
119 lines
3.3 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine compute_drhous (drhous, dbecsum, wgg, becq, alpq)
! This routine computes the part of the change of the charge density
! which is due to the orthogonalization constraint on wavefunctions
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE ions_base, ONLY : nat
USE wavefunctions, ONLY: evc
USE buffers, ONLY : get_buffer
USE uspp, ONLY : okvan, nkb, vkb
USE uspp_param, ONLY : nhm
USE lsda_mod, ONLY : lsda, nspin, current_spin, isk
USE klist, ONLY : xk, wk, ngk, igk_k
USE fft_base, ONLY: dffts, dfftp
USE fft_interfaces, ONLY: invfft
USE wvfct, ONLY : nbnd
USE qpoint, ONLY : nksq, ikks, ikqs
USE eqv, ONLY : evq
USE control_lr, ONLY : lgamma
USE units_ph, ONLY : iuwfc, lrwfc
USE becmod, ONLY : bec_type
implicit none
! the dummy variables
complex(DP) :: dbecsum (nhm * (nhm + 1) / 2, nat, nspin, 3 * nat) &
, drhous (dfftp%nnr, nspin, 3 * nat)
!output:the derivative of becsum
! output: add the orthogonality term
type (bec_type) :: becq(nksq), & ! (nkb, nbnd)
alpq (3, nksq)
! input: the becp with psi_{k+q}
! input: the alphap with psi_{k+q}
real(DP) :: wgg (nbnd, nbnd, nksq)
! input: the weights
integer :: npw, npwq, ik, ikq, ikk, ig, nu_i, ibnd, ios
! counter on k points
! the point k+q
! record for wfcs at k point
! counter on spin
! counter on g vectors
! counter on modes
! counter on the bands
! integer variable for I/O control
real(DP) :: weight
! the weight of the k point
complex(DP), allocatable :: evcr (:,:)
! the wavefunctions in real space
if (.not.okvan) return
call start_clock ('com_drhous')
allocate (evcr( dffts%nnr, nbnd))
drhous(:,:,:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
dbecsum (:,:,:,:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
do ik = 1, nksq
ikk = ikks(ik)
ikq = ikqs(ik)
npw = ngk(ikk)
npwq= ngk(ikq)
weight = wk (ikk)
if (lsda) current_spin = isk (ikk)
! For each k point we construct the beta functions
call init_us_2 (npwq, igk_k(1,ikq), xk (1, ikq), vkb)
! Read the wavefunctions at k and transform to real space
call get_buffer (evc, lrwfc, iuwfc, ikk)
evcr(:,:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
do ibnd = 1, nbnd
do ig = 1, npw
evcr (dffts%nl (igk_k(ig,ikk) ), ibnd) = evc (ig, ibnd)
CALL invfft ('Wave', evcr (:, ibnd), dffts)
! Read the wavefunctions at k+q
if (.not.lgamma.and.nksq.gt.1) call get_buffer (evq, lrwfc, iuwfc, ikq)
! And compute the contribution of this k point to the change of
! the charge density
do nu_i = 1, 3 * nat
call incdrhous (drhous (1, current_spin, nu_i), weight, ik, &
dbecsum (1, 1, current_spin, nu_i), evcr, wgg, becq, alpq, nu_i)
call stop_clock ('com_drhous')
end subroutine compute_drhous