
75 lines
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! Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
SUBROUTINE init_tab_atwfc( omega, intra_bgrp_comm)
!! This routine computes a table with the radial Fourier transform
!! of the atomic wavefunctions.
USE upf_kinds, ONLY : DP
USE atom, ONLY : rgrid, msh
USE upf_const, ONLY : fpi
USE uspp_data, ONLY : tab_at, nqx, dq
USE uspp_param, ONLY : nsp, upf
USE mp, ONLY : mp_sum
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: omega
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: intra_bgrp_comm
INTEGER :: nt, nb, iq, ir, l, startq, lastq, ndm
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: aux(:), vchi(:)
REAL(DP) :: vqint, pref, q
ndm = MAXVAL(msh(1:nsp))
ALLOCATE( aux(ndm), vchi(ndm) )
! chiq = radial fourier transform of atomic orbitals chi
pref = fpi / SQRT(omega)
! needed to normalize atomic wfcs (not a bad idea in general and
! necessary to compute correctly lda+U projections)
CALL divide( intra_bgrp_comm, nqx, startq, lastq )
tab_at(:,:,:) = 0.0_DP
DO nt = 1, nsp
DO nb = 1, upf(nt)%nwfc
IF (upf(nt)%oc(nb) >= 0.0_DP) THEN
l = upf(nt)%lchi (nb)
DO iq = startq, lastq
q = dq * (iq - 1)
CALL sph_bes( msh(nt), rgrid(nt)%r, q, l, aux )
DO ir = 1, msh(nt)
vchi(ir) = upf(nt)%chi(ir,nb) * aux(ir) * rgrid(nt)%r(ir)
CALL simpson( msh(nt), vchi, rgrid(nt)%rab, vqint )
tab_at( iq, nb, nt ) = vqint * pref
CALL mp_sum( tab_at, intra_bgrp_comm )
!$acc update device(tab_at)
DEALLOCATE( aux, vchi )
END SUBROUTINE init_tab_atwfc