
1107 lines
34 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine efg
USE io_files, ONLY : nd_nmbr
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE kinds, ONLY : dp
USE parameters, ONLY : ntypx
USE constants, ONLY : pi, tpi, fpi, angstrom_au, rytoev, electronvolt_si
USE scf, ONLY : rho
USE gvect, ONLY : nr1,nr2,nr3,nrx1,nrx2,nrx3,nrxx,&
! gvectors and parameters for the FFT
USE cell_base, ONLY : at,bg !parameters of the cell
USE ions_base, ONLY : nat, atm, tau, ityp, zv
USE symme, ONLY : nsym, s, irt
USE gipaw_module, ONLY : q_efg, job
USE mp_global, ONLY : intra_pool_comm
USE mp, ONLY : mp_sum
implicit none
integer :: alpha, beta, ig, na, i
real(DP) :: eta, Cq
real(DP) :: fac, trace, arg, e2
complex(DP), allocatable:: aux(:)
complex(DP), allocatable:: efgg_el(:,:,:),efgr_el(:,:,:)
complex(DP), allocatable:: efg_io(:,:,:)
real(DP), allocatable:: zion(:), efg_corr_tens(:,:,:), efg_total(:,:,:)
real(DP):: efg_eig(3), v(3)
complex(DP) :: workc(3,3), efg_vect(3,3)
! e2 = 2.0_dp ! rydberg
e2 = 1.0_dp ! hartree
fac= fpi * e2
aux(:) = rho%of_r(:,1)
efgg_el(:,:,:) = (0.0_dp,0.0_dp)
call cft3(aux,nr1,nr2,nr3,nrx1,nrx2,nrx3,-1)
! calculation of the electric field gradient in the G-space
do ig= gstart, ngm
trace = 1.0_dp/3.0_dp * gg(ig)
do alpha=1,3
efgg_el(ig,alpha,alpha)= -trace
do beta=1,3
efgg_el(ig,alpha,beta) = ( efgg_el(ig,alpha,beta) &
+ g(alpha,ig) * g(beta,ig)) * fac * aux(nl(ig)) / gg(ig)
end do
end do
end do
! fourier transform on the atomic position
do alpha=1,3
do beta=1,3
do na=1,nat
do ig= gstart, ngm
efgr_el(na,alpha,beta)=efgr_el(na,alpha,beta) &
+ efgg_el(ig,alpha,beta) * CMPLX(cos(arg),sin(arg),kind=DP)
end do
end do
end do
end do
#ifdef __PARA
call mp_sum( efgr_el, intra_pool_comm ) !2*, efgr_el is a complex array
write ( stdout, '( / )' )
do na=1,nat
do beta=1,3
write ( stdout, 1000 ) atm(ityp(na)), na, "efgr_el", &
( REAL(efgr_el(na,alpha,beta),dp), alpha = 1, 3 )
end do
write ( stdout, '( / )' )
end do
1000 FORMAT(1x,a,i3,2x,a,3(1x,f9.6))
! Ionic contribution
call ewald_dipole (efg_io, zv)
do na=1,nat
do beta=1,3
write (stdout,1000) atm(ityp(na)), na, "efg_ion", &
( REAL(efg_io(na,alpha,beta),dp), alpha = 1, 3 )
end do
write ( stdout, '( / )' )
end do
call efg_correction ( efg_corr_tens )
! symmetrise efg_tensor
do na = 1,nat
call trntns (efg_corr_tens(:,:,na),at, bg, -1)
end do
call symz(efg_corr_tens, nsym, s, nat, irt)
do na = 1,nat
call trntns (efg_corr_tens(:,:,na),at, bg, 1)
end do
! print results
do na=1,nat
do beta=1,3
write (stdout,1000) atm(ityp(na)),na,"efg_corr", &
( 2*sqrt(6.0_dp)*efg_corr_tens(alpha,beta,na), alpha = 1, 3 )
end do
write ( stdout, '( / )' )
end do
write ( stdout, '( "Total EFG calculation:", / )' )
do na=1,nat
efg_total(:,:,na) = efg_corr_tens(:,:,na) &
+ REAL ( efgr_el(na,:,:) + efg_io(na,:,:), dp )
do beta=1,3
write (stdout,1000) atm(ityp(na)),na,"efg",&
end do
write ( stdout, '( / )' )
do alpha=1,3
do beta=1,3
workc(beta,alpha) = CMPLX( efg_total(alpha,beta,na), 0.0_dp ,kind=DP)
end do
end do
! diagonalise the tensor to extract the quadrupolar parameters Cq and eta
call cdiagh(3,workc,3,efg_eig,efg_vect)
v(2) = efg_eig(2)
if ( abs(efg_eig(1)) > abs(efg_eig(3)) ) then
end if
if (abs(v(1))<1e-5) then
eta = 0.0_dp
eta = (v(2)-v(3))/v(1)
end if
Cq = v(1) * q_efg(ityp(na)) * rytoev*2.0_dp * angstrom_au ** 2 &
* electronvolt_si * 1.d18 / 6.62620_dp
write ( stdout, '( 1x, a, 1x, i3, 5x, "eig= ", 3(F10.6,3X) )' ) &
atm(ityp(na)), na, v(1:3)
write ( stdout, 1200 ) atm(ityp(na)), na, q_efg(ityp(na)), Cq, eta
write ( stdout, '( / )' )
end do
1200 FORMAT ( 1x, a, 1x, i3, 5x, 'Q= ', f5.2, ' 10e-30 m^2', &
5x, ' Cq=', f9.4, ' MHz', 5x, 'eta= ', f8.5 )
end subroutine efg
subroutine hyperfine
USE io_files, ONLY : nd_nmbr
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE kinds, ONLY : dp
USE parameters, ONLY : ntypx
USE constants, ONLY : pi, tpi, fpi, angstrom_au, rytoev, electronvolt_si, c_si
USE scf, ONLY : rho
USE gvect, ONLY : nr1,nr2,nr3,nrx1,nrx2,nrx3,nrxx,&
! gvectors and parameters for the FFT
USE cell_base, ONLY : at,bg ! parameters of the cell
USE ions_base, ONLY : nat, atm, tau, ityp, zv
USE symme, ONLY : nsym, s, irt
USE lsda_mod, ONLY : current_spin, nspin
USE wvfct, ONLY : current_k
USE gipaw_module, ONLY : hfi_nuclear_g_factor, hfi_output_unit, &
hfi_isotope, job, hfi_via_reconstruction_only, &
iverbosity, radial_integral_splines
use constants, ONLY: BOHR_RADIUS_SI
USE mp_global, ONLY : intra_pool_comm
USE mp, ONLY : mp_sum
implicit none
integer :: alpha, beta, ig, na, i
INTEGER :: spin, s_min, s_maj
REAL ( dp ) :: common_factor, output_factor, rho_diff
real(DP) :: trace, arg, e2, fact
real(DP) :: efg_eig(3), v(3), delta_Th(ngm,ntypx)
complex(DP) :: workc(3,3), efg_vect(3,3)
complex(DP), allocatable :: aux(:)
complex(DP), allocatable :: efgg_el(:,:,:),efgr_el(:,:,:)
complex(DP), allocatable :: efg_io(:,:,:)
complex(DP), allocatable :: efgr_fc_bare(:)
real(DP), allocatable :: efg_corr_tens(:,:,:), efg_total(:,:,:)
real(DP), allocatable :: fc_recon(:)
real(DP), allocatable :: fc_recon_extrapolated(:)
real(DP), allocatable :: fc_recon_zora(:)
real(DP), allocatable :: fc_recon_zora_extrapolated(:)
complex(DP), allocatable :: efgr_fc_bare_zora(:)
REAL ( dp ) :: mu0_by_fpi = 1e-7
REAL ( dp ) :: mu_n = 5.05078324e-27_DP ! was: 5.051e-27
REAL ( dp ) :: Bohr_radius = BOHR_RADIUS_SI
REAL ( dp ) :: gamma_e = 28024953.64_dp ! was: 28.0e6
REAL ( dp ) :: lambda = C_SI / 1.0e+8_dp ! was: 2.997
common_factor = mu0_by_fpi * mu_n / Bohr_radius ** 3
SELECT CASE ( TRIM ( hfi_output_unit ) )
CASE ( 'MHz' )
output_factor = 1e-3 * common_factor * gamma_e
CASE ( 'mT' )
output_factor = 1e3 * common_factor
CASE ( 'G', 'Gauss' )
output_factor = 1e4 * common_factor
CASE ( '10e-4cm^-1' )
output_factor = 1e-3 * common_factor * gamma_e &
/ lambda
CALL errore ( "hyperfine", "unknown units for output", 1 )
! Select majority and minority spin components
rho_diff = SUM ( rho%of_r( :, 1 ) - rho%of_r( :, nspin ) )
#ifdef __PARA
call mp_sum( rho_diff, intra_pool_comm )
if ( rho_diff > +1.0d-3 ) then
s_maj = 1
s_min = nspin
else if ( rho_diff < -1.0d-3 ) then
s_maj = nspin
s_min = 1
write ( stdout, * ) "WARNING: rho_diff zero!"
end if
aux(:) = rho%of_r(:,s_maj) - rho%of_r(:,s_min)
efgg_el(:,:,:) = (0.0_dp,0.0_dp)
call cft3(aux,nr1,nr2,nr3,nrx1,nrx2,nrx3,-1)
! calculation of the electric field gradient in the G-space
do ig= gstart, ngm
trace = 1.0_dp/3.0_dp * gg(ig)
do alpha=1, 3
efgg_el(ig,alpha,alpha) = - trace
do beta=1, 3
efgg_el(ig,alpha,beta) = ( efgg_el(ig,alpha,beta) &
+ g(alpha,ig) * g(beta,ig) ) * fpi * aux(nl(ig)) / gg(ig)
end do
end do
end do
! fourier transform on the atomic position
efgr_el = (0.0_dp,0.0_dp)
do alpha=1,3
do beta=1,3
do na=1,nat
do ig= gstart, ngm
efgr_el(na,alpha,beta) = efgr_el(na,alpha,beta) &
- efgg_el(ig,alpha,beta) * CMPLX(cos(arg),sin(arg),kind=DP)
end do
end do
end do
end do
#ifdef __PARA
call mp_sum( efgr_el, intra_pool_comm ) !2*, efgr_el is a complex array
write ( stdout, '( / )' )
do na=1,nat
do beta=1,3
fact = hfi_nuclear_g_factor(ityp(na)) * output_factor
write ( stdout, 1000 ) atm(ityp(na)), na, "hfi_bare ", &
( fact * REAL(efgr_el(na,alpha,beta),dp), alpha = 1, 3 )
end do
write ( stdout, '( / )' )
end do
1000 FORMAT(1x,a,i3,2x,a,3(1x,f14.6))
! Fermi contact term - non-relativistic bare part
efgr_fc_bare = (0.0_dp,0.0_dp)
IF ( .NOT. hfi_via_reconstruction_only ) THEN
do na=1,nat
do ig = gstart, ngm
arg = (tau(1,na)*g(1,ig)+tau(2,na)*g(2,ig)+tau(3,na)*g(3,ig))*tpi
efgr_fc_bare(na) = efgr_fc_bare(na) &
+ aux(nl(ig)) * CMPLX(cos(arg),sin(arg),kind=DP)
end do
end do
#ifdef __PARA
call mp_sum( efgr_fc_bare, intra_pool_comm ) !2*, efgr_fc_bare is a complex array
! Dipole-dipole interaction
CALL efg_correction ( efg_corr_tens )
! PAW reconstruction for Fermi contact term
CALL fermi_contact_reconstruction ( fc_recon, fc_recon_extrapolated, &
fc_recon_zora, fc_recon_zora_extrapolated )
efgr_fc_bare_zora = (0.0_dp,0.0_dp)
IF ( .NOT. hfi_via_reconstruction_only ) THEN
! Fourier transform of Thomson's delta function
CALL delta_Thomson_radial_ft ( delta_Th )
! Fourier transform on the atomic position
do na=1, nat
do ig= gstart, ngm
arg = (tau(1,na)*g(1,ig)+tau(2,na)*g(2,ig)+tau(3,na)*g(3,ig))*tpi
efgr_fc_bare_zora(na) = efgr_fc_bare_zora(na) &
+ delta_Th(ig,ityp(na)) * aux(nl(ig)) &
* CMPLX( cos(arg), sin(arg) ,kind=DP)
end do
end do
#ifdef __PARA
call mp_sum( efgr_fc_bare_zora, intra_pool_comm ) !2*, efgr_fc_bare_zora is a complex array
! symmetrise efg_tensor (dipole-dipole interaction)
do na = 1,nat
call trntns (efg_corr_tens(:,:,na),at, bg, -1)
end do
call symz(efg_corr_tens, nsym, s, nat, irt)
do na = 1,nat
call trntns (efg_corr_tens(:,:,na),at, bg, 1)
end do
! print results
do na=1,nat
do beta=1,3
fact = hfi_nuclear_g_factor(ityp(na)) * output_factor
write (stdout,1000) atm(ityp(na)),na,"hfi_recon", &
( fact * efg_corr_tens(alpha,beta,na), alpha = 1, 3 )
end do
write ( stdout, '( / )' )
end do
write ( stdout, '( A, 2/ )' ) &
" ******************************** HFI ********************************"
do na=1,nat
efg_total(:,:,na) = REAL ( efgr_el(na,:,:), dp ) + efg_corr_tens(:,:,na)
write ( stdout, 1200 ) atm(ityp(na)), na, &
hfi_nuclear_g_factor(ityp(na)), hfi_output_unit
do beta=1,3
fact = hfi_nuclear_g_factor(ityp(na)) * output_factor
write (stdout,1000) atm(ityp(na)),na,"hfi_dipole",&
(fact * efg_total(alpha,beta,na),alpha=1,3)
end do
do alpha=1,3
do beta=1,3
workc(beta,alpha) = CMPLX( efg_total(alpha,beta,na), 0.0_dp ,kind=DP)
end do
end do
! diagonalise the tensor to extract the parametres
call cdiagh(3,workc,3,efg_eig,efg_vect)
v(2) = efg_eig(2)
if ( abs(efg_eig(1)) < abs(efg_eig(3)) ) then
v(1) = efg_eig(1)
v(3) = efg_eig(3)
v(1) = efg_eig(3)
v(3) = efg_eig(1)
end if
write ( stdout, '( )' )
write (stdout,1000) atm(ityp(na)),na,"hfi_dipole",&
v(1:3) * output_factor * hfi_nuclear_g_factor(ityp(na))
write ( stdout, '( )' )
!write ( stdout, '( A, 1x, i3 )' ) atm(ityp(na)), na
write ( stdout, '( A )' ) &
"Fermi contact term: bare reconstruction total"
IF ( .NOT. radial_integral_splines ) THEN
WRITE ( stdout, * ) "No extrapolation with Simpson"
common_factor = 8*pi/3 * output_factor * hfi_nuclear_g_factor(ityp(na))
IF ( iverbosity > 5 ) THEN
write ( stdout, '( 18x, 3(1x,F14.6) )' ) &
common_factor * REAL ( efgr_fc_bare(na) ), &
common_factor * fc_recon(na), &
common_factor * ( REAL ( efgr_fc_bare(na) ) + fc_recon(na) )
write ( stdout, '( 18x, 3(1x,F14.6) )' ) &
common_factor * REAL ( efgr_fc_bare(na) ), &
common_factor * fc_recon_extrapolated(na), &
common_factor &
* ( REAL ( efgr_fc_bare(na) ) + fc_recon_extrapolated(na) )
write ( stdout, '( A )' ) " **** ZORA ****"
common_factor = 8*pi/3 * output_factor * hfi_nuclear_g_factor(ityp(na))
IF ( iverbosity > 5 ) THEN
write ( stdout, '( 18x, 3(1x,F14.6) )' ) &
common_factor * REAL ( efgr_fc_bare_zora(na) ), &
common_factor * fc_recon_zora(na), &
common_factor &
* ( REAL ( efgr_fc_bare_zora(na) ) + fc_recon_zora(na) )
write ( stdout, '( 18x, 3(1x,F14.6), / )' ) &
common_factor * REAL ( efgr_fc_bare_zora(na) ), &
common_factor * fc_recon_zora_extrapolated(na), &
common_factor &
* ( REAL ( efgr_fc_bare_zora(na) ) + fc_recon_zora_extrapolated(na) )
write ( stdout, '( / )' )
end do
1200 FORMAT ( 1x, a, i3, ': g_n =', f10.6, 18x, a, 2x, 3f14.6 )
end subroutine hyperfine
subroutine efg_correction ( efg_corr_tens )
USE io_files, ONLY : nwordwfc, iunwfc
USE kinds, ONLY : dp
USE uspp, ONLY : ap
USE parameters, ONLY : lmaxx, ntypx
USE atom, ONLY : rgrid
USE gvect, ONLY : g,ngm,ecutwfc
USE klist, ONLY : nks, xk, wk
USE cell_base, ONLY : tpiba2
USE ions_base, ONLY : nat, ityp, ntyp => nsp
USE wvfct, ONLY : npwx, nbnd, npw, igk, g2kin
USE wavefunctions_module, ONLY : evc
USE paw_gipaw, ONLY : paw_recon, paw_nkb, paw_vkb, paw_becp
USE becmod, ONLY : calbec
USE constants, ONLY : pi, fpi
USE buffers
USE scf, ONLY : rho
USE lsda_mod, ONLY : current_spin, nspin, isk
USE wvfct, ONLY : current_k, wg
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE gipaw_module, ONLY : job, nbnd_occ, spline_integration, &
radial_integral_splines, &
USE mp_global, ONLY : intra_pool_comm
USE mp, ONLY : mp_sum
implicit none
! Argument
real(DP), intent(out) :: efg_corr_tens(3,3,nat)
! Local
integer :: j, ill, nt, ibnd, il1, il2, ik, iat, nbs1, nbs2, kkpsi
integer :: lm,l,m,m1,m2,lm1,lm2, l1, l2,m3,m4,n,n1,nrc
integer :: ijkb0,ijkb,ih,jh,na,np,ikb,jkb, r_first
INTEGER :: s_min, s_maj, s_weight
REAL ( dp ) :: rc, rho_diff, sum_occ(nspin)
complex(DP) :: bec_product
real(DP), allocatable :: at_efg(:,:,:), work(:)
complex(DP), allocatable :: efg_corr(:,:)
allocate ( efg_corr(lmaxx**2,nat) )
efg_corr = 0.0_dp
! Select majority and minority spin components
rho_diff = SUM ( rho%of_r( :, 1 ) - rho%of_r( :, nspin ) )
#ifdef __PARA
call mp_sum( rho_diff, intra_pool_comm )
IF ( nspin > 1 .and. abs(rho_diff) < 1.0d-3 ) THEN
write ( stdout, * ) "WARNING: rho_diff zero!"
if ( rho_diff >= 0.0d0 ) then
s_maj = 1
s_min = nspin
else if ( rho_diff < 0.0d0 ) then
s_maj = nspin
s_min = 1
end if
allocate ( at_efg ( paw_nkb, paw_nkb, ntypx) )
! calculate radial integration on atom site
! <aephi|1/r^3|aephi>-<psphi|1/r^3|psphi>
at_efg = 0.0_dp
do nt = 1, ntyp
kkpsi = paw_recon(nt)%aephi(1)%kkpsi
allocate ( work(kkpsi) )
IF ( ABS ( rgrid(nt)%r(1) ) < 1e-8 ) THEN
r_first = 2
r_first = 1
do il1 = 1, paw_recon(nt)%paw_nbeta
nrc = paw_recon(nt)%psphi(il1)%label%nrc
do il2 = 1, paw_recon(nt)%paw_nbeta
work = 0.0_dp
do j = r_first, nrc
work(j) = &
( paw_recon(nt)%aephi(il1)%psi(j) &
* paw_recon(nt)%aephi(il2)%psi(j) &
- paw_recon(nt)%psphi(il1)%psi(j) &
* paw_recon(nt)%psphi(il2)%psi(j) ) &
/ rgrid(nt)%r(j) ** 3
end do
IF ( radial_integral_splines ) THEN
at_efg(il1,il2,nt) = &
spline_integration ( rgrid(nt)%r(:nrc), work(:nrc) )
call simpson(nrc,work,rgrid(nt)%rab,at_efg(il1,il2,nt))
end do
end do
deallocate ( work )
end do
! calculation of the reconstruction part
do ik = 1, nks
current_k = ik
current_spin = isk(ik)
! Different sign for spins only in "hyperfine", not "efg"
if ( current_spin == s_min .AND. job == "hyperfine" ) then
s_weight = -1
s_weight = +1
end if
call gk_sort ( xk(1,ik), ngm, g, ecutwfc / tpiba2, npw, igk, g2kin )
! g2kin(:) = g2kin(:) * tpiba2
call get_buffer ( evc, nwordwfc, iunwfc, ik)
call init_gipaw_2 ( npw, igk, xk(1,ik), paw_vkb )
!it was: call ccalbec ( paw_nkb, npwx, npw, nbnd, paw_becp, paw_vkb, evc )
call calbec ( npw, paw_vkb, evc, paw_becp )
do ibnd = 1, nbnd_occ(ik)
ijkb0 = 0
do nt = 1, ntyp
do na = 1, nat
if ( ityp(na) == nt ) then
do ih = 1, paw_recon(nt)%paw_nh
ikb = ijkb0 + ih
nbs1 = paw_recon(nt)%paw_indv(ih)
l1 = paw_recon(nt)%paw_nhtol(ih)
m1 = paw_recon(nt)%paw_nhtom(ih)
lm1 = m1 + l1**2
do jh = 1, paw_recon(nt)%paw_nh
jkb = ijkb0 + jh
nbs2 = paw_recon(nt)%paw_indv(jh)
l2 = paw_recon(nt)%paw_nhtol(jh)
m2 = paw_recon(nt)%paw_nhtom(jh)
lm2 = m2 + l2**2
bec_product = paw_becp(jkb,ibnd) &
* CONJG( paw_becp(ikb,ibnd) )
do lm = 5, 9
efg_corr(lm,na) = efg_corr(lm,na) &
+ s_weight * bec_product &
* at_efg(nbs1,nbs2,nt) &
* ap(lm,lm1,lm2) * wg(ibnd,ik)
end do
end do
end do
ijkb0 = ijkb0 + paw_recon(nt)%paw_nh
end if
end do
end do
end do
end do
! For hyper-fine interaction the function used is
! (3r_ir_j/r^2 - delta_i,j) / r^3, for efg the other way round;
! the former is implemented above, so...
IF ( job == "hyperfine" ) THEN
efg_corr = - efg_corr
! transform in cartesian coordinates
efg_corr_tens(1,1,:) = sqrt(3.0_dp) * efg_corr(8,:) - efg_corr(5,:)
efg_corr_tens(2,2,:) = -sqrt(3.0_dp) * efg_corr(8,:) - efg_corr(5,:)
efg_corr_tens(3,3,:) = 2.0_dp * efg_corr(5,:)
efg_corr_tens(1,2,:) = sqrt(3.0_dp) * efg_corr(9,:)
efg_corr_tens(2,1,:) = efg_corr_tens(1,2,:)
efg_corr_tens(1,3,:) = -efg_corr(6,:) * sqrt(3.0_dp)
efg_corr_tens(3,1,:) = efg_corr_tens(1,3,:)
efg_corr_tens(2,3,:) = -efg_corr(7,:) * sqrt(3.0_dp)
efg_corr_tens(3,2,:) = efg_corr_tens(2,3,:)
efg_corr_tens = - sqrt(4.0_dp*pi/5.0_dp)*efg_corr_tens
! dia_corr(5,:) = 3z^2-1
! dia_corr(6,:) = -xz
! dia_corr(7,:) = -yz
! dia_corr(8,:) = x^2-y^2
! dia_corr(9,:) = xy
deallocate ( efg_corr )
deallocate ( at_efg )
end subroutine efg_correction
subroutine fermi_contact_reconstruction ( fc_recon, fc_recon_extrapolated, &
fc_recon_zora, fc_recon_zora_extrapolated )
USE io_files, ONLY : nwordwfc, iunwfc
USE kinds, ONLY : dp
USE uspp, ONLY : ap
USE parameters, ONLY : lmaxx, ntypx
USE atom, ONLY : rgrid
USE gvect, ONLY : g,ngm,ecutwfc, gg
USE klist, ONLY : nks, xk, wk
USE cell_base, ONLY : tpiba2
USE ions_base, ONLY : nat, ityp, ntyp => nsp, atm
USE wvfct, ONLY : npwx, nbnd, npw, igk, g2kin
USE wavefunctions_module, ONLY : evc
USE paw_gipaw, ONLY : paw_recon, paw_nkb, paw_vkb, paw_becp
USE becmod, ONLY : calbec
USE constants, ONLY : pi, fpi
USE buffers
USE scf, ONLY : rho
USE lsda_mod, ONLY : current_spin, nspin, isk
USE wvfct, ONLY : current_k, wg
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE gipaw_module, ONLY : job, nbnd_occ, alpha, iverbosity, &
spline_integration, &
spline_integration_mirror, &
radial_integral_splines, &
radial_extrapolation, &
spline_mirror_extrapolate, &
hfi_extrapolation_npoints, &
USE mp_global, ONLY : intra_pool_comm
USE mp, ONLY : mp_sum
implicit none
! Argument
real(DP), intent(out) :: fc_recon(nat)
real(DP), intent(out) :: fc_recon_extrapolated(nat)
real(DP), intent(out) :: fc_recon_zora(nat)
real(DP), intent(out) :: fc_recon_zora_extrapolated(nat)
! Local
integer :: j, ill, nt, ibnd, il1, il2, ik, iat, nbs1, nbs2, kkpsi
integer :: lm,l,m,m1,m2,lm1,lm2, l1, l2,m3,m4,n,n1,nrc
integer :: ijkb0,ijkb,ih,jh,na,np,ikb,jkb
INTEGER :: s_min, s_maj, s_weight, r_first, gv
REAL ( dp ) :: rc, rho_diff, arg, r_Thomson
complex(DP) :: bec_product
real(DP), allocatable :: at_efg(:,:,:), at_efg_zora(:,:,:)
real(DP), allocatable :: at_efg_extrapolated(:,:,:)
real(DP), allocatable :: at_efg_zora_extrapolated(:,:,:)
real(DP), allocatable :: work(:)
REAL ( dp ), ALLOCATABLE :: x_extrapolate(:), y_extrapolate(:)
REAL ( dp ) :: startu, startd, x
real(DP), allocatable :: r_symmetric(:), work_symmetric(:), d2y(:)
INTEGER :: norder_extrapolate = 3
INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: atomic_number
allocate ( at_efg(paw_nkb,paw_nkb,ntyp) )
allocate ( at_efg_extrapolated(paw_nkb,paw_nkb,ntyp) )
allocate ( at_efg_zora(paw_nkb,paw_nkb,ntyp) )
allocate ( at_efg_zora_extrapolated(paw_nkb,paw_nkb,ntyp) )
! calculate radial integration on atom site
! <aephi|1/r^3|aephi>-<psphi|1/r^3|psphi>
at_efg = 0.0_dp
at_efg_zora = 0.0_dp
do nt = 1, ntyp
kkpsi = paw_recon(nt)%aephi(1)%kkpsi
allocate ( work(kkpsi) )
IF ( ABS ( rgrid(nt)%r(1) ) < 1e-8 ) THEN
r_first = 2
r_first = 1
r_Thomson = atomic_number ( atm(nt) ) * alpha ** 2
ALLOCATE ( x_extrapolate(hfi_extrapolation_npoints) )
ALLOCATE ( y_extrapolate(hfi_extrapolation_npoints) )
DO j = 1, hfi_extrapolation_npoints
IF ( radial_integral_splines ) THEN
x_extrapolate(j) = j / REAL ( hfi_extrapolation_npoints, dp ) &
* rgrid(nt)%r(r_first)
x_extrapolate(j) = j / REAL ( hfi_extrapolation_npoints + 1, dp ) &
* rgrid(nt)%r(r_first)
do il1 = 1, paw_recon(nt)%paw_nbeta
nrc = paw_recon(nt)%psphi(il1)%label%nrc
l1 = paw_recon(nt)%psphi(il1)%label%l
IF ( l1 /= 0 ) CYCLE
do il2 = 1, paw_recon(nt)%paw_nbeta
l2 = paw_recon(nt)%psphi(il2)%label%l
IF ( l2 /= 0 ) CYCLE
work = 0.0_dp
IF ( hfi_via_reconstruction_only ) THEN
do j = r_first, nrc
work(j) = &
( paw_recon(nt)%aephi(il1)%psi(j) &
* paw_recon(nt)%aephi(il2)%psi(j) ) &
/ rgrid(nt)%r(j) ** 2 / fpi
end do
do j = r_first, nrc
work(j) = &
( paw_recon(nt)%aephi(il1)%psi(j) &
* paw_recon(nt)%aephi(il2)%psi(j) &
- paw_recon(nt)%psphi(il1)%psi(j) &
* paw_recon(nt)%psphi(il2)%psi(j) ) &
/ rgrid(nt)%r(j) ** 2 / fpi
end do
at_efg(il1,il2,nt) = work(r_first)
! Extrapolation a'la paratec
x = 0.0
at_efg_extrapolated(il1,il2,nt) &
= spline_mirror_extrapolate ( rgrid(nt)%r(:nrc), work(:nrc), x )
CALL radial_extrapolation ( rgrid(nt)%r(:), work(:nrc), &
x_extrapolate, y_extrapolate, norder_extrapolate )
! Value at the first extrapolated radial point
!at_efg_extrapolated(il1,il2,nt) = y_extrapolate(1)
!at_efg_extrapolated(il1,il2,nt) = y_extrapolate(1)
! Multiply with Thomson's delta function
do j = r_first, nrc
work(j) = work(j) &
* 2 / ( r_Thomson &
* ( 1 + 2 * rgrid(nt)%r(j) / r_Thomson ) ** 2 )
end do
IF ( radial_integral_splines ) THEN
at_efg_zora(il1,il2,nt) &
= spline_integration ( rgrid(nt)%r(:nrc), work(:nrc) )
CALL simpson(nrc,work,rgrid(nt)%rab(:),at_efg_zora(il1,il2,nt))
! ... jetzt wird's extrapoliert...
do j = 1, hfi_extrapolation_npoints
y_extrapolate(j) = y_extrapolate(j) &
* 2 / ( r_Thomson &
* ( 1 + 2 * x_extrapolate(j) / r_Thomson ) ** 2 )
end do
IF ( radial_integral_splines ) THEN
at_efg_zora_extrapolated(il1,il2,nt) &
= at_efg_zora(il1,il2,nt) &
+ spline_integration_mirror ( x_extrapolate, y_extrapolate )
at_efg_zora_extrapolated(il1,il2,nt) &
= at_efg_zora(il1,il2,nt)
end do
end do
deallocate ( x_extrapolate, y_extrapolate )
deallocate ( work )
end do
! calculation of the reconstruction part
! Select majority and minority spin components
rho_diff = SUM ( rho%of_r( :, 1 ) - rho%of_r( :, nspin ) )
#ifdef __PARA
call mp_sum( rho_diff, intra_pool_comm )
if ( rho_diff > +1.0d-3 ) then
s_maj = 1
s_min = nspin
else if ( rho_diff < -1.0d-3 ) then
s_maj = nspin
s_min = 1
write ( stdout, * ) "WARNING: rho_diff zero!"
end if
fc_recon = 0.0
fc_recon_extrapolated = 0.0
fc_recon_zora = 0.0
fc_recon_zora_extrapolated = 0.0
do ik = 1, nks
current_k = ik
current_spin = isk(ik)
! Different sign for spins only in "hyperfine", not "efg"
if ( current_spin == s_min .AND. job == "hyperfine" ) then
s_weight = -1
s_weight = +1
end if
call gk_sort ( xk(1,ik), ngm, g, ecutwfc / tpiba2, npw, igk, g2kin )
call get_buffer ( evc, nwordwfc, iunwfc, ik)
call init_gipaw_2 ( npw, igk, xk(1,ik), paw_vkb )
!it was: call ccalbec ( paw_nkb, npwx, npw, nbnd, paw_becp, paw_vkb, evc )
call calbec ( npw, paw_vkb, evc, paw_becp )
do ibnd = 1, nbnd_occ(ik)
ijkb0 = 0
do nt = 1, ntyp
do na = 1, nat
if ( ityp(na) == nt ) then
do ih = 1, paw_recon(nt)%paw_nh
ikb = ijkb0 + ih
nbs1 = paw_recon(nt)%paw_indv(ih)
l1 = paw_recon(nt)%paw_nhtol(ih)
m1 = paw_recon(nt)%paw_nhtom(ih)
lm1 = m1 + l1**2
IF ( l1 /= 0 ) CYCLE
do jh = 1, paw_recon(nt)%paw_nh
jkb = ijkb0 + jh
nbs2 = paw_recon(nt)%paw_indv(jh)
l2 = paw_recon(nt)%paw_nhtol(jh)
m2 = paw_recon(nt)%paw_nhtom(jh)
lm2 = m2 + l2**2
IF ( l2 /= 0 ) CYCLE
bec_product = paw_becp(jkb,ibnd) &
* CONJG( paw_becp(ikb,ibnd) )
fc_recon(na) = fc_recon(na) &
+ s_weight * at_efg(nbs1,nbs2,nt) &
* bec_product * wg(ibnd,ik)
fc_recon_extrapolated(na) = fc_recon_extrapolated(na) &
+ s_weight * at_efg_extrapolated(nbs1,nbs2,nt) &
* bec_product * wg(ibnd,ik)
fc_recon_zora(na) = fc_recon_zora(na) &
+ s_weight * at_efg_zora(nbs1,nbs2,nt) &
* bec_product * wg(ibnd,ik)
fc_recon_zora_extrapolated(na) &
= fc_recon_zora_extrapolated(na) &
+ s_weight &
* at_efg_zora_extrapolated(nbs1,nbs2,nt) &
* bec_product * wg(ibnd,ik)
end do
end do
ijkb0 = ijkb0 + paw_recon(nt)%paw_nh
end if
end do
end do
end do
end do
deallocate ( at_efg )
deallocate ( at_efg_extrapolated )
deallocate ( at_efg_zora )
deallocate ( at_efg_zora_extrapolated )
end subroutine fermi_contact_reconstruction
subroutine delta_Thomson_radial_ft ( delta_Th )
USE kinds, ONLY : dp
USE atom, ONLY : rgrid
USE gvect, ONLY : ngm, gg
USE ions_base, ONLY : ntyp => nsp, atm
USE constants, ONLY : pi, fpi
USE cell_base, ONLY : tpiba
USE gipaw_module, ONLY : alpha, iverbosity, spline_integration, &
implicit none
! Argument
real(DP), intent(out) :: delta_Th(ngm,ntyp)
! Local
INTEGER :: gv, j, nt, r_first
REAL ( dp ) :: gr, r_Thomson, delta_Th_correction
REAL(dp), allocatable :: f_radial(:), work(:)
INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: atomic_number
do nt = 1, ntyp
allocate ( work(rgrid(nt)%mesh), f_radial(rgrid(nt)%mesh) )
! Thomson's delta function
r_Thomson = atomic_number ( atm(nt) ) * alpha ** 2
! Terms rgrid(nt)%r(j) ** 2 from the definition of delta_Thomson
! and the radial volume element r^2 in integral cancel each other
DO j = 1, rgrid(nt)%mesh
f_radial(j) = 2 / ( fpi * r_Thomson &
* ( 1 + 2 * rgrid(nt)%r(j) / r_Thomson ) ** 2 )
DO gv = 1, ngm
! Thomson delta function
work = 0.0_dp
do j = 1, rgrid(nt)%mesh
gr = SQRT(gg(gv)) * tpiba * rgrid(nt)%r(j)
IF ( gr < 1.0e-8 ) THEN
work(j) = f_radial(j) * fpi
work(j) = f_radial(j) * fpi * SIN ( gr ) / gr
end do
IF ( radial_integral_splines ) THEN
delta_Th(gv,nt) &
= spline_integration ( rgrid(nt)%r(:rgrid(nt)%mesh), &
work(:rgrid(nt)%mesh) )
CALL simpson(rgrid(nt)%mesh,work,rgrid(nt)%rab(:),delta_Th(gv,nt))
IF ( iverbosity > 100 ) THEN
write(1020+nt,*) SQRT(gg(gv))*tpiba, delta_Th(gv,nt)
! Neglect the dependence on sin(gr)/(gr) - r assumed to be small enough
IF ( ABS ( rgrid(nt)%r(1) ) < 1e-8 ) THEN
r_first = 2
r_first = 1
delta_Th(:ngm,nt) = delta_Th(:ngm,nt) + delta_Th_correction
deallocate ( work, f_radial )
end do
end subroutine delta_Thomson_radial_ft