
1246 lines
38 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
MODULE gipaw_module
! ... This module contains the variables used for GIPAW calculations
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE constants, ONLY : a0_to_cm => bohr_radius_cm
USE parameters, ONLY : npk, ntypx, lmaxx
INTEGER, PARAMETER:: natx=20000 ! max number of atoms
INTEGER, PARAMETER:: nbrx=14 ! max number of beta functions
! alpha
REAL(DP), PARAMETER :: alpha = 1.0_dp / 137.03599911_dp
! speed of light in atomic units: c = 1/alpha
!REAL(DP), PARAMETER :: c = 137.03599911d0
! avogadro number
REAL(DP), PARAMETER :: avogadro = 6.022142e23_dp
! number of occupied bands at each k-point
INTEGER :: nbnd_occ(npk)
! alpha shift of the projector on the valence wfcs
REAL(DP) :: alpha_pv
! eigenvalues and eigenfunctions at k+q
! induced current (bare term) and induced magnetic field
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: j_bare(:,:,:,:), b_ind_r(:,:,:)
! induced magnetic field in reciprocal space
COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: b_ind(:,:,:)
! convergence threshold for diagonalizationa and greenfunction
REAL(DP) :: conv_threshold
! q for the perturbation (in bohrradius^{-1})
REAL(DP) :: q_gipaw
! q for the EFG
REAL(DP) :: q_efg ( ntypx )
! verbosity
INTEGER :: iverbosity
! diagonalization method
INTEGER :: isolve
! job: nmr, g_tensor, efg, hyperfine
CHARACTER(80) :: job
! format for a rank-2 tensor
CHARACTER(*), PARAMETER :: tens_fmt = '(3(5X,3(F14.4,2X)/))'
! for plotting the induced current and induced field
CHARACTER(80) :: filcurr, filfield
! macroscopic shape for the NMR
LOGICAL :: use_nmr_macroscopic_shape
REAL(DP) :: nmr_macroscopic_shape ( 3, 3 )
! parametres for hyper-fine interaction
CHARACTER ( LEN = 10 ) :: hfi_input_unit
CHARACTER ( LEN = 10 ) :: hfi_output_unit
INTEGER :: hfi_isotope(natx)
REAL ( dp ) :: hfi_nuclear_g_factor(natx)
LOGICAL :: radial_integral_splines
LOGICAL :: hfi_via_reconstruction_only
INTEGER :: hfi_extrapolation_npoints
CHARACTER(256) :: file_reconstruction ( ntypx )
LOGICAL :: read_recon_in_paratec_fmt
REAL(dp) :: rc(ntypx,0:lmaxx)
COMPLEX(dp), ALLOCATABLE :: paw_becp2 ( :, : )
REAL(dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION ( :, : ) :: lx, ly, lz
REAL(dp), ALLOCATABLE :: radial_integral_paramagnetic(:,:,:)
REAL(dp), ALLOCATABLE :: radial_integral_diamagnetic(:,:,:)
REAL(dp), ALLOCATABLE :: radial_integral_paramagnetic_so(:,:,:)
REAL(dp), ALLOCATABLE :: radial_integral_diamagnetic_so(:,:,:)
REAL(dp), ALLOCATABLE :: radial_integral_rmc(:,:,:)
! contribution to NMR chemical shift due to core contribution
REAL ( dp ) :: nmr_shift_core(ntypx)
! Read in the gipaw input file.
! Format: &inputgipaw
! prefix = '...' prefix of SCF calculation
! tmp_dir = '...' scratch directory
! job = 'nmr' or 'g_tensor'
! conv_threshold = 1e-14
! q_gipaw = 0.01
! filcurr = '...'
! filfield = '...'
! iverbosity = 0
! /
SUBROUTINE gipaw_readin()
USE io_files, ONLY : nd_nmbr, prefix, tmp_dir
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode
USE us, ONLY : spline_ps
INTEGER :: ios
NAMELIST /inputgipaw/ job, prefix, tmp_dir, conv_threshold, &
q_gipaw, iverbosity, filcurr, filfield, &
read_recon_in_paratec_fmt, &
file_reconstruction, use_nmr_macroscopic_shape, &
nmr_macroscopic_shape, spline_ps, isolve, &
q_efg, hfi_output_unit, hfi_isotope, &
hfi_nuclear_g_factor, radial_integral_splines, &
hfi_via_reconstruction_only, &
if ( .not. ionode ) goto 400
CALL input_from_file()
job = ' '
prefix = 'pwscf'
CALL get_env( 'ESPRESSO_TMPDIR', tmp_dir )
IF ( TRIM( tmp_dir ) == ' ' ) tmp_dir = './scratch/'
conv_threshold = 1e-14_dp
q_gipaw = 0.01_dp
iverbosity = 0
filcurr = ' '
filfield = ' '
read_recon_in_paratec_fmt = .FALSE.
file_reconstruction ( : ) = " "
use_nmr_macroscopic_shape = .TRUE.
nmr_macroscopic_shape = 2.0_dp / 3.0_dp
spline_ps = .true. ! TRUE in this case!!!!!
isolve = 0
hfi_output_unit = 'MHz'
hfi_isotope ( : ) = 0
hfi_nuclear_g_factor ( : ) = 1.0
radial_integral_splines = .TRUE.
hfi_via_reconstruction_only = .TRUE.
hfi_extrapolation_npoints = 10000
q_efg = 1.0
read( 5, inputgipaw, err = 200, iostat = ios )
200 call errore( 'gipaw_readin', 'reading inputgipaw namelist', abs( ios ) )
400 continue
call gipaw_bcast_input
END SUBROUTINE gipaw_readin
! Broadcast input data to all processors
SUBROUTINE gipaw_bcast_input
#ifdef __PARA
USE mp, ONLY : mp_bcast
USE io_files, ONLY : prefix, tmp_dir
USE us, ONLY : spline_ps
implicit none
integer :: root = 0
call mp_bcast(job, root)
call mp_bcast(prefix, root)
call mp_bcast(tmp_dir, root)
call mp_bcast(conv_threshold, root)
call mp_bcast(q_gipaw, root)
call mp_bcast(iverbosity, root)
call mp_bcast(filcurr, root)
call mp_bcast(filfield, root)
call mp_bcast(read_recon_in_paratec_fmt, root)
call mp_bcast(file_reconstruction, root)
call mp_bcast(use_nmr_macroscopic_shape, root)
call mp_bcast(nmr_macroscopic_shape, root)
call mp_bcast(spline_ps, root)
call mp_bcast(isolve, root)
call mp_bcast ( hfi_output_unit, root )
call mp_bcast ( hfi_isotope, root )
call mp_bcast ( hfi_nuclear_g_factor, root )
call mp_bcast ( radial_integral_splines, root )
CALL mp_bcast ( hfi_via_reconstruction_only, root )
CALL mp_bcast ( hfi_extrapolation_npoints, root )
END SUBROUTINE gipaw_bcast_input
! Allocate memory for GIPAW
SUBROUTINE gipaw_allocate
USE lsda_mod, ONLY : nspin, lsda
USE gvect, ONLY : ngm
USE wvfct, ONLY : nbnd, npwx
USE ions_base, ONLY : ntyp => nsp
USE paw_gipaw, ONLY : paw_recon
USE smooth_grid_dimensions, ONLY : nrxxs
allocate(j_bare(nrxxs,3,3,nspin), b_ind_r(nrxxs,3,3), b_ind(ngm,3,3))
if (.not. allocated(paw_recon) ) allocate ( paw_recon(ntyp) )
END SUBROUTINE gipaw_allocate
! Print a short summary of the calculation
SUBROUTINE gipaw_summary
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
CALL flush_unit( stdout )
END SUBROUTINE gipaw_summary
! Open files needed for GIPAW
SUBROUTINE gipaw_openfil
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE basis, ONLY : natomwfc, starting_wfc
USE wvfct, ONLY : nbnd, npwx
USE ldaU, ONLY : lda_plus_U
USE klist, ONLY : nks
USE io_files, ONLY : prefix, iunat, iunsat, iunwfc, iunigk, &
nwordwfc, nwordatwfc, tmp_dir, wfc_dir,&
USE noncollin_module, ONLY : npol
USE mp_global, ONLY : kunit
USE buffers, ONLY : open_buffer
USE control_flags, ONLY : io_level
LOGICAL :: exst
! ... nwordwfc is the record length (IN COMPLEX WORDS)
! ... for the direct-access file containing wavefunctions
nwordwfc = nbnd*npwx*npol
! ... iunwfc=10: read/write wfc from/to file
! ... iunwfc=-1: copy wfc to/from RAM
IF ( io_level > 0 ) THEN
iunwfc = 10
iunwfc = -1
CALL open_buffer( iunwfc, 'wfc', nwordwfc, nks, exst )
! ... Needed for LDA+U
! ... iunat contains the (orthogonalized) atomic wfcs
! ... iunsat contains the (orthogonalized) atomic wfcs * S
! ... iunocc contains the atomic occupations computed in new_ns
! ... it is opened and closed for each reading-writing operation
nwordatwfc = 2*npwx*natomwfc*npol
IF ( lda_plus_u ) then
CALL diropn( iunat, 'atwfc', nwordatwfc, exst )
CALL diropn( iunsat, 'satwfc', nwordatwfc, exst )
! ... iunigk contains the number of PW and the indices igk
! ... Note that unit 15 is reserved for error messages
CALL seqopn( iunigk, 'igk', 'UNFORMATTED', exst )
END SUBROUTINE gipaw_openfil
! Print timings
SUBROUTINE print_clock_gipaw
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
WRITE( stdout, * )
call print_clock ('GIPAW')
WRITE( stdout, * ) ' INITIALIZATION: '
call print_clock ('gipaw_setup')
WRITE( stdout, * )
call print_clock ('greenf')
call print_clock ('cgsolve')
call print_clock ('ch_psi')
call print_clock ('h_psiq')
WRITE( stdout, * )
call print_clock ('u_kq')
call print_clock ('h_psi')
WRITE( stdout, * )
call print_clock ('apply_p')
call print_clock ('apply_vel')
WRITE( stdout, * )
call print_clock ('j_para')
call print_clock ('biot_savart')
call print_clock ('c_sigma')
WRITE( stdout, * )
WRITE( stdout, * ) ' General routines'
call print_clock ('calbec')
call print_clock ('fft')
call print_clock ('ffts')
call print_clock ('fftw')
call print_clock ('cinterpolate')
call print_clock ('davcio')
call print_clock ('write_rec')
WRITE( stdout, * )
#ifdef __PARA
WRITE( stdout, * ) ' Parallel routines'
call print_clock ('reduce')
END SUBROUTINE print_clock_gipaw
! GIPAW setup
SUBROUTINE gipaw_setup
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout, ionode
USE ions_base, ONLY : tau, nat, ntyp => nsp, atm
USE atom, ONLY : rgrid
USE wvfct, ONLY : nbnd, et, wg, npwx
USE lsda_mod, ONLY : nspin, lsda
USE scf, ONLY : v, vrs, vltot, rho, rho_core, kedtau
USE gvect, ONLY : ngm
USE grid_dimensions,ONLY: nrxx
USE gvecs, ONLY : doublegrid
USE klist, ONLY : xk, degauss, ngauss, nks, nelec
USE constants, ONLY : degspin, pi
USE paw_gipaw, ONLY : paw_recon, paw_nkb, paw_vkb, paw_becp, &
read_recon, read_recon_paratec, set_paw_upf
USE symm_base, ONLY : nsym, s
USE uspp_param, ONLY : upf
USE mp_global, ONLY : inter_pool_comm
USE mp, ONLY : mp_max, mp_min
USE dfunct, only : newd
integer :: ik, nt, ibnd
! logical :: nlcc_any
real(dp) :: emin, emax
integer :: il, lm, l, m, lm1, lm2, m1, m2, abs_m1, abs_m2
integer :: sign_m1, sign_m2, il1, il2, l1, l2, j, kkpsi, nrc
real(dp) :: alpha_lm, beta_lm
integer, allocatable :: lm2l ( : ), lm2m ( : )
integer :: kkpsi_max
real(dp), allocatable :: work(:), kinetic_aephi(:), kinetic_psphi(:)
real(dp), allocatable :: aephi_dvloc_dr(:), psphi_dvloc_dr(:)
real(dp) :: mysum1 ( 3, lmaxx ) !TMPTMPTMP
real(dp) :: mysum2 ( 3, 1:lmaxx ) !TMPTMPTMP
logical :: vloc_set
INTEGER :: core_orb
REAL ( dp ) :: integral, occupation
call start_clock ('gipaw_setup')
! Test whether the symmetry operations map the Cartesian axis to each
! other - if not, remove them (how to check the k point mesh then? - oops!
!*apsi* CALL test_symmetries ( s, nsym )
! initialize pseudopotentials
call init_us_1
! initialise data, also for the case that no GIPAW is present
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED ( paw_recon ) ) ALLOCATE ( paw_recon(ntyp) )
paw_recon(:)%gipaw_data_in_upf_file = .FALSE.
paw_recon(:)%paw_nbeta = 0
paw_recon(:)%paw_nh = 0
paw_recon(:)%paw_kkbeta = 0
paw_recon(:)%gipaw_ncore_orbital = 0
paw_recon(:)%vloc_present = .FALSE.
DO nt = 1, ntyp
paw_recon(nt)%paw_lll(:) = 0
! Read in qe format
DO nt = 1, ntyp
IF ( read_recon_in_paratec_fmt ) THEN
! Read in paratec format
CALL read_recon_paratec ( file_reconstruction(nt), nt, &
paw_recon(nt), vloc_set )
IF ( .NOT. vloc_set .AND. job == "g-tensor" ) THEN
CALL errore ( "gipaw_setup", &
"no local potential set in read_recon_paratec", 1 )
CALL set_paw_upf (nt, upf(nt))
CALL read_recon ( file_reconstruction(nt), nt, paw_recon(nt) )
!!!paw_recon(nt)%paw_nbeta = 0
if ( iverbosity > 20 ) then
! Write the wave functions and local potentials for debugging/testing
do nt = 1, ntyp
do il = 1, paw_recon(nt)%paw_nbeta
do j = 1, MIN(SIZE(rgrid(nt)%r),SIZE(paw_recon(nt)%aephi(il)%psi))
write(1000+nt,*) rgrid(nt)%r(j), paw_recon(nt)%aephi(il)%psi(j)
write(1100+nt,*) rgrid(nt)%r(j), paw_recon(nt)%psphi(il)%psi(j)
end do
write(1000+nt,*) " "
write(1100+nt,*) " "
end do
end do
do nt = 1, ntyp
do j = 1, MIN(SIZE(rgrid(nt)%r),SIZE(paw_recon(nt)%gipaw_ae_vloc))
write(1200+nt,*) rgrid(nt)%r(j), paw_recon(nt)%gipaw_ae_vloc(j)
write(1300+nt,*) rgrid(nt)%r(j), paw_recon(nt)%gipaw_ps_vloc(j)
end do
write(1200+nt,*) " "
write(1300+nt,*) " "
end do
end if
! initialize paw
do nt = 1, ntyp
do il = 1, paw_recon(nt)%paw_nbeta
IF ( paw_recon(nt)%psphi(il)%label%rc < -0.99_dp ) THEN
rc(nt,paw_recon(nt)%psphi(il)%label%l) = 1.6_dp
rc(nt,paw_recon(nt)%aephi(il)%label%l) = 1.6_dp
paw_recon(nt)%psphi(il)%label%rc &
= rc(nt,paw_recon(nt)%psphi(il)%label%l)
paw_recon(nt)%aephi(il)%label%rc &
= rc(nt,paw_recon(nt)%aephi(il)%label%l)
rc(nt,paw_recon(nt)%psphi(il)%label%l) &
= paw_recon(nt)%psphi(il)%label%rc
rc(nt,paw_recon(nt)%aephi(il)%label%l) &
= paw_recon(nt)%aephi(il)%label%rc
call init_gipaw_1()
allocate ( paw_vkb(npwx,paw_nkb) )
allocate ( paw_becp(paw_nkb,nbnd) )
allocate ( paw_becp2(paw_nkb,nbnd) )
allocate ( radial_integral_diamagnetic(paw_nkb,paw_nkb,ntypx) )
allocate ( radial_integral_paramagnetic(paw_nkb,paw_nkb,ntypx) )
allocate ( radial_integral_diamagnetic_so(paw_nkb,paw_nkb,ntypx) )
allocate ( radial_integral_paramagnetic_so(paw_nkb,paw_nkb,ntypx) )
allocate ( radial_integral_rmc(paw_nkb,paw_nkb,ntypx) )
radial_integral_diamagnetic = 0.0_dp
radial_integral_paramagnetic = 0.0_dp
radial_integral_diamagnetic_so = 0.0_dp
radial_integral_paramagnetic_so = 0.0_dp
radial_integral_rmc = 0.0_dp
do nt=1, ntyp
do il1=1, paw_recon(nt)%paw_nbeta
l1 = paw_recon(nt)%psphi(il1)%label%l
kkpsi = paw_recon(nt)%aephi(il1)%kkpsi
nrc = paw_recon(nt)%psphi(il1)%label%nrc
allocate ( work(kkpsi) )
do il2 = 1, paw_recon(nt)%paw_nbeta
l2 = paw_recon(nt)%psphi(il2)%label%l
IF ( l1 /= l2 ) CYCLE
! NMR shielding, diamagnetic
do j = 1, nrc
work(j) = (paw_recon(nt)%aephi(il1)%psi(j)*paw_recon(nt)%aephi(il2)%psi(j)-&
CALL simpson( nrc, work, rgrid(nt)%rab(:nrc), &
radial_integral_diamagnetic(il1,il2,nt) )
if (iverbosity > 10) then
write(stdout,*) "DIA (NMR) :", nt, l1, l2, &
radial_integral_diamagnetic(il1,il2,nt) &
* alpha ** 2 * 1e6 * 4
end if
! NMR shielding, paramagnetic
! calculate radial integration on atom site
! <aephi|1/r^3|aephi>-<psphi|1/r^3|psphi>
do j = 1, nrc
work(j) = &
( paw_recon(nt)%aephi(il1)%psi(j) * paw_recon(nt)%aephi(il2)%psi(j) &
- paw_recon(nt)%psphi(il1)%psi(j) * paw_recon(nt)%psphi(il2)%psi(j) ) &
/ rgrid(nt)%r(j) ** 3
end do
call simpson( nrc, work, rgrid(nt)%rab(:nrc), &
radial_integral_paramagnetic(il1,il2,nt) )
if (iverbosity > 10) then
write(stdout,*) "PARA (NMR):", nt, l1, l2, &
radial_integral_paramagnetic(il1,il2,nt) &
* alpha ** 2 * 1e6 * 4
end if
! Calculate the radial integral only if the radial potential
! is present
IF ( .NOT. paw_recon(nt)%vloc_present ) CYCLE
! g tensor, relativistic mass correction
ALLOCATE ( kinetic_aephi ( kkpsi ), kinetic_psphi ( kkpsi ) )
CALL radial_kinetic_energy ( l2, rgrid(nt)%r(:nrc), &
paw_recon(nt)%aephi(il2)%psi(:nrc), kinetic_aephi(:nrc) )
CALL radial_kinetic_energy ( l2, rgrid(nt)%r(:nrc), &
paw_recon(nt)%psphi(il2)%psi(:nrc), kinetic_psphi(:nrc) )
do j = 1, nrc
work(j) = ( paw_recon(nt)%aephi(il1)%psi(j) * kinetic_aephi(j) &
- paw_recon(nt)%psphi(il1)%psi(j) * kinetic_psphi(j) )
end do
DEALLOCATE ( kinetic_aephi, kinetic_psphi )
CALL simpson ( nrc, work, rgrid(nt)%rab(:nrc), &
radial_integral_rmc(il1,il2,nt) )
if (iverbosity > 10) then
write(stdout,*) "RMC (SO) :", nt, l1, l2, &
end if
ALLOCATE ( aephi_dvloc_dr ( nrc ), psphi_dvloc_dr ( nrc ) )
CALL radial_derivative ( rgrid(nt)%r(:nrc), &
paw_recon(nt)%gipaw_ae_vloc(:nrc), &
aephi_dvloc_dr(:nrc) )
CALL radial_derivative ( rgrid(nt)%r(:nrc), &
paw_recon(nt)%gipaw_ps_vloc(:nrc), &
psphi_dvloc_dr ( :nrc ) )
! g tensor, diamagnetic
do j = 1, nrc
work(j) = ( paw_recon(nt)%aephi(il1)%psi(j) * aephi_dvloc_dr(j) &
* paw_recon(nt)%aephi(il2)%psi(j) - paw_recon(nt)%psphi(il1)%psi(j) &
* psphi_dvloc_dr(j) * paw_recon(nt)%psphi(il2)%psi(j) ) &
* rgrid(nt)%r(j)
end do
call simpson( nrc, work, rgrid(nt)%rab(:nrc), &
radial_integral_diamagnetic_so(il1,il2,nt) )
if (iverbosity > 10) then
write(stdout,*) "DIA (SO) :", nt, l1, l2, &
radial_integral_diamagnetic_so(il1,il2,nt) * alpha
end if
! g tensor, paramagnetic
do j = 1, nrc
work(j) = ( paw_recon(nt)%aephi(il1)%psi(j) * aephi_dvloc_dr(j) &
* paw_recon(nt)%aephi(il2)%psi(j) - paw_recon(nt)%psphi(il1)%psi(j) &
* psphi_dvloc_dr(j) * paw_recon(nt)%psphi(il2)%psi(j) ) &
/ rgrid(nt)%r(j)
end do
if ( iverbosity > 20 ) then
if ( l1 == 0 ) then
do j = 1, nrc
write(90,*) rgrid(nt)%r(j), work(j)*rgrid(nt)%r(j)**2
end do
write(90,*) ""
end if
end if
call simpson( nrc,work,rgrid(nt)%rab(:nrc), &
radial_integral_paramagnetic_so(il1,il2,nt) )
if ( iverbosity > 10 ) then
write(stdout,*) "PARA (SO) :", nt, l1, l2, &
radial_integral_paramagnetic_so(il1,il2,nt) * alpha
end if
DEALLOCATE ( aephi_dvloc_dr, psphi_dvloc_dr )
! terms for paramagnetic
allocate ( lx ( lmaxx**2, lmaxx**2 ) )
allocate ( ly ( lmaxx**2, lmaxx**2 ) )
allocate ( lz ( lmaxx**2, lmaxx**2 ) )
allocate ( lm2l ( lmaxx**2 ), lm2m ( lmaxx**2 ) )
lm = 0
do l = 0, lmaxx - 1
do m = 0, l
lm = lm + 1
lm2l ( lm ) = l
lm2m ( lm ) = m
if ( m /= 0 ) then
lm = lm + 1
lm2l ( lm ) = l
lm2m ( lm ) = - m
end if
end do
end do
lx = 0.0_dp
ly = 0.0_dp
lz = 0.0_dp
do lm2 = 1, lmaxx**2
do lm1 = 1, lmaxx**2
if ( lm2l ( lm1 ) /= lm2l ( lm2 ) ) cycle
l = lm2l ( lm1 )
m1 = lm2m ( lm1 )
m2 = lm2m ( lm2 )
! L_x, L_y
if ( m2 == 0 ) then
if ( m1 == -1 ) then
lx ( lm1, lm2 ) = - sqrt(real(l*(l+1),dp)) / sqrt(2.0_dp)
else if ( m1 == +1 ) then
ly ( lm1, lm2 ) = + sqrt(real(l*(l+1),dp)) / sqrt(2.0_dp)
end if
else if ( m1 == 0 ) then
if ( m2 == -1 ) then
lx ( lm1, lm2 ) = + sqrt(real(l*(l+1),dp)) / sqrt(2.0_dp)
else if ( m2 == +1 ) then
ly ( lm1, lm2 ) = - sqrt(real(l*(l+1),dp)) / sqrt(2.0_dp)
end if
abs_m1 = abs ( m1 )
abs_m2 = abs ( m2 )
sign_m1 = sign ( 1, m1 )
sign_m2 = sign ( 1, m2 )
alpha_lm = sqrt(real(l*(l+1)-abs_m2*(abs_m2+1),dp))
beta_lm = sqrt(real(l*(l+1)-abs_m2*(abs_m2-1),dp))
if ( abs_m1 == abs_m2 + 1 ) then
lx ( lm1, lm2 ) =-( sign_m2 - sign_m1 ) * alpha_lm / 4.0_dp
ly ( lm1, lm2 ) = ( sign_m2 + sign_m1 ) * alpha_lm / 4.0_dp &
/ sign_m2
else if ( abs_m1 == abs_m2 - 1 ) then
lx ( lm1, lm2 ) =-( sign_m2 - sign_m1 ) * beta_lm / 4.0_dp
ly ( lm1, lm2 ) =-( sign_m2 + sign_m1 ) * beta_lm / 4.0_dp &
/ sign_m2
end if
end if
! L_z
if ( m1 == - m2 ) then
lz ( lm1, lm2 ) = - m2
end if
end do
end do
if (iverbosity > 20) then
write(stdout,'(A)') "lx:"
write(stdout,'(9F8.5)') lx
write(stdout,'(A)') "ly:"
write(stdout,'(9F8.5)') ly
write(stdout,'(A)') "lz:"
write(stdout,'(9F8.5)') lz
! Checks
mysum1 = 0
mysum2 = 0
do lm2 = 1, lmaxx**2
do lm1 = 1, lmaxx**2
if ( lm2l ( lm1 ) /= lm2l ( lm2 ) ) cycle
l = lm2l ( lm2 )
mysum1(1,l+1) = mysum1(1,l+1) + lx(lm1,lm2)
mysum2(1,l+1) = mysum2(1,l+1) + lx(lm1,lm2)**2
mysum1(2,l+1) = mysum1(2,l+1) + ly(lm1,lm2)
mysum2(2,l+1) = mysum2(2,l+1) + ly(lm1,lm2)**2
mysum1(3,l+1) = mysum1(3,l+1) + lz(lm1,lm2)
mysum2(3,l+1) = mysum2(3,l+1) + lz(lm1,lm2)**2
end do
end do
write(stdout,'(A,9F8.4)') "Debug, sum1: x = ", mysum1(1,:)
write(stdout,'(A,9F8.4)') "Debug, sum1: y = ", mysum1(2,:)
write(stdout,'(A,9F8.4)') "Debug, sum1: z = ", mysum1(3,:)
write(stdout,'(A,9F8.4)') "Debug, sum2: x = ", mysum2(1,:)
write(stdout,'(A,9F8.4)') "Debug, sum2: y = ", mysum2(2,:)
write(stdout,'(A,9F8.4)') "Debug, sum2: z = ", mysum2(3,:)
end if
deallocate ( lm2l, lm2m )
! Compute the shift due to core orbitals
DO nt = 1, ntyp
IF ( paw_recon(nt)%gipaw_ncore_orbital == 0 ) CYCLE
ALLOCATE ( work(rgrid(nt)%mesh) )
nmr_shift_core(nt) = 0.0
DO core_orb = 1, paw_recon(nt)%gipaw_ncore_orbital
DO j = 1, SIZE(work)
work(j) = paw_recon(nt)%gipaw_core_orbital(j,core_orb) ** 2 &
/ rgrid(nt)%r(j)
CALL simpson( SIZE(work), work, rgrid(nt)%rab(:), &
integral )
occupation = 2 * ( &
2 * paw_recon(nt)%gipaw_core_orbital_l(core_orb) + 1 )
nmr_shift_core(nt) = nmr_shift_core(nt) + occupation * integral
nmr_shift_core(nt) = nmr_shift_core(nt) * 17.75045395 * 1e-6
WRITE ( stdout, '()' )
DO nt = 1, ntyp
IF ( paw_recon(nt)%gipaw_ncore_orbital == 0 ) THEN
WRITE ( stdout, '( 3A, F8.3)' ) "NMR: species ", &
TRIM ( atm(nt) ), &
", no information on the core"
WRITE ( stdout, '( 3A, F8.3)' ) "NMR: species ", &
TRIM ( atm(nt) ), &
", contribution to shift due to core = ", &
nmr_shift_core(nt) * 1e6
WRITE ( stdout, '()' )
! computes the total local potential (external+scf) on the smooth grid
call setlocal
call set_vrs (vrs, vltot, v%of_r, kedtau, v%kin_r, nrxx, nspin, doublegrid)
! compute the D for the pseudopotentials
call newd
! set non linear core correction stuff
!! nlcc_any = ANY ( upf(1:ntyp)%nlcc )
!!if (nlcc_any) allocate (drc( ngm, ntyp))
!! setup all gradient correction stuff
!!call setup_dgc
! computes the number of occupied bands for each k point
nbnd_occ (:) = 0
do ik = 1, nks
do ibnd = 1, nbnd
if ( wg(ibnd,ik) > 1e-6 ) then
nbnd_occ(ik) = ibnd
end if
end do
end do
! computes alpha_pv
emin = et (1, 1)
do ik = 1, nks
do ibnd = 1, nbnd
emin = min (emin, et (ibnd, ik) )
#ifdef __PARA
! find the minimum across pools
call mp_min( emin, inter_pool_comm )
if (degauss.ne.0.0_dp) then
call errore('gipaw_setup', 'implemented only for insulators', -1)
emax = et (1, 1)
do ik = 1, nks
do ibnd = 1, nbnd
emax = max (emax, et (ibnd, ik) )
#ifdef __PARA
! find the maximum across pools
call mp_max( emax, inter_pool_comm )
alpha_pv = 2.0_dp * (emax - emin)
! avoid zero value for alpha_pv
alpha_pv = max (alpha_pv, 1.0d-2)
call stop_clock('gipaw_setup')
SUBROUTINE radial_kinetic_energy ( l, rdata, ydata, kin_ydata )
USE splinelib
REAL(dp), INTENT ( IN ) :: rdata ( : ), ydata ( : )
REAL(dp), INTENT ( OUT ) :: kin_ydata ( : )
REAL(dp) :: d1
d1 = ( ydata(2) - ydata(1) ) / ( rdata(2) - rdata(1) )
CALL spline ( rdata, ydata, 0.0_dp, d1, kin_ydata )
kin_ydata = - kin_ydata + l*(l+1) * ydata / rdata ** 2
END SUBROUTINE radial_kinetic_energy
SUBROUTINE radial_derivative ( rdata, ydata, dydata_dr )
USE splinelib
! ydata passed as y * r
REAL(dp), INTENT ( IN ) :: rdata ( : ), ydata ( : )
REAL(dp), INTENT ( OUT ) :: dydata_dr ( : )
REAL(dp) :: d1, tab_d2y ( SIZE ( ydata ) )
d1 = ( ydata(2) - ydata(1) ) / ( rdata(2) - rdata(1) )
CALL spline ( rdata, ydata, 0.0_dp, d1, tab_d2y )
DO j = 1, SIZE ( ydata )
dydata_dr ( j ) = &
( splint_deriv ( rdata, ydata, tab_d2y, rdata ( j ) ) &
- ydata ( j ) / rdata ( j ) ) / rdata ( j )
END SUBROUTINE radial_derivative
END SUBROUTINE gipaw_setup
FUNCTION spline_integration ( xdata, ydata )
USE splinelib, ONLY : spline
! Return type
REAL ( dp ) :: spline_integration
! Arguments
REAL ( dp ), INTENT ( IN ) :: xdata(:), ydata(:)
! Local
REAL ( dp ) :: startd, startu
REAL ( dp ) :: d2y(SIZE(xdata))
IF ( SIZE ( xdata ) /= SIZE ( ydata ) ) &
CALL errore ( "spline_interpolation", &
"sizes of arguments do not match", 1 )
startu = ( ydata(2) - ydata(1) ) / ( xdata(2) - xdata(1) )
startu = 0.0
startd = 0.0
CALL spline ( xdata, ydata, startu, startd, d2y )
spline_integration = 0.0
DO n = 1, SIZE ( xdata )
spline_integration = spline_integration &
+ splint_integr ( xdata, ydata, d2y, xdata(n) )
END FUNCTION spline_integration
FUNCTION spline_integration_mirror ( xdata, ydata )
! Like 'spline_integration' but assumes the function to be symmetric
! on x axis [i.e. f(-x) = f(x) ]
USE splinelib, ONLY : spline
! Return type
REAL ( dp ) :: spline_integration_mirror
! Arguments
REAL ( dp ), INTENT ( IN ) :: xdata(:), ydata(:)
! Local
REAL ( dp ) :: startd, startu
REAL ( dp ) :: xdata2(2*SIZE(xdata)), ydata2(2*SIZE(ydata))
REAL ( dp ) :: d2y(2*SIZE(xdata))
IF ( SIZE ( xdata ) /= SIZE ( ydata ) ) &
CALL errore ( "spline_interpolation", &
"sizes of arguments do not match", 1 )
xdata2(SIZE ( xdata ):1:-1) = - xdata
xdata2(SIZE ( xdata )+1:) = xdata
ydata2(SIZE ( xdata ):1:-1) = ydata
ydata2(SIZE ( xdata )+1:) = ydata
startu = ( ydata(2) - ydata(1) ) / ( xdata(2) - xdata(1) )
startu = 0.0
startd = 0.0
CALL spline ( xdata2, ydata2, startu, startd, d2y )
spline_integration_mirror = 0.0
DO n = 1, SIZE ( xdata2 )
spline_integration_mirror = spline_integration_mirror &
+ splint_integr ( xdata2, ydata2, d2y, xdata2(n) )
spline_integration_mirror = spline_integration_mirror / 2
END FUNCTION spline_integration_mirror
FUNCTION splint_integr ( xdata, ydata, d2y, x )
USE splinelib, ONLY : spline
! Return type
REAL ( dp ) :: splint_integr
! Arguments
REAL ( dp ), INTENT ( IN ) :: xdata(:), ydata(:), d2y(:), x
! Local
INTEGER :: khi, klo, xdim
REAL ( dp ) :: a, b, da, db, h
xdim = SIZE( xdata )
klo = 1
khi = xdim
klo = MAX( MIN( locate( xdata, x ), ( xdim - 1 ) ), 1 )
khi = klo + 1
h = xdata(khi) - xdata(klo)
a = ( xdata(khi) - x ) / h
b = ( x - xdata(klo) ) / h
da = -1 / h
db = 1 / h
splint_integr = -0.5 * ydata(klo) / da + 0.5 * ydata(khi) / db &
+ ( 0.25 / da * d2y(klo) &
+ ( -0.25 / db * d2y(khi) ) ) &
* ( h**2 ) / 6.D0
END FUNCTION splint_integr
FUNCTION locate( xx, x )
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: xx(:)
INTEGER :: locate
INTEGER :: n, jl, jm, ju
LOGICAL :: ascnd
n = SIZE( xx )
ascnd = ( xx(n) >= xx(1) )
jl = 0
ju = n + 1
main_loop: DO
IF ( ( ju - jl ) <= 1 ) EXIT main_loop
jm = ( ju + jl ) / 2
IF ( ascnd .EQV. ( x >= xx(jm) ) ) THEN
jl = jm
ju = jm
END DO main_loop
IF ( x == xx(1) ) THEN
locate = 1
ELSE IF ( x == xx(n) ) THEN
locate = n - 1
locate = jl
FUNCTION spline_mirror_extrapolate ( xdata, ydata, x )
USE splinelib, ONLY : spline, splint
! Return type
REAL ( dp ) :: spline_mirror_extrapolate
! Arguments
REAL ( dp ), INTENT ( IN ) :: xdata(:), ydata(:), x
! Local
REAL ( dp ) :: startd, startu
REAL ( dp ) :: xdata2(2*SIZE(xdata)), ydata2(2*SIZE(ydata))
REAL ( dp ) :: d2y(2*SIZE(xdata))
IF ( SIZE ( xdata ) /= SIZE ( ydata ) ) &
CALL errore ( "spline_mirror_extrapolate", &
"sizes of arguments do not match", 1 )
n = SIZE ( xdata )
xdata2(n:1:-1) = - xdata
xdata2(n+1:) = xdata
ydata2(n:1:-1) = ydata
ydata2(n+1:) = ydata
startu = 0.0
startd = 0.0
CALL spline ( xdata2, ydata2, startu, startd, d2y )
spline_mirror_extrapolate = splint ( xdata2, ydata2, d2y, x )
END FUNCTION spline_mirror_extrapolate
SUBROUTINE radial_extrapolation ( x, y, x_extrapolate, y_extrapolate, &
norders )
! Arguments
REAL ( dp ), INTENT ( IN ) :: x(:), y(:)
REAL ( dp ), INTENT ( IN ) :: x_extrapolate(:)
REAL ( dp ), INTENT ( OUT ) :: y_extrapolate(:)
INTEGER, INTENT ( IN ) :: norders
! Local
INTEGER :: n, i, j
REAL ( dp ) :: a(0:norders,0:norders), b(0:norders), c(0:norders)
! Dirac delta function
do j = 0, norders
a(0:norders,j) = x(1:norders+1) ** j
b(0:norders) = y(1:norders+1)
CALL invert ( a, norders + 1 )
c = MATMUL ( a, b )
y_extrapolate = 0.0
DO i = 1, SIZE ( x_extrapolate )
DO j = 0, norders
y_extrapolate(i) = y_extrapolate(i) + c(j) * x_extrapolate(i) ** j
END SUBROUTINE radial_extrapolation
SUBROUTINE invert ( a, n )
! Arguments
REAL ( dp ), INTENT ( INOUT ) :: a(n,n)
! Local
INTEGER :: ipvt(n)
INTEGER :: info
REAL ( dp ) :: cwork(n)
CALL dgetrf ( n, n, a, n, ipvt, info )
IF ( info /= 0 ) &
CALL errore ( "invert_in_hypefile", "dgetrf failed", ABS ( info ) )
CALL dgetri ( n, a, n, ipvt, cwork, n, info )
IF ( info /= 0 ) &
CALL errore ( "invert_in_hypefile", "dgetri failed", ABS ( info ) )
! Test whether symmetry axis map into each other
SUBROUTINE test_symmetries ( s, nsym )
USE cell_base, ONLY : at, bg
! Arguments
INTEGER, INTENT ( INOUT ) :: s(3,3,48)
! Local
INTEGER :: i, isym, j
INTEGER :: s_new(3,3,48)
INTEGER :: isym_now
REAL ( dp ) :: vect(3,3), vec2(3), vec3(3), vec4(3)
REAL ( dp ) :: vect_len, vec4_len
vect = 0.0
vect(1,1) = 1.0
vect(2,2) = 1.0
vect(3,3) = 1.0
isym_now = 0
DO isym = 1, nsym
DO i = 1, 3
write(6,*) ">>>>>>>>>> ", i, isym
write(6,'(A,3F12.6)') "AAA ", vect(:,i)
! Transfer into reciprocal lattice vectors
vec2 = MATMUL ( TRANSPOSE ( bg ), vect(:,i) )
write(6,'(A,3F12.6)') "BBB ", vec2
! Multiply with symmetry operation
vec3 = MATMUL ( s(:,:,isym), vec2 )
write(6,'(A,3F12.6)') "CCC ", vec3
! Transfer into Cartesian coordinates
vec4 = MATMUL ( at, vec3 )
write(6,'(A,3F12.6)') "DDD ", vec4
! Check if the length is the same...
vect_len = SQRT ( SUM ( vect(:,i) ** 2 ) )
vec4_len = SQRT ( SUM ( vec4(:) ** 2 ) )
IF ( ABS ( vect_len - vec4_len ) > 1e-8 ) THEN
write(6,*) "DEBUG: ", vect_len, vec4_len
CALL errore ( "test_symmetries", &
"length of vectors cannot change", -1 )
vec4 = vec4 / vec4_len
DO j = 1, 3
vec4(j) = ABS ( vec4(j) )
IF ( ABS ( vec4(1) - 1 ) + ABS ( vec4(2) ) + ABS ( vec4(3) ) > 1e-8 &
.AND. ABS ( vec4(1) ) + ABS ( vec4(2) - 1 ) + ABS ( vec4(3) ) > 1e-8 &
.AND. ABS ( vec4(1) ) + ABS ( vec4(2) ) + ABS ( vec4(3) - 1 ) > 1e-8 ) THEN
! Symmetry operation does not map one axis to another - remove it
isym_now = isym_now + 1
s_new(:,:,isym_now) = s(:,:,isym)
write(6,*) "<<<<<<<<<<<< ", i, isym
! nsym = isym_now
! s = s_new
END SUBROUTINE test_symmetries
END MODULE gipaw_module