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! Copyright (C) 2012 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
SUBROUTINE write_modes_out(irr, imode0)
! This routine writes the displacements on the representation irr that
! starts at mode imode0
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE ions_base, ONLY : nat
USE modes, ONLY : u, npert
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: imode0, irr
INTEGER :: mu, nu
WRITE( stdout, '(5x,"Irreps are as follows:",/)')
IF (npert (irr) .eq.1) THEN
WRITE( stdout, '(20x," mode #",i4)') imode0 + 1
WRITE( stdout, '(20x," (",2f10.5," ) ")') ( (u (mu, nu) ,&
&nu = imode0 + 1, imode0 + npert (irr) ) , mu = 1, 3 * nat)
ELSEIF (npert (irr) .eq.2) THEN
WRITE( stdout, '(2(10x," mode #",i4,16x))') imode0 + 1, &
imode0 + 2
WRITE( stdout, '(2(10x," (",2f10.5," ) "))') ( (u (mu, nu) , nu &
&= imode0 + 1, imode0 + npert (irr) ) , mu = 1, 3 * nat)
ELSEIF (npert (irr) .eq.3) THEN
WRITE( stdout, '(4x,3(" mode #",i4,13x))') imode0 + 1, imode0 &
+ 2, imode0 + 3
WRITE( stdout, '((5x,3("(",2f10.5," ) ")))') ( (u (mu, nu) , &
nu = imode0 + 1, imode0 + npert (irr) ) , mu = 1, 3 * nat)
WRITE( stdout, '(4x,4(" mode #",i4,13x))') imode0 + 1, imode0 &
+ 2, imode0 + 4
WRITE( stdout, '((5x,4("(",2f10.5," ) ")))') ( (u (mu, nu) , &
nu = imode0 + 1, imode0 + npert (irr) ) , mu = 1, 3 * nat)
END SUBROUTINE write_modes_out