
138 lines
4.1 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001-2003 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
program dos
! Input (namelist &inputpp ... &end): Default value
! prefix prefix of input file produced by pw.x 'pwscf'
! (wavefunctions are not needed)
! outdir directory containing the input file ./
! ngauss1, gaussian broadening parameters 0
! degauss1 if absent, read from file 0.d0
! Emin, Emax min, max energy (eV) for DOS plot band extrema
! DeltaE energy grid step (eV) none
! fildos output file containing DOS(E) dos.out
! In order to use tetrahedron method, the input file must
! contain information on tetrahedra (option ltetra=.true.)
! if degauss1, ngauss1 are specified they override what is
! specified in the input file wrt summation method
! Parallel case implemented only for one processor!
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
use pwcom
use io_files, only : nd_nmbr, prefix, tmp_dir
#ifdef __PARA
use para, only : me
implicit none
character(len=80) :: fildos
character(len=256) :: outdir
real(kind=DP) :: E, DOSofE (2), DOSint, Elw, Eup, DeltaE, Emin, Emax, &
integer :: nrot, ik, n, ndos, ngauss1, ios
namelist /inputpp/ outdir, prefix, fildos, degauss1,ngauss1,&
Emin, Emax, DeltaE
logical :: minus_q
call start_postproc (nd_nmbr)
#ifdef __PARA
! Works for parallel machines but only for one processor !!!
if (me == 1) then
! set default values for variables in namelist
prefix ='pwscf'
fildos =' '
Emin =-1000000.
Emax = 1000000.
DeltaE = 0.01
ngauss1= 0
read (5, inputpp, err=200, iostat=ios )
200 call errore('dos','reading inputpp namelist',abs(ios))
tmp_dir = trim(outdir)
call read_file
if (nks.ne.nkstot) call errore ('dos', 'not implemented', 1)
if (degauss1.ne.0.d0) then
ngauss =ngauss1
WRITE( stdout,'(/5x,"Gaussian broadening (read from input): ",&
& "ngauss,degauss=",i4,f12.6/)') ngauss,degauss
else if (ltetra) then
WRITE( stdout,'(/5x,"Tetrahedra used"/)')
else if (lgauss) then
WRITE( stdout,'(/5x,"Gaussian broadening (read from file): ",&
& "ngauss,degauss=",i4,f12.6/)') ngauss,degauss
if (degauss1.eq.0.d0) call errore('dos','I need a gaussian broadening!',1)
end if
! find band extrema
Elw = et (1, 1)
Eup = et (nbnd, 1)
do ik = 2, nks
Elw = min (Elw, et (1, ik) )
Eup = max (Eup, et (nbnd, ik) )
if (degauss.ne.0.d0) then
Eup = Eup + 3d0 * degauss
Elw = Elw - 3d0 * degauss
DeltaE = DeltaE / 13.6058
ndos = nint ( (Emax - Emin) / DeltaE+0.500001)
DOSint = 0.0
open (unit = 4, file = fildos, status = 'unknown', form = 'formatted')
if (nspin.eq.1) then
write(4,'("# E (eV) dos(E) Int dos(E)")')
write(4,'("# E (eV) dosup(E) dosdw(E) Int dos(E)")')
end if
do n= 1, ndos
E = Emin + (n - 1) * DeltaE
if (ltetra) then
call dos_t(et,nspin,nbnd, nks,ntetra,tetra, E, DOSofE)
call dos_g(et,nspin,nbnd, nks,wk,degauss,ngauss, E, DOSofE)
if (nspin.eq.1) then
DOSint = DOSint + DOSofE (1) * DeltaE
write (4, '(f7.3,2e12.4)') E * 13.6058, DOSofE(1)/13.6058, DOSint
DOSint = DOSint + (DOSofE (1) + DOSofE (2) ) * DeltaE
write (4, '(f7.3,3e12.4)') E * 13.6058, DOSofE/13.6058, DOSint
close (unit = 4)
#ifdef __PARA
end if
call stop_pp
end program dos