
182 lines
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! Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Quantum-ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
#include "f_defs.h"
!*** Molecular Dynamics using Density-Functional Theory ****
!*** this is the main routine driver for Car-Parrinello simulations ****
!*** based on
!*** version 11 of cpv code including ggapw 07/04/99
!*** copyright Alfredo Pasquarello 10/04/1996
!*** parallelized and converted to f90 by Paolo Giannozzi (2000),
!*** PBE added by Michele Lazzeri (2000)
!*** variable-cell dynamics by Andrea Trave (1998-2000)
!*** Makov Payne Correction for charged systems by Filippo De Angelis
!*** also based on
!*** FPMD code written by Carlo Cavazzoni, Paolo Focher, Guido Chiarotti,
!*** Sandro Scandolo
!*** appropriate citation for use of this code:
!*** Car-Parrinello method R. Car and M. Parrinello, PRL 55, 2471 (1985)
!*** current implementation A. Pasquarello, K. Laasonen, R. Car,
!*** C. Lee, and D. Vanderbilt, PRL 69, 1982 (1992);
!*** K. Laasonen, A. Pasquarello, R. Car,
!*** C. Lee, and D. Vanderbilt, PRB 47, 10142 (1993).
!*** implementation gga A. Dal Corso, A. Pasquarello, A. Baldereschi,
!*** and R. Car, PRB 53, 1180 (1996).
!*** implementation Wannier M. Sharma, Y. Wu and R. Car, Int.J.Quantum.Chem.
!*** function dynamics 95, 821, (2003).
!*** implementation M. Sharma and R.Car, ???
!*** Electric Field
!*** ensemble-DFT
!*** cf. "Ensemble Density-Functional Theory for Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics
!*** of Metals and Finite-Temperature Insulators" PRL v.79,nbsp.7 (1997)
!*** nbsp. Marzari, D. Vanderbilt and M.C. Payne
!*** string methods Yosuke Kanai et al. J. Chem. Phys.,
!*** 2004, 121, 3359-3367
!*** parallelization C. Cavazzoni and G. L. Chiarotti "A Parallel and
!*** Modular Car-Parrinello Code", Computer Physics
!*** Communication 123, 56-76, (1999).
!*** P. Giannozzi, F. De Angelis and R. Car ...
!*** variable cell P. Focher et al., Europhys. Lett. 36, 345-351
!*** (1994)
! ==========================================================================
! ==== units and constants ====
! ==== ====
! ==== 1 hartree = 1 a.u. ====
! ==== 1 bohr radius = 1 a.u. = 0.529167 Angstrom ====
! ==== 1 rydberg = 1/2 a.u. ====
! ==== 1 electron volt = 1/27.212 a.u. ====
! ==== 1 kelvin *k-boltzm. = 1/(27.212*11606) a.u.'='3.2e-6 a.u ====
! ==== 1 second = 1/(2.4189)*1.e+17 a.u. ====
! ==== 1 proton mass = 1822.89 a.u. ====
! ==== 1 tera = 1.e+12 ====
! ==== 1 pico = 1.e-12 ====
! ==== 1 Volt / meter = 1/(5.1412*1.e+11) a.u. ====
! ==========================================================================
USE input, ONLY : read_input_file, iosys_pseudo, iosys
USE io_global, ONLY : io_global_start, io_global_getmeta
USE mp_global, ONLY : mp_global_start, init_pool
USE mp, ONLY : mp_end, mp_start, mp_env, mp_bcast
USE control_flags, ONLY : lneb, lsmd, lmetadyn, program_name
USE control_flags, ONLY : use_task_groups
USE environment, ONLY : environment_start
USE check_stop, ONLY : check_stop_init
INTEGER :: mpime, nproc, world, meta_ionode_id
INTEGER :: nimage, ntask_groups
LOGICAL :: meta_ionode
! ... program starts here
program_name = 'CP90'
! ... initialize MPI (parallel processing handling)
CALL mp_start()
! ... get from communication sub-sistem basic parameters
! ... to handle processors
CALL mp_env( nproc, mpime, world )
! ... now initialize module holding processors and groups
! ... variables
CALL mp_global_start( root, mpime, world, nproc )
! ... mpime = processor number, starting from 0
! ... nproc = number of processors
! ... world = group index of all processors
! ... root = index of the root processor
! ... initialize input output
CALL io_global_start( mpime, root )
! ... get the "meta" io node
CALL io_global_getmeta( meta_ionode, meta_ionode_id )
IF ( meta_ionode ) THEN
! ... check for command line arguments
CALL get_arg_nimage( nimage )
nimage = MAX( nimage, 1 )
nimage = MIN( nimage, nproc )
CALL get_arg_ntg( ntask_groups )
CALL mp_bcast( nimage, meta_ionode_id, world )
CALL mp_bcast( ntask_groups, meta_ionode_id, world )
IF( ntask_groups > 1 ) THEN
use_task_groups = .TRUE.
! ... start the environment
CALL environment_start( )
! ... readin the input file
CALL read_input_file()
! ... read in pseudopotentials files and then
! ... copy pseudopotential parameters into internal variables
CALL iosys_pseudo()
! ... copy-in input parameters from input_parameter module
CALL iosys()
CALL check_stop_init()
! ... here reorganize processors in groups
CALL init_pool( nimage, ntask_groups )
IF ( lneb ) THEN
CALL neb_loop( )
ELSE IF ( lsmd ) THEN
CALL smd_loop( 1 )
CALL cpr_loop( 1 )
CALL stop_run( .TRUE. )