
64 lines
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! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine ggen1d (ngm1d, g1d, gg1d, ig1dto3d, nl1d, igtongl1d)
! This subroutine is the one dimensional equivalent of the ggen
! routine. It is used to produce the G vectors in the z directions
! to compute and output planar averages of the charge density
! of single levels. It should work in parallel machines.
USE kinds, ONLY: DP
USE cell_base, ONLY : at
USE gvect, ONLY: nr3, ngm, g, gg, igtongl
implicit none
integer :: ngm1d, ig1dto3d (nr3), igtongl1d (nr3), nl1d (nr3)
! output: the number of 1D G vectors on this processor
! output: correspondence 1D with 3D G vectors
! output: the correspondence with the shells
! output: correspondence 1D FFT mesh G with array
real(DP) :: g1d (3, nr3), gg1d (nr3)
! output: ngm1d 3D vectors with the 1D G of this
! output: ngm1d scalars with the modulus of 1D G
! local variables
integer :: ig, ig1d
! counter on 3D vectors
! counter on 1D vectors
real(DP), parameter :: eps = 1.d-12
g1d(:,:) = 0.d0
gg1d(:) = 0.d0
ig1d = 0
do ig = 1, ngm
if ( (abs(g(1,ig)).lt.eps) .and. (abs(g(2,ig)) .lt.eps) ) then
! a vector of the 1D grid has been found
ig1d = ig1d+1
if (ig1d.gt.nr3) call errore ('ggen1d', 'too many G', 1)
g1d (3, ig1d) = g (3, ig)
gg1d (ig1d) = gg (ig)
ig1dto3d (ig1d) = ig
nl1d (ig1d) = nint (g (3, ig) * at (3, 3) ) + 1
if (nl1d (ig1d) .lt.1) nl1d (ig1d) = nl1d (ig1d) + nr3
ngm1d = ig1d
do ig1d = 1, ngm1d
igtongl1d (ig1d) = igtongl (ig1dto3d (ig1d) )
end subroutine ggen1d