
369 lines
10 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file 'License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
#include "f_defs.h"
program cpmd2upf
! Convert a pseudopotential written in the CPMD format
! (TYPE=NORMCONSERVING NUMERIC only, single radial grid)
! to unified pseudopotential format
implicit none
character(len=256) filein, fileout
call get_file ( filein )
open (unit = 1, file = filein, status = 'old', form = 'formatted')
call read_cpmd(1)
close (1)
! convert variables read from CPMD format into those needed
! by the upf format - add missing quantities
call convert_cpmd
print '(''Output PP file in UPF format : '',a)', fileout
call write_upf(2)
close (unit=2)
20 call errore ('cpmd2upf', 'Reading pseudo file name ', 1)
end program cpmd2upf
module cpmd
! All variables read from CPMD file format
character (len=80) title
integer :: ixc
real(8) :: alphaxc
integer :: z, zv
integer :: mesh_
real(8) :: amesh
real(8), allocatable :: r_(:)
integer ::lmax_
real(8), allocatable :: vnl(:,:)
real(8), allocatable :: chi_(:,:)
logical :: nlcc_
real(8), allocatable :: rho_atc_(:)
integer :: maxinfo_, info_lines_
parameter (maxinfo_ = 100)
character (len=80), allocatable :: info_sect_(:)
end module cpmd
! ----------------------------------------------------------
subroutine read_cpmd(iunps)
! ----------------------------------------------------------
use cpmd
implicit none
integer :: iunps
integer :: found = 0, closed = 0, unknown = 0
integer :: i, l, ios
character (len=80) line
character (len=4) token
real (8) :: vnl0(0:3)
logical, external :: matches
integer, external :: locate
nlcc_ = .false.
info_lines_ = 0
10 read (iunps,'(A)',end=20,err=20) line
if (matches ("&ATOM", trim(line)) ) then
found = found + 1
! Z
read (iunps,'(a)',end=200,err=200) line
l = len_trim(line)
i = locate('=',line)
read (line(i+1:l),*) z
! ZV
read (iunps,'(a)',end=200,err=200) line
l = len_trim(line)
i = locate('=',line)
read (line(i+1:l),*) zv
! XC
read (iunps,'(a)',end=200,err=200) line
l = len_trim(line)
i = locate('=',line)
read (line(i+1:l),*) ixc, alphaxc
read (iunps,'(a)',end=200,err=200) line
if (.not. matches("NORMCONSERVING",line) .or. &
.not. matches("NUMERIC",line) ) &
call errore('read_cpmd','unknown type: '//line,1)
else if (matches ("&INFO", trim(line)) ) then
found = found + 1
! read (iunps,'(a)') title
! store info section for later perusal (FIXME: not yet implemented. 2004/10/12, AK)
allocate (info_sect_(maxinfo_))
do i=1,maxinfo_
read (iunps,'(a)',end=20,err=20) title
if (matches ("&END", trim(title)) ) then
closed = closed + 1
goto 10
info_sect_(i) = trim(title)
info_lines_ = i
end if
else if (matches ("&POTENTIAL", trim(line)) ) then
found = found + 1
!read (iunps,*) mesh_, amesh
read (iunps,'(a)') line
read (line,*,iostat=ios) mesh_, amesh
if ( ios /= 0) then
read (line,*,iostat=ios) mesh_
amesh = -1.0d0
end if
allocate (r_(mesh_))
! determine the number of angular momenta
read (iunps, '(a)') line
ios = 1
do while (ios /= 0)
lmax_ = lmax_ - 1
read(line,*,iostat=ios) r_(1),(vnl0(l),l=0,lmax_)
end do
allocate (vnl(mesh_,0:lmax_))
vnl(1,0:lmax_) = vnl0(0:lmax_)
do i=2,mesh_
read(iunps, *) r_(i),(vnl(i,l),l=0,lmax_)
end do
! get amesh if not available directly
if (amesh < 0.0d0) print "('amesh set to:',f10.6)", exp (r_(1) - r_(0))
if (amesh < 0.0d0) amesh = exp (r_(1) - r_(0))
else if (matches ("&WAVEFUNCTION", trim(line)) ) then
found = found + 1
! read (iunps,*) mesh_, amesh
read (iunps,'(a)') line
read (line,*,iostat=ios) mesh_
do i=1,mesh_
read(iunps, *) r_(i),(chi_(i,l+1),l=0,lmax_)
end do
else if (matches ("&NLCC", trim(line)) ) then
found = found + 1
nlcc_ = .true.
read (iunps, '(a)') line
if (.not. matches ("NUMERIC", trim(line)) ) &
call errore('read_cpmd',' only NUMERIC core-correction supported',1)
read(iunps, *) mesh_
allocate (rho_atc_(mesh_))
read(iunps, * ) (r_(i), rho_atc_(i), i=1,mesh_)
else if (matches ("&ATDENS", trim(line)) ) then
! skip over &ATDENS section, add others here, if there are more.
do while(.not. matches("&END", trim(line)))
read (iunps,'(a)') line
end do
else if (matches ("&END", trim(line)) ) then
closed = closed + 1
print*, 'line ignored: ', line
unknown = unknown + 1
end if
go to 10
20 continue
if (nlcc_ .and. found /= 5 .or. .not.nlcc_ .and. found /= 4) &
call errore('read_cpmd','some &FIELD card missing',found)
if (closed /= found) &
call errore('read_cpmd','some &END card missing',closed)
if (unknown /= 0 ) print '("WARNING: ",i3," cards not read")', unknown
200 call errore('read_cpmd','error in reading file',1)
end subroutine read_cpmd
! ----------------------------------------------------------
subroutine convert_cpmd
! ----------------------------------------------------------
use cpmd
use upf
implicit none
real(8), parameter :: rmax = 10.0d0
real(8), allocatable :: aux(:)
real(8) :: vll
character (len=20):: dft
character (len=2), external :: atom_name
integer :: lloc, kkbeta, my_lmax
integer :: l, i, ir, iv
write(generated, '("Generated using unknown code")')
write(date_author,'("Author: unknown Generation date: as well")')
comment = 'Info: automatically converted from CPMD format'
! NOTE: many CPMD pseudopotentials created with the 'Hamann' code
! from Juerg Hutter's homepage have additional (bogus) entries for
! pseudo-potential and wavefunction. In the 'report' they have
! the same rc and energy eigenvalue than the previous angular momentum.
! we need to be able to ignore that part or the resulting UPF file
! will be useless. so we first print the info section and ask
! for the LMAX to really use. AK 2005/03/30.
do i=1,info_lines_
print '(A)', info_sect_(i)
print '("lmax to use. (max.",I2,") > ",$)', lmax_
read (5,*) my_lmax
if ((my_lmax <= lmax_) .and. (my_lmax >= 0)) lmax_ = my_lmax
print '("l local (max.",I2,") > ",$)', lmax_
read (5,*) lloc
! reasonable assumption
if (z > 18) then
rel = 1
rel = 0
end if
rcloc = 0.0d0
nwfs = lmax_+1
allocate( els(nwfs), oc(nwfs), epseu(nwfs))
allocate(lchi(nwfs), nns(nwfs) )
allocate(rcut (nwfs), rcutus (nwfs))
do i=1, nwfs
print '("Wavefunction # ",i1,": label, occupancy > ",$)', i
read (5,*) els(i), oc(i)
nns (i) = 0
lchi(i) = i-1
rcut(i) = 0.0d0
rcutus(i)= 0.0d0
epseu(i) = 0.0d0
end do
psd = atom_name (z)
pseudotype = 'NC'
nlcc = nlcc_
zp = zv
etotps =0.0d0
if ( lmax_ == lloc) then
lmax = lmax_-1
lmax = lmax_
end if
nbeta= lmax_
mesh = mesh_
ntwfc= nwfs
allocate( elsw(ntwfc), ocw(ntwfc), lchiw(ntwfc) )
do i=1, nwfs
lchiw(i) = lchi(i)
ocw(i) = oc(i)
elsw(i) = els(i)
end do
iexch = ixc/1000
icorr = (ixc-1000*iexch)/100
igcx = (ixc-1000*iexch-100*icorr)/10
igcc = (ixc-1000*iexch-100*icorr-10*igcx)
! We have igcc=2 (PW91) and 3 (LYP) exchanged wrt CPMD conventions
if (igcc.eq.3) then
else if (igcc.eq.2) then
end if
allocate( r(mesh))
r = r_
rab = r * log( amesh )
allocate (rho_atc(mesh))
if (nlcc) rho_atc = rho_atc_
allocate (vloc0(mesh))
! the factor 2 converts from Hartree to Rydberg
vloc0(:) = vnl(:,lloc)*2.d0
if (nbeta > 0) then
allocate(ikk2(nbeta), lll(nbeta))
do ir = 1,mesh
if ( r(ir) > rmax ) then
end if
end do
ikk2(:) = kkbeta
allocate(qqq (nbeta,nbeta))
dion(:,:) =0.d0
qqq(:,:) =0.d0
do i=1,nwfs
if (l.ne.lloc) then
do ir=1,kkbeta
! the factor 2 converts from Hartree to Rydberg
betar(ir,iv) = 2.d0 * chi_(ir,l+1) * &
( vnl(ir,l) - vnl(ir,lloc) )
aux(ir) = chi_(ir,l+1) * betar(ir,iv)
end do
call simpson(kkbeta,aux,rab,vll)
dion(iv,iv) = 1.0d0/vll
end if
end if
allocate (rho_at(mesh))
rho_at = 0.d0
do i=1,nwfs
rho_at(:) = rho_at(:) + ocw(i) * chi_(:,i) ** 2
end do
allocate (chi(mesh,ntwfc))
chi = chi_
! ----------------------------------------------------------
write (6,'(a)') 'Pseudopotential successfully converted'
! ----------------------------------------------------------
end subroutine convert_cpmd
! ------------------------------------------------------------------
integer function locate(onechar,string)
! ------------------------------------------------------------------
character(len=1) :: onechar
character(len=*) :: string
integer:: i
do i=1,len_trim(string)
if (string(i:i) .eq. "=") then
locate = i
end if
end do
locate = 0
end function locate