
78 lines
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! Copyright (C) 2001-2003 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine diropn (unit, extension, recl, exst)
! this routine opens a file named "prefix"."extension" in tmp_dir
! for direct I/O access
! If appropriate, the node number is added to the file name
#if defined(__ALPHA)
! the record length in direct-access I/O is given by the number of
! real*8 words times DIRECT_IO_FACTOR (may depend on the compiler)
USE kinds
use io_files, only: prefix, tmp_dir, nd_nmbr
use mp_global, only: mpime
implicit none
! first the input variables
character(len=*) :: extension
! input: name of the file to open
integer :: unit, recl
! input: unit of the file to open
! input: length of the records
logical :: exst
! output: if true the file exists
! local variables
character(len=256) :: tempfile, filename
! complete file name
integer :: ios, unf_recl
! used to check I/O operations
! length of the record
logical :: opnd
! if true the file is already opened
if (unit < 0) call errore ('diropn', 'wrong unit', 1)
! we first check that the file is not already openend
ios = 0
inquire (unit = unit, opened = opnd)
if (opnd) call errore ('diropn', "can't open a connected unit", abs(unit))
! then we check the filename extension
if (extension == ' ') call errore ('diropn','filename extension not given',2)
filename = trim(prefix) // "." // trim(extension)
tempfile = trim(tmp_dir) // trim(filename) //nd_nmbr
inquire (file = tempfile, exist = exst)
! the unit for record length is unfortunately machine-dependent
unf_recl = DIRECT_IO_FACTOR * recl
if (unf_recl <= 0) call errore ('diropn', 'wrong record length', 3)
open (unit, file = tempfile, iostat = ios, form = 'unformatted', &
status = 'unknown', access = 'direct', recl = unf_recl)
if (ios /= 0) call errore ('diropn', 'error opening '//filename, unit)
end subroutine diropn