
61 lines
2.7 KiB

! This program computes the transmittance of a system and/or its
! complex band structure.
! It is controlled through the following variables
! in the namelist inputcond:
! outdir temporary directory (as in PWscf)
! prefixt prefix for the file (as in PWscf) containing all the
! regions (left lead + scatt. reg. + right lead)
! prefixl prefix for the file containing only the
! left lead
! prefixs prefix for the file containing the
! scattering region
! prefixr prefix for the file containing only the
! right lead
! band_file file on which the complex bands are saved
! tran_file file where the transmission is written
! save_file file where the data necessary for PWCOND are written
! so that no prefix files of PW are longer needed
! fil_loc file on/from which the 2D eigenvalue problem data
! are saved/read
! lwrite_cond if .t. save the data necessary for PWCOND in save_file
! lread_cond if .t. read the data necessary for PWCOND from save_file
! lwrite_loc if .t. save 2D eigenvalue problem result in fil_loc
! lread_loc if .t. read 2D eigenvalue problem result from fil_loc
! ikind the kind of conductance calculation:
! ikind=0 - just complex band structure (CBS) calculation
! ikind=1 - conductance calculation with identical
! left and right leads
! ikind=2 - conductance calculation with different
! left and right leads
! iofspin spin index for which the calculations are performed
! llocal if .t. calculations are done with only local part of PP
! bdl right boundary of the left lead (left one is supposed to be at 0)
! bds right boundary of the scatt. reg. (left one is at 0 if prefixs
! is used and = bdl if prefixt is used)
! bdr right boundary of the right lead (left one is at 0 if prefixr
! is used and = bds if prefixt is used)
! nz1 the number of subslabs in the slab (to calculate integrals)
! energy0 initial energy
! denergy energy step (if denergy=0.0 the energy is read from the list)
! nenergy number of energies
! WARNING: the energy in input file is given in eV taken from Ef,
! and denergy should be negative
! ecut2d 2-D cutoff
! ewind the energy window for reduction of 2D plane wave basis set (in XY)
! epsproj accuracy of 2D basis set reduction
! orbj_in the initial orbital for projecting the transmission
! orbj_fin the final orbital for projecting the transmission
! Cards after the namelist:
! Number of k_\perp points
! kx, ky, weight
! number of energy points