
120 lines
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! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine smallgq (xq, at, bg, s, nsym, irgq, nsymq, irotmq, &
minus_q, gi, gimq)
! This routine selects, among the symmetry matrices of the point group
! of a crystal, the symmetry operations which leave q unchanged.
! Furthermore it checks if one of the matrices send q <-> -q+G. In
! this case minus_q is set true.
! Revised 2 Sept. 1995 by Andrea Dal Corso
! Modified 22 April 1997 by SdG: minus_q is sought also among sym.op.
! such that Sq=q+G (i.e. the case q=-q+G is dealt with).
! The dummy variables
USE kinds, only : DP
implicit none
real(DP) :: bg (3, 3), at (3, 3), xq (3), gi (3, 48), gimq (3)
! input: the reciprocal lattice vectors
! input: the direct lattice vectors
! input: the q point of the crystal
! output: the G associated to a symmetry:[S(irotq)*q - q]
! output: the G associated to: [S(irotmq)*q + q]
integer :: s (3, 3, 48), irgq (48), irotmq, nsymq, nsym
! input: the symmetry matrices
! output: the symmetry of the small group
! output: op. symmetry: s_irotmq(q)=-q+G
! output: dimension of the small group of q
! input: dimension of the point group
logical :: minus_q
! input: .t. if sym.ops. such that Sq=-q+G are searched for
! output: .t. if such a symmetry has been found
real(DP) :: wrk (3), aq (3), raq (3), zero (3)
! additional space to compute gi and gimq
! q vector in crystal basis
! the rotated of the q vector
! the zero vector
integer :: isym, ipol, jpol
! counter on symmetry operations
! counter on polarizations
! counter on polarizations
logical :: look_for_minus_q, eqvect
! .t. if sym.ops. such that Sq=-q+G are searched for
! logical function, check if two vectors are equal
! Set to zero some variables and transform xq to the crystal basis
look_for_minus_q = minus_q
minus_q = .false.
zero = 0.d0
gi = 0.d0
gimq = 0.d0
aq = xq
call cryst_to_cart (1, aq, at, - 1)
! test all symmetries to see if the operation S sends q in q+G ...
nsymq = 0
do isym = 1, nsym
raq = 0.d0
do ipol = 1, 3
do jpol = 1, 3
raq (ipol) = raq (ipol) + DBLE (s (ipol, jpol, isym) ) * &
aq (jpol)
if (eqvect (raq, aq, zero) ) then
nsymq = nsymq + 1
irgq (nsymq) = isym
do ipol = 1, 3
wrk (ipol) = raq (ipol) - aq (ipol)
call cryst_to_cart (1, wrk, bg, 1)
gi (:, nsymq) = wrk (:)
! ... and in -q+G
if (look_for_minus_q.and..not.minus_q) then
raq (:) = - raq(:)
if (eqvect (raq, aq, zero) ) then
minus_q = .true.
irotmq = isym
do ipol = 1, 3
wrk (ipol) = - raq (ipol) + aq (ipol)
call cryst_to_cart (1, wrk, bg, 1)
gimq (:) = wrk (:)
! if xq=(0,0,0) minus_q always apply with the identity operation
if (xq (1) == 0.d0 .and. xq (2) == 0.d0 .and. xq (3) == 0.d0) then
minus_q = .true.
irotmq = 1
gimq = 0.d0
end subroutine smallgq