
90 lines
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! Copyright (C) 2008 Dmitry Korotin dmitry@korotin.name
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
#define ZERO (0.d0,0.d0)
#define ONE (1.d0,0.d0)
subroutine wannier_check()
use io_global, only : stdout
use kinds, only : DP
use klist, only : nks, nkstot
use ions_base, only : nat, ityp, atm,tau
use wvfct, only: nbnd
use basis, only: natomwfc
use wannier_new, only: nwan, wan_in, use_energy_int
use lsda_mod, only: nspin
USE control_flags, ONLY : gamma_only
USE uspp_param, ONLY : upf
implicit none
integer :: nwfc, lmax_wfc, na, nt, n, l, m, i, iwan, ispin
! number of k points in this pool .ne. total number of k points
if (nks.ne.nkstot) call errore ('wannier_check', 'not implemented 1', 1)
if ( gamma_only ) call errore ('wannier_check', 'gamma_only calculation not implemented', 1)
! here we will write to stdout source of wannier functions (atomic functions from which wannier are generated)
do ispin=1, nspin
write(stdout,'(5x,a4,i2)') 'Spin',ispin
do iwan=1,nwan
write(stdout,'(7x,"Wannier #",i3," centered on atom ",a3," (position ",3f8.5," )")') &
iwan, atm(ityp(wan_in(iwan,ispin)%iatom)), (tau(i,wan_in(iwan,ispin)%iatom),i=1,3)
if( use_energy_int) then
write(stdout,'(9x,"Bands for generation: from",f6.3," to",f6.3)') &
write(stdout,'(9x,"Bands for generation: from",i4," to",i4)') &
end if
write(stdout,'(9x,a31)') 'Trial wavefunction ingredients:'
do i=1,wan_in(iwan,ispin)%ning
lmax_wfc = 0
write(stdout,'(10x,f12.10," of l=",i1,", m=",i1)') &
wan_in(iwan,ispin)%ing(i)%c, wan_in(iwan,ispin)%ing(i)%l, wan_in(iwan,ispin)%ing(i)%m
! now we shoud associate every ingridient of trial wavefunction with atomic orbital
! it will be done only once - for future using in wannier_proj
DO na = 1, nat
nt = ityp (na)
DO n = 1, upf(nt)%nwfc
IF (upf(nt)%oc (n) >= 0.d0) THEN
l = upf(nt)%lchi (n)
lmax_wfc = max (lmax_wfc, l )
DO m=1, 2*l+1
! the most important part
if ( &
(na == wan_in(iwan,ispin)%iatom) .AND. &
(l == wan_in(iwan,ispin)%ing(i)%l) .AND. &
(m == wan_in(iwan,ispin)%ing(i)%m) ) &
wan_in(iwan,ispin)%ing(i)%iatomwfc = nwfc
end do ! ingredients
end do ! iwannier
end do !ispin
! do iwan=1,nwan
! write(stdout,'(7x,"Wannier #",i3," atomic wavefunction", i3)') iwan, wan_in(iwan,1)%ing(1)%iatomwfc
! end do ! iwannier
if (lmax_wfc > 3) call errore ('wannier_check', 'l > 3 not yet implemented', 1)
if (nwfc /= natomwfc) call errore ('wannier_check', 'wrong # of atomic wfcs?', 1)
if (nwan > nbnd ) call errore( 'wannier_check','too few bands', nwan-nbnd)
end subroutine wannier_check