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! Program: efg.x
! Purpose: Calculate the electric field gradient on the position
! of each atom in order to determine NMR quadrupolar parameters
! Cq and eta.
! It uses a PAW reconstruction in order to get the all-electron
! results
! prefix prefix of input files saved by program pwscf
! ( default = 'pwscf' )
! outdir temporary directory where files resides
! ( default = './' )
! filerec(i) CHARACTER
! name of the file containing the all-electrons and pseudo
! atomic wavefunction. One for each atom type
! Q(i) REAL (Default = 1.0)
! Value of the nuclear quadrupolar momentum of each atom type
! units of 10^30 C/m^2
! rc(i,l) Real (Default 1.6)
! Value of the augmentation region radius for atom type i and
! orbital momentum l
!-/ END of namelist &INPUTPP