
1994 lines
80 KiB

Input data format: { } = optional, [ ] = it depends
All quantities whose dimensions are not explicitly specified are in
/ ]
/ ]
/ ]
X Mass_X PseudoPot_X
Y Mass_Y PseudoPot_Y
Z Mass_Z PseudoPot_Z
ATOMIC_POSITIONS { alat | bohr | crystal | angstrom }
in all cases except calculation = 'neb' or 'smd' :
X 0.0 0.0 0.0 {if_pos(1) if_pos(2) if_pos(3)}
Y 0.5 0.0 0.0
Z O.0 0.2 0.2
if calculation = 'neb' .OR. 'smd' :
X 0.0 0.0 0.0 {if_pos(1) if_pos(2) if_pos(3)}
Y 0.5 0.0 0.0
Z O.0 0.2 0.2
{ intermediate_image 1
X 0.0 0.0 0.0
Y 0.9 0.0 0.0
Z O.0 0.2 0.2
intermediate_image ...
X 0.0 0.0 0.0
Y 0.9 0.0 0.0
Z O.0 0.2 0.2 }
X 0.0 0.0 0.0
Y 0.7 0.0 0.0
Z O.0 0.5 0.2
[ CELL_PARAMETERS { cubic | hexagonal }
a(1,1) a(2,1) a(3,1)
a(1,2) a(2,2) a(3,2)
a(1,3) a(2,3) a(3,3) ]
f_inp(1,1) f_inp(2,1) f_inp(3,1) ... f_inp(10,1)
f_inp(11,1) f_inp(12,1) ... f_inp(nbnd,1)
[ f_inp(1,2) f_inp(2,2) f_inp(3,2) ... f_inp(10,2)
f_inp(11,2) f_inp(12,2) ... f_inp(nbnd,2) ] ]
list of images, separated by a comma ]
nconstr { constr_tol }
constr_type(.) constr(1,.) constr(2,.) { constr_target(.) } ]
calculation CHARACTER ( default = 'cp' )
a string describing the task to be performed:
'cp', 'scf', 'nscf', 'relax', 'vc-relax', 'vc-cp', 'neb',
'smd', 'cp-wf', 'fpmd', 'metadyn'
where :
cp = Car-Parrinello MD (includes cases 'scf' and 'relax')
scf = electron minimization
nscf = non-selfconsistent calculation of KS states:
reads the charge density previously saved to disk,
sets occupancies to a bogus nonzero value
relax = ionic minimization
vc-relax = ionic + cell minimization
vc-cp = variable-cell Car-Parrinello (-Rahman) dynamics
neb = Nudged Elastc Band method
smd = String Method Dynamics
cp-wf = Car-Parrinello MD with Wannier functions
fpmd = CP works in FPMD compatibility mode, with all FPMD
features not yet ported in CP, but works only for
norm-conserving pseudopotentials
metadyn = Laio-Parrinello meta-dynamics
title CHARACTER ( default = 'MD Simulation' )
reprinted on output.
restart_mode CHARACTER ( default = 'restart' )
from_scratch = from scratch
NEB only: the starting path is obtained
with a linear interpolation between the images
specified in the ATOMIC_POSITIONS card.
Note that in the linear interpolation
periodic boundary conditions ARE NON USED.
restart = continue a previous simulation,
and performs "nstep" new steps,
reset_counters = continue a previous simulation,
performs "nstep" new steps, resetting
the counter and averages
upto = continue a previous simulation and stops
when the counter value is equal "nstep"
number of ionic + electronic steps
default = 1 if calculation = 'scf', 'nscf'
= 0 if calculation = 'neb', 'smd'
= 50 for the other cases
tstress LOGICAL ( default = .FALSE. )
This flag controls the printing of the stress, always .TRUE.
when the cell is moving.
.TRUE. = write the stress tensor to standard output
every "iprint" steps.
.FALSE. = do not write the stress tensor stdout.
tprnfor LOGICAL ( default = .FALSE. )
This flag controls the printing of the interatomic forces,
always .TRUE. when the ions are moving.
.TRUE. = write the atomic forces to standard output every
"iprint" steps.
.FALSE. = do not write atomic forces to stdout.
dt REAL ( default = 1.D0 )
time step for molecular dynamics, in Hartree atomic units.
( 1 a.u. of time = 2.4189 * 10^-17 s )
ekin_conv_thr REAL ( default = 1.D-6 )
convergence criterion for electron minimization:
convergence is achieved when "ekin < ekin_conv_thr".
See also etot_conv_thr - both criteria must be satisfied.
etot_conv_thr REAL ( default = 1.D-4 )
convergence criteria for ion minimization:
"etot(n+1)-etot(n) < etot_conv_thr", where "n" is the step
index, and "etot" the DFT energy.
See also ekin_conv_thr for electron minimization and
forc_conv_thr for ion minimization - both criteria must be
forc_conv_thr REAL ( default = 1.D-3 )
"MAXVAL(fion) < forc_conv_thr", where fion are the atomic
See also etot_conv_thr - both criteria must be satisfied.
max_seconds REAL ( default = 1.D+7 )
smoothly terminate program after the specified number of seconds
this parameter is typically used to prevent an hard kill from
the queuing system.
tefield LOGICAL ( default = .FALSE.)
If .TRUE. perform calculations with a finite electric field
which is described through the modern theory of the polarization
iprint INTEGER ( default = 10 )
Number of steps between successive writings of relevant
physical quantities to standard output and to files "fort.3?"
or "prefix.???" depending on "prefix" parameter
isave INTEGER ( default = 100 )
Number of steps between successive savings of
information needed to restart the run ( see also ndr, ndw ).
prefix CHARACTER ( default = 'cp' )
basename prepended to input/output filenames.
verbosity CHARACTER
'high' | 'default' | 'low' | 'minimal'
outdir CHARACTER ( default = current directory ('./') )
input, temporary, output files are found in this directory.
'high', 'default', 'low', 'minimal'
'high' will write charge density files in CP
The charge density is not needed to restart but
may be needed for other purposes
pseudo_dir CHARACTER ( default = current directory ('./') )
directory containing pseudopotential files.
ndr, ndw INTEGER ( default = 50 )
Units for input and output restart file.
bravais-lattice index (must be specified)
see at the end of this file
celldm(i) REAL, DIMENSION(6)
crystallographic constants - see at the end of this file
alat = celldm(1) is the lattice parameter "a" (in BOHR)
only needed celldm (depending on ibrav) must be specified
a, b, c, cosab, cosac, cosbc:
traditional crystallographic constants (a,b,c in ANGSTROM)
specify either these or celldm but not both
number of atoms in the unit cell - must be specified
number of types of atoms in the unit cell - must be specified
ecutwfc REAL
kinetic energy cutoff (Ry) for wavefunctions
(must be specified)
ecutrho REAL ( default = 4 * ecutwfc )
kinetic energy cutoff (Ry) for charge density and potential
May be larger ( for ultrasoft PP ) or somewhat smaller
( but not much smaller ) than the default value. Note that
if you have norm-conserving PP only, setting it to a larger
value than the default is a waste of time.
number of electron in the unit cell. If not specified it is
read from the pseudopotential
tot_charge INTEGER ( default = 0 )
total system charge. Used only if nelec is unspecified,
otherwise it is ignored.
nbnd INTEGER ( default = nelec / 2 )
number of electronic states (bands) to be calculated.
xc_type CHARACTER ( default = read from pseudopot )
can be used to force a given functional
'BLYP' use Becke-Lee-Yang-Parr GCC-XC Functional
'BP' use Becke-Perdew GCC-XC Functionals
'PBE' use Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof GCC-XC Functionals
'PZ' use Slater X, and Perdew-Zunger C Functionals
'PW' use Slater X, and Perdew-Wang C Functionals
'LDA' use LDA xc functional: the xc potential is
calculated through an interpolation table
occupations CHARACTER
a string describing the occupation of the electronic states.
In the case of conjugate gradient style of minimization
of the electronic states, if occupations is set to 'ensemble',
this allows ensemble DFT calculations for metallic systems
smearing CHARACTER
a string describing the kind of occupations for electronic states
in the case of ensemble DFT (occupations == 'ensemble' );
now only Fermi-Dirac ('fd') case is implemented
degauss REAL ( default = 0.D0 )
parameter for the smearing function, only used for ensemble DFT
nspin INTEGER ( default = 1 )
nspin = 1 : non-polarized calculation
nspin = 2 : spin-polarized calculation
nelup, neldw REAL
number of spin-up and spin-down electrons, respectively.
The sum must yield nelec that must also be specified
explicitly in this case.
multiplicity INTEGER ( default = 0 [unspecified] )
spin multiplicity (2s+1). 1 is singlet, 2 for doublet etc.
if unspecified or a non-zero value is specified in nelup/neldw
then multiplicity variable is ignored.
tot_magnetization INTEGER ( default = -1 [unspecified] )
majority spin - minority spin (nelup - neldw).
if unspecified or a non-zero value is specified in nelup/neldw
then tot_magnetization variable is ignored.
YES, there is redundancy! nelup/neldw are enough to specify
the spin state. However these variables are not very convenient
and will be eliminated from the input in future versions.
It is recommended to use either 'multiplicity' or equivalently
'tot_magnetization' to specify the spin state.
ecfixed REAL ( default = 0.0 )
qcutz REAL ( default = 0.0 )
q2sigma REAL ( default = 0.1 )
parameters for modified functional to be used in
variable-cell molecular dynamics (or in stress calculation).
"ecfixed" is the value (in Rydberg) of the constant-cutoff;
"qcutz" and "q2sigma" are the height and the width (in Rydberg)
of the energy step for reciprocal vectors whose square modulus
is greater than "ecfixed". In the kinetic energy, G^2 is
replaced by G^2 + qcutz * (1 + erf ( (G^2 - ecfixed)/q2sigma) )
See: M. Bernasconi et al, J. Phys. Chem. Solids 56, 501 (1995)
Comment: For what would have been ecutwfc = 25.0 Ryd in fixed cell
calculations one should use the following set of parameters for
cell dynamics:
(ecutwfc = 30.0, ecfixed = 25.0, qcutz = 25.0, q2sigma = 3.0)
nr1,nr2,nr3 INTEGER
three-dimensional FFT mesh (hard grid) for charge
density (and scf potential). If not specified
the grid is calculated based on the cutoff for
charge density (see also "ecutrho")
nr1s,nr2s,nr3s INTEGER
three-dimensional mesh for wavefunction FFT and for the smooth
part of charge density ( smooth grid ).
Coincides with nr1, nr2, nr3 if ecutrho = 4 * ecutwfc ( default )
nr1b, nr2b, nr3b
dimensions of the "box" grid for Ultrasoft pseudopotentials
must be specified if Ultrasoft PP are present
INTEGER ( default = 100 )
maximum number of iterations in a scf step
CHARACTER ( default = 'none' )
set how electrons should be moved
none = electronic degrees of freedom (d.o.f.) are kept fixed
sd = steepest descent algorithm is used to minimize
electronic d.o.f.
damp = damped dynamics is used to propagate electronic d.o.f.
verlet = standard Verlet algorithm is used to propagate
electronic d.o.f.
cg = conjugate gradient is used to converge the
wavefunction at each ionic step. 'cg' can be used
interchangeably with 'verlet' for a couple of ionic
steps in order to "cool down" the electrons and
return them back to the Born-Oppenheimer surface.
Then 'verlet' can be restarted again. This procedure
is useful when electronic adiabaticity in CP is lost
yet the ionic velocities need to be preserved.
emass REAL ( default = 400.D0 )
effective electron mass in the CP Lagrangian, in atomic units
( 1 a.u. of mass = 1/1822.9 a.m.u. = 9.10939 * 10^-31 kg )
emass_cutoff REAL ( default = 2.5D0 )
mass cut-off (in Rydberg) for the Fourier acceleration
effective mass is rescaled for "G" vector components with
kinetic energy above "emass_cutoff"
CHARACTER ( default = 'ortho' )
selects the orthonormalization method for electronic wave
ortho = use iterative algorithm - if it doesn't converge,
reduce the timestep, or use options ortho_max
and ortho_eps, or use Gram-Schmidt instead just
to start the simulation
Gram-Schmidt = use Gram-Schmidt algorithm - to be used ONLY in
the first few steps.
ortho_eps REAL ( default = 1.D-8 )
tolerance for iterative orthonormalization
meaningful only if orthogonalization = 'ortho'
ortho_max INTEGER ( default = 20 )
maximum number of iterations for orthonormalization
meaningful only if orthogonalization = 'ortho'
REAL ( default = 0.1D0 )
damping frequency times delta t, optimal values could be
calculated with the formula :
SQRT( 0.5 * LOG( ( E1 - E2 ) / ( E2 - E3 ) ) )
where E1, E2, E3 are successive values of the DFT total energy
in a steepest descent simulations.
meaningful only if " electron_dynamics = 'damp' "
zero = restart setting electronic velocities to zero
default = restart using electronic velocities of the
previous run
CHARACTER ( default = 'not_controlled' )
nose = control electronic temperature using Nose
thermostat. see parameter "fnosee" and "ekincw"
rescaling = control electronic temperature via velocities
not_controlled = electronic temperature is not controlled
ekincw REAL ( default = 0.001D0 )
value of the average kinetic energy (in atomic units) forced
by the temperature control
meaningful only with " electron_temperature /= 'not_controlled' "
fnosee REAL ( default = 1.D0 )
oscillation frequency of the nose thermostat (in terahertz)
meaningful only with " electron_temperature = 'nose' "
startingwfc CHARACTER ( default = 'random' )
random = randomize electronic wave functions ( see "ampre" )
atomic = from superposition of atomic state
ampre REAL ( default = 0.D0 )
amplitude of the randomization ( allowed values: 0.0 - 1.0 )
meaningful only if " startingwfc = 'random' "
grease REAL ( default = 1.D0 )
a number <= 1, very close to 1: the damping in electronic
damped dynamics is multiplied at each time step by "grease"
(avoids overdamping close to convergence: Obsolete ?)
grease = 1 : normal damped dynamics
tcg LOGICAL ( default = .FALSE. )
if .TRUE. perform a conjugate gradient minimization of the
electronic states for every ionic step.
It requires Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization of the electronic
maxiter INTEGER ( default = 100 )
maximum number of conjugate gradient iterations for
conjugate gradient minimizations of electronic states
conv_thr REAL ( default = 1.D-6 )
convergence criterion for energy in the case of
conjugate gradient minimization of the electronic states
passop REAL ( default = 0.3D0 )
small step used in the conjugate gradient minimization
of the electronic states.
n_inner INTEGER ( default = 2 )
number of internal cycles for every conjugate gradient
iteration only for ensemble DFT
epol INTEGER ( default = 3 )
direction of the finite electric field (only if tefield == .TRUE.)
In the case of a PARALLEL calculation only the case epol==3
is implemented
efield REAL ( default = 0.d0 )
intensity in a.u. of the finite electric field
(only if tefield == .TRUE.)
NAMELIST &IONS ( only if calculation = 'cp', 'relax',
'vc-relax', 'vc-cp', 'neb', 'smd' )
ion_dynamics CHARACTER ( default = 'none' )
set how ions should be moved
none = ions are kept fixed
sd = steepest descent algorithm is used to minimize ionic
cg = conjugate gradient algorithm is used to minimize ionic
damp = damped dynamics is used to propagate ions
verlet = standard Verlet algorithm is used to propagate ions
ion_nstepe INTEGER ( default = 1 )
number of electronic steps per ionic step.
ion_radius(i) REAL ( default = 0.5D0 )
pseudo-atomic radius of the i-th atomic species for Ewald
summation (one for each atomic type).
values between 0.5 and 2.0 are usually used.
ion_damping REAL ( default = 0.1D0 )
damping frequency times delta t, optimal values could be
calculated with the formula:
SQRT( 0.5 * LOG( ( E1 - E2 ) / ( E2 - E3 ) ) )
where E1 E2 E3 are successive values of the DFT total energy
in a ionic steepest descent simulation.
meaningful only if " ion_dynamics = 'damp' "
ion_positions CHARACTER
default = restart the simulation with atomic positions read
from the restart file.
from_input = restart the simulation with atomic positions read
from standard input.
( see also the card 'ATOMIC_POSITIONS' )
ion_velocities CHARACTER
initial ionic velocities
default = restart the simulation with atomic velocities read
from the restart file
change_step = restart the simulation with atomic velocities read
from the restart file, with rescaling due to the
timestep change, specify the old step via tolp
as in tolp = 'old_time_step_value' in au
random = start the simulation with random atomic velocities
from_input = restart the simulation with atomic velocities read
from standard input
( see the card 'ATOMIC_VELOCITIES' )
zero = restart the simulation with atomic velocities set
to zero
CHARACTER ( default = 'not_controlled' )
nose = control ionic temperature using Nose-Hoover
thermostat see parameters "fnosep", "tempw",
"nhpcl", "ndega", "nhptyp"
rescaling = control ionic temperature via velocities
rescaling. see parameter "tolp"
not_controlled = ionic temperature is not controlled
tempw REAL ( default = 300.D0 )
value of the ionic temperature (in Kelvin) forced by the
temperature control.
meaningful only with " ion_temperature /= 'not_controlled' "
"ndega" controls number of degrees of freedom used in
temperature calculation
fnosep REAL ( default = 1.0D0 )
oscillation frequency of the nose thermostat (in terahertz)
[note that 3 terahertz = 100 cm^-1]
meaningful only with " ion_temperature = 'nose' "
for Nose-Hoover chain one can set frequencies of all thermostats
( fnosep = X Y Z etc. ) If only first is set, the defaults for
the others will be same.
nhpcl INTEGER ( default = 1 )
number of thermostats in the Nose-Hoover chain
currently maximum allowed is 4
nhptyp INTEGER ( default = 0 )
type of the "massive" Nose-Hoover chain thermostat
nhptyp=1 uses a NH chain per each atomic type
nhptyp=2 uses a NH chain per atom, this one is useful
for extremely rapid equipartitioning (equilibration is a
different beast)
nhptyp=3 together with nhgrp allows fine grained thermostat
NOTE: if using more than 1 thermostat per system there will
be a common thermostat added on top of them all, to disable
this common thermostat specify nhptyp=-X instead of nhptyp=X
nhgrp(i) INTEGER ( default = -1 )
specifies which thermostat group to use for given atomic type
when >0 assigns all the atoms in this type to thermostat
labeled nhgrp(i), when =-1 each atom in the type gets its own
thermostat. Example: H2CO, with types H (1), C(2), O(3);
setting nhgrp={-1 2 2} will add a thermostat per H, and one
common thermostat for both C&O.
ndega INTEGER ( default = 0 )
number of degrees of freedom used for temperature calculation
ndega <= 0 sets the number of degrees of freedom to
[3*nat-abs(ndega)], ndega > 0 is used as the target number
tolp REAL ( default = 100.D0 )
tolerance (in Kelvin) of the rescaling. When ionic temperature
differs from "tempw" more than "tolp" apply rescaling.
meaningful only with " ion_temperature = 'rescaling' "
and with ion_velocities='change_step', where it specifies
the old timestep
tranp(i) LOGICAL ( default = .FALSE. )
If .TRUE. randomize ionic positions ( see "amprp" ) for the
atomic type corresponding to the index i.
amprp(i) REAL ( default = 0.D0 )
amplitude of the randomization for the atomic type corresponding
to the index i ( allowed values: 0.0 - 1.0 ).
meaningful only if " tranp(i) = .TRUE.".
greasp REAL ( default = 1.D0 )
same as "grease", for ionic damped dynamics.
LOGICAL ( default = .FALSE. )
this keyword is useful when simulating the dynamics and/or the
thermodynamics of an isolated system. If set to true the total
torque of the internal forces is set to zero by adding new forces
that compensate the spurious interaction with the periodic
images. This allowes for the use of smaller supercells.
BEWARE: since the potential energy is no longer consistent with
the forces (it still contains the spurious interaction with the
repeated images), the total energy is not conserved anymore.
However the dynamical and thermodynamical properties should be
in closer agreement with those of an isolated system.
Also the final energy of a structural relaxation will be higher,
but the relaxation itself should be faster.
! ... keywords used only in NEB calculations
num_of_images INTEGER ( default = 0 )
number of points used to discretize the path
(it must be larger than 3)
CHARACTER ( default = "quick-min" )
specify the type of optimization scheme
"sd" : steepest descent
"broyden" : quasi-Newton Broyden's second method (suggested)
"quick-min" : an optimisation algorithm based on the
projected velovity Verlet scheme
"langevin" : finite temperature langevin dynamics of the
string (smd only). It is used to compute the
average path and the free-energy profile.
CI_scheme CHARACTER. ( default = "no-CI" )
specify the type of Climbing Image scheme
"no-CI" : climbing image is not used
"auto" : original CI scheme. The image highest in energy
does not feel the effect of springs and is
allowed to climb along the path
"manual" : images that have to climb are manually selected.
first_last_opt LOGICAL ( default = .FALSE. )
also the first and the last configurations are optimised
"on the fly" (these images do not feel the effect of the springs)
damp REAL ( default = 1.D0 )
Damping coefficient. Ignored when "opt_scheme" is different
from "damped-dyn"
temp_req REAL ( default = 0.D0 Kelvin )
temperature used for the langevin dynamics of the string.
ds REAL ( default = 1.D0 )
optimisation step length ( Hartree atomic units ).
If opt_scheme="broyden" ds is used as a guess for the diagonal
part of the Jacobian matrix.
k_max, k_min REAL ( default = 0.1D0 Hartree atomic units )
set them to use a Variable Elastic Constants scheme
elastic constants are in the range [ k_min, k_max ]
this is useful to rise the resolution around the saddle point
path_thr REAL ( default = 0.05D0 eV / Angstrom )
the simulation stops when the error ( the norm of the force
orthogonal to the path in eV/A ) is less than path_thr.
use_freezing LOGICAL ( default = .FALSE. )
if. TRUE. the images are optimised according to their error:
only those images with an error larger than half of the largest
are optimised. The other images are kept frozen.
! ... keywords used only in meta-dynamics calculations ( see also the card
fe_step(i) REAL ( default = 0.04 )
meta-dynamics step length (in principle different for each
collective variable), defined using the same units used
to define the collective variables themselves.
The step also defines the spread of the Gaussian-like bias
g_amplitude REAL ( default = 0.005 Hartree )
Amplitude of the gaussians used in meta-dynamics.
fe_nstep INTEGER ( default = 100 )
Maximum number of steps used to evaluate the potential of
mean force.
shake_nstep INTEGER ( default = 10 )
Number of steps used to switch to the new values of the
collective variables.
NAMELIST &CELL ( only if calculation = 'vc-relax', 'vc-cp' )
default = restart the simulation with cell parameters read
from the restart file or "celldm" if
"restart = 'from_scratch'"
from_input = restart the simulation with cell parameters
from standard input.
( see the card 'CELL_PARAMETERS' )
cell_dynamics CHARACTER ( default = 'none' )
set how cell should be moved
none = cell is kept fixed
sd = steepest descent algorithm is used to optimise the
damp-pr = damped dynamics is used to optimise the cell
( Parrinello-Rahman method ).
pr = standard Verlet algorithm is used to propagate
the cell ( Parrinello-Rahman method ).
REAL ( default = 0.1D0 )
damping frequency times delta t, optimal values could be
calculated with the formula :
SQRT( 0.5 * LOG( ( E1 - E2 ) / ( E2 - E3 ) ) )
where E1, E2, E3 are successive values of the DFT total energy
in a steepest descent simulations.
meaningful only if " cell_dynamics = 'damp' "
zero = restart setting cell velocity to zero
default = restart using cell velocity of the previous run
press REAL ( default = 0.D0 )
external pressure (in GPa: 1GPa = 10 kbar)
wmass REAL ( default = 0.D0 )
effective cell mass in the Parrinello-Rahman Lagrangian
(in atomic units) of the order of magnitude of the total atomic
mass (sum of the mass of the atoms) within the simulation cell.
CHARACTER ( default = 'not_controlled )
nose = control cell temperature using Nose thermostat
see parameters "fnoseh" and "temph".
rescaling = control cell temperature via velocities
not_controlled = cell temperature is not controlled.
temph REAL ( default = 0.D0 )
value of the cell temperature (in ???) forced
by the temperature control.
meaningful only with " cell_temperature /= 'not_controlled' "
fnoseh REAL ( default = 1.D0 )
oscillation frequency of the nose thermostat (in terahertz)
meaningful only with " cell_temperature = 'nose' "
greash REAL ( default = 1.D0 )
same as "grease", for cell damped dynamics
cell_dofree CHARACTER ( default = 'all' )
select which of the cell parameters should be moved
all = all axis and angles are propagated
volume = the cell is simply rescaled, without changing the shape
x = only the x axis is moved
y = only the y axis is moved
z = only the z axis is moved
xy = only the x and y axis are moved, angles are unchanged
xz = only the x and z axis are moved, angles are unchanged
yz = only the y and z axis are moved, angles are unchanged
xyz = x, y and z axis are moved, angles are unchanged
NAMELIST &WANNIER ( only if calculation = 'cp-wf' )
wf_efield LOGICAL ( default = .FALSE. )
If dynamics will be done in the presence of a field
wf_switch LOGICAL ( default = .FALSE. )
Whether to turn on the field adiabatically (adiabatic switch)
if true, then nbeg is set to 0.
sw_len INTEGER ( default = 1 )
No. of iterations over which the field will be turned on
to its final value. Starting value is 0.0
If sw_len < 0, then it is set to 1.
If you want to just optimize structures on the presence of a
field, then you may set this to 1 and run a regular geometry
efx0 efy0 efz0 REAL ( default = 0.D0 )
Initial values of the field along x, y, and z directions
efx1 efy1 efz1 REAL ( default = 0.D0 )
Final values of the field along x, y, and z directions
wfsd LOGICAL ( default = .FALSE. )
Whether to do Steepest-Descent / Conjugate-Gradient
localization for the Wannier function calculation
if TRUE, then yes, else damped dynamics.
Remember, this is consistent with all the calwf options
as well as the tolw (see below).
Not a good idea to Wannier dynamics with this if you are
using restart='from_scratch' option, since the spreads
converge fast in the beginning and ortho goes bananas.
wfdt REAL ( default = 5.0D0 )
The minimum step size to take in the SD/CG direction
maxwfdt REAL ( default = 0.3D0 )
The maximum step size to take in the SD/CG direction
The code calculates an optimum step size, but that may be
either too small (takes forever to converge) or too large
(code goes crazy) . This option keeps the step size between
wfdt and maxwfdt. In my experience 0.1 and 0.5 work quite
well. (but don't blame me if it doesn't work for you
nit INTEGER ( default = 10 )
Number of iterations to do for Wannier convergence.
nsd INTEGER ( default = 10 )
Out of a total of NIT iterations, NSD will be Steepest-Descent
and ( nit - nsd ) will be Conjugate-Gradient.
wf_q REAL ( default = 1500.0D0 )
Fictitious mass of the A matrix used for obtaining
maximally localized Wannier functions. The unitary
transformation matrix U is written as exp(A) where
A is a anti-hermitian matrix. The Damped-Dynamics is performed
in terms of the A matrix, and then U is computed from A.
Usually a value between 1500 and 2500 works fine, but should
be tested.
wf_friction REAL ( default = 0.3D0 )
Damping coefficient for Damped-Dynamics.
nsteps INTEGER ( default = 20 )
Number of Damped-Dynamics steps to be performed per CP
tolw REAL ( default = 1.D-8 )
Convergence criterion for localization.
adapt LOGICAL ( default = .TRUE. )
Whether to adapt the damping parameter dynamically.
calwf INTEGER ( default = 3 )
Wannier Function Options, can be 1,2,3,4,5
1. Output the Wannier function density, nwf and wffort
are used for this option. see below.
2. Output the Overlap matrix O_i,j=<w_i|exp{iGr}|w_j>. O is
written to unit 38. For details on how O is constructed,
see below.
3. Perform nsteps of Wannier dynamics per CP iteration, the
orbitals are now Wannier Functions, not Kohn-Sham orbitals.
This is a Unitary transformation of the occupied subspace
and does not leave the CP Lagrangian invariant. Expectation
values remain the same. So you will **NOT** have a constant
of motion during the run. Don't freak out, its normal.
4. This option starts for the KS states and does 1 CP iteration
and nsteps of Damped-Dynamics to generate maximally
localized wannier functions. Its useful when you have the
converged KS groundstate and want to get to the converged
Wannier function groundstate in 1 CP Iteration.
5. This option is similar to calwf 1, except that the output is
the Wannier function/wavefunction, and not the orbital
density. See nwf below.
nwf INTEGER ( default = 0 )
This option is used with calwf 1 and calwf 5. with calwf=1,
it tells the code how many Orbital densities are to be
output. With calwf=5, set this to 1(i.e calwf=5 only writes
one state during one run. so if you want 10 states, you have
to run the code 10 times). With calwf=1, you can print many
orbital densities in a single run.
See also the PLOT_WANNIER card for specifying the states to
be printed.
wffort INTEGER ( default = 40 )
This tells the code where to dump the orbital densities. Used
only with CALWF=1. for e.g. if you want to print 2 orbital
densities, set calwf=1, nwf=2 and wffort to an appropriate
number (e.g. 40) then the first orbital density will be
output to fort.40, the second to fort.41 and so on. Note that
in the current implementation, the following units are used
21,22,24,25,26,27,28,38,39,77,78 and whatever you define as
ndr and ndw. so use number other than these.
writev LOGICAL ( default = .FALSE. )
Output the charge density (g-space) and the list of g-vectors
This is useful if you want to reconstruct the electrostatic
potential using the Poisson equation. If .TRUE. then the
code will output the g-space charge density and the list
if G-vectors, and STOP.
Charge density is written to : CH_DEN_G_PARA.ispin (1 or 2
depending on the number of spin types) or CH_DEN_G_SERL.ispin
depending on if the code is being run in parallel or serial
G-vectors are written to G_PARA or G_SERL.
Nota Bene 1: For calwf = 5, wffort is not used. The
Wannier/Wave(function) coefficients are written to unit 22
and the corresponding g-vectors (basis vectors) are
written to unit 21. This option gives the g-vecs and
their coeffs. in reciprocal space, and the coeffs. are
complex. You will have to convert them to real space
if you want to plot them for visualization. calwf=1 gives
the orbital densities in real space, and this is usually
good enough for visualization.
Output files used by Wannier Function options are the following
fort.21: Used only when calwf=5, contains the full list of g-vecs.
fort.22: Used Only when calwf=5, contains the coeffs. corresponding
to the g-vectors in fort.21
fort.24: Used with calwf=3,contains the average spread
fort.25: Used with calwf=3, contains the individual Wannier
Function Spread of each state
fort.26: Used with calwf=3, contains the wannier centers along a
fort.27: Used with calwf=3 and 4, contains some general runtime
information from ddyn, the subroutine that actually
does the localization of the orbitals.
fort.28: Used only if efield=.TRUE. , contains the polarization
contribution to the total energy.
Also, The center of mass is fixed during the Molecular Dynamics.
CARDS: { } = optional
X(1) Mass_X(1) PseudoPot_X(ntyp)
X(2) Mass_X(2) PseudoPot_X(ntyp)
X(ntyp) Mass_X(ntyp) PseudoPot_X(ntyp)
X CHARACTER : label of the atom
Mass_X REAL : mass of the atomic species [amu: mass of C = 12]
not used if calculation='scf', 'nscf', 'phonon'
PseudoPot_X CHARACTER: file containing PP for this species
The pseudopotential file is assumed to be in the new UPF format.
If it doesn't work, the pseudopotential format is determined by
the file name:
*.vdb or *.van Vanderbilt US pseudopotential code
*.RRKJ3 Andrea Dal Corso's code (old format)
none of the above old PWscf norm-conserving format
ATOMIC_POSITIONS { alat | bohr | crystal | angstrom }
alat : atomic positions are in units of alat
bohr : atomic positions are in a.u. (default)
crystal : atomic positions are in crystal coordinates (see below)
angstrom: atomic positions are in A
- in all cases EXCEPT calculation = 'neb' or 'smd' :
There are "nat" cards like the following
X x y z {if_pos(1) if_pos(2) if_pos(3)}
where :
X Character: label of the atom as specified in ATOMIC_SPECIES
x, y, z Real: atomic positions
if_pos: Integer, optional ( default = 1 ): component i of the force for
this atom is multiplied by if_pos(i), which must be either 0 or 1.
Used to keep selected atoms and/or selected components fixed in
meta-dynamics, neb, smd, MD dynamics or structural optimization
- if calculation = 'neb' .OR. 'smd'
There are at least two groups of cards, each group composed by an identifier
followed by "nat" cards as specified above:
X x y z {if_pos(1) if_pos(2) if_pos(3)}
The first group ( identifier="first_image" ) contains the first image,
the last group ( identifier="last_image" ) contains the last image.
There is also the possibility of specifying intermediate images; in this case
their coordinates must be set between the first_image and the last_image.
( identifier="intermediate_image", followed by "nat" position cards ).
Image configurations must be specified in the following order:
first_image <= mandatory
X 0.0 0.0 0.0 { if_pos(1) if_pos(2) if_pos(3) }
Y 0.5 0.0 0.0 { if_pos(1) if_pos(2) if_pos(3) }
Z 0.0 0.2 0.2 { if_pos(1) if_pos(2) if_pos(3) }
intermediate_image 1 <= optional
X 0.0 0.0 0.0
Y 0.9 0.0 0.0
Z 0.0 0.2 0.2
intermediate_image ... <= optional
X 0.0 0.0 0.0
Y 0.9 0.0 0.0
Z 0.0 0.2 0.2
last_image <= mandatory
X 0.0 0.0 0.0
Y 0.7 0.0 0.0
Z 0.0 0.5 0.2
IMPORTANT: the total number of configurations specified in the input file
must be less than num_of_images (as specified in &IONS).
The initial path is obtained interpolating between the specified
configurations so that all images are equispaced (only the
coordinates of the first and last images are not changed).
optional card : reads velocities (in atomic units) from standard input
label(1) Vx(1) Vy(1) Vz(1)
label(n) Vx(n) Vy(n) Vz(n)
label CHARACTER(LEN=4) atomic label
Vx(:), Vy(:) and Vz(:) REAL x, y and z components of the
ionic velocities
IMPORTANT: when starting with ion_velocities="from_input" is convenient
to perform few steps (~5-10) with a smaller time step (0.5 a.u.)
optional card, needed only if ibrav = 0 is specified
a(1,1) a(2,1) a(3,1)
a(1,2) a(2,2) a(3,2)
a(1,3) a(2,3) a(3,3)
a(:,1) = crystal axis 1 alat units if celldm(1) was specified
2 2 a.u. if celldm(1)=0
3 3
optional card, needed only if calculation = 'neb' and CI_scheme = 'manual'
index1, index2, ..., indexN
where index1, index2, ..., indexN are the indices of the images to which
apply the Climbing Image procedure. If more than an image is specified they
must be separated by a comma
Ionic Constraints
nconstr { constr_tol }
constr_type(.) constr(1,.) constr(2,.) ... { constr_target(.) }
nconstr INTEGER, number of constraints
constr_tol REAL, tolerance for keeping the constraints satisfied
constr_type(.) CHARACTER, type of constrain :
'type_coord' : constraint on global coordination-number, i.e. the
average number of atoms of type B surrounding the
atoms of type A. The coordination is defined by
using a Fermi-Dirac.
(four indexes must be specified).
'atom_coord' : constraint on local coordination-number, i.e. the
average number of atoms of type A surrounding a
specific atom. The coordination is defined by
using a Fermi-Dirac.
(four indexes must be specified).
'distance' : constraint on interatomic distance (two atom indexes
must be specified ).
'planar_angle' : constraint on planar angle (three atom indexes must
be specified).
'torsional_angle' : constraint on torsional angle (four atom indexes
must be specified).
'bennett_proj' : constraint on the projection onto a given direction
of the vector defined by the position of one atom
minus the center of mass of the others.
( Ch.H. Bennett in Diffusion in Solids, Recent
Developments, Ed. by A.S. Nowick and J.J. Burton,
New York 1975 ).
constr(1,.) constr(2,.) ... REAL, these variables have different
meanings for different constraint
'type_coord' : constr(1) is the first index of the
atomic type involved
constr(2) is the second index of the
atomic type involved
constr(3) is the cut-off radius for
estimating the coordination
constr(4) is a smoothing parameter
'atom_coord' : constr(1) is the atom index of the
atom with constrained coordination
constr(2) is the index of the atomic
type involved in the coordination
constr(3) is the cut-off radius for
estimating the coordination
constr(4) is a smoothing parameter
'distance' : atoms indices object of the
constraint, as they appear in
'planar_angle', 'torsional_angle' : atoms indices object of the
constraint, as they appear in the
'bennett_proj' : constr(1) is the index of the atom
whose position is constrained.
constr(2:4) are the three coordinates
of the vector that specifies the
constraint direction.
constr_target REAL, target for the constrain ( angles are
specified in degrees ).
This variable is optional.
Collective variables used for meta-dynamics calculations
ncolvars { tolerance }
colvar_type(.) colvar(1,.) colvar(2,.) ...
ncolvars INTEGER, number of collective variables
tolerance REAL, tolerance used for SHAKE.
colvar_type(.) CHARACTER, type of collective variable :
... see the definition of constr_type in the CONSTRAINTS card.
colvar(1,.) colvar(2,.) ... REAL, these variables have different
meanings for different collective
variable types. See the definition of
constr in the CONSTRAINTS card.
Indices of the states that have to be printed (only for calf=1 and calf=5).
iwf(1) iwf(2) ...
iwf(:) INTEGER
These are the indices of the state that you want to output.
Also used with calwf = 1 and 5. If calwf = 1, then you need
nwf indices here (each in a new line). If CALWF=5, then just
one index in needed.
ibrav is the structure index:
ibrav structure celldm(2)-celldm(6)
0 "free", see above not used
1 cubic P (sc) not used
2 cubic F (fcc) not used
3 cubic I (bcc) not used
4 Hexagonal and Trigonal P celldm(3)=c/a
5 Trigonal R celldm(4)=cos(aalpha)
6 Tetragonal P (st) celldm(3)=c/a
7 Tetragonal I (bct) celldm(3)=c/a
8 Orthorhombic P celldm(2)=b/a,celldm(3)=c/a
9 Orthorhombic base-centered(bco) celldm(2)=b/a,celldm(3)=c/a
10 Orthorhombic face-centered celldm(2)=b/a,celldm(3)=c/a
11 Orthorhombic body-centered celldm(2)=b/a,celldm(3)=c/a
12 Monoclinic P celldm(2)=b/a,celldm(3)=c/a,
13 Monoclinic base-centered celldm(2)=b/a,celldm(3)=c/a,
14 Triclinic P celldm(2)= b/a,
celldm(3)= c/a,
celldm(4)= cos(bc),
celldm(5)= cos(ac),
celldm(6)= cos(ab)
The special axis is the z-axis, one basal-plane vector is along x,
and the other basal-plane vector is at angle beta for monoclinic
(beta is not actually used), at 120 degrees for trigonal and hexagonal(p)
groups, and at 90 degrees for remaining groups, excepted fcc, bcc,
tetragonal(i), for which the crystallographic vectors are as follows:
fcc bravais lattice.
a1=(a/2)(-1,0,1), a2=(a/2)(0,1,1), a3=(a/2)(-1,1,0).
bcc bravais lattice.
a1=(a/2)(1,1,1), a2=(a/2)(-1,1,1), a3=(a/2)(-1,-1,1).
tetragonal (i) bravais lattices.
a1=(a/2,a/2,c/2), a2=(a/2,-a/2,c/2), a3=(-a/2,-a/2,c/2).
trigonal(r) groups.
for these groups, the z-axis is chosen as the 3-fold axis, but the
crystallographic vectors form a three-fold star around the z-axis,
and the primitive cell is a simple rhombohedron. if c is the cosine
of the angle between any pair of crystallographic vectors, and if
tx=sqrt((1-c)/2), ty=sqrt((1-c)/6), tz=sqrt((1+2c)/3), the crystal-
lographic vectors are:
a1=a(0,2ty,tz), a2=a(tx,-ty,tz), a3=a(-tx,-ty,tz).
bco base centered orthorhombic
a1=(a/2,b/2,0), a2=(-a/2,b/2,0), a3=(0,0,c)
CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: occupations
! occupations = 'smearing' | 'tetrahedra' | 'fixed'* | 'from_input'
! select the electronic states filling mode
! 'smearing' smearing function is used around Fermi Level
! (see "ngauss" and "dgauss")
! NOT used in FPMD-N
! 'tetrahedra' tetrahedron method
! NOT used in FPMD-N
! 'fixed' fixed occupations automatically calculated
! 'from_input' fixed occupations given in the input
! ( see card 'OCCUPATIONS' )
ELECTRONS Namelist Input Parameters
CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: electron_dynamics
! electron_dynamics = 'sd'* | 'cg' | 'damp' | 'md' | 'none' | 'diis'
! set how electrons should be moved
! 'none' electronic degrees of freedom (d.o.f.) are kept fixed
! 'sd' steepest descent algorithm is used to minimize electronic d.o.f.
! 'cg' conjugate gradient algorithm is used to minimize electronic d.o.f.
! 'diis' DIIS algorithm is used to minimize electronic d.o.f.
! 'damp' damped dynamics is used to propagate electronic d.o.f.
! 'verlet' standard Verlet algorithm is used to propagate electronic d.o.f.
CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: electron_dynamics_allowed(6)
DATA electron_dynamics_allowed / 'sd', 'cg', 'damp', 'verlet', 'none', 'diis' /
INTEGER :: empty_states_nbnd
! number of empty states to be calculated every iprint steps
! default value is zero
INTEGER :: empty_states_maxstep
! meaningful only with "empty_states_nbnd > 0 "
! maximum number of iteration in the empty states calculation
! default is 100
REAL(dbl) :: empty_states_ethr
! meaningful only with "empty_states_nbnd > 0 "
! wave function gradient threshold, for convergence of empty states
! default value is ekin_conv_thr
INTEGER :: diis_size
! meaningful only with " electron_dynamics = 'diis' "
! size of the matrix used for the inversion in the iterative subspace
! default is 4, allowed value 1-5
INTEGER :: diis_nreset
! meaningful only with " electron_dynamics = 'diis' "
! number of steepest descendent step after a reset of the diis
! iteration, default value is 3
REAL(dbl) :: diis_hcut
! meaningful only with " electron_dynamics = 'diis' "
! energy cutoff (a.u.), above which an approximate diagonal
! hamiltonian is used in finding the direction to the minimum
! default is "1.0"
REAL(dbl) :: diis_wthr
! meaningful only with " electron_dynamics = 'diis' "
! convergence threshold for wave function
! this criterion is satisfied when the maximum change
! in the wave functions component between two diis steps
! is less than this threshold
! default value is ekin_conv_thr
REAL(dbl) :: diis_delt
! meaningful only with " electron_dynamics = 'diis' "
! electronic time step used in the steepest descendent step
! default is "dt"
INTEGER :: diis_maxstep
! meaningful only with " electron_dynamics = 'diis' "
! maximum number of iteration in the diis minimization
! default is electron_maxstep
LOGICAL :: diis_rot
! meaningful only with " electron_dynamics = 'diis' "
! if "diis_rot = .TRUE." enable diis with charge mixing and rotations
! default is "diis_rot = .FALSE."
REAL(dbl) :: diis_fthr
! meaningful only with "electron_dynamics='diis' " and "diis_rot=.TRUE."
! convergence threshold for ionic force
! this criterion is satisfied when the maximum change
! in the atomic force between two diis steps
! is less than this threshold
! default value is "0.0"
REAL(dbl) :: diis_temp
! meaningful only with "electron_dynamics='diis' " and "diis_rot=.TRUE."
! electronic temperature, significant only if ???
REAL(dbl) :: diis_achmix
! meaningful only with "electron_dynamics='diis' " and "diis_rot=.TRUE."
! "A" parameter in the charge mixing formula
! chmix = A * G^2 / (G^2 + G0^2) , G represents reciprocal lattice vectors
REAL(dbl) :: diis_g0chmix
! meaningful only with "electron_dynamics='diis' " and "diis_rot=.TRUE."
! "G0^2" parameter in the charge mixing formula
INTEGER :: diis_nchmix
! meaningful only with "electron_dynamics='diis' " and "diis_rot=.TRUE."
! dimension of the charge mixing
REAL(dbl) :: diis_g1chmix
! meaningful only with "electron_dynamics='diis' " and "diis_rot=.TRUE."
! "G1^2" parameter in the charge mixing formula
! metric = (G^2 + G1^2) / G^2 , G represents reciprocal lattice vectors
INTEGER :: diis_nrot(3)
! meaningful only with "electron_dynamics='diis' " and "diis_rot=.TRUE."
! start upgrading the charge density every "diis_nrot(1)" steps,
! then every "diis_nrot(2)", and at the end every "diis_nrot(3)",
! depending on "diis_rothr"
REAL(dbl) :: diis_rothr(3)
! meaningful only with "electron_dynamics='diis' " and "diis_rot=.TRUE."
! threshold on the charge difference between two diis step
! when max charge difference is less than "diis_rothr(1)", switch
! between the "diis_nrot(1)" upgrade frequency to "diis_nrot(2)",
! then when the max charge difference is less than "diis_rothr(2)",
! switch between "diis_nrot(2)" and "diis_nrot(3)", upgrade frequency,
! finally when the max charge difference is less than "diis_nrot(3)"
! convergence is achieved
REAL(dbl) :: diis_ethr
! meaningful only with "electron_dynamics='diis' " and "diis_rot=.TRUE."
! convergence threshold for energy
! this criterion is satisfied when the change
! in the energy between two diis steps
! is less than this threshold
! default value is etot_conv_thr
LOGICAL :: diis_chguess
! meaningful only with "electron_dynamics='diis' " and "diis_rot=.TRUE."
! if "diis_chguess = .TRUE." enable charge density guess
! between two diis step, defaut value is "diis_chguess = .FALSE."
IONS Namelist Input Parameters
CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: ion_dynamics
! ion_dynamics = 'sd' | 'cg' | 'damp' | 'verlet' | 'none'*
! set how ions should be moved
! 'none' ions are kept fixed
! 'sd' steepest descent algorithm is used to minimize ionic configuration
! 'cg' conjugate gradient algorithm is used to minimize ionic configuration
! 'damp' damped dynamics is used to propagate ions
! 'verlet' standard Verlet algorithm is used to propagate ions
CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: ion_dynamics_allowed(5)
DATA ion_dynamics_allowed / 'sd', 'cg', 'damp', 'verlet', 'none' /
REAL(dbl) :: ion_radius(nsx)
! pseudo-atomic radius of the i-th atomic species
! (for Ewald summation), values between 0.5 and 2.0 are usually used.
REAL(dbl) :: ion_damping
! meaningful only if " ion_dynamics = 'damp' "
! damping frequency times delta t, optimal values could be
! calculated with the formula
! sqrt(0.5*log((E1-E2)/(E2-E3)))
! where E1 E2 E3 are successive values of the DFT total energy
! in a ionic steepest descent simulation
CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: ion_positions
! ion_positions = 'default'* | 'from_input'
! 'default' restart the simulation with atomic positions read
! from the restart file
! 'from_input' restart the simulation with atomic positions read
! from standard input ( see the card 'ATOMIC_POSITIONS' )
CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: ion_velocities
! ion_velocities = 'zero' | 'default'* | 'random' | 'from_input'
! 'default' restart the simulation with atomic velocities read
! from the restart file
! 'random' start the simulation with random atomic velocities
! 'from_input' restart the simulation with atomic velocities read
! from standard input (see the card 'ATOMIC_VELOCITIES' )
! 'zero' restart the simulation with atomic velocities set to zero
CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: ion_temperature
! ion_temperature = 'nose' | 'not_controlled'* | 'rescaling'
! 'nose' control ionic temperature using Nose thermostat
! see parameters "fnosep" and "tempw"
! 'rescaling' control ionic temperature via velocities rescaling
! see parameter "tolp"
! 'not_controlled' ionic temperature is not controlled
REAL(dbl) :: tempw
! meaningful only with "ion_temperature /= 'not_controlled' "
! value of the ionic temperature (in Kelvin) forced
! by the temperature control
REAL(dbl) :: fnosep
! meaningful only with "ion_temperature = 'nose' "
! oscillation frequency of the nose thermostat (in terahertz)
REAL(dbl) :: tolp
! meaningful only with "ion_temperature = 'rescaling' "
! tolerance (in Kelvin) of the rescaling. When ionic temperature
! differs from "tempw" more than "tolp" apply rescaling.
LOGICAL :: tranp(nsx)
! tranp(i) control the randomization of the i-th atomic specie
! .TRUE. randomize ionic positions ( see "amprp" )
! .FALSE. do nothing
REAL(dbl) :: amprp(nsx)
! amprp(i) meaningful only if "tranp(i) = .TRUE.", amplitude of the
! randomization ( allowed values: 0.0 - 1.0 ) for the i-th atomic specie
REAL(dbl) :: greasp
! same as "grease", for ionic damped dynamics
! NOT used in FPMD
INTEGER :: ion_nstepe
! number of electronic steps for each ionic step
INTEGER :: ion_maxstep
! maximum number of step in ionic minimization
INTEGER :: upscale
! This variable is NOT used in FPMD
CELL Namelist Input Parameters
CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: cell_parameters
! cell_parameters = 'default'* | 'from_input'
! 'default' restart the simulation with cell parameters read
! from the restart file or "celldm" if "restart = 'from_scratch'"
! 'from_input' restart the simulation with cell parameters
! from standard input ( see the card 'CELL_PARAMETERS' )
CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: cell_dynamics
! cell_dynamics = 'sd' | 'pr' | 'none'*
! set how cell should be moved
! 'none' cell is kept fixed
! 'sd' steepest descent algorithm is used to minimize the cell
! 'pr' standard Verlet algorithm is used to propagate the cell
CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: cell_dynamics_allowed(3)
DATA cell_dynamics_allowed / 'sd', 'pr', 'none' /
CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: cell_velocities
! cell_velocities = 'zero' | 'default'*
! 'zero' restart setting cell velocity to zero
! 'default' restart using cell velocity of the previous run
REAL(dbl) :: press
! external pressure (in GPa: 1GPa = 10 kbar)
REAL(dbl) :: wmass
! effective cell mass in the Parrinello-Rahman Lagrangian (in atomic units)
! of the order of magnitude of the total atomic mass
! (sum of the mass of the atoms) within the simulation cell.
! if you do not specify this parameters, the code will compute
! its value based on some physical consideration
CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: cell_temperature
! cell_temperature = 'nose' | 'not_controlled'* | 'rescaling'
! 'nose' control cell temperature using Nose thermostat
! see parameters "fnoseh" and "temph"
! 'rescaling' control cell temperature via velocities rescaling
! 'not_controlled' cell temperature is not controlled
! NOT used in FPMD
REAL(dbl) :: temph
! meaningful only with "cell_temperature /= 'not_controlled' "
! value of the cell temperature (in ???) forced
! by the temperature control
! NOT used in FPMD
REAL(dbl) :: fnoseh
! meaningful only with "cell_temperature = 'nose' "
! oscillation frequency of the nose thermostat (in terahertz)
! NOT used in FPMD
REAL(dbl) :: greash
! same as "grease", for cell damped dynamics
! NOT used in FPMD
CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: cell_dofree
! cell_dofree = 'all'* | 'volume' | 'x' | 'y' | 'z' | 'xy' | 'xz' | 'yz' | 'xyz'
! select which of the cell parameters should be moved
! 'all' all axis and angles are propagated (default)
! 'volume' the cell is simply rescaled, without changing the shape
! 'x' only the "x" axis is moved
! 'y' only the "y" axis is moved
! 'z' only the "z" axis is moved
! 'xy' only the "x" and "y" axis are moved, angles are unchanged
! 'xz' only the "x" and "z" axis are moved, angles are unchanged
! 'yz' only the "y" and "z" axis are moved, angles are unchanged
! 'xyz' "x", "y" and "z" axis are moved, angles are unchanged
REAL(dbl) :: cell_factor
! NOT used in FPMD
Description of the allowed input CARDS for FPMD code
set the atomic species been read and their pseudopotential file
label(1) mass(1) psfile(1)
... ... ...
label(n) mass(n) psfile(n)
O 16.0d0 O.BLYP.UPF
H 1.00d0 H.fpmd.UPF
label(i) ( character(len=4) ) label of the atomic species
mass(i) ( real ) atomic mass ( in a.m.u, carbon mass is 12.0 )
psfile(i) ( character(len=80) ) file name of the pseudopotential
set the atomic positions in the cell
ATOMIC_POSITIONS (units_option)
label(1) tau(1,1) tau(2,1) tau(3,1) mbl(1,1) mbl(2,1) mbl(3,1)
label(2) tau(1,2) tau(2,2) tau(3,2) mbl(1,2) mbl(2,2) mbl(3,2)
... ... ... ... ...
label(n) tau(1,n) tau(2,n) tau(3,n) mbl(1,3) mbl(2,3) mbl(3,3)
O 0.0099 0.0099 0.0000 0 0 0
H 1.8325 -0.2243 -0.0001 1 1 1
H -0.2243 1.8325 0.0002 1 1 1
units_option == crystal position are given in scaled units
units_option == bohr position are given in Bohr
units_option == angstrom position are given in Angstrom
units_option == alat position are given in units of alat
label(k) ( character(len=4) ) atomic type
tau(:,k) ( real ) coordinates of the k-th atom
mbl(:,k) ( integer ) mbl(i,k) > 0 the i-th coord. of the k-th
atom is allowed to be moved
use the specified set of k points
K_POINTS (mesh_option)
xk(1,1) xk(2,1) xk(3,1) wk(1)
... ... ... ...
xk(1,n) xk(2,n) xk(3,n) wk(n)
0.1250000 0.1250000 0.1250000 1.00
0.1250000 0.1250000 0.3750000 3.00
0.1250000 0.1250000 0.6250000 3.00
0.1250000 0.1250000 0.8750000 3.00
0.1250000 0.3750000 0.3750000 3.00
0.1250000 0.3750000 0.6250000 6.00
0.1250000 0.3750000 0.8750000 6.00
0.1250000 0.6250000 0.6250000 3.00
0.3750000 0.3750000 0.3750000 1.00
0.3750000 0.3750000 0.6250000 3.00
mesh_option == automatic k points mesh is generated automatically
with Monkhorst-Pack algorithm
mesh_option == crystal k points mesh is given in stdin in scaled units
mesh_option == tpiba k points mesh is given in stdin in units of ( 2 PI / alat )
mesh_option == gamma only gamma point is used ( default in CPMD simulation )
n ( integer ) number of k points
xk(:,i) ( real ) coordinates of i-th k point
wk(i) ( real ) weights of i-th k point
Reset the step counter to the specified value
nfi (integer) new value for the step counter
use the specified occupation numbers for electronic states.
Note, maximum 10 values per line!
Syntax (nspin == 1):
f(1) .... .... f(10)
f(11) .... f(nbnd)
Syntax (nspin == 2):
u(1) .... .... u(10)
u(11) .... u(nbnd)
d(1) .... .... d(10)
d(11) .... d(nbnd)
2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0
f(:) (real) these are the occupation numbers
for LDA electronic states.
u(:) (real) these are the occupation numbers
for LSD spin == 1 electronic states
d(:) (real) these are the occupation numbers
for LSD spin == 2 electronic states
Note: variable "nbnd" has to coincide with the number of states
with nonzero occupation in LDA case; with the largest number of
states with nonzero occupation between spin-up and spin-down in
LSD calculations !
Calculation of potential average along a given axis
unit nr rmin rmax asse
Enable the calculations of optical properties
woptical noptical boptical
woptical (REAL) frequency maximum in eV
noptical (INTEGER) number of intervals
boptical (REAL) electronic temperature (in K)
to calculate the fermi distribution function
calculate polarizability
no parameters
use the specified number of neighbour cells for Ewald summations
iesr (integer) determines the number of neighbour cells to be
iesr = 1 : nearest-neighbour cells (default)
iesr = 2 : next-to-nearest-neighbour cells
and so on
calculate the neighbours of (and the distance from) each atoms below the
distance specified by the parameter
cut_radius ( real ) radius of the region where atoms are considered
as neighbours ( in a.u. )
calculate the pseudopotential form factor using an interpolation table
pstab_size (integer) size of the interpolation table
typically values are between 10000 and 50000
use the specified cell dimensions
HT(1,1) HT(1,2) HT(1,3)
HT(2,1) HT(2,2) HT(2,3)
HT(3,1) HT(3,2) HT(3,3)
24.50644311 0.00004215 -0.14717844
-0.00211522 8.12850030 1.70624903
0.16447787 0.74511792 23.07395418
HT(i,j) (real) cell dimensions ( in a.u. ),
note the relation with lattice vectors:
HT(1,:) = A1, HT(2,:) = A2, HT(3,:) = A3
allocate space to store electronic states in real space while
computing charge density, and then reuse the stored state
in the calculation of forces instead of repeating the FFT
nturbo (integer) number of states to be stored
read velocities (in atomic units) from standard input
label(1) Vx(1) Vy(1) Vz(1)
label(n) Vx(n) Vy(n) Vz(n)
label (character(len=4)) atomic label
Vx(:), Vy(:) and Vz(:) (REAL) x, y and z velocity components of
the ions
Enable the printing of Kohn Sham states
Syntax ( nspin == 2 ):
iu(1) iu(2) iu(3) .. iu(nu)
id(1) id(2) id(3) .. id(nd)
Syntax ( nspin == 1 ):
is(1) is(2) is(3) .. is(ns)
nu (integer) number of spin=1 states to be printed
iu(:) (integer) indexes of spin=1 states, the state iu(k) is saved to file KS_UP.iu(k)
nd (integer) number of spin=2 states to be printed
id(:) (integer) indexes of spin=2 states, the state id(k) is saved to file KS_DW.id(k)
ns (integer) number of LDA states to be printed
is(:) (integer) indexes of LDA states, the state is(k) is saved to file KS.is(k)
Enable the printing of empty Kohn Sham states
Syntax ( nspin == 2 ):
iu(1) iu(2) iu(3) .. iu(nu)
id(1) id(2) id(3) .. id(nd)
Syntax ( nspin == 1 ):
is(1) is(2) is(3) .. is(ns)
nu (integer) number of spin=1 empty states to be printed
iu(:) (integer) indexes of spin=1 empty states, the state iu(k)
is saved to file KS_EMP_UP.iu(k)
nd (integer) number of spin=2 empty states to be printed
id(:) (integer) indexes of spin=2 empty states, the state id(k)
is saved to file KS_EMP_DW.id(k)
ns (integer) number of LDA empty states to be printed
is(:) (integer) indexes of LDA empty states, the state is(k)
is saved to file KS_EMP.is(k)
Note: the first empty state has index "1" !