
450 lines
14 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine dynamics
! This routine performs one step of molecular dynamics evolution using
! the Verlet algorithm. Parameters:
! mass mass of the atoms
! dt time step
! temperature starting temperature
! The starting velocities of atoms are set accordingly
! to the starting temperature, in random directions.
! The initial velocity distribution is therefore a constant
! delta_T, nraise are used to change the temperature as follows:
! delta_T = 1 : nothing is done.
! delta_T <> 1 and delta_T >0 : every step the actual temperature is
! multiplied by delta_T, this is done
! rescaling all the velocities
! delta_T < 0 : every 'nraise' step the temperature
! reduced by -delta_T
! DA 1997
#include "machine.h"
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
use pwcom
use io_files, only : prefix
#ifdef __PARA
use para
implicit none
integer :: natoms ! number of moving atoms
real(kind=DP), allocatable :: &
tauold (:,:,:) ! previous positions of atoms
real(kind=DP), allocatable :: &
a (:,:), mass (:) ! accelerations and masses of atoms
real(kind=DP) :: ekin ! ionic kinetic energy
real(kind=DP) :: total_mass, temp_new, tempo, norm_of_dtau
real(kind=DP) :: ml (3), mlt ! total linear momentum and its modulus
integer :: na, ipol, it ! counters
logical :: exst
real(kind=DP) :: convert_E_to_temp, eps
parameter ( eps = 1.d-6, convert_E_to_temp = 315642.28d0 * 0.5d0)
allocate (mass( nat))
allocate (a( 3, nat))
allocate (tauold( 3, nat, 3))
tauold(:,:,:) = 0.d0
dtau_ref = 0.2
natoms = nat - fixatom
! one Ryd a.u. of time is 4.84*10^-17 seconds, i.e. 0.0484 femtosecond
call seqopn (4, trim(prefix)//'.md', 'formatted', exst)
if (.not.exst) then
close (unit = 4, status = 'delete')
WRITE( stdout, '(/5x,"Starting temperature = ",f8.2," K")') &
do na = 1, ntyp
WRITE( stdout, '(5x,"amass(",i1,") = ",f6.2)') na, amass (na)
WRITE( stdout, '(5x,"Time step = ",f6.2," a.u., ",f6.4, &
& " femto-seconds")') dt, dt * 0.0484
! masses in atomic rydberg units
total_mass = 0.d0
do na = 1, nat
mass (na) = amass (ityp (na) ) * amconv
total_mass = total_mass + mass (na)
! initial thermalization. N.B. tau is in units of alat
call start_therm (mass, tauold)
tempo = 0.d0
temp_new = temperature
it = 0
read (4, * ) temp_new, mass, total_mass, tauold, tempo, it
close (unit = 4, status = 'keep')
istep = it + 1
tempo = tempo + dt * 0.0000484
it = it + 1
if (mod (it, nraise) .eq.0.and.delta_T.lt.0) then
WRITE( stdout, '(/5x,"Thermalization: delta_T = ",f6.3, &
& ", T = ",f6.1)') - delta_T, temp_new - delta_T
call thermalize (temp_new, temp_new - delta_T, tauold)
if (delta_T.ne.1.d0.and.delta_T.ge.0) then
WRITE( stdout, '(/5x,"Thermalization: delta_T = ",f6.3, &
& ", T = ",f6.1)') delta_T, temp_new * delta_T
call thermalize (temp_new, temp_new * delta_T, tauold)
WRITE( stdout, '(/5x,"Entering Dynamics; it = ",i5," time = ", &
& f8.5," pico-seconds"/)') it, tempo
! calculate accelerations in a.u. units / alat
do na = 1, natoms
a (1, na) = force (1, na) / mass (na) / alat
a (2, na) = force (2, na) / mass (na) / alat
a (3, na) = force (3, na) / mass (na) / alat
! save the previous two steps ( a total of three steps is saved)
call DCOPY (3 * nat, tauold (1, 1, 2), 1, tauold (1, 1, 3), 1)
call DCOPY (3 * nat, tauold (1, 1, 1), 1, tauold (1, 1, 2), 1)
! move the atoms accordingly to the classical equation of motion
call verlet (tau, tauold, a, natoms, ekin, mass, ml, dt)
! find the best coefficients for the extrapolation of the potential
call find_alpha_and_beta (nat, tau, tauold, alpha0, beta0)
#ifdef __PARA
if (me.eq.1) call poolbcast (1, alpha0)
call broadcast (1, alpha0)
if (me.eq.1) call poolbcast (1, beta0)
call broadcast (1, beta0)
! calculate the "norm" of the step (used to update the convergence threshold)
norm_of_dtau = 0.d0
do na = 1, nat
do ipol = 1, 3
norm_of_dtau = norm_of_dtau + (tau(ipol,na) - tauold(ipol,na,1)) **2
norm_of_dtau = sqrt (norm_of_dtau)
if (imix.lt.0) then
ethr = starting_diag_threshold * &
max (1.d0 / upscale, min (1.d0, norm_of_dtau / dtau_ref) ) **2
ethr = tr2 / nelec
end if
! find the new temperature
temp_new = 2.d0 / 3.d0 * ekin * alat**2 / natoms * convert_E_to_temp
! save on file needed quantity
call seqopn (4, trim(prefix)//'.md', 'formatted', exst)
write (4, * ) temp_new, mass, total_mass, tauold, tempo, it
close (unit = 4, status = 'keep')
do na = 1, nat
WRITE( stdout, '(a3,3f12.7)') atm(ityp(na)),&
(tau (ipol, na) , ipol = 1, 3)
WRITE( stdout, '(/5x,"Ekin = ",f14.8," Ryd T = ",f6.1," K ", &
& " Etot = ",f14.8)') ekin*alat**2, temp_new, ekin*alat**2+etot
! total linear momentum must be zero if all atoms move
mlt = abs (ml (1) ) + abs (ml (2) ) + abs (ml (3) )
if (fixatom.eq.0) then
if (mlt.gt.eps) call errore ('dynamics', 'Total linear momentum <> 0', - 1)
WRITE( stdout, '(5x,"Linear momentum: ",3f18.14)') ml
deallocate (tauold)
deallocate (a)
deallocate (mass)
end subroutine dynamics
subroutine verlet (rnew, rold, a, n, ec, mass, ml, dt)
! Verlet algorithm to update atomic position
use parameters
implicit none
integer :: n ! number of particles
real(kind=DP) :: dt, & ! time step
a (3, n), & ! accelerations
mass (n) ! atom masses
real(kind=DP) :: ec, ml (3) ! kinetic energy and total linear momentum
real(kind=DP) :: rold (3, n), & ! in: previous, out: present atomic positions
rnew (3, n) ! in: present, out: new atomic positions
integer :: i
real(kind=DP) :: dtsq, dt2, r (3), v (3)
! dtsq=dt**2, dt2=2*dt
ml(:) = 0.d0
ec = 0.d0
dtsq = dt**2
dt2 = dt * 2.0
do i = 1, n
r(:) = 2.0 * rnew(:,i) - rold(:,i) + a(:,i) * dtsq
v(:) = (r(:) - rold(:,i) ) / dt2
rold(:,i) = rnew(:,i)
rnew(:,i) = r(:)
ml(:) = ml(:) + v(:) * mass(i)
ec = ec + 0.5 * mass(i) * (v(1)**2 + v(2)**2 + v(3)**2)
end subroutine verlet
subroutine start_therm (mass, tauold)
! Starting thermalization of the system
use pwcom
#ifdef __PARA
use para
implicit none
real(kind=DP) :: mass (nat), tauold (3, nat)
integer :: na, nb, natoms
real(kind=DP) :: total_mass, temp_new, aux, convert_E_to_temp, velox,&
ek, ml(3), direzione_x, direzione_y, direzione_z, modulo, rndm
! ek = kinetic energy
real(kind=DP), allocatable :: step(:,:)
external rndm
parameter (convert_E_to_temp = 315642.28d0 * 0.5d0)
allocate (step(3,nat))
aux = temperature / convert_E_to_temp
natoms = nat - fixatom
ml(:) = 0.d0
! velocity in random direction, with modulus accordingly to mass and
! temperature: 3/2KT = 1/2mv^2
#ifdef __PARA
! only the first processor calculates ...
if (me.eq.1.and.mypool.eq.1) then
do na = 1, natoms
! N.B. velox is in a.u. units /alat
velox = sqrt (3.d0 * aux / mass (na) ) / alat
direzione_x = rndm () - .5d0
direzione_y = rndm () - .5d0
direzione_z = rndm () - .5d0
modulo = sqrt (direzione_x**2 + direzione_y**2 + direzione_z**2)
step (1, na) = velox / modulo * direzione_x
step (2, na) = velox / modulo * direzione_y
step (3, na) = velox / modulo * direzione_z
#ifdef __PARA
! ... and distributes the velocities
if (me.eq.1) call poolbcast (3 * natoms, step)
call broadcast (3 * natoms, step)
! if there is inversion symmetry equivalent atoms have opposite velocities
if (invsym) then
do na = 1, natoms
nb = irt (nsym / 2 + 1, na)
if (nb.gt.na) then
step (1, nb) = - step (1, na)
step (2, nb) = - step (2, na)
step (3, nb) = - step (3, na)
! the atom on the inversion center is kept fixed
if (na.eq.nb) then
step (1, na) = 0.d0
step (2, na) = 0.d0
step (3, na) = 0.d0
! put total linear momentum equal zero if all atoms move
if (fixatom.eq.0) then
total_mass = 0.d0
do na = 1, natoms
total_mass = total_mass + mass (na)
ml (1) = ml (1) + mass (na) * step (1, na)
ml (2) = ml (2) + mass (na) * step (2, na)
ml (3) = ml (3) + mass (na) * step (3, na)
ml (1) = ml (1) / total_mass
ml (2) = ml (2) / total_mass
ml (3) = ml (3) / total_mass
! -step is the velocity
ek = 0.d0
do na = 1, natoms
tauold (1, na) = (step (1, na) - ml (1) ) * dt + tau (1, na)
tauold (2, na) = (step (2, na) - ml (2) ) * dt + tau (2, na)
tauold (3, na) = (step (3, na) - ml (3) ) * dt + tau (3, na)
ek = ek + 0.5d0 * mass (na) * ( (step (1, na) - ml (1) ) **2 + &
(step (2, na) - ml (2) ) **2 + (step (3, na) - ml (3) ) **2)
! after the velocity of the center of mass has been subtracted the
! temperature is usually changed. Set again the temperature to the
! right value.
temp_new = 2.d0 * ek / (3.d0 * natoms) * alat**2 * convert_E_to_temp
call thermalize (temp_new, temperature, tauold)
end subroutine start_therm
subroutine thermalize (temp_old, temp_new, tauold)
use pwcom
real(kind=DP) :: tauold (3, nat), temp_new, temp_old
integer :: na, natoms
real(kind=DP) :: velox, aux
natoms = nat - fixatom
! rescale the velocities by a factor 3/2KT/Ek
if (temp_new.gt.0.d0.and.temp_old.gt.0.d0) then
aux = sqrt (temp_new / temp_old)
aux = 0.d0
do na = 1, natoms
velox = (tau (1, na) - tauold (1, na) ) / dt
tauold (1, na) = tau (1, na) - dt * aux * velox
velox = (tau (2, na) - tauold (2, na) ) / dt
tauold (2, na) = tau (2, na) - dt * aux * velox
velox = (tau (3, na) - tauold (3, na) ) / dt
tauold (3, na) = tau (3, na) - dt * aux * velox
end subroutine thermalize
subroutine find_alpha_and_beta (nat, tau, tauold, alpha0, beta0)
! This routine finds the best coefficients alpha0 and beta0 so that
! | tau(t+dt) - tau' | is minimum, where
! tau' = alpha0 * ( tau(t) - tau(t-dt) ) +
! beta0 * ( tau(t-dt) - tau(t-2*dt) )
use parameters
implicit none
integer :: nat, na, ipol
real(kind=DP) :: chi, alpha0, beta0, tau (3, nat), tauold (3, nat, 3)
real(kind=DP) :: a11, a12, a21, a22, b1, b2, c, det
! solution of the linear system
a11 = 0.d0
a12 = 0.d0
a21 = 0.d0
a22 = 0.d0 + 1.d-12
b1 = 0.d0
b2 = 0.d0
c = 0.d0
do na = 1, nat
do ipol = 1, 3
a11 = a11 + (tauold (ipol, na, 1) - tauold (ipol, na, 2) ) **2
a12 = a12 + (tauold (ipol, na, 1) - tauold (ipol, na, 2) ) &
* (tauold (ipol, na, 2) - tauold (ipol, na, 3) )
a22 = a22 + (tauold (ipol, na, 2) - tauold (ipol, na, 3) ) **2
b1 = b1 - (tauold (ipol, na, 1) - tau (ipol, na) ) * (tauold ( &
ipol, na, 1) - tauold (ipol, na, 2) )
b2 = b2 - (tauold (ipol, na, 1) - tau (ipol, na) ) * (tauold ( &
ipol, na, 2) - tauold (ipol, na, 3) )
c = c + (tauold (ipol, na, 1) - tau (ipol, na) ) **2
a21 = a12
det = a11 * a22 - a12 * a21
if (det.lt.0d0) call errore ('find_alpha_and_beta', ' det.le.0', 1)
! det > 0 case: a well defined minimum exists
if (det.gt.0d0) then
alpha0 = (b1 * a22 - b2 * a12) / det
beta0 = (a11 * b2 - a21 * b1) / det
! det = 0 case: the two increments are linearly dependent, chose
! solution with beta=0 (discard oldest configuration)
alpha0 = 1.d0
if (a11.gt.0.d0) alpha0 = b1 / a11
beta0 = 0.d0
chi = 0.d0
do na = 1, nat
do ipol = 1, 3
chi = chi + ( (1 + alpha0) * tauold (ipol, na, 1) + (beta0 - &
alpha0) * tauold (ipol, na, 2) - beta0 * tauold (ipol, na, 3) &
- tau (ipol, na) ) **2
! WRITE( stdout, * ) chi, alpha0, beta0
end subroutine find_alpha_and_beta