh),yy(mesh))
allocate ( dvpot(mesh),dvscf(mesh),drho(mesh),dvhx(mesh),dvxc(mesh),pp(mesh) )
allocate ( dy(mesh), drho_old(mesh) )
write(6,'(/,/,/,5x,10(''-''),'' Compute C6 from polarizability with TFvW approx.'',10(''-''),/)')
if (vw_lambda.ne.1.d0) write(6,*) " value of vw_lambda ", vw_lambda
if (mesh.ne.grid%mesh) call errore('c6_tfwv',' mesh dimension is not as expected',1)
do i = 1, mesh
rho(i) = rho_input(i) / (fpi*grid%r(i)**2)
end do
counter = 1
do i = 1, mesh
if (rho(i) .gt. 1.0d-30) counter = counter + 1
mesh_save = mesh
mesh = counter
#ifdef DEBUG
write (*,*) "mesh ", mesh
if (lsd .ne. 0) call errore ('c6_tfvw', 'implemented only for non-magnetic ions', lsd)
csi = .true.
do i = 1, nwf
csi = csi .and. ( ((ll(i).eq.0) .and. (oc(i).eq.2 )) .or. &
((ll(i).eq.1) .and. (oc(i).eq.6 )) .or. &
((ll(i).eq.2) .and. (oc(i).eq.10)) .or. &
((ll(i).eq.3) .and. (oc(i).eq.14)) )
if (.not. csi) call errore ('c6_tfvw', 'implemented only for closed-shell ions', 1)
! rho = 0.d0
! open (7,file='rho.out',status='unknown',form='formatted')
! do i=1,mesh
! read (7,'(P5E20.12)') r(i), rho(i), y(i), y(i), y(i)
! write (6,'(P5E15.6)') r(i), rho(i)
! end do
! close (7)
! compute unperturbed effective potential
call veff_of_rho(mesh,grid%dx,grid%r,grid%r2,rho,y,veff)
#ifdef DEBUG
write (*,*) "veff(1:3)"
write (*,*) veff(1:3)
write (*,*) "veff(mesh-5:mesh)"
write (*,*) veff(mesh-5:mesh)
! check that veff and y are what we think
n = 1
l = 0
e = -1.d-7
ze2 = - zed * e2
thresh = 1.d-14
do i=1,mesh
charge = charge + rho(i) * fpi * grid%r2(i) * grid%r(i) * grid%dx
end do
! call solve_scheq(n,l,e,mesh,dx,r,sqr,r2,veff,zed,yy)
call ascheq (n, l, e, mesh, grid, veff, ze2, thresh, yy, nstop)
error = 0.d0
do i=1,mesh
error = error + (y(i)-yy(i)/grid%sqr(i)*sqrt(charge))**2 * grid%r2(i) * grid%dx
end do
#ifdef DEBUG
write (*,*) "ascheq called with mesh"
write (*,*) "nstop", nstop, e
write (*,*) "error ",error
write (*,*) "y(1:3)"
write (*,*) y(1:3)
write (*,*) "y(mesh-2:mesh)"
write (*,*) y(mesh-2:mesh)
write (*,*) "yy(1:3)"
write (*,*) yy(1:3)
write (*,*) "yy(mesh-2:mesh)"
write (*,*) yy(mesh-2:mesh)
write (*,*) grid%sqr(1:3)
write (*,*) "sqrt(charge)", sqrt(charge)
if (error > 1.d-8) then
call errore('c6_tfvw','auxiliary funtions veff(r) and y(r) are inaccurate',1)
end if
! initialize external perturbation (electric field)
call init_dpot(grid%r,mesh,dvpot)
! derivative of xc-potential
call dvxc_dn(mesh, rho, dvxc)
write(6,'(5x,''Frequency dependent polarizability is written into freq-pol.dat'',/)')
c6 = 0.0d0
alpha = 0.0d0
open(1, file = 'freq-pol.dat')
write (1,'(15x," u alpha(angstrong) alpha(a.u.) ",/)')
Nu = 230
Nc = 50
du1 = 0.1d0
du2 = 0.25d0
u = -du1
do iu=0,Nu
if (iu .le. 50) then
u = u + du1
u = u + du2
if (iu.eq.0) then
do i=1,mesh
dvscf(i) = dvpot(i)
drho_old(i) = 0.d0
end do
end if
beta = 0.05
dalpha = 1.0d+99
alpha = 0.d0
counter = 0
do while (dalpha > 1.d-9)
counter = counter + 1
! solve Sternheimer equation for the auxiliary wavefunction
l = 1
ly = 0
call sternheimer(u*vw_lambda,l,ly,mesh,grid%dx,grid%r,grid%sqr,grid%r2,veff,zed,y,dvscf,dy)
dy = dy*vw_lambda
! compute drho of r
call drho_of_r(mesh, grid%dx, grid%r, grid%r2, y, dy, drho)
#ifdef DEGUG
write (*,*) "========================"
write (*,*) "drho(1:3)"
write (*,*) drho(1:3)
write (*,*) "drho(20:22)"
write (*,*) drho(20:22)
write (*,*) "drho(40:42)"
write (*,*) drho(40:42)
write (*,*) "drho(mesh-2:mesh)"
write (*,*) drho(mesh-2:mesh)
! compute dv of drho (including the TF term)
l_add_tf_term = .true.
call dv_of_drho(mesh, grid%dx, grid%r,grid%r2,rho,drho,dvhx,dvxc,pp, l_add_tf_term)
#ifdef DEGUG
write (*,*) "========================"
write (*,*) "dvhx(1:3)"
write (*,*) dvhx(1:3)
write (*,*) "dvhx(20:22)"
write (*,*) dvhx(20:22)
write (*,*) "dvhx(40:42)"
write (*,*) dvhx(40:42)
write (*,*) "dvhx(mesh-2:mesh)"
write (*,*) dvhx(mesh-2:mesh)
write (*,*) "========================"
write (*,*) "pp(1:3)"
write (*,*) pp(1:3)
write (*,*) "pp(20:22)"
write (*,*) pp(20:22)
write (*,*) "pp(40:42)"
write (*,*) pp(40:42)
write (*,*) "pp(mesh-2:mesh)"
write (*,*) pp(mesh-2:mesh)
! mix
error = 0.d0
error2 = 0.d0
do i=1,mesh
dvscf(i) = dvscf(i) + beta * (dvpot(i)+dvhx(i) -dvscf(i))
error = error + abs (drho(i) -drho_old(i))
error2 = error2 + abs (drho(i) -drho_old(i))* grid%r(i) * grid%dx
drho_old(i) = drho(i)
end do
dalpha = abs(alpha + pp(mesh))
alpha = -pp(mesh)
! write (*,'(4e16.6)') alpha, dalpha, error, error2
end do
write (1,'(17x, f8.4, 3x, 1PE14.6, 9x, 1PE14.6)') u, pp(mesh)*BOHR_RADIUS_ANGS**3, pp(mesh)
if (iu .eq. 0) &
write (6,'(5x, "Static polarizability: ", f10.5, " (in A^3) --->", f10.5,&
& " (in e^2a0^3)")') pp(mesh)*BOHR_RADIUS_ANGS**3, pp(mesh)
if (iu .eq. 0) factor = 0.5d0 * du1
if (iu .gt. 0 .and. iu .lt. Nc) factor = du1
if (iu .eq. Nc) factor = 0.5d0 * ( du1 + du2)
if (iu .gt. Nc .and. iu .lt. Nu) factor = du2
if (iu .eq. Nu) factor = 0.5d0 * du2
c6 = c6 + factor*alpha*alpha
end do
c6 = c6 * 3.d0 / pi
write (*,'(/, 5x, a, f12.6)') "C6 coefficient in units [e2*a0**5]", c6/e2
write(6,'(/,5x,20(''-''),'' End of C6 calculation '',20(''-''),/)')
deallocate ( dy )
deallocate ( veff, y, yy )
deallocate ( dvpot, dvscf, drho, dvhx, pp )
mesh = mesh_save
end subroutine
subroutine veff_of_rho(mesh,dx,r,r2,rho,y,veff)
! compute unperturbed auxiliary wavefunction y and
! the corresponding effective potential veff
use constants, only : e2, pi, fpi
implicit none
! I/O variables
integer mesh
real (kind=8) :: dx, r(mesh), r2(mesh), rho(mesh), veff(mesh), y(mesh)
! local variables
real (kind=8), allocatable :: vold(:)
real (kind=8) :: dx2, error
integer i, iter, k
! compute auxiliary wavefunction y
do i=1,mesh
y(i) = sqrt(rho(i)*r(i)*fpi)
end do
! compute effective potential veff
allocate (vold(mesh))
do i=1,mesh
vold(i) = 0.d0
end do
dx2= dx*dx
error = 1.d0
k = 0
do while (error > 1.d-9)
do i=2,mesh-1
veff(i) = ( y(i+1)/y(i) + y(i-1)/y(i) -2.d0 )/dx2 &
- ( vold(i+1)*y(i+1)/y(i) + vold(i-1)*y(i-1)/y(i) -2.d0*vold(i) )/12.d0
end do
veff(1) = veff(2) + (veff(3)-veff(2))*(r(1)-r(2))/(r(3)-r(2))
veff(mesh) = (y(mesh-1)/y(mesh) -2.d0 )/dx2 &
- (vold(mesh-1)*y(mesh-1)/y(mesh) -2.d0*vold(mesh) )/12.d0
! the routine that integrates the Sh.Eq. requires that v(mesh) is an upper bound
veff(mesh) = max(veff(mesh),veff(mesh-1))
error = 0.d0
do i=1,mesh
error = error + abs( veff(i) - vold(i) )
vold(i) = veff(i)
end do
error = error / mesh
! write (*,*) 'iteration # ', k, error
end do
deallocate (vold)
do i=1,mesh
veff(i) = (veff(i) -0.25d0)/r2(i)
end do
! open (7,file='veff.out',status='unknown',form='formatted')
! write (7,*) "# r(i), rho(i), y(i), veff(i), veff(i)*r(i) "
! do i=0,mesh
! write (7,'(P6E15.6)') r(i), rho(i), y(i), veff(i), veff(i)*r(i)
! end do
! close (7)
end subroutine
subroutine dv_of_drho(mesh,dx,r,r2,rho,drho,dvhx,dvxc,pp, l_add_tf_term)
use constants, only : e2, pi, fpi
! use flags, only : HartreeFock, rpa
implicit none
! I/O variables
logical l_add_tf_term
integer mesh
real (kind=8) :: dx, r(mesh), r2(mesh)
real (kind=8) :: rho(mesh), drho(mesh), dvhx(mesh), pp(mesh), dvxc(mesh)
! local variables
real (kind=8) :: dr3, kf2, charge
real (kind=8), allocatable :: qq(:)
integer i
allocate (qq(mesh))
do i=1,mesh
dr3 = fpi * r2(i) * r(i) * dx
pp(i) = drho(i) * r(i) * dr3 /3.d0
qq(i) = drho(i) / r2(i) * dr3 /3.d0
end do
do i=1,mesh
pp(i) = pp(i) + pp(i-1)
end do
! write (*,*) "pp in dv_of_drho"
! write (*,*) pp(1:6)
! write (*,*) pp(mesh-5:mesh)
! write (*,*) "qq -prima in dv_of_drho"
! write (*,*) qq(1:6)
! write (*,*) qq(mesh-5:mesh)
do i=mesh-1,1,-1
qq(i) = qq(i) + qq(i+1)
end do
! write (*,*) "qq -dopo in dv_of_drho"
! write (*,*) qq(1:6)
! write (*,*) "r2 in dv_of_drho"
! write (*,*) r2(1:6)
! write (*,*) "r in dv_of_drho"
! write (*,*) r(1:6)
do i=1,mesh
dvhx(i) = e2 * ( pp(i) / r2(i) + qq(i) * r(i) ) ! Hartree term
end do
! write (*,*) "Hartree in dv_of_drho"
! write (*,*) dvhx(1:6)
! write (*,*) dvhx(mesh-5:mesh)
! add TF term
if (l_add_tf_term) then
do i=1,mesh
kf2 = ( 3.d0*pi*pi*rho(i) )**(2.d0/3.d0)
dvhx(i) = dvhx(i) + e2/3.d0* kf2 / rho(i) * drho(i)
end do
end if
!add xc term
! write (*,*) "dvxc in dv_of_drho"
! write (*,*) dvxc(1:6)
do i=1,mesh
dvhx(i) = dvhx(i) + dvxc(i) * drho(i)
end do
! write (*,*) "Hartree + dvxc in dv_of_drho"
! write (*,*) dvhx(1:3)
! write (*,*) dvhx(mesh-2:mesh)
deallocate (qq)
end subroutine
subroutine dvxc_dn(mesh, rho, dvxc)
! compute the derivative of xc-potential w.r.t local density.
! some routine in PH and flibs will be called
use funct, only : dft_is_gradient, dmxc
implicit none
! I/O variables
integer :: mesh
real(kind=8) :: rho(mesh), dvxc(mesh)
! local variables
integer :: i
if ( dft_is_gradient() ) &
call errore ('dvxc_dn', 'gradient correction to dvxc not yet implemented', 1)
do i = 1, mesh
! LDA only
dvxc(i) = dmxc (rho(i))
end do
end subroutine dvxc_dn
subroutine drho_of_r(mesh, dx, r, r2, y, dy, drho)
! compute the first order variation of the density from
! the zeroth and first order auxiliary wavefunctions y and dy
use constants, only : e2, pi, fpi
implicit none
! I/O vaiables
integer mesh
real (kind=8) :: dx, r(mesh), r2(mesh), y(mesh), drho(mesh)
complex (kind=8) :: dy(mesh)
! local variables
integer i
do i=1,mesh
drho(i) = 2.d0 * y(i) * real(dy(i)) * r(i) / (fpi*r2(i))
end do
end subroutine
subroutine init_dpot(r,mesh,dvpot)
! initialize external potential
use constants, only : e2
implicit none
! I/O variables
integer mesh
real (kind=8) :: r(mesh), dvpot(mesh)
! local variables
integer i
do i =1,mesh
dvpot (i) = - e2*r(i)
end do
end subroutine
subroutine sternheimer(u, l, ll, mesh, dx, r, sqr, r2, vpot, zed, y, dvpot, dy)
! solve the sternheimer equation for imaginary frequency
! in radial coordinates by Numerov method
implicit none
! I/O variables
integer mesh, l, ll
real (kind=8) :: u, dx, zed
real (kind=8) :: r(mesh), sqr(mesh), r2(mesh)
real (kind=8) :: vpot(mesh), y(mesh), dvpot(mesh)
complex (kind=8) :: dy(mesh)
! local variables
integer i, icl, j
real (kind=8) :: ddx12, sqlhf, x2l2
complex (kind=8) :: gg, aa, bb, fac, e
complex (kind=8), allocatable :: f(:), g(:), yy(:)
allocate ( f(mesh), g(mesh), yy(mesh) )
sqlhf = (l+0.5d0)**2
x2l2 = 2*l+2
e = cmplx (0.d0, u, kind=8)
! set up the f-function and determine the position of its last
! change of sign
! f < 0 (approximatively) means classically allowed region
! f > 0 " " " forbidden "
icl = 2
! f(0) = ddx12 *( sqlhf + r2(0) * (vpot(0)-e) )
f(1) = ddx12 *( r2(1) * (vpot(1)-e) )
do i=2,mesh
! f(i) = ddx12 * ( sqlhf + r2(i) *(vpot(i)-e) )
f(i) = ddx12 * ( r2(i) *(vpot(i)-e) )
if( real(f(i)) .ne. sign(real(f(i)),real(f(i-1))) &
.and. real(f(i)).gt.0d0 ) icl=i
end do
! write (*,*) icl
do i=1,mesh
f(i) = ddx12 * ( sqlhf + r2(i) *(vpot(i)-e) )
end do
do i=1,mesh
g(i)= ddx12 * r2(i) * dvpot(i) * y(i)
end do
! step 1) determine a solution to the homogeneous equation that
! satisfies proper boundary conditions at 0 and infty
! NB it will NOT satisfy the homogeneous equation at icl
! determination of the wave-function in the first two points
yy(1) = r(1)**(l+1) *(1.d0 - 2.d0*zed*r(1)/x2l2) / sqr(1)
yy(2) = r(2)**(l+1) *(1.d0 - 2.d0*zed*r(2)/x2l2) / sqr(2)
! outward integration
do i =2, icl-1
yy(i+1)=( (12.d0-10.d0*f(i))*yy(i)-f(i-1)*yy(i-1) )/f(i+1)
end do
! rescale to 1 at icl
fac = 1.d0/yy(icl)
do i =1, icl
yy(i)= yy(i) * fac
end do
! determination of the wave-function in the last two points
! assuming y(mesh+1) = 0 and y(mesh) = dx
yy(mesh) = dx
yy(mesh-1) = (12.d0-10.d0*f(mesh))*yy(mesh)/f(mesh-1)
! inward integration
do i = mesh-1,icl+1,-1
yy(i-1)=( (12.d0-10.d0*f(i))*yy(i)-f(i+1)*yy(i+1) )/f(i-1)
if (abs(yy(i-1)).gt.1.d6) then
fac = 1.d0/yy(i-1)
do j=i-1,mesh
yy(j) = yy(j) * fac
end do
end if
end do
! rescale to 1 at icl
fac = 1.d0 / yy(icl)
do i = icl, mesh
yy(i)= yy(i) * fac
end do
! step 2) determine a solution to the inhomogeneous equation that
! satisfies proper boundary conditions at 0 and infty
! and matches in value at icl
! NB it will NOT satisfy the inhomogeneous equation at icl
! determination of the wave-function in the first two points
dy(1) = r(1)**(l+1) *(1.d0 - 2.d0*zed*r(1)/x2l2) / sqr(1)
dy(2) = r(2)**(l+1) *(1.d0 - 2.d0*zed*r(2)/x2l2) / sqr(2)
! outward integration
do i =2, icl-1
gg = g(i+1) + 10.d0*g(i) + g(i-1)
dy(i+1)=( (12.d0-10.d0*f(i))*dy(i)-f(i-1)*dy(i-1) + gg )/f(i+1)
end do
! choose the solution that goes to 1 in icl
fac = dy(icl) - 1.d0
do i = 1,icl
dy(i) = dy(i) - fac * yy(i)
end do
! determination of the wave-function in the last two points
! assuming y(mesh+1) = 0 and y(mesh) = dx
dy(mesh) = dx
dy(mesh-1) = (12.d0-10.d0*f(mesh))*yy(mesh)/f(mesh-1)
! inward integration
do i = mesh-1,icl+1,-1
gg = g(i+1) + 10.d0*g(i) + g(i-1)
dy(i-1)=( (12.d0-10.d0*f(i))*dy(i)-f(i+1)*dy(i+1) + gg )/f(i-1)
if (abs(dy(i-1)).gt.1.d6) then
if (abs(yy(i-1)).gt. 1.d-12) then
fac = ( dy(i-1) - 1.d0 ) / yy(i-1)
do j = i-1, mesh
dy(j) = dy(j) - fac * yy(j)
end do
do j = i-1, mesh
dy(j) = 0.d0
end do
end if
end if
end do
! choose the solution that goes to 1 in icl
fac = dy(icl) - 1.d0
do i = icl, mesh
dy(i) = dy(i) - fac * yy(i)
end do
! step 3) chose the proper combination of dy and yy so that the
! inhomogeneous equation is satisfied also in icl
i = icl
gg = g(i+1) + 10.d0*g(i) + g(i-1)
aa= (12.d0-10.d0*f(i))*dy(i)-f(i+1)*dy(i+1)-f(i-1)*dy(i-1) + gg
bb= (12.d0-10.d0*f(i))*yy(i)-f(i+1)*yy(i+1)-f(i-1)*yy(i-1)
! write (*,*) aa, bb
fac = aa/bb
do i=1,mesh
dy(i) = dy(i) - fac * yy(i)
end do
deallocate ( f, g, yy )
end subroutine