
60 lines
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! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine set_d3irr
! It computes a basis for all the irreducible representations of the
! group of the crystal, which are contained in the representation
! which has as basis the displacement vectors.
! This basis will be used for those quantities that depend on the
! q=0 perturbation.
! Receives in input: nsymg0, s, invs, irt, rtau
! Calculates: ug0, tg0, npertg0, nirrg0, irgq
! NB: It assumes that the phonon calculation for the q=0 case, has been
! performed with iswitch=-2. If this is not the case the following
! routine does not work.
#include "machine.h"
use pwcom
use phcom
use d3com
implicit none
integer :: w_nsymq, w_irotmq
! work array
! work array
real (8) :: zero (3), w_gi (3, 48), w_gimq (3)
! a null vector
! work array
complex (8) :: w_tmq (3, 3, 3 * nat)
! work array
logical :: w_minus_q
! work array
call setv (3, 0.d0, zero, 1)
w_minus_q = .true.
if (nsymg0.gt.1) then
call io_pattern(fild0rho,nirrg0,npertg0,ug0,-1)
call set_sym_irr (nat, at, bg, zero, s, invs, nsymg0, rtau, irt, &
irgq, w_nsymq, w_minus_q, w_irotmq, tg0, w_tmq, ug0, npertg0, &
nirrg0, w_gi, w_gimq, iverbosity)
call set_irr_nosym (nat, at, bg, zero, s, invs, nsymg0, rtau, &
irt, irgq, w_nsymq, w_minus_q, w_irotmq, tg0, w_tmq, ug0, &
npertg0, nirrg0, w_gi, w_gimq, iverbosity)
end subroutine set_d3irr