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! Copyright (C) 2016 Quantum ESPRESSO Foundation
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
! Calculation of Grimme D2 contribution to the dyamical matrix
! See module "london_module" in Modules/mm_dispersion.f90
! Written by Fabrizio Masullo for his M.Sc. in Mathematic at UniUD
! under the supervision of Paolo Giannozzi
SUBROUTINE d2ionq_mm ( alat , nat , ityp , at , bg , tau, q, deriv2_london )
USE london_module
USE constants, ONLY : tpi, eps8
USE mp_images, ONLY : me_image , nproc_image , intra_image_comm
USE mp, ONLY : mp_sum
INTEGER , INTENT ( in ) :: nat , ityp ( nat )
! input:
! nat : number of atoms
! ityp : type of each atom
REAL ( DP ) , INTENT ( in ) :: alat, tau(3, nat), at(3 , 3), bg(3 , 3), q(3)
! input:
! alat : the cell parameter
! tau : atomic positions in alat units
! at : direct lattice vectors
! bg : reciprocal lattice vectors
! q : wave-vector (in 2pi/alat units)
COMPLEX ( DP ), INTENT(OUT) :: deriv2_london ( 3, nat, 3, nat )
INTEGER :: ata , atb , nrm , nr , ipol, jpol
! locals :
! ata , atb : atom counters
! nrm : actual number of vectors computed by rgen
! nr : counter on neighbours shells
! ipol, jpol: counters on coords
INTEGER :: first , last , resto, divid
! locals :
! first : lower bound on processor
! last : upper
REAL ( DP ) :: dist , f_damp , dtau ( 3 ) , &
exparg , expval, par , par2, fac , facF, add, addF, auxr
COMPLEX ( DP ) :: eiqr
! locals :
! dist : distance R_ij between the current pair of atoms
! f_damp : damping function
! dtau : \vec R_ij
! ... and many other temporary variables, plus some buffers:
REAL ( DP ) :: aux (3, 3, nat)
COMPLEX ( DP ) :: aux2(3, 3, nat)
deriv2_london ( : , : , : , :) = 0.d0
#if defined __MPI
! parallelization: divide atoms across processors of this image
! (different images have different atomic positions)
resto = mod ( nat , nproc_image )
divid = nat / nproc_image
IF ( me_image + 1 <= resto ) THEN
first = ( divid + 1 ) * me_image + 1
last = ( divid + 1 ) * ( me_image + 1 )
first = ( ( divid + 1 ) * resto ) + ( divid ) * ( me_image-resto ) + 1
last = ( divid + 1 ) * resto + ( divid ) * ( me_image - resto + 1 )
first = 1
last = nat
DO ata = first , last
aux(:,:,:) = 0.d0
aux2(:,:,:) = 0.d0
DO atb = 1 , nat
dtau ( : ) = tau ( : , ata ) - tau ( : , atb )
! generate neighbours shells
CALL rgen ( dtau, r_cut, mxr, at, bg, r, dist2, nrm )
! compute forces
par = beta / ( R_sum ( ityp ( atb ) , ityp ( ata ) ) )
par2 = par**2
#if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && (__INTEL_COMPILER < 1600)
!$omp parallel do private(nr,dist,exparg,expval,fac,add,eiqr,facF,addF,auxr,ipol,jpol) default(shared), reduction(+:aux), reduction(+:aux2)
DO nr = 1 , nrm
dist = alat * sqrt ( dist2 ( nr ) )
IF ( dist > eps8 ) THEN
exparg = - beta * ( dist / ( R_sum ( ityp(atb) , ityp(ata) ) ) - 1.0_dp )
expval = exp ( exparg )
fac = C6_ij ( ityp ( atb ) , ityp ( ata ) ) / dist**8
add = 48.d0 / dist**2
eiqr = exp ((0_dp,1_dp)*(q(1)*(r(1,nr)+dtau(1))+&
q(3)*(r(3,nr)+dtau(3)) ) * tpi )
facF = C6_ij ( ityp ( atb ) , ityp ( ata ) ) / dist**6
addF = 6.d0 / dist
DO ipol = 1 , 3
DO jpol = 1 , 3
IF (ipol /= jpol) THEN
auxr = ( scal6 / ( 1.d0 + expval ) * fac * &
( add - par*(13.d0*expval/((1.d0+expval)*dist))-&
par2 *expval*(1.0_dp - expval)/ &
( (1.d0 + expval) * (1.d0 + expval) ) ) * &
r ( ipol, nr ) * alat * r(jpol,nr) * alat )
auxr = ( scal6 / ( 1.d0 + expval ) * fac * &
( add - par*(13.d0*expval/((1.d0+expval)*dist))-&
par2 *expval*(1.0_dp - expval)/ &
( (1.d0 + expval) * (1.d0 + expval) ) ) * &
r ( ipol, nr ) * alat * r(jpol,nr) * alat )- &
( scal6 / ( 1.0_dp + expval ) * facF * &
( - par * expval / ( 1.d0 + expval ) + addF ) * &
1.d0/ dist )
aux (ipol,jpol,atb) = aux (ipol,jpol,atb) + auxr
aux2(ipol,jpol,atb) = aux2(ipol,jpol,atb) + auxr*eiqr
#if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && (__INTEL_COMPILER < 1600)
!$omp end parallel do
DO ipol =1,3
DO jpol = 1,3
deriv2_london (ipol, ata, jpol, atb) = aux2(ipol,jpol,atb)
DO atb = 1, nat
DO ipol =1,3
DO jpol = 1,3
deriv2_london (ipol, ata, jpol, ata) = &
deriv2_london (ipol, ata, jpol, ata) - aux(ipol,jpol,atb)
CALL mp_sum ( deriv2_london , intra_image_comm )