
53 lines
1.5 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine n_plane_waves (ecutwfc, tpiba2, nks, nkstot, xk, g, ngm, &
npwx, ngk)
! Find number of plane waves for each k-point
USE kinds
implicit none
! input
integer :: nks, nkstot, ngm
real(DP) :: ecutwfc, tpiba2, xk (3, nks), g (3, ngm)
! output
integer :: npwx, ngk (nkstot)
! local
integer :: nk, ng
real(DP) :: q2
npwx = 0
do nk = 1, nks
ngk (nk) = 0
do ng = 1, ngm
q2 = (xk (1, nk) + g (1, ng) ) **2 + (xk (2, nk) + g (2, ng) ) ** &
2 + (xk (3, nk) + g (3, ng) ) **2
if (q2 <= ecutwfc / tpiba2) then
! here if |k+G|^2 <= Ecut increase the number of G inside the sphere
ngk (nk) = ngk (nk) + 1
if (sqrt (g (1, ng) **2 + g (2, ng) **2 + g (3, ng) **2) &
.gt.sqrt (xk (1, nk) **2 + xk (2, nk) **2 + xk (3, nk) **2) &
+ sqrt (ecutwfc / tpiba2) ) goto 100
! if |G| > |k| + sqrt(Ecut) stop search
100 npwx = max (npwx, ngk (nk) )
if (npwx <= 0) call errore ('n_plane_waves', 'No PWs !', 1)
end subroutine n_plane_waves