
115 lines
3.4 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine dyndia (xq, nmodes, nat, ntyp, ityp, amass, iudyn, dyn, w2)
! This routine diagonalizes the dynamical matrix and returns
! displacement patterns in "dyn". The frequencies are written
! on output from this routine.
USE kinds, only : DP
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE constants, ONLY : RY_TO_THZ, RY_TO_CMM1
USE io_dyn_mat, ONLY : write_dyn_mat_tail
USE control_ph, ONLY : xmldyn
implicit none
! first the dummy variables
integer :: nmodes, nat, ntyp, ityp (nat), iudyn
! input: the total number of modes
! input: the number of atoms
! input: the number of types
! input: the types of atoms
! input: the unit with the dynamical matrix
real(DP) :: xq (3), amass (ntyp), w2 (3 * nat)
! input: q vector
! input: the masses
! output: the frequencies squared
complex(DP) :: dyn (3 * nat, nmodes)
! input: the dynamical matrix
! here the local variables
integer :: nta, ntb, nu_i, nu_j, mu, na, nb, i
! counters
real(DP) :: w1, unorm
! the frequency
! norm of u
complex(DP) :: z (3 * nat, 3 * nat)
! the eigenvectors
! fill the second half of the matrix (imposing hermiticity !)
do nu_i = 1, nmodes
do nu_j = 1, nu_i
dyn (nu_i, nu_j) = 0.5d0 * (dyn (nu_i, nu_j) + &
CONJG(dyn (nu_j, nu_i) ) )
dyn (nu_j, nu_i) = CONJG(dyn (nu_i, nu_j) )
! divide the dynamical matrix by the masses
do nu_i = 1, nmodes
na = (nu_i - 1) / 3 + 1
nta = ityp (na)
do nu_j = 1, nmodes
nb = (nu_j - 1) / 3 + 1
ntb = ityp (nb)
dyn (nu_i, nu_j) = dyn (nu_i, nu_j) / sqrt (amass (nta) * amass (ntb) )
! solve the eigenvalue problem
call cdiagh (nmodes, dyn, 3 * nat, w2, z)
! Writes on output the displacements and the normalized frequencies.
WRITE( stdout, 9000) (xq (i), i = 1, 3)
if (iudyn /= 0) write (iudyn, 9000) (xq (i), i = 1, 3)
9000 format(/,5x,'Diagonalizing the dynamical matrix', &
& //,5x,'q = ( ',3f14.9,' ) ',//,1x,74('*'))
dyn (:,:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
do nu_i = 1, nmodes
w1 = sqrt (abs (w2 (nu_i) ) )
if (w2 (nu_i) < 0.d0) w1 = - w1
WRITE( stdout, 9010) nu_i, w1 * RY_TO_THZ, w1 * RY_TO_CMM1
if (iudyn /= 0) write (iudyn, 9010) nu_i, w1 * RY_TO_THZ, w1 * RY_TO_CMM1
9010 format (5x,'omega(',i2,') =',f15.6,' [THz] =',f15.6,' [cm-1]')
! write displacements onto matrix dyn
unorm = 0.d0
do mu = 1, 3 * nat
na = (mu - 1) / 3 + 1
dyn (mu, nu_i) = z (mu, nu_i) / sqrt (amass (ityp (na) ) )
unorm = unorm + dyn (mu, nu_i) * CONJG(dyn (mu, nu_i) )
if (iudyn /= 0) then
write (iudyn, '(" (",6f10.6," ) ")') &
(dyn (mu, nu_i) / sqrt (unorm) , mu = 1, 3 * nat)
z(:,nu_i)=dyn (:, nu_i) / sqrt (unorm)
WRITE( stdout, '(1x,74("*"))')
if (iudyn /= 0) write (iudyn, '(1x,74("*"))')
IF (xmldyn) CALL write_dyn_mat_tail(nat, w2, z)
end subroutine dyndia