
73 lines
2.1 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Quantum-ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
#include "f_defs.h"
SUBROUTINE read_config_from_file()
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE ions_base, ONLY : nat, ityp, tau
USE basis, ONLY : startingconfig
USE cell_base, ONLY : at, bg, omega
USE cellmd, ONLY : at_old, omega_old, lmovecell
USE io_files, ONLY : prefix
USE pw_restart, ONLY : pw_readfile
INTEGER :: ierr
IF ( TRIM( startingconfig ) /= 'file' ) RETURN
WRITE( stdout, '(/5X,"Starting configuration read from file ",A16)') &
TRIM( prefix ) // ".save"
! ... check if restart file is present, if yes read config parameters
CALL pw_readfile( 'config', ierr )
IF ( ierr == 1 ) THEN
WRITE( stdout, '(/5X,"Failed to open file ",A16)' ) &
TRIM( prefix ) // ".save"
WRITE( stdout, '(/5X,"Using input configuration")' )
ELSE IF( ierr > 1 ) THEN
CALL errore( 'read_config_from_file', 'problems in reading file', 1 )
IF ( lmovecell ) THEN
! ... input value of at and omega (currently stored in xxx_old variables)
! ... must be used to initialize G vectors and other things
! ... swap xxx and xxx_old variables and scale the atomic position to the
! ... input cell shape in order to check the symmetry.
CALL cryst_to_cart( nat, tau, bg, - 1 )
CALL swap( 9, at, at_old )
CALL swap( 1, omega, omega_old )
CALL cryst_to_cart( nat, tau, at, + 1 )
CALL recips( at(1,1), at(1,2), at(1,3), bg(1,1), bg(1,2), bg(1,3) )
END SUBROUTINE read_config_from_file