
260 lines
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! Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
! original version by I. Dabo and N. Marzari (MIT)
! contributions by E. Lamas and S. de Gironcoli (SISSA/DEMOCRITOS)
SUBROUTINE add_dcc_field( vpot, vcorr, rhotot,nelec, &
nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, nrxx, &
nl, nlm, g, gg, ngm, gstart, nspin )
! ... Adds the density-countercharge (DCC) correction vcorr
! ... to the periodic-boundary-condition (PBC) potential
! ... to obtain the open-boundary-condition (OBC) potential
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE ions_base, ONLY : nat, &
ityp, &
USE cell_base, ONLY : alat, &
omega, &
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE ee_mod, ONLY : mcc => mixing_charge_compensation, &
vloccoul, &
cellmin, &
cellmax, &
mr1, mr2, mr3
USE mp_global, ONLY: intra_pool_comm, me_pool
USE mp , ONLY: mp_sum
! ... Declares variables
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, nrxx, nspin, &
ngm, gstart, nl( ngm ), nlm( ngm)
REAL( DP ), INTENT(IN) :: g( ngm ), gg( ngm ), nelec
REAL( DP ), INTENT(IN) :: rhotot( nrx1*nrx2*nrx3 )
REAL( DP ) :: vpot( nrx1*nrx2*nrx3 ), &
vcorr( nrx1*nrx2*nrx3 )
REAL( DP ) :: t1, t2, t3
REAL( DP ) :: delta1n, delta2n, delta3n
REAL( DP ) :: delta1m, delta2m, delta3m
REAL( DP ) :: rhoavg
REAL( DP ) :: rhoavgcoarse
REAL( DP) :: rhocharge, ehart
INTEGER :: mrxx
CHARACTER( LEN = 256 ) :: which_print
CHARACTER( LEN = 256 ) :: fileName
REAL( DP ), ALLOCATABLE :: aux( : )
REAL( DP ), ALLOCATABLE :: vfft( : )
REAL( DP ), ALLOCATABLE :: old_vcorr( : )
REAL( DP ), ALLOCATABLE :: rhocoarse( : )
REAL( DP ), ALLOCATABLE :: vcorrcoarse( : )
REAL( DP ), ALLOCATABLE :: eps( : )
REAL( DP ), ALLOCATABLE :: kap2( : )
! ... Initializes variables
delta1n = alat * at( 1, 1 ) / DBLE( nr1 )
delta2n = alat * at( 2, 2 ) / DBLE( nr2 )
delta3n = alat * at( 3, 3 ) / DBLE( nr3 )
delta1m = alat * at( 1, 1 ) / DBLE( mr1 )
delta2m = alat * at( 2, 2 ) / DBLE( mr2 )
delta3m = alat * at( 3, 3 ) / DBLE( mr3 )
t1 = alat * at( 1, 1 ) * cellmin( 1 ) / ( cellmax( 1 ) - cellmin( 1 ) )
t2 = alat * at( 2, 2 ) * cellmin( 2 ) / ( cellmax( 2 ) - cellmin( 2 ) )
t3 = alat * at( 3, 3 ) * cellmin( 3 ) / ( cellmax( 3 ) - cellmin( 3 ) )
mrxx = mr1 * mr2 * mr3
! ... Saves the old compensating potential
! ... taking into account the fact that the
! ... average of the local potential is not zero
ALLOCATE( old_vcorr( nrx1 * nrx2 * nrx3 ) )
old_vcorr = vcorr
! ... the electronic charge density adopts
! ... the convention that electrons are positively charged
! ... Interpolates the electronic charge density
! ... on a coarse grid using tricubic interpolation
ALLOCATE( rhocoarse( mrxx ) )
CALL multiscale( rhotot, nr1, nr2, nr3, &
delta1n, delta2n, delta3n, &
rhocoarse , mr1, mr2, mr3, &
delta1m, delta2m, delta3m, &
- t1, - t2, - t3, .TRUE. )
! ... Calculates the average density and the total charge
rhoavg = SUM( rhotot( : ) ) / DBLE( nr1 * nr2 * nr3 )
rhoavgcoarse = SUM( rhocoarse( : ) ) / DBLE( mrxx )
rhocoarse = rhocoarse * rhoavg / rhoavgcoarse
! ... Calculates the average charge density and
! ... charge to check charge conservation
rhoavg = ( nelec - SUM( zv( ityp ( 1:nat ) ) ) ) / omega
! ... Solves for the potential in Fourier space:
! ... nabla^2 vfft = - 4 * pi * e * e * ( rhotot - < rhotot > )
! ... with periodic boundary conditions
ALLOCATE( aux(nrx1*nrx2*nrx3) )
CALL v_h_from_rho_r( rhotot, nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, &
nrxx, nl,nlm, ngm, gg, gstart, alat, omega, ehart, &
rhocharge, aux )
ALLOCATE( vfft( mrxx ) )
CALL multiscale( aux, nr1, nr2, nr3, &
delta1n, delta2n, delta3n, &
vfft , mr1, mr2, mr3, &
delta1m, delta2m, delta3m, &
- t1, - t2, - t3, .TRUE. )
ALLOCATE( vcorrcoarse( mrxx ) )
! ... Defines the source term and the dielectric
! ... constant for the Poisson-Boltzmann equation
ALLOCATE( aux( mrxx ) )
ALLOCATE( eps( mrxx ) )
ALLOCATE( kap2( mrxx ) )
eps( : ) = 1.D0
kap2( : ) = 0.D0
aux( : ) = rhoavg
! ... Calculates the Dirichlet boundary conditions
! ... for the compensating potential
vcorrcoarse = vloccoul - vfft
CALL add_boundary( rhocoarse, vcorrcoarse, mr1, mr2, mr3, &
delta1m, delta2m, delta3m )
! ... Solves the Poisson-Boltzmann
! ... equation in real-space with the calculated
! ... boundary conditions
CALL mg_pb_solver( aux, vcorrcoarse, eps, kap2, mr1, mr2, mr3, &
delta1m, delta2m, delta3m )
! ... Interpolates the corrective potential from the coarse grid
! ... to the fine grid using finite-element methods
CALL multiscale( vcorrcoarse, mr1, mr2, mr3, &
delta1m, delta2m, delta3m, &
vcorr , nr1, nr2, nr3, &
delta1n, delta2n, delta3n, &
t1, t2, t3, .FALSE. )
! ... Mixes the old and new corrective potentials
! ... and adds the resulting correction to vpot
vcorr = mcc * vcorr + ( 1.D0 - mcc ) * old_vcorr
! ... Adds the DCC correction to the PBC potential
vpot( : ) = vpot( : ) + vcorr( : )
! ... Outputs the calculated potentials
which_print = 'z'
CALL writetofile( vcorr, 'vcorrz.dat', nr1, nr2, nr3, &
delta1n, delta2n, delta3n, which_print )
DEALLOCATE( old_vcorr )
DEALLOCATE( rhocoarse )
DEALLOCATE( vcorrcoarse )
END SUBROUTINE add_dcc_field
FUNCTION compindex( ir1, ir2, ir3, nr1, nr2, nr3 )
! ... Calculates the composite grid index corresponding
! ... to ir1, ir2, ir3
INTEGER :: compindex
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ir1, ir2, ir3
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nr1, nr2, nr3
INTEGER :: jr1, jr2, jr3
jr1 = MODULO( ir1 - 1 , nr1 ) + 1
jr2 = MODULO( ir2 - 1 , nr2 ) + 1
jr3 = MODULO( ir3 - 1 , nr3 ) + 1
compindex = jr1 + ( jr2 -1 ) * nr1 + ( jr3 - 1 ) * nr1 * nr2
END FUNCTION compindex
FUNCTION compmod( ir, nr )
! ... Calculates the composite grid index corresponding to ir
INTEGER :: compmod
compmod = MODULO( ir - 1, nr ) + 1