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! Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
! This module is USEd, for the time being, as an interface
! between the UPF pseudo type and the pseudo variables internal representation
MODULE upf_to_internal
PUBLIC :: set_pseudo_upf
subroutine set_pseudo_upf (is, upf, grid)
! set "is"-th pseudopotential using the Unified Pseudopotential Format
! "upf" - convert and copy to internal variables
! If "grid" is present, reconstruct radial grid.
! Obsolescent - for old-style PP formats only.
USE funct, ONLY: set_dft_from_name, set_dft_from_indices
USE pseudo_types
USE radial_grids, ONLY: radial_grid_type, allocate_radial_grid
implicit none
TYPE (pseudo_upf) :: upf
TYPE (radial_grid_type), target, optional :: grid
! Local variables
integer :: iexch,icorr,igcx,igcc
INTEGER :: nb, mb, ijv, ir, ilast, l, l1, l2
! old formats never contain "1/r" pseudopotentials
upf%tcoulombp = .false.
! workaround for rrkj format - it contains the indices, not the name
if ( upf%dft(1:6)=='INDEX:') then
read( upf%dft(7:10), '(4i1)') iexch,icorr,igcx,igcc
call set_dft_from_indices(iexch,icorr,igcx,igcc, 0) !Cannot read nonloc in this format
call set_dft_from_name( upf%dft )
end if
if(present(grid)) then
call allocate_radial_grid(grid,upf%mesh)
grid%dx = upf%dx
grid%xmin = upf%xmin
grid%zmesh= upf%zmesh
grid%mesh = upf%mesh
grid%r (1:upf%mesh) = upf%r (1:upf%mesh)
grid%rab(1:upf%mesh) = upf%rab(1:upf%mesh)
upf%grid => grid
! For USPP we set the augmentation charge as an l-dependent array in all cases.
! This is already the case when upf%tpawp or upf%q_with_l are .true. .
! For vanderbilt US pseudos, where nqf and rinner are non zero, we do here what otherwise
! would be done multiple times in many parts of the code (such as in init_us_1, addusforce_r,
! bp_calc_btq, compute_qdipol) whenever the q_l(r) were to be constructed.
! For simple rrkj3 pseudos we duplicate the infomation contained in q(r) for all q_l(r).
! This requires a little extra memory but unifies the treatment of q_l(r) and allows further
! tweaking with the augmentation charge.
if ( upf%tvanp .and. .not.upf%q_with_l ) then
ALLOCATE( upf%qfuncl ( upf%mesh, upf%nbeta*(upf%nbeta+1)/2, 0:upf%nqlc-1 ) )
upf%qfuncl = 0.0_DP
do nb = 1, upf%nbeta
do mb = nb, upf%nbeta
! ijv is the combined (nb,mb) index
ijv = mb * (mb-1) / 2 + nb
l1=upf%lll(nb) ; l2=upf%lll(mb)
! copy q(r) to the l-dependent grid
DO l=abs(l1-l2),l1+l2,2
upf%qfuncl(1:upf%mesh,ijv,l) = upf%qfunc(1:upf%mesh,ijv)
! adjust the inner values on the l-dependent grid if nqf and rinner are defined
if ( upf%nqf > 0 ) then
do l = abs(l1-l2),l1+l2, 2
if ( upf%rinner (l+1) > 0.0_dp) then
do ir = 1, upf%kkbeta
if (upf%r(ir) <upf%rinner (l+1) ) ilast = ir
call setqfnew( upf%nqf,upf%qfcoef(1,l+1,nb,mb), ilast, upf%r, l, 2, upf%qfuncl(1,ijv,l) )
end if
end do
end if
end if
end subroutine set_pseudo_upf
END MODULE upf_to_internal