
525 lines
15 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2002-2003 PWSCF-FPMD-CP90 group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
! extracted from module "readpseudo" of FPMD
MODULE read_pseudo_module
! this module handles the reading of pseudopotential data
! ... declare modules
USE kinds, ONLY: dbl
subroutine read_pseudo_upf (iunps, upf, ierr)
! read pseudopotential "upf" in the Unified Pseudopotential Format
! from unit "iunps" - return error code in "ierr" (success: ierr=0)
use pseudo_types
implicit none
integer :: iunps, ierr
TYPE (pseudo_upf), INTENT(INOUT) :: upf
! Local variables
integer :: ios
character (len=80) :: dummy
logical, external :: matches
CALL nullify_pseudo_upf( upf )
! First check if this pseudo-potential has spin-orbit information
ierr = 1
ios = 0
addinfo_loop: do while (ios == 0)
read (iunps, *, iostat = ios, err = 200) dummy
if (matches ("<PP_ADDINFO>", dummy) ) then
ierr = 0
exit addinfo_loop
enddo addinfo_loop
if (ierr == 1) upf%has_so=.false.
!------->Search for Header
! This version doesn't use the new routine scan_begin
! because this search must set extra flags for
! compatibility with other pp format reading
ierr = 1
ios = 0
header_loop: do while (ios == 0)
read (iunps, *, iostat = ios, err = 200) dummy
if (matches ("<PP_HEADER>", dummy) ) then
ierr = 0
call read_pseudo_header (upf, iunps)
exit header_loop
enddo header_loop
if (ierr .ne. 0) return
call scan_end (iunps, "HEADER")
! WRITE( stdout, * ) "Reading pseudopotential file in UPF format"
!-------->Search for mesh information
call scan_begin (iunps, "MESH", .true.)
call read_pseudo_mesh (upf, iunps)
call scan_end (iunps, "MESH")
!-------->If present, search for nlcc
if ( upf%nlcc ) then
call scan_begin (iunps, "NLCC", .true.)
call read_pseudo_nlcc (upf, iunps)
call scan_end (iunps, "NLCC")
allocate( upf%rho_atc( 0:upf%mesh ) )
upf%rho_atc = 0.0d0
!-------->Search for Local potential
call scan_begin (iunps, "LOCAL", .true.)
call read_pseudo_local (upf, iunps)
call scan_end (iunps, "LOCAL")
!-------->Search for Nonlocal potential
call scan_begin (iunps, "NONLOCAL", .true.)
call read_pseudo_nl (upf, iunps)
call scan_end (iunps, "NONLOCAL")
!-------->Search for atomic wavefunctions
call scan_begin (iunps, "PSWFC", .true.)
call read_pseudo_pswfc (upf, iunps)
call scan_end (iunps, "PSWFC")
!-------->Search for atomic charge
call scan_begin (iunps, "RHOATOM", .true.)
call read_pseudo_rhoatom (upf, iunps)
call scan_end (iunps, "RHOATOM")
!-------->Search for add_info
if (upf%has_so) then
call scan_begin (iunps, "ADDINFO", .true.)
call read_pseudo_addinfo (upf, iunps)
call scan_end (iunps, "ADDINFO")
200 return
end subroutine read_pseudo_upf
subroutine scan_begin (iunps, string, rew)
implicit none
! Unit of the input file
integer :: iunps
! Label to be matched
character (len=*) :: string
! String read from file
character (len=75) :: rstring
! Flag if .true. rewind the file
logical, external :: matches
logical :: rew
integer :: ios
ios = 0
if (rew) rewind (iunps)
do while (ios.eq.0)
read (iunps, *, iostat = ios, err = 300) rstring
if (matches ("<PP_"//string//">", rstring) ) return
300 call errore ('scan_begin', 'No '//string//' block', abs (ios) )
end subroutine scan_begin
subroutine scan_end (iunps, string)
implicit none
! Unit of the input file
integer :: iunps, ios
! Label to be matched
character (len=*) :: string
! String read from file
character (len=75) :: rstring
logical, external :: matches
logical :: rew
read (iunps, '(a)', iostat = ios, err = 300) rstring
if (matches ("</PP_"//string//">", rstring) ) return
300 call errore ('scan_end', &
'No '//string//' block end statement, possibly corrupted file', - 1)
end subroutine scan_end
subroutine read_pseudo_header (upf, iunps)
USE pseudo_types, ONLY: pseudo_upf
USE kinds
implicit none
TYPE (pseudo_upf), INTENT(INOUT) :: upf
integer :: iunps
integer :: is, ierr
integer :: nb, ios, nw
character (len=80) :: dummy
logical, external :: matches
! Version number (presently ignored)
read (iunps, *, err = 100, iostat = ios) upf%nv , dummy
! Element label
read (iunps, *, err = 100, iostat = ios) upf%psd , dummy
! Type of pseudo
read (iunps, *, err = 100, iostat = ios) upf%typ
if (matches (upf%typ, "US") ) then
upf%tvanp = .true.
else if (matches (upf%typ, "NC") ) then
upf%tvanp = .false.
call errore ('read_pseudo_header', 'unknown pseudo type', 1)
read (iunps, *, err = 100, iostat = ios) upf%nlcc , dummy
read (iunps, '(a20,t24,a)', err = 100, iostat = ios) upf%dft, dummy
read (iunps, * ) upf%zp , dummy
read (iunps, * ) upf%etotps, dummy
read (iunps, * ) upf%ecutwfc, upf%ecutrho
read (iunps, * ) upf%lmax , dummy
read (iunps, *, err = 100, iostat = ios) upf%mesh , dummy
read (iunps, *, err = 100, iostat = ios) upf%nwfc, upf%nbeta , dummy
read (iunps, '(a)', err = 100, iostat = ios) dummy
ALLOCATE( upf%els( upf%nwfc ), upf%lchi( upf%nwfc ), upf%oc( upf%nwfc ) )
do nw = 1, upf%nwfc
read (iunps, * ) upf%els (nw), upf%lchi (nw), upf%oc (nw)
100 call errore ('read_pseudo_header', 'Reading pseudo file', abs (ios))
end subroutine read_pseudo_header
subroutine read_pseudo_mesh (upf, iunps)
USE kinds
USE pseudo_types, ONLY: pseudo_upf
implicit none
integer :: iunps
TYPE (pseudo_upf), INTENT(INOUT) :: upf
integer :: ir, ios
character (len=75) :: dummy
ALLOCATE( upf%r( 0:upf%mesh ), upf%rab( 0:upf%mesh ) )
upf%r = 0.0d0
upf%rab = 0.0d0
call scan_begin (iunps, "R", .false.)
read (iunps, *, err = 100, iostat = ios) (upf%r(ir), ir=1,upf%mesh )
call scan_end (iunps, "R")
call scan_begin (iunps, "RAB", .false.)
read (iunps, *, err = 100, iostat = ios) (upf%rab(ir), ir=1,upf%mesh )
call scan_end (iunps, "RAB")
100 call errore ('read_pseudo_mesh', 'Reading pseudo file', abs (ios) )
end subroutine read_pseudo_mesh
subroutine read_pseudo_nlcc (upf, iunps)
USE kinds
USE pseudo_types, ONLY: pseudo_upf
implicit none
integer :: iunps
TYPE (pseudo_upf), INTENT(INOUT) :: upf
integer :: ir, ios
ALLOCATE( upf%rho_atc( 0:upf%mesh ) )
upf%rho_atc = 0.0d0
read (iunps, *, err = 100, iostat = ios) (upf%rho_atc(ir), ir=1,upf%mesh )
100 call errore ('read_pseudo_nlcc', 'Reading pseudo file', abs (ios) )
end subroutine read_pseudo_nlcc
subroutine read_pseudo_local (upf, iunps)
USE kinds
USE pseudo_types, ONLY: pseudo_upf
implicit none
integer :: iunps
TYPE (pseudo_upf), INTENT(INOUT) :: upf
integer :: ir, ios
character (len=75) :: dummy
ALLOCATE( upf%vloc( 0:upf%mesh ) )
upf%vloc = 0.0d0
read (iunps, *, err=100, iostat=ios) (upf%vloc(ir) , ir=1,upf%mesh )
100 call errore ('read_pseudo_local','Reading pseudo file', abs(ios) )
end subroutine read_pseudo_local
subroutine read_pseudo_nl (upf, iunps)
USE kinds
USE pseudo_types, ONLY: pseudo_upf
implicit none
integer :: iunps
TYPE (pseudo_upf), INTENT(INOUT) :: upf
integer :: nb, mb, n, ir, nd, ios, idum, ldum, icon, lp, i, ikk
! counters
character (len=75) :: dummy
if ( upf%nbeta == 0) then
upf%nqf = 0
upf%nqlc= 0
ALLOCATE( upf%kkbeta( 1 ) )
ALLOCATE( upf%lll( 1 ) )
ALLOCATE( upf%beta( 0:upf%mesh, 1 ) )
ALLOCATE( upf%dion( 1, 1 ) )
ALLOCATE( upf%rinner( 1 ) )
ALLOCATE( upf%qqq ( 1, 1 ) )
ALLOCATE( upf%qfunc ( 0:upf%mesh, 1, 1 ) )
ALLOCATE( upf%qfcoef( 1, 1, 1, 1 ) )
end if
ALLOCATE( upf%kkbeta( upf%nbeta ) )
ALLOCATE( upf%lll( upf%nbeta ) )
ALLOCATE( upf%beta( 0:upf%mesh, upf%nbeta ) )
ALLOCATE( upf%dion( upf%nbeta, upf%nbeta ) )
upf%kkbeta = 0
upf%lll = 0
upf%beta = 0.0d0
upf%dion = 0.0d0
do nb = 1, upf%nbeta
call scan_begin (iunps, "BETA", .false.)
read (iunps, *, err = 100, iostat = ios) idum, upf%lll(nb), dummy
read (iunps, '(i6)', err = 100, iostat = ios) ikk
upf%kkbeta(nb) = ikk
read (iunps, *, err = 100, iostat = ios) (upf%beta(ir,nb), ir=1,ikk)
call scan_end (iunps, "BETA")
call scan_begin (iunps, "DIJ", .false.)
read (iunps, *, err = 100, iostat = ios) upf%nd, dummy
do icon = 1, upf%nd
read (iunps, *, err = 100, iostat = ios) nb, mb, upf%dion(nb,mb)
upf%dion (mb,nb) = upf%dion (nb,mb)
call scan_end (iunps, "DIJ")
if ( upf%tvanp ) then
call scan_begin (iunps, "QIJ", .false.)
read (iunps, *, err = 100, iostat = ios) upf%nqf
upf%nqlc = 2 * upf%lmax + 1
ALLOCATE( upf%rinner( upf%nqlc ) )
ALLOCATE( upf%qqq ( upf%nbeta, upf%nbeta ) )
ALLOCATE( upf%qfunc ( 0:upf%mesh, upf%nbeta, upf%nbeta ) )
ALLOCATE( upf%qfcoef( MAX( upf%nqf,1 ), upf%nqlc, upf%nbeta, upf%nbeta ) )
upf%rinner = 0.0d0
upf%qqq = 0.0d0
upf%qfunc = 0.0d0
upf%qfcoef = 0.0d0
if ( upf%nqf /= 0) then
call scan_begin (iunps, "RINNER", .false.)
read (iunps,*,err=100,iostat=ios) ( idum, upf%rinner(i), i=1,upf%nqlc )
call scan_end (iunps, "RINNER")
end if
do nb = 1, upf%nbeta
do mb = nb, upf%nbeta
read (iunps,*,err=100,iostat=ios) idum, idum, ldum, dummy
!" i j (l)"
if (ldum /= upf%lll(mb) ) then
call errore ('read_pseudo_nl','inconsistent angular momentum for Q_ij', 1)
end if
read (iunps,*,err=100,iostat=ios) upf%qqq(nb,mb), dummy
! "Q_int"
upf%qqq(mb,nb) = upf%qqq(nb,mb)
read (iunps, *, err=100, iostat=ios) (upf%qfunc(n,nb,mb), n=1,upf%mesh)
do n = 0, upf%mesh
upf%qfunc(n,mb,nb) = upf%qfunc(n,nb,mb)
if ( upf%nqf > 0 ) then
call scan_begin (iunps, "QFCOEF", .false.)
read (iunps,*,err=100,iostat=ios) &
( ( upf%qfcoef(i,lp,nb,mb), i=1,upf%nqf ), lp=1,upf%nqlc )
call scan_end (iunps, "QFCOEF")
end if
call scan_end (iunps, "QIJ")
upf%nqf = 1
upf%nqlc = 2 * upf%lmax + 1
ALLOCATE( upf%rinner( upf%nqlc ) )
ALLOCATE( upf%qqq ( upf%nbeta, upf%nbeta ) )
ALLOCATE( upf%qfunc ( 0:upf%mesh, upf%nbeta, upf%nbeta ) )
ALLOCATE( upf%qfcoef( upf%nqf, upf%nqlc, upf%nbeta, upf%nbeta ) )
upf%rinner = 0.0d0
upf%qqq = 0.0d0
upf%qfunc = 0.0d0
upf%qfcoef = 0.0d0
100 call errore ('read_pseudo_nl', 'Reading pseudo file', abs (ios) )
end subroutine read_pseudo_nl
subroutine read_pseudo_pswfc (upf, iunps)
USE kinds
USE pseudo_types, ONLY: pseudo_upf
implicit none
integer :: iunps
TYPE (pseudo_upf), INTENT(INOUT) :: upf
character (len=75) :: dummy
integer :: nb, ir, ios
ALLOCATE( upf%chi( 0:upf%mesh, MAX( upf%nwfc, 1 ) ) )
upf%chi = 0.0d0
do nb = 1, upf%nwfc
read (iunps, *, err=100, iostat=ios) dummy !Wavefunction labels
read (iunps, *, err=100, iostat=ios) ( upf%chi(ir,nb), ir=1,upf%mesh )
100 call errore ('read_pseudo_pswfc', 'Reading pseudo file', abs(ios))
end subroutine read_pseudo_pswfc
subroutine read_pseudo_rhoatom (upf, iunps)
USE kinds
USE pseudo_types, ONLY: pseudo_upf
implicit none
integer :: iunps
TYPE (pseudo_upf), INTENT(INOUT) :: upf
integer :: ir, ios
ALLOCATE( upf%rho_at( 0:upf%mesh ) )
upf%rho_at = 0.0d0
read (iunps,*,err=100,iostat=ios) ( upf%rho_at(ir), ir=1,upf%mesh )
100 call errore ('read_pseudo_rhoatom','Reading pseudo file',abs(ios))
end subroutine read_pseudo_rhoatom
subroutine read_pseudo_addinfo (upf, iunps)
! This routine reads from the new UPF file,
! and the total angual momentum jjj of the beta and jchi of the
! wave-functions.
USE pseudo_types, ONLY: pseudo_upf
USE kinds
implicit none
integer :: iunps
TYPE (pseudo_upf), INTENT(INOUT) :: upf
integer :: nb, ios
ALLOCATE( upf%nn(upf%nwfc), upf%rcut(upf%nwfc), upf%rcutus(upf%nwfc) )
ALLOCATE( upf%epseu(upf%nwfc), upf%jchi(upf%nwfc) )
ALLOCATE( upf%jjj(upf%nbeta) )
do nb = 1, upf%nwfc
read (iunps, '(a2,2i3,2f6.2)',err=100,iostat=ios) upf%els(nb), &
upf%nn(nb), upf%lchi(nb), upf%jchi(nb), upf%oc(nb)
do nb = 1, upf%nbeta
read (iunps, '(i5,f6.2)', err=100,iostat=ios) upf%lll(nb), upf%jjj(nb)
read(iunps, '(4f15.8)') upf%xmin, upf%rmax, upf%zmesh, upf%dx
100 call errore ('read_pseudo_addinfo','Reading pseudo file', abs(ios))
end subroutine read_pseudo_addinfo
END MODULE read_pseudo_module