
194 lines
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! Copyright (C) 2001-2009 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine phq_recover
! This subroutine tests if a xml restart file exists with the
! information of where the code stopped and, if appropriate the
! partial dynamical matrix and the partial effective charges.
! if (rec_code>2) done_irr, comp_irr
! info on calculated irreps - overrides initialization in phq_setup.
! The xml file is in the
! directory _phprefix.phsave. The xml file contains
! where_rec a string with information of the point where the calculation
! stopped
! rec_code_read where_rec status description
! -1000 Nothing has been read. There is no recover file.
! -40 phq_setup Only the displacements u have been read from file
! -30 phq_init u and dyn(0) read from file
! -25 not active yet. Restart in solve_e_fpol
! -20 solve_e all previous. Stopped within solve_e. There
! should be a recover file.
! -10 solve_e2 epsilon and zstareu are available if requested.
! Stopped within solve_e2. There should be a
! recover file.
! 2 phescf all previous, raman tenson and elop tensor are
! available if required.
! 10 solve_linter all previous. Stopped within solve linter.
! There should be a recover file.
! 20 phqscf all previous dyn_rec(irr) and zstarue0(irr) are
! available.
! 30 dynmatrix all previous, dyn and zstarue are available.
! The logic of the phonon code recover is the following:
! The recover variable is read from input and never changed. If it is
! false it disables completely the recover.
! The control of the code is given by the arrays:
! comp_iq, done_iq : for each q point if it has to be calculated or
! if it is already available. These are calculated
! only once by check_initial_status or read from file
! by the same routine.
! comp_irr, done_irr : for each irreducible representation if it has
! to be calculated or if it is already calculated.
! The latter variables are valid only for the current
! q and are calculated in phq_setup and modified here
! if something is on the file.
! epsil, done_epsil, zeu, done_zeu, zue, done_zue, lraman, done_lraman,
! elop, done_elop ... control the electric field calculations. These are
! set by prepare_q, or read from file by phq_setup.
! The position where the code stopped is in the variable rec_code_read
! defined above. This variable allows to exit from a routine if the quantity
! calculated by this routine is already saved on file.
! It is the responsibility of the routine (not of the calling code)
! to known if it has to make the calculation or just exit because the
! value of rec_code_read is too high.
! if rec_code_read = (-25), -20, -10, 10
! It is expected that an unformatted recover file exists.
! The following data are in the
! unformatted file and are read by
! routines solve_e (-20), solve_e2 (-10), solve_linter (10):
! iter, dr2, convt
! info on status of linear-response calculation for a given irrep.
! dvscfin
! self-consistent potential for current iteration and irrep
! if (okpaw) dbecsum
! the change of the D coefficients calculated so far.
! if (okvan) int1, int2, int3
! arrays used with US potentials : int1 and int2 calculated in dvanqq,
! int3 calculatec in newdq (depends upon self-consistency)
! rec_code_read is valid only for the first q. For the following q
! it is reset to -1000 in clean_pw_ph. So the recover file allows to
! restart only the current q. However information on other q could
! be available in the directory phsave, so this routine reads the
! appropriate files and reset comp_irr and done_irr if appropriate.
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE ph_restart, ONLY : ph_readfile
USE control_ph, ONLY : epsil, rec_code_read, all_done, where_rec,&
zeu, done_epsil, done_zeu, ext_recover, recover, &
zue, trans, current_iq, low_directory_check
USE wvfct, ONLY : nbnd
USE el_phon, ONLY : el_ph_mat, el_ph_mat_rec, done_elph, elph
USE efield_mod, ONLY : zstarue0, zstarue0_rec
USE partial, ONLY : comp_irr, done_irr
USE modes, ONLY : nirr, npert
USE ramanm, ONLY : lraman, elop, done_lraman, done_elop
USE freq_ph, ONLY : fpol, done_fpol, done_iu, nfs
USE grid_irr_iq, ONLY : comp_irr_iq
USE dynmat, ONLY : dyn, dyn_rec
USE qpoint, ONLY : nksq
USE control_lr, ONLY : lgamma
implicit none
integer :: irr, ierr, ierr1, iu, npe, imode0
! counter on representations
! error code
logical :: exst
character(len=256) :: filename
IF (recover) THEN
IF (lgamma) CALL ph_readfile('tensors', 0, 0, ierr1)
IF (fpol.and.lgamma) THEN
DO iu=1,nfs
CALL ph_readfile('polarization', 0, iu, ierr1)
dyn = (0.0_DP, 0.0_DP )
IF (elph) THEN
el_ph_mat=(0.0_DP, 0.0_DP)
DO irr=0, nirr
IF (comp_irr_iq(irr,current_iq).OR..NOT.low_directory_check) THEN
IF (trans.OR.elph) THEN
CALL ph_readfile('data_dyn', current_iq, irr, ierr1)
IF (ierr1 == 0) THEN
dyn = dyn + dyn_rec
IF (zue.and.irr>0) zstarue0 = zstarue0 + zstarue0_rec
IF ( elph .and. irr > 0 ) THEN
npe = npert(irr)
CALL ph_readfile('el_phon', current_iq, irr, ierr1)
IF (ierr1 == 0) THEN
el_ph_mat(:,:,:,imode0+1:imode0+npe) = &
el_ph_mat(:,:,:,imode0+1:imode0+npe) + el_ph_mat_rec(:,:,:,:)
imode0=imode0 + npe
IF (rec_code_read==-40) THEN
WRITE( stdout, '(/,4x," Modes are read from file ")')
ELSEIF (rec_code_read==-25) THEN
WRITE( stdout, '(/,4x," Restart in Polarization calculation")')
ELSEIF (rec_code_read==-20) THEN
WRITE( stdout, '(/,4x," Restart in Electric Field calculation")')
ELSEIF (rec_code_read==-10) then
WRITE( stdout, '(/,4x," Restart in Raman calculation")')
ELSEIF (rec_code_read==2) THEN
WRITE( stdout, '(/,4x," Restart after Electric Field calculation")')
ELSEIF (rec_code_read==10.OR.rec_code_read==20) then
WRITE( stdout, '(/,4x," Restart in Phonon calculation")')
ELSEIF (rec_code_read==30) then
WRITE( stdout, '(/,4x," Restart after Phonon calculation")')
call errore ('phq_recover', 'wrong restart data file', -1)
ext_recover = ext_recover .AND. ierr==0
! The case in which everything has been already calculated and we just
! recollect all the results must be treated in a special way (it does
! not require any initialization).
! We check here if everything has been done
DO irr = 0, nirr
IF ( comp_irr(irr) .AND. .NOT.done_irr(irr) ) all_done=.false.
IF (rec_code_read < 2) THEN
IF (epsil.AND..NOT.done_epsil) all_done=.FALSE.
IF (zeu.AND..NOT.done_zeu) all_done=.FALSE.
IF (lraman.AND..NOT.done_lraman) all_done=.FALSE.
IF (elop.AND..NOT.done_elop) all_done=.FALSE.
IF (fpol.AND..NOT.done_fpol) all_done=.FALSE.
END SUBROUTINE phq_recover