
1172 lines
35 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Quantum-ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
SUBROUTINE chdens (filplot,plot_num)
! Writes the charge density (or potential, or polarisation)
! into a file format suitable for plotting
! DESCRIPTION of the INPUT: see file INPUT_PP in Docs/
#include "f_defs.h"
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout, ionode, ionode_id
USE mp_global, ONLY : nproc_pool
USE mp, ONLY : mp_bcast
USE parameters, ONLY : ntypx
USE constants, ONLY : pi, fpi
USE cell_base
USE ions_base, ONLY : nat, ityp, atm, ntyp => nsp, tau, zv
USE lsda_mod, ONLY: nspin
USE gvect
USE gsmooth
USE wavefunctions_module, ONLY: psic
USE io_files, ONLY: nd_nmbr
USE fft_base, ONLY: grid_scatter
USE printout_base, ONLY: title
implicit none
character (len=256), INTENT(in) :: filplot
! If plot_num=-1 the dimensions and structural data are read from the charge
! or potential file, otherwise it uses the data already read from
! the files in outdir.
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: plot_num
integer, parameter :: nfilemax = 7
! maximum number of files with charge
integer :: ounit, iflag, ios, ipol, nfile, ifile, nx, ny, nz, &
na, ir, i, j, ig, output_format, idum
real(DP) :: e1(3), e2(3), e3(3), x0 (3), radius, m1, m2, m3, &
weight (nfilemax), epsilon
real(DP), allocatable :: aux(:)
character (len=256) :: fileout, filename (nfilemax)
character (len=13), dimension(0:6) :: formatname = &
(/ 'gnuplot ', &
'contour.x ', &
'plotrho.x ', &
'XCrySDen ', &
'gOpenMol ', &
'XCrySDen ', &
'Gaussian cube' /)
character (len=20), dimension(0:4) :: plotname = &
(/ '1D spherical average', &
'1D along a line ', &
'2D contour ', &
'3D ', &
'2D polar on a sphere'/)
real(DP) :: celldms (6), gcutmsa, duals, ecuts, zvs(ntypx), ats(3,3)
real(DP), allocatable :: taus (:,:), rhor(:), rhos(:)
integer :: ibravs, nrx1sa, nrx2sa, nrx3sa, nr1sa, nr2sa, nr3sa, &
ntyps, nats
integer, allocatable :: ityps (:)
character (len=3) :: atms(ntypx)
character (len=256) :: filepp(nfilemax)
real(DP) :: rhodum, rhotot
complex(DP), allocatable:: rhog (:)
! rho or polarization in G space
logical :: fast3d
namelist /plot/ &
nfile, filepp, weight, iflag, e1, e2, e3, nx, ny, nz, x0, &
radius, output_format, fileout
! set the DEFAULT values
nfile = 1
filepp(1) = filplot
weight(1) = 1.0d0
iflag = 0
radius = 1.0d0
output_format = -1
fileout = ' '
e1(:) = 0.d0
e2(:) = 0.d0
e3(:) = 0.d0
x0(:) = 0.d0
nx = 0
ny = 0
nz = 0
! read and check input data
! reading the namelist 'plot'
if (ionode) read (5, plot, iostat = ios)
CALL mp_bcast( ios, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( nfile, ionode_id )
if (ios /= 0) then
if (nfile > nfilemax) then
! if this happens the reading of the namelist will fail
! tell to user why
call infomsg('chdens ', 'nfile is too large, exiting')
call infomsg ('chdens', 'namelist plot not found or invalid, exiting')
end if
CALL mp_bcast( filepp, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( weight, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( iflag, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( radius, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( output_format, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( fileout, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( e1, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( e2, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( e3, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( x0, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( nx, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( ny, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( nz, ionode_id )
if (output_format == -1 .or. iflag == -1) then
call infomsg ('chdens', 'output format not set, exiting' )
end if
! check for number of files
if (nfile < 1 .or. nfile > nfilemax) &
call errore ('chdens ', 'nfile is wrong ', 1)
! check for iflag
if (iflag <= 1) then
! 1D plot : check variables
if (e1(1)**2 + e1(2)**2 + e1(3)**2 < 1d-6) &
call errore ('chdens', 'missing e1 vector', 1)
if (nx <= 0 ) call errore ('chdens', 'wrong nx', 1)
else if (iflag == 2) then
! 2D plot : check variables
if (e1(1)**2 + e1(2)**2 + e1(3)**2 < 1d-6 .or. &
e2(1)**2 + e2(2)**2 + e2(3)**2 < 1d-6) &
call errore ('chdens', 'missing e1/e2 vectors', 1)
if (abs(e1(1)*e2(1) + e1(2)*e2(2) + e1(3)*e2(3)) > 1d-6) &
call errore ('chdens', 'e1 and e2 are not orthogonal', 1)
if (nx <= 0 .or. ny <= 0 ) call errore ('chdens', 'wrong nx/ny', 2)
else if (iflag == 3) then
! 3D plot : check variables
if ( abs(e1(1)*e2(1) + e1(2)*e2(2) + e1(3)*e2(3)) > 1d-6 .or. &
abs(e1(1)*e3(1) + e1(2)*e3(2) + e1(3)*e3(3)) > 1d-6 .or. &
abs(e2(1)*e3(1) + e2(2)*e3(2) + e2(3)*e3(3)) > 1d-6 ) &
call errore ('chdens', 'e1, e2, e3 are not orthogonal', 1)
if ((iflag.eq.3) .and.(output_format < 3 .or. output_format > 6)) &
call errore ('chdens', 'incompatible iflag/output_format', 1)
if ((iflag.ne.3) .and. ((output_format == 5) .or. (output_format == 6))) &
call errore ('chdens', 'output_format=5/6, iflag<>3', 1)
else if (iflag == 4) then
if (nx <= 0 .or. ny <= 0 ) call errore ('chdens', 'wrong nx/ny', 4)
call errore ('chdens', 'iflag not implemented', 1)
! Read the header and allocate objects
IF (plot_num==-1) then
IF (ionode) &
CALL read_io_header(filepp (1), title, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, nr1, nr2, &
nr3, nat, ntyp, ibrav, celldm, at, gcutm, dual, ecutwfc, &
idum )
CALL mp_bcast( title, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( nrx1, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( nrx2, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( nrx3, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( nr1, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( nr2, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( nr3, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( nat, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( ntyp, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( ibrav, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( celldm, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( at, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( gcutm, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( dual, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( ecutwfc, ionode_id )
! ... see comment above
allocate(tau (3, nat))
call latgen (ibrav, celldm, at(1,1), at(1,2), at(1,3), omega )
alat = celldm (1) ! define alat
at = at / alat ! bring at in units of alat
tpiba = 2.d0 * pi / alat
tpiba2 = tpiba**2
doublegrid = dual.gt.4.0d0
if (doublegrid) then
gcutms = 4.d0 * ecutwfc / tpiba2
gcutms = gcutm
nspin = 1
call recips (at(1,1), at(1,2), at(1,3), bg(1,1), bg(1,2), bg(1,3) )
call volume (alat, at(1,1), at(1,2), at(1,3), omega)
call set_fft_dim
ALLOCATE (rhor(nrx1*nrx2*nrx3))
ALLOCATE (rhos(nrx1*nrx2*nrx3))
ALLOCATE (taus( 3 , nat))
ALLOCATE (ityps( nat))
rhor (:) = 0.0_DP
! Read files, verify consistency
! Note that only rho is read; all other quantities are discarded
do ifile = 1, nfile
call plot_io (filepp (ifile), title, nrx1sa, nrx2sa, nrx3sa, &
nr1sa, nr2sa, nr3sa, nats, ntyps, ibravs, celldms, ats, gcutmsa, &
duals, ecuts, idum, atms, ityps, zvs, taus, rhos, - 1)
IF (ifile==1.and.plot_num==-1) THEN
if (nats.gt.nat) call errore ('chdens', 'wrong file order? ', 1)
if (nrx1.ne.nrx1sa.or.nrx2.ne.nrx2sa) call &
errore ('chdens', 'incompatible nrx1 or nrx2', 1)
if (nr1.ne.nr1sa.or.nr2.ne.nr2sa.or.nr3.ne.nr3sa) call &
errore ('chdens', 'incompatible nr1 or nr2 or nr3', 1)
if (ibravs.ne.ibrav) call errore ('chdens', 'incompatible ibrav', 1)
if (abs(gcutmsa-gcutm)>1.d-8.or.abs(duals-dual)>1.d-8.or.&
abs(ecuts-ecutwfc)>1.d-8) &
call errore ('chdens', 'incompatible gcutm or dual or ecut', 1)
do i = 1, 6
if (abs( celldm (i)-celldms (i) ) .gt. 1.0d-7 ) call errore &
('chdens', 'incompatible celldm', 1)
rhor (:) = rhor (:) + weight (ifile) * rhos (:)
! open output file, i.e., "fileout"
if (ionode) then
if (fileout /= ' ') then
ounit = 1
open (unit=ounit, file=fileout, form='formatted', status='unknown')
WRITE( stdout, '(/5x,"Writing data to be plotted to file ",a)') &
ounit = 6
! At this point we start the calculations, first we normalize the
! vectors defining the plotting region.
! If these vectors have 0 length, replace them with crystal axis
m1 = sqrt (e1 (1)**2 + e1 (2)**2 + e1 (3)**2)
if (abs(m1) < 1.d-6) then
e1 (:) = at(:,1)
m1 = sqrt (e1 (1)**2 + e1 (2)**2 + e1 (3)**2)
end if
e1 (:) = e1 (:) / m1
m2 = sqrt (e2 (1)**2 + e2 (2)**2 + e2 (3)**2)
if (abs(m2) < 1.d-6) then
e2 (:) = at(:,2)
m2 = sqrt (e2 (1)**2 + e2 (2)**2 + e2 (3)**2)
end if
e2 (:) = e2 (:) / m2
m3 = sqrt (e3 (1)**2 + e3 (2)**2 + e3 (3)**2)
if (abs(m3) < 1.d-6) then
e3 (:) = at(:,3)
m3 = sqrt (e3 (1)**2 + e3 (2)**2 + e3 (3)**2)
end if
e3 (:) = e3 (:) / m3
! are vectors defining the plotting region aligned along xyz ?
fast3d = ( e1(2) == 0.d0 .and. e1(3) == 0.d0) .and. &
( e2(1) == 0.d0 .and. e2(3) == 0.d0) .and. &
( e3(1) == 0.d0 .and. e3(2) == 0.d0)
! are crystal axis aligned along xyz ?
fast3d = fast3d .and. &
( at(2,1) == 0.d0 .and. at(3,1) == 0.d0) .and. &
( at(1,2) == 0.d0 .and. at(3,2) == 0.d0) .and. &
( at(1,3) == 0.d0 .and. at(2,3) == 0.d0)
! Initialise FFT for rho(r) => rho(G) conversion if needed
IF (.NOT. ( iflag == 3 .AND. ( output_format == 5 .OR. &
output_format == 6 .OR. &
fast3d ) ) ) THEN
if (plot_num==-1) then
! nproc_pool=1
call allocate_fft()
! and rebuild G-vectors in reciprocal space
call ggen()
! here we compute the fourier components of the quantity to plot
#ifdef __PARA
call grid_scatter(rhor, aux)
psic(:) = CMPLX (aux(:), 0.d0)
psic(:) = CMPLX (rhor(:), 0.d0)
call cft3 (psic, nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, -1)
! we store the fourier components in the array rhog
allocate (rhog( ngm))
rhog (:) = psic (nl (:) )
! And now the plot (rhog in G-space, rhor in real space)
if (iflag <= 1) then
call plot_1d (nx, m1, x0, e1, ngm, g, rhog, alat, iflag, ounit)
elseif (iflag == 2) then
call plot_2d (nx, ny, m1, m2, x0, e1, e2, ngm, g, rhog, alat, &
at, nat, tau, atm, ityp, output_format, ounit)
if (output_format == 2.and.ionode) then
write (ounit, '(i4)') nat
write (ounit, '(3f8.4,i3)') ( (tau(ipol,na), ipol=1,3), 1, na=1,nat)
write (ounit, '(f10.6)') celldm (1)
write (ounit, '(3(3f12.6/))') at
elseif (iflag == 3) then
if (output_format == 4.and.ionode) then
! gopenmol wants the coordinates in a separate file
if (fileout /= ' ') then
open (unit = ounit+1, file = trim(fileout)//'.xyz', &
form = 'formatted', status = 'unknown')
WRITE( stdout, '(5x,"Writing coordinates to file ",a)') &
open (unit = ounit+1, file = 'coord.xyz', &
form = 'formatted', status = 'unknown')
WRITE( stdout, '("Writing coordinates to file coord.xyz")')
end if
if (output_format == 5.and.ionode) then
call xsf_struct (alat, at, nat, tau, atm, ityp, ounit)
call xsf_fast_datagrid_3d &
(rhor, nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, at, alat, ounit)
elseif (output_format == 6.and.ionode ) then
call write_cubefile (alat, at, bg, nat, tau, atm, ityp, rhor, &
nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, ounit)
if (ionode) then
if (fast3d) then
call plot_fast (celldm (1), at, nat, tau, atm, ityp, &
nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, nr1, nr2, nr3, rhor, &
bg, m1, m2, m3, x0, e1, e2, e3, output_format, ounit, &
if (nx<=0 .or. ny <=0 .or. nz <=0) &
call errore("chdens","nx,ny,nz, required",1)
call plot_3d (celldm (1), at, nat, tau, atm, ityp, ngm, g, rhog,&
nx, ny, nz, m1, m2, m3, x0, e1, e2, e3, output_format, &
ounit, rhotot)
end if
end if
end if
elseif (iflag == 4) then
radius = radius / alat
call plot_2ds (nx, ny, radius, ngm, g, rhog, output_format, ounit)
call errore ('chdens', 'wrong iflag', 1)
write(stdout, '(5x,"Plot Type: ",a," Output format: ",a)') &
plotname(iflag), formatname(output_format)
if (allocated(rhog)) deallocate(rhog)
end SUBROUTINE chdens
subroutine plot_1d (nx, m1, x0, e, ngm, g, rhog, alat, iflag, ounit)
USE kinds, only : DP
use constants, only: pi
USE io_global, only : stdout, ionode
USE mp_global, ONLY : intra_pool_comm
USE mp, ONLY : mp_sum
implicit none
integer :: nx, ngm, iflag, ounit
! number of points along the line
! number of G vectors
! type of plot
! output unit
real(DP) :: e (3), x0 (3), m1, alat, g (3, ngm)
! vector defining the line
! origin of the line
! modulus of e
! lattice parameter
! G-vectors
complex(DP) :: rhog (ngm)
! rho or polarization in G space
integer :: i, ig
real(DP) :: rhomin, rhomax, rhoint, rhoim, xi, yi, zi, deltax, arg, gr, gg
! minimum value of the charge
! maximum value of the charge
! integrated charge
! integrated imaginary charge
! coordinates of a 3D point
! steps along the line
! the argument of the exponential
! |G|*|r|
complex(DP) :: rho0g, carica (nx)
deltax = m1 / (nx - 1)
carica(:) = (0.d0,0.d0)
if (iflag == 1) then
do i = 1, nx
xi = x0 (1) + (i - 1) * deltax * e (1)
yi = x0 (2) + (i - 1) * deltax * e (2)
zi = x0 (3) + (i - 1) * deltax * e (3)
! for each point we compute the charge from the Fourier components
do ig = 1, ngm
! NB: G are in 2pi/alat units, r are in alat units
arg = 2.d0 * pi * ( xi*g(1,ig) + yi*g(2,ig) + zi*g(3,ig) )
carica(i) = carica(i) + rhog (ig) * CMPLX(cos(arg),sin(arg))
else if (iflag == 0) then
! spherically averaged charge: rho0(|r|) = int rho(r) dOmega
! rho0(r) = 4pi \sum_G rho(G) j_0(|G||r|)
! G =0 term
if (gg<1.d-10) then
do i = 1, nx
carica (i) = 4.d0 * pi * rhog (1)
! G!=0 terms
do ig = 2, ngm
arg = 2.d0 * pi * ( x0(1)*g(1,ig) + x0(2)*g(2,ig) + x0(3)*g(3,ig) )
! This displaces the origin into x0
rho0g = rhog (ig) * CMPLX(cos(arg),sin(arg))
! r =0 term
carica (1) = carica (1) + 4.d0 * pi * rho0g
! r!=0 terms
do i = 2, nx
gr = 2.d0 * pi * sqrt(g(1,ig)**2 + g(2,ig)**2 + g(3,ig)**2) * &
(i-1) * deltax
carica (i) = carica (i) + 4.d0 * pi * rho0g * sin (gr) / gr
call errore ('plot_1d', ' bad type of plot', 1)
call mp_sum( carica, intra_pool_comm )
! Here we check the value of the resulting charge
rhomin = 1.0d10
rhomax = -1.0d10
rhoim = 0.d0
do i = 1, nx
rhomin = min (rhomin, DBLE (carica (i) ) )
rhomax = max (rhomax, DBLE (carica (i) ) )
rhoim = rhoim + abs (AIMAG (carica (i) ) )
rhoim = rhoim / nx
write(stdout, '(5x,"Min, Max, imaginary charge: ",3f12.6)') &
rhomin, rhomax, rhoim
! we print the charge on output
if (ionode) then
if (iflag == 1) then
do i = 1, nx
write (ounit, '(2f20.10)') deltax*DBLE(i-1), DBLE(carica(i))
rhoint = 0.d0
do i = 1, nx
! simple trapezoidal rule: rhoint=int carica(i) r^2(i) dr
rhoint = rhoint + DBLE(carica(i)) * (i-1)**2 * (deltax*alat)**3
write (ounit, '(3f20.10)') deltax*DBLE(i-1), DBLE(carica(i)), rhoint
end if
end if
end subroutine plot_1d
subroutine plot_2d (nx, ny, m1, m2, x0, e1, e2, ngm, g, rhog, alat, &
at, nat, tau, atm, ityp, output_format, ounit)
USE kinds, only : DP
use constants, only : pi
use io_global, only : stdout, ionode
USE mp_global, ONLY : intra_pool_comm
USE mp, ONLY : mp_sum
implicit none
integer :: nx, ny, ngm, nat, ityp (nat), output_format, ounit
! number of points along x
! number of points along y
! number of G vectors
! number of atoms
! types of atoms
! output unit
! output format
character(len=3) :: atm(*) ! atomic symbols
real(DP) :: e1(3), e2(3), x0(3), m1, m2, g(3,ngm), alat, &
tau(3,nat), at(3,3)
! vectors e1, e2 defining the plane
! origin
! modulus of e1
! modulus of e2
! G-vectors
complex(DP) :: rhog (ngm)
! rho or polarization in G space
integer :: i, j, ig
real(DP) :: rhomin, rhomax, rhoim, deltax, deltay
! minimum value of the charge
! maximum value of the charge
! integrated imaginary charge
! steps along e1
! steps along e2
complex(DP), allocatable :: eigx (:), eigy (:), carica(:,:)
allocate (eigx( nx))
allocate (eigy( ny))
allocate (carica( nx , ny))
deltax = m1 / (nx - 1)
deltay = m2 / (ny - 1)
carica(:,:) = (0.d0,0.d0)
do ig = 1, ngm
! eigx=exp(iG*e1+iGx0), eigy=(iG*e2)
! These factors are calculated and stored in order to save CPU time
do i = 1, nx
eigx (i) = exp ( (0.d0, 1.d0) * 2.d0 * pi * ( (i - 1) * deltax * &
(e1(1) * g(1,ig) + e1(2) * g(2,ig) + e1(3) * g(3,ig) ) + &
(x0 (1) * g(1,ig) + x0 (2) * g(2,ig) + x0 (3) * g(3,ig) ) ) )
do j = 1, ny
eigy (j) = exp ( (0.d0, 1.d0) * 2.d0 * pi * (j - 1) * deltay * &
(e2(1) * g(1,ig) + e2(2) * g(2,ig) + e2(3) * g(3,ig) ) )
do j = 1, ny
do i = 1, nx
carica (i, j) = carica (i, j) + rhog (ig) * eigx (i) * eigy (j)
call mp_sum( carica, intra_pool_comm )
! Here we check the value of the resulting charge
rhomin = 1.0d10
rhomax = -1.0d10
rhoim = 0.d0
do i = 1, nx
do j = 1, ny
rhomin = min (rhomin, DBLE (carica (i, j) ) )
rhomax = max (rhomax, DBLE (carica (i, j) ) )
rhoim = rhoim + abs (AIMAG (carica (i, j) ) )
rhoim = rhoim / nx / ny
write(stdout, '(5x,"Min, Max, imaginary charge: ",3f12.6)') &
rhomin, rhomax, rhoim
! and we print the charge on output
if (ionode) then
if (output_format == 0) then
! gnuplot format
! write(ounit,'(2i6)') nx,ny
do i = 1, nx
write (ounit, '(e25.14)') ( DBLE(carica(i,j)), j = 1, ny )
write (ounit, * )
elseif (output_format == 1) then
! contour.x format
write (ounit, '(3i5,2e25.14)') nx, ny, 1, deltax, deltay
write (ounit, '(4e25.14)') ( ( DBLE(carica(i,j)), j = 1, ny ), i = 1, nx )
elseif (output_format == 2) then
! plotrho format
write (ounit, '(2i4)') nx - 1, ny - 1
write (ounit, '(8f8.4)') (deltax * (i - 1) , i = 1, nx)
write (ounit, '(8f8.4)') (deltay * (j - 1) , j = 1, ny)
write (ounit, '(6e12.4)') ( ( DBLE(carica(i,j)), i = 1, nx ), j = 1, ny )
write (ounit, '(3f8.4)') x0
write (ounit, '(3f8.4)') (m1 * e1 (i) , i = 1, 3)
write (ounit, '(3f8.4)') (m2 * e2 (i) , i = 1, 3)
elseif (output_format == 3) then
! XCRYSDEN's XSF format
call xsf_struct (alat, at, nat, tau, atm, ityp, ounit)
call xsf_datagrid_2d (carica, nx, ny, m1, m2, x0, e1, e2, alat, ounit)
call errore('plot_2d', 'wrong output_format', 1)
deallocate (carica)
deallocate (eigy)
deallocate (eigx)
end subroutine plot_2d
subroutine plot_2ds (nx, ny, x0, ngm, g, rhog, output_format, ounit)
USE kinds, only : DP
use constants, only: pi
use io_global, only : stdout, ionode
USE mp_global, ONLY : intra_pool_comm
USE mp, ONLY : mp_sum
implicit none
integer :: nx, ny, ngm, ounit, output_format
! number of points along x
! number of points along y
! number of G vectors
! output unit
real(DP) :: x0, g (3, ngm)
! radius of the sphere
! G-vectors
complex(DP) :: rhog (ngm)
! rho or polarization in G space
integer :: i, j, ig
real(DP), allocatable :: r (:,:,:)
real(DP) :: theta, phi, rhomin, rhomax, rhoim, deltax, deltay
! the point in space
! the position on the sphere
! minimum value of the charge
! maximum value of the charge
! integrated imaginary charge
! steps along e1
! steps along e2
complex(DP), allocatable :: carica (:,:)
complex(DP) :: eig
allocate (carica( nx , ny))
allocate (r (3, nx , ny))
deltax = 2.d0 * pi / (nx - 1)
deltay = pi / (ny - 1)
carica(:,:) = (0.d0,0.d0)
do j = 1, ny
do i = 1, nx
phi = (i - 1) * deltax
theta = (j - 1) * deltay
r (1, i, j) = x0 * sin (theta) * cos (phi)
r (2, i, j) = x0 * sin (theta) * sin (phi)
r (3, i, j) = x0 * cos (theta)
do ig = 1, ngm
! eigx=exp(iG*e1+iGx0), eigy=(iG*e2)
! These factors are calculated and stored in order to save CPU time
do j = 1, ny
do i = 1, nx
eig = exp ( (0.d0,1.d0) * 2.d0 * pi * &
( r(1,i,j)*g(1,ig) + r(2,i,j)*g(2,ig) + r(3,i,j)*g(3,ig) ) )
carica (i, j) = carica (i, j) + rhog (ig) * eig
call mp_sum( carica, intra_pool_comm )
! Here we check the value of the resulting charge
rhomin = 1.0d10
rhomax = -1.0d10
rhoim = 0.d0
do i = 1, nx
do j = 1, ny
rhomin = min (rhomin, DBLE (carica (i, j) ) )
rhomax = max (rhomax, DBLE (carica (i, j) ) )
rhoim = rhoim + abs (AIMAG (carica (i, j) ) )
rhoim = rhoim / nx / ny
write(stdout, '(5x,"Min, Max, imaginary charge: ",3f12.6)') &
rhomin, rhomax, rhoim
! and we print the charge on output
if (ionode) then
if (output_format.eq.0) then
! gnuplot format
write (ounit, '(2i8)') nx, ny
do i = 1, nx
write (ounit, '(e25.14)') ( DBLE(carica(i,j)), j = 1, ny )
elseif (output_format.eq.1) then
! contour.x format
write (ounit, '(3i5,2e25.14)') nx, ny, 1, deltax, deltay
write (ounit, '(4e25.14)') ( ( DBLE(carica(i,j)), j = 1, ny ), i = 1, nx )
call errore ('plot_2ds', 'not implemented plot', 1)
deallocate (carica)
deallocate (r)
end subroutine plot_2ds
subroutine plot_3d (alat, at, nat, tau, atm, ityp, ngm, g, rhog, &
nx, ny, nz, m1, m2, m3, x0, e1, e2, e3, output_format, ounit, &
USE kinds, only : DP
use constants, only: pi
use io_global, only : stdout, ionode
USE mp_global, ONLY : intra_pool_comm
USE mp, ONLY : mp_sum
implicit none
integer :: nat, ityp (nat), ngm, nx, ny, nz, output_format, ounit
! number of atoms
! type of atoms
! number of G vectors
! number of points along x, y, z
! output format
! output unit
character(len=3) :: atm(*)
real(DP) :: alat, tau(3,nat), at(3,3), g(3,ngm), x0(3), &
e1(3), e2(3), e3(3), m1, m2, m3
! lattice parameter
! atomic positions
! lattice vectors
! G-vectors
! origin
! vectors e1,e2,e3 defining the parallelepiped
! moduli of e1,e2,e3
complex(DP) :: rhog (ngm)
! rho or polarization in G space
integer :: i, j, k, ig
real(DP) :: rhomin, rhomax, rhotot, rhoabs, deltax, deltay, deltaz
! min, max value of the charge, total charge, total absolute charge
! steps along e1, e2, e3
complex(DP), allocatable :: eigx (:), eigy (:), eigz (:)
real(DP), allocatable :: carica (:,:,:)
real(DP) :: omega
integer :: ipol, na
allocate (eigx( nx))
allocate (eigy( ny))
allocate (eigz( nz))
allocate (carica( nx , ny , nz))
deltax = m1 / nx
deltay = m2 / ny
deltaz = m3 / nz
carica = 0.d0
do ig = 1, ngm
! eigx=exp(iG*e1+iGx0), eigy=exp(iG*e2), eigz=exp(iG*e3)
! These factors are calculated and stored in order to save CPU time
do i = 1, nx
eigx (i) = exp( (0.d0,1.d0) * 2.d0 * pi * ( (i-1) * deltax * &
(e1(1)*g(1,ig)+e1(2)*g(2,ig)+e1(3)*g(3,ig)) + &
( x0(1)*g(1,ig)+ x0(2)*g(2,ig)+ x0(3)*g(3,ig)) ) )
do j = 1, ny
eigy (j) = exp( (0.d0,1.d0) * 2.d0 * pi * (j-1) * deltay * &
(e2(1)*g(1,ig)+e2(2)*g(2,ig)+e2(3)*g(3,ig)) )
do k = 1, nz
eigz (k) = exp( (0.d0,1.d0) * 2.d0 * pi * (k-1) * deltaz * &
(e3(1)*g(1,ig)+e3(2)*g(2,ig)+e3(3)*g(3,ig)) )
do k = 1, nz
do j = 1, ny
do i = 1, nx
carica (i, j, k) = carica (i, j, k) + &
DBLE (rhog (ig) * eigz (k) * eigy (j) * eigx (i) )
call mp_sum( carica, intra_pool_comm )
! Here we check the value of the resulting charge
call volume(alat,e1(1),e2(1),e3(1),omega)
rhomin = MAX ( MINVAL (carica), 1.d-10 )
rhomax = MAXVAL (carica)
rhotot = SUM (carica(:,:,:)) * omega * deltax * deltay * deltaz
rhoabs = SUM (ABS(carica(:,:,:))) * omega * deltax * deltay * deltaz
write(stdout, '(/5x,"Min, Max, Total, Abs charge: ",2f10.6,2x, 2f10.4)')&
rhomin, rhomax, rhotot, rhoabs
if (ionode) then
if (output_format == 4) then
! "gOpenMol" file
call write_openmol_file (alat, at, nat, tau, atm, ityp, x0, &
m1, m2, m3, nx, ny, nz, rhomax, carica, ounit)
! user has calculated for very long, be nice and write some output even
! if the output_format is wrong; use XSF format as default
! XCRYSDEN's XSF format
call xsf_struct (alat, at, nat, tau, atm, ityp, ounit)
call xsf_datagrid_3d &
(carica, nx, ny, nz, m1, m2, m3, x0, e1, e2, e3, alat, ounit)
deallocate (carica)
deallocate (eigz)
deallocate (eigy)
deallocate (eigx)
end subroutine plot_3d
subroutine plot_fast (alat, at, nat, tau, atm, ityp,&
nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, nr1, nr2, nr3, rho, bg, m1, m2, m3, &
x0, e1, e2, e3, output_format, ounit, rhotot)
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE kinds, only : DP
implicit none
integer :: nat, ityp(nat), nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, nr1, nr2, nr3, &
output_format, ounit
character(len=3) :: atm(*)
real(DP) :: alat, tau (3, nat), at (3, 3), rho(nrx1,nrx2,nrx3), &
bg (3, 3), e1(3), e2(3), e3(3), x0 (3), m1, m2, m3
integer :: nx, ny, nz, nx0, ny0, nz0, nx1, ny1, nz1, i, j, k, i1, j1, k1
real(DP) :: rhomin, rhomax, rhotot, rhoabs
real(DP), allocatable :: carica (:,:,:)
real(DP) :: deltax, deltay, deltaz
real(DP) :: omega
integer :: ipol, na
! find FFT grid point closer to X0 (origin of the parallelepiped)
! (add 1 because r=0 correspond to n=1)
nx0 = nint ( (x0(1)*bg(1,1) + x0(2)*bg(2,1) + x0(3)*bg(3,1) )*nr1) + 1
ny0 = nint ( (x0(1)*bg(1,2) + x0(2)*bg(2,2) + x0(3)*bg(3,2) )*nr2) + 1
nz0 = nint ( (x0(1)*bg(1,3) + x0(2)*bg(2,3) + x0(3)*bg(3,3) )*nr3) + 1
if ( e1(2) .ne. 0.d0 .or. e1(3) .ne. 0.d0 .or. &
e2(1) .ne. 0.d0 .or. e2(3) .ne. 0.d0 .or. &
e3(1) .ne. 0.d0 .or. e3(2) .ne. 0.d0 ) &
call errore ('plot_fast','need vectors along x,y,z',1)
! find FFT grid points closer to X0 + e1, X0 + e2, X0 + e3
! (the opposite vertex of the parallelepiped)
nx1 = nint ( ((x0(1)+m1)*bg(1,1)+x0(2)*bg(2,1)+x0(3)*bg(3,1) )*nr1)
ny1 = nint ( (x0(1)*bg(1,2)+(x0(2)+m2)*bg(2,2)+x0(3)*bg(3,2) )*nr2)
nz1 = nint ( (x0(1)*bg(1,3)+x0(2)*bg(2,3)+(x0(3)+m3)*bg(3,3) )*nr3)
nx = nx1 - nx0 + 1
ny = ny1 - ny0 + 1
nz = nz1 - nz0 + 1
allocate ( carica(nx, ny, nz) )
carica = 0.d0
do k = nz0, nz1
k1 = mod(k, nr3)
if (k1.le.0) k1 = k1 + nr3
do j = ny0, ny1
j1 = mod(j, nr2)
if (j1.le.0) j1 = j1 + nr2
do i = nx0, nx1
i1 = mod(i, nr1)
if (i1.le.0) i1 = i1 + nr1
carica (i-nx0+1, j-ny0+1, k-nz0+1) = rho(i1, j1, k1)
! recalculate m1, m2, m3 (the sides of the parallelepiped divided by alat)
! consistent with the FFT grid
WRITE( stdout,'(5x,"Requested parallelepiped sides : ",3f8.4)') m1, m2,m3
m1 = nx * sqrt (at(1, 1) **2 + at(2, 1) **2 + at(3, 1) **2) / nr1
m2 = ny * sqrt (at(1, 2) **2 + at(2, 2) **2 + at(3, 2) **2) / nr2
m3 = nz * sqrt (at(1, 3) **2 + at(2, 3) **2 + at(3, 3) **2) / nr3
WRITE( stdout,'(5x,"Redefined parallelepiped sides : ",3f8.4)') m1, m2,m3
! recalculate x0 (the origin of the parallelepiped)
! consistent with the FFT grid
WRITE( stdout,'(5x,"Requested parallelepiped origin: ",3f8.4)') x0
x0(1)=(nx0-1)*at(1,1)/ nr1 +(ny0-1)*at(1,2)/ nr2 +(nz0-1)*at(1,3)/ nr3
x0(2)=(nx0-1)*at(2,1)/ nr1 +(ny0-1)*at(2,2)/ nr2 +(nz0-1)*at(2,3)/ nr3
x0(3)=(nx0-1)*at(3,1)/ nr1 +(ny0-1)*at(3,2)/ nr2 +(nz0-1)*at(3,3)/ nr3
WRITE( stdout,'(5x,"Redefined parallelepiped origin: ",3f8.4)') x0
deltax = m1/nx
deltay = m2/ny
deltaz = m3/nz
! Here we check the value of the resulting charge
call volume(alat,at(1,1),at(1,2),at(1,3),omega)
rhomin = MAX ( MINVAL (carica), 1.d-10 )
rhomax = MAXVAL (carica)
rhotot = SUM (carica(:,:,:)) * omega * deltax * deltay * deltaz
rhoabs = SUM (ABS(carica(:,:,:))) * omega * deltax * deltay * deltaz
write(stdout, '(/5x,"Min, Max, Total, Abs charge: ",4f10.6)') rhomin, &
rhomax, rhotot, rhoabs
if (output_format == 4) then
! "gopenmol" file
call write_openmol_file (alat, at, nat, tau, atm, ityp, x0, &
m1, m2, m3, nx, ny, nz, rhomax, carica, ounit)
! write XSF format
call xsf_struct (alat, at, nat, tau, atm, ityp, ounit)
call xsf_datagrid_3d (carica, nx, ny, nz, m1, m2, m3, x0, &
e1, e2, e3, alat, ounit)
deallocate (carica)
end subroutine plot_fast
subroutine write_openmol_file (alat, at, nat, tau, atm, ityp, x0, &
m1, m2, m3, nx, ny, nz, rhomax, carica, ounit)
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE kinds, only : DP
USE constants, ONLY : bohr => BOHR_RADIUS_ANGS, eps4
implicit none
integer :: nat, ityp (nat), nx, ny, nz, ounit
real(DP) :: alat, tau (3, nat), at (3, 3), rhomax, x0 (3), &
m1, m2, m3, carica (nx, ny, nz)
character(len=3) :: atm(*)
integer, parameter :: MAXATOMS = 999
integer :: natoms
character(len=2) type (MAXATOMS)
integer :: n1, n2, n3, na, i
real(DP) :: atoms (3, MAXATOMS), r (3), x, y, z
real(DP) :: sidex, sidey, sidez
! sides of the parallelepiped in A
sidex = m1 * alat * bohr
sidey = m2 * alat * bohr
sidez = m3 * alat * bohr
! really bad algorithm to generate (hopefully) all atoms
! that are inside the visualization box
natoms = 0
do n1 = - 3, + 3
do n2 = - 3, + 3
do n3 = - 3, + 3
do i = 1, 3
r (i) = n1 * at (i, 1) + n2 * at (i, 2) + n3 * at (i, 3)
do na = 1, nat
! x,y,z are in A
x = (tau (1, na) + r (1) - x0 (1) ) * alat * bohr
y = (tau (2, na) + r (2) - x0 (2) ) * alat * bohr
z = (tau (3, na) + r (3) - x0 (3) ) * alat * bohr
if ( x > -eps4 .and. x < sidex+eps4 .and. &
y > -eps4 .and. y < sidey+eps4 .and. &
z > -eps4 .and. z < sidez+eps4 ) then
natoms = natoms + 1
if (natoms.gt.MAXATOMS) then
write(stdout, '(" MAXATOMS (",i4,") Exceeded, " &
& ,"Truncating " )') MAXATOMS
natoms = MAXATOMS
goto 10
atoms (1, natoms) = x
atoms (2, natoms) = y
atoms (3, natoms) = z
10 WRITE( stdout,'(5x,"Found ",i4," atoms in the box")') natoms
write(ounit,'(" 3 2")')
write(ounit,'(3i5)') nz,ny,nx
write(ounit,'(6f10.4)') 0.0d0,sidez,0.0d0,sidey,0.0d0,sidex
do n3=1,nz
do n2 = 1, ny
do n1 = 1, nx
write (ounit, '(f20.10)') carica (n1, n2, n3)
! gopenmol needs atomic positions in a separate file
write(ounit+1,'(i4,/)') natoms
write(ounit+1,'(2x,a2,3f9.4)') (type(na),( atoms(i,na), i=1,3 ), na=1,natoms )
end subroutine write_openmol_file