
2165 lines
65 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2004-2013 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
! Modified by Davide Ceresoli:
! - use dp from module kinds
! - write to string instead of stdout
! - return error codes
! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
! This library contains routines for B-spline interpolation in
! one, two, and three dimensions. Part of the routines are based
! on the book by Carl de Boor: A practical guide to Splines (Springer,
! New-York 1978) and have the same calling sequence and names as
! the corresponding routines from the IMSL library. For documen-
! tation see the additional files. NOTE: The results in the demo
! routines may vary slightly on different architectures.
! by W. Schadow 12/04/99
! last changed by W. Schadow 07/28/2000
! Wolfgang Schadow
! 4004 Wesbrook Mall
! Vancouver, B.C. V6T 2A3
! Canada
! email: schadow@triumf.ca or schadow@physik.uni-bonn.de
! www : http://www.triumf.ca/people/schadow
! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
! Copyright (C) 2000 Wolfgang Schadow
! This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
! modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
! License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
! version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
! This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
! Library General Public License for more details.
! You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
! License along with this library; if not, write to the
! Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
! Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
MODULE bspline
!! This module contains routines for B-spline interpolation in
!! one, two, and three dimensions. Part of the routines are based
!! on the book by Carl de Boor: 'A practical guide to Splines' (Springer,
!! New-York 1978) and have the same calling sequence and names as
!! the corresponding routines from the IMSL library. For documen-
!! tation see the additional files.
!! NOTE: The results in the demo routines may vary slightly on different
!! architectures.
!! By W. Schadow 12/04/99
!! Last changed by W. Schadow 07/28/2000
USE kinds, only : dp
character(80) :: routine
character(256) :: errmsg
public dbsnak
public dbsint, dbsval, dbsder, dbs1gd
public dbs2in, dbs2dr, dbs2vl, dbs2gd
public dbs3in, dbs3vl, dbs3dr, dbs3gd
public get_error_routine
public get_error_message
subroutine dbsnak(nx,xvec,kxord,xknot, ierr)
!! Compute the `not-a-knot' spline knot sequence (see de Boor p. 167).
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: nx
!! number of data points.
integer, intent(in) :: kxord
!! order of the spline.
real(dp), dimension(nx), intent(in) :: xvec
!! array of length ndata containing the location of the data points.
real(dp), dimension(nx+kxord), intent(out) :: xknot
!! array of length ndata+korder containing the knot sequence.
integer, intent(out) :: ierr
!! error index
! ... local variables
real(dp) :: eps
integer :: ix
logical :: first = .true.
save first,eps
routine = 'dbsnak'
ierr = 0
if (first) then
eps = epsilon(1.0_dp)
!write(6,*) "subroutine dbsnak: "
!write(6,*) "eps = ",eps
if((kxord .lt. 0) .or. (kxord .gt. nx)) then
write(errmsg,*) "0 <= kxord <= nx is required: kxord,nx=", kxord, nx
ierr = 1
do ix = 1, kxord
xknot(ix) = xvec(1)
end do
if(mod(kxord,2) .eq. 0) then
do ix = kxord+1, nx
xknot(ix) = xvec(ix-kxord/2)
end do
do ix = kxord+1, nx
xknot(ix) = 0.5_dp * (xvec(ix-kxord/2) + xvec(ix-kxord/2-1))
end do
do ix = nx+1, nx+kxord
xknot(ix) = xvec(nx) * (1.0_dp + eps)
end do
end subroutine dbsnak
subroutine dbsint(nx,xvec,xdata,kx,xknot,bcoef, ierr)
!! Computes the spline interpolant, returning the B-spline coefficients
!! (see de Boor p. 204).
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: nx
!! number of data points.
integer, intent(in) :: kx
!! order of the spline. \(\text{korder}\) must be less than or
!! equal to \(\text{ndata}\).
real(dp), dimension(nx), intent(in) :: xdata
!! array of length \(\text{ndata}\) containing the data point ordinates.
real(dp), dimension(nx), intent(in) :: xvec
!! array of length \(\text{nx}\) containing the data point abscissas.
real(dp), dimension(nx+kx), intent(in) :: xknot
!! array of length \(nx+kx\) containing the knot sequence.
!! \(\text{xknot}\) must be nondecreasing.
real(dp), dimension(nx), intent(out) :: bcoef
!! array of length \(\text{ndata}\) containing the B-spline coefficients.
integer, intent(out) :: ierr
!! error index
! ... local variables
integer :: nxp1, kxm1, kpkm2, leftx, lenq
integer :: ix, ik,ilp1mx, jj, iflag
real(dp) :: xveci
real(dp), dimension((2*kx-1)*nx) :: work
routine = 'dbsint'
ierr = 0
nxp1 = nx + 1
kxm1 = kx - 1
kpkm2 = 2 * kxm1
leftx = kx
lenq = nx * (kx + kxm1)
do ix = 1, lenq
work(ix) = 0.0_dp
end do
do ix = 1, nx
xveci = xvec(ix)
ilp1mx = min0(ix+kx,nxp1)
leftx = max0(leftx,ix)
if (xveci .lt. xknot(leftx)) goto 998
30 if (xveci .lt. xknot(leftx+1)) go to 40
leftx = leftx + 1
if (leftx .lt. ilp1mx) go to 30
leftx = leftx - 1
if (xveci .gt. xknot(leftx+1)) goto 998
40 call bsplvb (xknot,nx+kx,kx,1,xveci,leftx,bcoef)
jj = ix - leftx + 1 + (leftx - kx) * (kx + kxm1)
do ik = 1, kx
jj = jj + kpkm2
work(jj) = bcoef(ik)
end do
end do
call banfac(work,kx+kxm1,nx,kxm1,kxm1,iflag)
if (iflag .ne. 1) then
write(errmsg,*) 'no solution of linear equation system'
ierr = 1
end if
do ix = 1, nx
bcoef(ix) = xdata(ix)
end do
call banslv(work,kx+kxm1,nx,kxm1,kxm1,bcoef)
998 write(errmsg,*) "xknot(ix) <= xknot(ix+1) required: ix,xknot(ix),xknot(ix+1)=", &
ierr = 2
end subroutine dbsint
function dbsval(x,kx,xknot,nx,bcoef, ierr)
!! Evaluates a spline, given its B-spline representation.
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: nx
!! number of B-spline coefficients.
integer, intent(in) :: kx
!! order of the spline.
real(dp) :: dbsval
!! value of the spline at x.
real(dp) :: x
!! point at which the spline is to be evaluated.
real(dp), dimension(nx+kx), intent(in) :: xknot
!! array of length nx+kx containing the knot sequence.
!! \(\text{xknot}\) must be nondecreasing.
real(dp), dimension(nx), intent(in) :: bcoef
!! array of length nx containing the B-spline coefficients.
integer, intent(out) :: ierr
!! error index
! ... local variables
integer :: il, ik, ix, leftx
real(dp) :: save1, save2
real(dp), dimension(kx) :: work, dl, dr
ierr = 0
routine = 'dbsval'
dbsval = 0.0_dp
! check if xknot(i) <= xknot(i+1) and calculation of i so that
! xknot(i) <= x < xknot(i+1)
leftx = 0
do ix = 1,nx+kx-1
if (xknot(ix) .gt. xknot(ix+1)) then
write(errmsg,*) "xknot(ix) <= xknot(ix+1) required: ix,xknot(ix),xknot(ix+1)=", &
ierr = 1
if((xknot(ix) .le. x) .and. (x .lt. xknot(ix+1))) leftx = ix
end do
if(leftx .eq. 0) then
write(errmsg,*) "ix with xknot(ix) <= x < xknot(ix+1) required: x=", x
ierr = 2
do ik = 1, kx-1
work(ik) = bcoef(leftx+ik-kx)
dl(ik) = x - xknot(leftx+ik-kx)
dr(ik) = xknot(leftx+ik) - x
end do
work(kx) = bcoef(leftx)
dl(kx) = x - xknot(leftx)
do ik = 1, kx-1
save2 = work(ik)
do il = ik+1, kx
save1 = work(il)
work(il) = (dl(il) * work(il) + dr(il-ik) * save2) &
& / (dl(il) + dr(il - ik))
save2 = save1
end do
end do
dbsval = work(kx)
end function dbsval
function dbsder(iderx,x,kx,xknot,nx,bcoef, ierr)
!! Evaluates the derivative of a spline, given its B-spline representation.
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: iderx
!! order of the derivative to be evaluated. In particular, \(\text{iderx}=0\)
!! returns the value of the spline.
integer, intent(in) :: kx
!! order of the spline.
integer, intent(in) :: nx
!! number of B-spline coefficients.
real(dp) :: dbsder
!! value of the iderx-th derivative of the spline at x.
real(dp), intent(in) :: x
!! point at which the spline is to be evaluated.
real(dp), dimension(nx+kx), intent(in) :: xknot
!! array of length nx+kx containing the knot sequence. \(\text{xknot}\)
!! must be nondecreasing.
real(dp), dimension(nx), intent(in) :: bcoef
!! array of length nx containing the B-spline coefficients.
integer, intent(out) :: ierr
!! error index.
! ... local variables
integer :: ix, ik, il, leftx
real(dp) :: save, save1, save2, y, sum, dik
real(dp), dimension(kx) :: work, dl, dr,bsp
ierr = 0
routine = 'dbsder'
dbsder = 0.0_dp
! check if xknot(i) <= xknot(i+1) and calculation of i so that
! xknot(i) <= x < xknot(i+1)
leftx = 0
do ix = 1,nx+kx-1
if (xknot(ix) .gt. xknot(ix+1)) then
write(errmsg,*) "xknot(ix) <= xknot(ix+1) required: ix,xknot(ix),xknot(ix+1)=", &
ierr = 1
if ((xknot(ix) .le. x) .and. (x .lt. xknot(ix+1))) leftx = ix
end do
if (leftx .eq. 0) then
write(errmsg,*) "ix with xknot(ix) <= x < xknot(ix+1) required: x=", x
ierr = 2
if (iderx .eq. 0) then
do ik = 1,kx-1
work(ik) = bcoef(leftx+ik-kx)
dl(ik) = x - xknot(leftx+ik-kx)
dr(ik) = xknot(leftx+ik) - x
end do
work(kx) = bcoef(leftx)
dl(kx) = x - xknot(leftx)
do ik = 1,kx-1
save2 = work(ik)
do il = ik+1,kx
save1 = work(il)
work(il) = (dl(il) * work(il) + dr(il-ik) * save2) &
& / (dl(il) + dr(il - ik))
save2 = save1
end do
end do
dbsder = work(kx)
elseif ((iderx .ge. 1) .and. (iderx .lt. kx)) then
bsp(1) = 1.0_dp
do ik = 1,kx-iderx-1
dr(ik) = xknot(leftx+ik) - x
dl(ik) = x - xknot(leftx+1-ik)
save = bsp(1)
bsp(1) = 0.0_dp
do il = 1, ik
y = save / (dr(il) + dl(ik+1-il))
bsp(il) = bsp(il) + dr(il) * y
save = bsp(il+1)
bsp(il+1) = dl(ik+1-il) * y
end do
end do
do ik = 1, kx
work(ik) = bcoef(leftx+ik-kx)
dr(ik) = xknot(leftx+ik) - x
dl(ik) = x - xknot(leftx+ik-kx)
end do
do ik = 1, iderx
dik = dble(kx - ik)
save2 = work(ik)
do il = ik+1, kx
save1 = work(il)
work(il) = dik * (work(il) - save2) /(dl(il) + dr(il-ik))
save2 = save1
end do
end do
sum = 0.0_dp
do ix = 1, kx-iderx
sum = sum + bsp(ix) * work(iderx+ix)
end do
dbsder = sum
dbsder = 0.0_dp
end function dbsder
subroutine dbs1gd(iderx,nxvec,xvec,kx,xknot,nx,bcoef,val, ierr)
!! Evaluates the derivative of a spline on a grid, given its B-spline
!! representation.
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: iderx
!! order of the derivative to be evaluated. In particular,
!! \(\text{iderx}=0\) returns the value of the spline.
integer, intent(in) :: nxvec
!! length of vector \(\text{xvec}\).
integer, intent(in) :: kx
!! order of the spline.
integer, intent(in) :: nx
!! number of B-spline coefficients.
real(dp), dimension(nxvec), intent(in) :: xvec
!! array of length \(\text{nxvec}\) containing the points at which the
!! spline is to be evaluated. \(\text{xvec}\) should be strictly
!! increasing.
real(dp), dimension(nx), intent(in) :: bcoef
!! array of length \(\text{nx}\) containing the B-spline coefficients.
real(dp), dimension(nx+kx), intent(in) :: xknot
!! array of length \(nx+kx\) containing the knot sequence. It must be
!! nondecreasing.
real(dp), dimension(nxvec), intent(out) :: val
!! array of length \(\text{nxvec}\) containing the values of the
!! \(\text{iderx}\)-th derivative of the spline at the points in
!| \(\text{xvec}\).
integer, intent(out) :: ierr
!! error index
! ... local variables
integer :: i, il, ik, ix
integer, dimension(nxvec) :: leftx
real(dp) :: dik
real(dp), dimension(nxvec,kx) :: dl, dr, biatx, work
real(dp), dimension(nxvec) :: save1, save2, term
logical :: same, next
routine = 'dbs1gd'
ierr = 0
leftx(1) = 0
call huntn(xknot,nx+kx,kx,xvec(1),leftx(1))
do ix = 2, nxvec
leftx(ix) = leftx(ix-1)
same = (xknot(leftx(ix)) .le. xvec(ix)) &
& .and. (xvec(ix) .le. xknot(leftx(ix)+1))
if(.not. same ) then
leftx(ix) = leftx(ix) + 1
next = (xknot(leftx(ix)) .le. xvec(ix)) &
& .and. (xvec(ix) .le. xknot(leftx(ix)+1))
if (.not. next) &
& call huntn(xknot,nx+kx,kx,xvec(ix),leftx(ix))
end do
do ix = 1, nx+kx-1
if (xknot(ix) .gt. xknot(ix+1)) then
write(errmsg,*) "xknot(ix) <= xknot(ix+1) required: ix,xknot(ix),xknot(ix+1)=", &
ierr = 1
end do
do ix = 1, nxvec
if ((xvec(ix).lt.xknot(1)).or.(xvec(ix).gt.xknot(nx+kx))) then
write(errmsg,*) "ix with xknot(ix) <= x < xknot(ix+1) required: x=", xvec(ix)
ierr = 2
end do
if (iderx .eq. 0) then
do ix = 1,nxvec
biatx(ix,1) = 1._dp
val(ix) = 0._dp
end do
do ik = 1, kx-1
do ix = 1, nxvec
dr(ix,ik) = xknot(leftx(ix)+ik) - xvec(ix)
dl(ix,ik) = xvec(ix) - xknot(leftx(ix)+1-ik)
save1(ix) = 0._dp
end do
do il = 1, ik
do ix = 1,nxvec
term(ix) = biatx(ix,il) &
& / (dr(ix,il) + dl(ix,ik+1-il))
biatx(ix,il) = save1(ix) + dr(ix,il) * term(ix)
save1(ix) = dl(ix,ik+1-il) * term(ix)
end do
end do
do ix = 1, nxvec
biatx(ix,ik+1) = save1(ix)
end do
end do
do ik = 1, kx
do ix = 1, nxvec
val(ix) = val(ix) + biatx(ix,ik) * bcoef(leftx(ix)-kx+ik)
end do
end do
elseif ((iderx .ge. 1) .and. (iderx .lt. kx)) then
do ix = 1, nxvec
biatx(ix,1) = 1._dp
val(ix) = 0._dp
end do
do ik = 1, kx-iderx-1
do ix = 1, nxvec
dr(ix,ik) = xknot(leftx(ix)+ik) - xvec(ix)
dl(ix,ik) = xvec(ix) - xknot(leftx(ix)+1-ik)
save1(ix) = biatx(ix,1)
biatx(ix,1) = 0.0_dp
do il = 1, ik
term(ix) = save1(ix) &
& / (dr(ix,il) + dl(ix,ik+1-il))
biatx(ix,il) = biatx(ix,il) + dr(ix,il) * term(ix)
save1(ix) = biatx(ix,il+1)
biatx(ix,il+1) = dl(ix,ik+1-il) * term(ix)
end do
end do
end do
do ik = 1, kx
do ix = 1, nxvec
work(ix,ik) = bcoef(leftx(ix)+ik-kx)
dr(ix,ik) = xknot(leftx(ix)+ik) - xvec(ix)
dl(ix,ik) = xvec(ix) - xknot(leftx(ix)+ik-kx)
end do
end do
do ik = 1, iderx
dik = dble(kx - ik)
do ix = 1, nxvec
save2(ix) = work(ix,ik)
do il = ik+1, kx
save1(ix) = work(ix,il)
work(ix,il) = dik * (work(ix,il) - save2(ix)) &
& /(dl(ix,il) + dr(ix,il-ik))
save2(ix) = save1(ix)
end do
end do
end do
do i = 1, kx-iderx
do ix = 1, nxvec
val(ix) = val(ix) + biatx(ix,i) * work(ix,iderx+i)
end do
end do
do ix = 1, nxvec
val(ix) = 0.0_dp
end do
end subroutine dbs1gd
function dbsdca(iderx,x,kx,xknot,nx,bcoef,leftx)
!! This routine is equivalent to the routine dbsder, but it does not
!! check the parameters.
!! Evaluates the derivative of a spline, given its B-spline representation.
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: iderx
!! order of the derivative to be evaluated. In particular,
!! \(\text{iderx}=0\) returns the value of the spline.
integer, intent(in) :: kx
!! order of the spline.
integer, intent(in) :: nx
!! number of B-spline coefficients.
real(dp) :: dbsdca
!! value of the ideriv-th derivative of the spline at x.
real(dp), intent(in) :: x
!! point at which the spline is to be evaluated.
real(dp), dimension(nx+kx), intent(in) :: xknot
!! array of length \(nx+kx\) containing the knot sequence.
!! \(\text{xknot}\) must be nondecreasing.
real(dp), dimension(nx), intent(in) :: bcoef
!! array of length \(\text{nx}\) containing the B-spline coefficients.
integer :: leftx
!! number of the intervall of \(\text{xknot}\) that includes \(\text{x}\)
! ... local variables
integer :: i, ik, il
real(dp) :: save, save1, save2, y, sum, dik
real(dp), dimension(kx) :: work, dl, dr,bsp
if (iderx .eq. 0) then
do ik = 1, kx-1
work(ik) = bcoef(leftx+ik-kx)
dl(ik) = x - xknot(leftx+ik-kx)
dr(ik) = xknot(leftx+ik) - x
end do
work(kx) = bcoef(leftx)
dl(kx) = x - xknot(leftx)
do ik = 1, kx-1
save2 = work(ik)
do il = ik+1, kx
save1 = work(il)
work(il) = (dl(il) * work(il) + dr(il-ik) * save2) &
& / (dl(il) + dr(il - ik))
save2 = save1
end do
end do
dbsdca = work(kx)
elseif ((iderx .ge. 1) .and. (iderx .lt. kx)) then
bsp(1) = 1.0_dp
do ik = 1,kx-iderx-1
dr(ik) = xknot(leftx+ik) - x
dl(ik) = x - xknot(leftx+1-ik)
save = bsp(1)
bsp(1) = 0.0_dp
do il = 1, ik
y = save / (dr(il) + dl(ik+1-il))
bsp(il) = bsp(il) + dr(il) * y
save = bsp(il+1)
bsp(il+1) = dl(ik+1-il) * y
end do
end do
do ik = 1, kx
work(ik) = bcoef(leftx+ik-kx)
dr(ik) = xknot(leftx+ik) - x
dl(ik) = x - xknot(leftx+ik-kx)
end do
do ik = 1, iderx
dik = dble(kx - ik)
save2 = work(ik)
do il = ik+1, kx
save1 = work(il)
work(il) = dik * (work(il) - save2) /(dl(il) + dr(il-ik))
save2 = save1
end do
end do
sum = 0.0_dp
do i = 1, kx-iderx
sum = sum + bsp(i) * work(iderx+i)
end do
dbsdca = sum
dbsdca = 0.0_dp
end function dbsdca
subroutine dbs2in(nx,xvec,ny,yvec,xydata,ldf,kx,ky,xknot,yknot,bcoef, ierr)
!! Computes a two-dimensional tensor-product spline interpolant,
!! returning the tensor-product B-spline coefficients.
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: nx
!! number of data points in the x-direction.
integer, intent(in) :: ny
!! number of data points in the y-direction.
integer, intent(in) :: kx
!! order of the spline in the x-direction.
!! \(\text{kxord}\) must be less than or equal to nxdata.
integer, intent(in) :: ky
!! order of the spline in the y-direction. \(\text{kyord}\) must be
!! less than or equal to \(\text{nydata}\).
integer, intent(in) :: ldf
!! the leading dimension of fdata exactly as specified in
!! the dimension statement of the calling program.
real(dp), dimension(nx), intent(in) :: xvec
!! array of length \(\text{nx}\) containing the data points in
!! the x-direction. \(\text{xdata}\) must be strictly increasing.
real(dp), dimension(ny), intent(in) :: yvec
!! array of length \(\text{ny}\) containing the data points in
!! the y-direction. \(\text{ydata}\) must be strictly increasing.
real(dp), dimension(nx+kx), intent(in) :: xknot
!! array of length \(nx+kx\) containing the knot sequence in the
!! x-direction. \(\text{xknot}\) must be nondecreasing.
real(dp), dimension(ny+ky), intent(in) :: yknot
!! array of length \(ny+ky\) containing the knot sequence in the
!! y-direction. \(\text{yknot}\) must be nondecreasing.
real(dp), dimension(ldf,*), intent(in) :: xydata
!! array of size \(\text{nx}\) by \(\text{nydata}\) containing the
!! values to be interpolated. \(\text{fdata}(i,j)\) is the value
!! at \((\text{xdata}(i),\text{ydata}(j))\).
real(dp), dimension(nx,ny), intent(out) :: bcoef
!! array of length \(nx*ny\) containing the tensor-product B-spline
!! coefficients. bscoef is treated internally as a matrix of size
!! \(\text{nxdata}\) by \(\text{nydata}\).
integer, intent(out) :: ierr
!! error index
! ... local variables
real(dp), dimension(max(nx,ny),max(nx,ny)) :: work1
real(dp), dimension(max(nx,ny)) :: work2
real(dp), dimension(max((2*kx-1)*nx,(2*ky-1)*ny)) :: work3
call spli2d(xvec,ldf,xydata,xknot,nx,kx,ny,work2,work3,work1, ierr)
if (ierr /= 0) return
call spli2d(yvec,ny, work1, yknot,ny,ky,nx,work2,work3,bcoef, ierr)
end subroutine dbs2in
subroutine spli2d(xyvec,ld,xydata,xyknot,n,k,m,work2,work3,bcoef, ierr)
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: ld, n, k, m
real(dp), dimension(n), intent(in) :: xyvec
real(dp), dimension(n+k), intent(in) :: xyknot
real(dp), dimension(ld,m), intent(in) :: xydata
real(dp), dimension(m,n), intent(out) :: bcoef
real(dp), dimension(n), intent(out) :: work2
real(dp), dimension((2*k-1)*n), intent(out) :: work3
integer, intent(out) :: ierr
integer :: np1, km1, kpkm2, left, lenq, i, iflag, ilp1mx, j, jj
real(dp) :: xyveci
routine = 'spli2d'
ierr = 0
np1 = n + 1
km1 = k - 1
kpkm2 = 2 * km1
left = k
lenq = n * (k + km1)
do i = 1,lenq
work3(i) = 0.0_dp
end do
do i = 1, n
xyveci = xyvec(i)
ilp1mx = min0(i+k,np1)
left = max0(left,i)
if (xyveci .lt. xyknot(left)) go to 998
30 if (xyveci .lt. xyknot(left+1)) go to 40
left = left + 1
if (left .lt. ilp1mx) go to 30
left = left - 1
if (xyveci .gt. xyknot(left+1)) go to 998
40 call bsplvb(xyknot,n+k,k,1,xyveci,left,work2)
jj = i - left + 1 + (left - k) * (k + km1)
do j = 1, k
jj = jj + kpkm2
work3(jj) = work2(j)
end do
end do
call banfac(work3,k+km1,n,km1,km1,iflag )
if (iflag .ne. 1) then
write(errmsg,*) "no solution of linear equation system"
ierr = 1
end if
do j = 1, m
do i = 1, n
work2(i) = xydata(i,j)
end do
call banslv(work3,k+km1,n,km1,km1,work2)
do i = 1, n
bcoef(j,i) = work2(i)
end do
end do
998 write(errmsg,*) "i with knot(i) <= x/y < knot(i+1) required: knot(1),knot(n+k)=", &
xyknot(1), xyknot(n+k)
ierr = 2
end subroutine spli2d
function dbs2vl(x,y,kx,ky,xknot,yknot,nx,ny,bcoef, ierr)
!! Evaluates a two-dimensional tensor-product spline, given its
!! tensor-product B-spline representation.
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: nx
!! number of B-spline coefficients in the x-direction.
integer, intent(in) :: ny
!! number of B-spline coefficients in the y-direction.
integer, intent(in) :: kx
!! order of the spline in the x-direction.
integer, intent(in) :: ky
!! order of the spline in the y-direction.
real(dp), intent(in) :: x
!! x-coordinate of the point at which the spline is to be
!! evaluated.
real(dp), intent(in) :: y
!! y-coordinate of the point at which the spline is to be
!! evaluated.
real(dp), dimension(nx+kx), intent(in) :: xknot
!! array of length \(nx+kx\) containing the knot sequence in
!! the x-direction. \(\text{xknot}\) must be nondecreasing.
real(dp), dimension(ny+ky), intent(in) :: yknot
!! array of length \(ny+ky\) containing the knot sequence in
!! the y-direction. \(\text{yknot}\) must be nondecreasing.
real(dp), dimension(nx,ny), intent(in) :: bcoef
!! array of length \(nx\cdot ny\) containing the tensor-product B-spline
!! coefficients. It is treated internally as a matrix of size nx
!! by ny.
real(dp) :: dbs2vl
!! value of the spline at (x,y).
integer, intent(out) :: ierr
!! error index
! ... local variables
integer :: ix, iy, iky, leftx, lefty
real(dp), dimension(ky) :: work
routine = 'dbs2vl'
ierr = 0
dbs2vl = 0.0_dp
! check if knot(i) <= knot(i+1) and calculation of i so that
! knot(i) <= x < knot(i+1)
leftx = 0
do ix = 1, nx+kx-1
if (xknot(ix) .gt. xknot(ix+1)) then
write(errmsg,*) "xknot(ix) <= xknot(ix+1) required: ix,xknot(ix),xknot(ix+1)=", &
ix, xknot(ix), xknot(ix+1)
ierr = 1
if((xknot(ix) .le. x) .and. (x .lt. xknot(ix+1))) leftx = ix
end do
if(leftx .eq. 0) then
write(errmsg,*) "ix with xknot(ix) <= x < xknot(ix+1) required: x=", x
ierr = 2
lefty = 0
do iy = 1, ny+ky-1
if (yknot(iy) .gt. yknot(iy+1)) then
write(errmsg,*) "yknot(iy) <= yknot(iy+1) required: iy,yknot(iy),yknot(iy+1)=", &
ierr = 3
if((yknot(iy) .le. y) .and. (y .lt. yknot(iy+1))) lefty = iy
end do
if(lefty .eq. 0) then
write(errmsg,*) "iy with yknot(iy) <= y < yknot(iy+1) required: y=", y
ierr = 4
do iky = 1, ky
work(iky) = dbsdca(0,x,kx,xknot,nx,bcoef(1,lefty-ky+iky),leftx)
end do
dbs2vl = dbsval(y,ky,yknot(lefty-ky+1),ky,work, ierr)
end function dbs2vl
function dbs2dr(iderx,idery,x,y,kx,ky,xknot,yknot,nx,ny,bcoef, ierr)
!! Evaluates the derivative of a two-dimensional tensor-product spline,
!! given its tensor-product B-spline representation.
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: iderx
!! order of the derivative in the x-direction.
integer, intent(in) :: idery
!! order of the derivative in the y-direction.
integer, intent(in) :: kx
!! order of the spline in the x-direction.
integer, intent(in) :: nx
!! number of B-spline coefficients in the x-direction.
integer, intent(in) :: ky
!! order of the spline in the y-direction.
integer, intent(in) :: ny
!! number of B-spline coefficients in the y-direction.
real(dp) :: dbs2dr
!! value of the \((\text{iderx},\text{idery})\) derivative of the
!! spline at (x,y).
real(dp), intent(in) :: x
!! x-coordinate of the point at which the spline is to be
!! evaluated.
real(dp), intent(in) :: y
!! y-coordinate of the point at which the spline is to be
!! evaluated.
real(dp), dimension(nx+kx), intent(in) :: xknot
!! array of length \(nx+kx\) containing the knot sequence in the
!! x-direction. \(\text{xknot}\) must be nondecreasing.
real(dp), dimension(ny+ky), intent(in) :: yknot
!! array of length \(ny+ky\) containing the knot sequence in the
!! y-direction. \(\text{yknot}\) must be nondecreasing.
real(dp), dimension(nx,ny), intent(in) :: bcoef
!! array of length \(nx\cdot ny\) containing the tensor-product
!! B-spline coefficients. \(\text{bscoef}\) is treated internally
!! as a matrix of size \(\text{nx}\) by \(\text{ny}\).
integer, intent(out) :: ierr
!! error index.
! ... local variables
integer :: ix, iy, iky, nintx, ninty
real(dp), dimension(ky) :: work
routine = 'dbs2dr'
ierr = 0
dbs2dr = 0.0_dp
! check if knot(i) <= knot(i+1) and calculation of i so that
! knot(i) <= x < knot(i+1)
nintx = 0
do ix = 1, nx+kx-1
if (xknot(ix) .gt. xknot(ix+1)) then
write(errmsg,*) "xknot(ix) <= xknot(ix+1) required: ix,xknot(ix),xknot(ix+1)=", &
ix, xknot(ix), xknot(ix+1)
ierr = 1
if((xknot(ix) .le. x) .and. (x .lt. xknot(ix+1))) nintx = ix
end do
if(nintx .eq. 0) then
write(errmsg,*) "ix with xknot(ix) <= x < xknot(ix+1) required: x=", x
ierr = 2
ninty = 0
do iy = 1, ny+ky-1
if (yknot(iy) .gt. yknot(iy+1)) then
write(errmsg,*) "yknot(iy) <= yknot(iy+1) required: iy,yknot(iy),yknot(iy+1)=", &
ierr = 3
if ((yknot(iy) .le. y) .and. (y .lt. yknot(iy+1))) ninty = iy
end do
if(ninty .eq. 0) then
write(errmsg,*) "iy with yknot(iy) <= y < yknot(iy+1) required: y=", y
ierr = 4
do iky = 1, ky
work(iky) = dbsdca(iderx,x,kx,xknot,nx,bcoef(1,ninty-ky+iky),nintx)
end do
dbs2dr = dbsder(idery,y,ky,yknot(ninty-ky+1),ky,work, ierr)
end function dbs2dr
subroutine dbs2gd(iderx,idery,nxvec,xvec,nyvec,yvec,kx,ky,xknot,yknot,&
& nx,ny,bcoef,val,ldf, ierr)
!! Evaluates the derivative of a two-dimensional tensor-product spline,
!! given its tensor-product B-spline representation on a grid.
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: iderx
!! order of the derivative in the x-direction.
integer, intent(in) :: idery
!! order of the derivative in the y-direction.
integer, intent(in) :: nxvec
!! number of grid points in the x-direction.
integer, intent(in) :: nyvec
!! number of grid points in the y-direction.
integer, intent(in) :: kx
!! order of the spline in the x-direction.
integer, intent(in) :: nx
!! number of B-spline coefficients in the x-direction.
integer, intent(in) :: ky
!! order of the spline in the y-direction.
integer, intent(in) :: ny
!! number of B-spline coefficients in the y-direction.
integer, intent(in) :: ldf
!! leading dimension of value exactly as specified in the
!! dimension statement of the calling program.
real(dp), dimension(nxvec), intent(in) :: xvec
!! array of length nx containing the x-coordinates at which
!! the spline is to be evaluated. The points in \(\text{xvec}\)
!! should be strictly increasing.
real(dp), dimension(nyvec), intent(in) :: yvec
!! array of length ny containing the y-coordinates at which
!! the spline is to be evaluated. The points in \(\text{yvec}\)
!! should be strictly increasing.
real(dp), dimension(nx+kx), intent(in) :: xknot
!! array of length \(nx+kx\) containing the knot sequence in the
!! x-direction. \(\text{xknot}\) must be nondecreasing.
real(dp), dimension(ny+ky), intent(in) :: yknot
!! array of length \(ny+ky\) containing the knot sequence in
!! the y-direction. \(\text{yknot}\) must be nondecreasing.
real(dp), dimension(nx,ny), intent(in) :: bcoef
!! array of length \(nx\cdot ny\) containing the tensor-product
!! B-spline coefficients. \(\text{bscoef}\) is treated internally
!! as a matrix of size \(\text{nx}\) by \(\text{ny}\).
real(dp), dimension(ldf,*), intent(out) :: val
!! value of the (iderx,idery) derivative of the spline on the
!! \(\text{nx}\) by \(\text{ny}\) grid.
!! \(\text{value}(i,j)\) contains the derivative of the spline at the
!! point \((\text{xvec}(i),\text{yvec}(j))\).
integer, intent(out) :: ierr
!! error index
! ... local variables
integer :: i, ik, il, ix, iy, ikx, iky
integer, dimension(nxvec) :: leftx
integer, dimension(nyvec) :: lefty
real(dp), dimension(nxvec,kx) :: dl, dr
real(dp), dimension(max(nxvec,nyvec)) :: save1
real(dp), dimension(nxvec,kx) :: biatx
real(dp), dimension(nyvec,ky) :: biaty
real(dp), dimension(max(nxvec,nyvec)) :: term
real(dp), dimension(ky) :: work
logical :: same,next
routine = 'dbs2gd'
ierr = 0
leftx(1) = 0
call huntn(xknot,nx+kx,kx,xvec(1),leftx(1))
do ix = 2, nxvec
leftx(ix) = leftx(ix-1)
same = (xknot(leftx(ix)) .le. xvec(ix)) &
& .and. (xvec(ix) .le. xknot(leftx(ix)+1))
if(.not. same ) then
leftx(ix) = leftx(ix) + 1
next = (xknot(leftx(ix)) .le. xvec(ix)) &
& .and. (xvec(ix) .le. xknot(leftx(ix)+1))
if (.not. next) &
& call huntn(xknot,nx+kx,kx,xvec(ix),leftx(ix))
end do
do i = 1, nx+kx-1
if (xknot(i) .gt. xknot(i+1)) then
write(errmsg,*) "xknot(i) <= xknot(i+1) required: i,xknot(i),xknot(i+1)=", &
i, xknot(i), xknot(i+1)
ierr = 1
end do
do i = 1, nxvec
if ((xvec(i).lt.xknot(1)).or.(xvec(i).gt.xknot(nx+kx))) then
write(errmsg,*) "ix with xknot(ix) <= x < xknot(ix+1) required: x=", xvec(i)
ierr = 2
end do
lefty(1) = 0
call huntn(yknot,ny+ky,ky,yvec(1),lefty(1))
do iy = 2, nyvec
lefty(iy) = lefty(iy-1)
same = (yknot(lefty(iy)) .le. yvec(iy)) &
& .and. (yvec(iy) .le. yknot(lefty(iy)+1))
if(.not. same ) then
lefty(iy) = lefty(iy) + 1
next = (yknot(lefty(iy)) .le. yvec(iy)) &
& .and. (yvec(iy) .le. yknot(lefty(iy)+1))
if (.not. next) call huntn(yknot,ny+ky,ky,yvec(iy),lefty(iy))
end do
do i = 1, ny+ky-1
if (yknot(i) .gt. yknot(i+1)) then
write(errmsg,*) "yknot(i) <= yknot(i+1) required: i,yknot(i),yknot(i+1)=", &
i, yknot(i), yknot(i+1)
ierr = 3
end do
do i = 1, nyvec
if ((yvec(i).lt.yknot(1)).or.(yvec(i).gt.yknot(ny+ky))) then
write(errmsg,*) "iy with yknot(iy) <= y < yknot(iy+1) required: y=", yvec(i)
ierr = 4
end do
if ((iderx .eq. 0) .and. (idery .eq. 0)) then
do ix = 1,nxvec
biatx(ix,1) = 1._dp
end do
do ik = 1, kx-1
do ix = 1,nxvec
dr(ix,ik) = xknot(leftx(ix)+ik) - xvec(ix)
dl(ix,ik) = xvec(ix) - xknot(leftx(ix)+1-ik)
save1(ix) = 0._dp
end do
do il = 1,ik
do ix = 1,nxvec
term(ix) = biatx(ix,il) &
& / (dr(ix,il) + dl(ix,ik+1-il))
biatx(ix,il) = save1(ix) + dr(ix,il) * term(ix)
save1(ix) = dl(ix,ik+1-il) * term(ix)
end do
end do
do ix = 1, nxvec
biatx(ix,ik+1) = save1(ix)
end do
end do
do iy = 1, nyvec
biaty(iy,1) = 1._dp
end do
do ik = 1, ky-1
do iy = 1, nyvec
dr(iy,ik) = yknot(lefty(iy)+ik) - yvec(iy)
dl(iy,ik) = yvec(iy) - yknot(lefty(iy)+1-ik)
save1(iy) = 0._dp
end do
do il = 1, ik
do iy = 1,nyvec
term(iy) = biaty(iy,il) &
& / (dr(iy,il) + dl(iy,ik+1-il))
biaty(iy,il) = save1(iy) + dr(iy,il) * term(iy)
save1(iy) = dl(iy,ik+1-il) * term(iy)
end do
end do
do iy = 1, nyvec
biaty(iy,ik+1) = save1(iy)
end do
end do
do iy = 1, nyvec
do ix = 1, nxvec
val(ix,iy) = 0.0_dp
end do
end do
do iky = 1, ky
do ikx = 1, kx
do iy = 1, nyvec
do ix = 1, nxvec
val(ix,iy) = val(ix,iy) &
& + biatx(ix,ikx) * biaty(iy,iky) &
& * bcoef(leftx(ix)-kx+ikx,lefty(iy)-ky+iky)
end do
end do
end do
end do
elseif (((iderx .ge. 1) .or. (idery .ge. 1)) &
& .and. ( (iderx .lt. kx) .and. (idery .lt. ky))) then
do iy = 1, nyvec
do ix = 1, nxvec
do iky = 1, ky
work(iky) = dbsdca(iderx,xvec(ix),kx,xknot,nx, &
& bcoef(1,lefty(iy)-ky+iky),leftx(ix))
end do
val(ix,iy) = dbsder(idery,yvec(iy),ky, &
& yknot(lefty(iy)-ky+1),ky,work, ierr)
end do
end do
do iy = 1, nyvec
do ix = 1, nxvec
val(ix,iy) = 0.0_dp
end do
end do
end subroutine dbs2gd
subroutine dbs3in(nx,xvec,ny,yvec,nz,zvec,xyzdata,ldf,mdf,kx,ky,kz, &
& xknot,yknot,zknot,bcoef, ierr)
!! Computes a three-dimensional tensor-product spline interpolant,
!! returning the tensor-product B-spline coefficients.
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: nx
!! number of data points in the x-direction.
integer, intent(in) :: ny
!! number of data points in the y-direction.
integer, intent(in) :: nz
!! number of data points in the z-direction.
integer, intent(in) :: kx
!! order of the spline in the x-direction. \(\text{kxord}\) must be less
!! than or equal to \(\text{nxdata}\).
integer, intent(in) :: ky
!! order of the spline in the y-direction. \(\text{kyord}\) must be less
!! than or equal to \(\text{nydata}\).
integer, intent(in) :: kz
!! order of the spline in the z-direction. \(\text{kzord}\) must be less
!! than or equal to \(\text{nzdata}\).
integer, intent(in) :: ldf
!! leading dimension of fdata exactly as specified in the
!! dimension statement of the calling program.
integer, intent(in) :: mdf
!! middle dimension of fdata exactly as specified in the
!! dimension statement of the calling program.
real(dp), dimension(nx), intent(in) :: xvec
!! array of length \(\text{nxdata}\) containing the data points in
!! the x-direction. \(\text{xdata}\) must be increasing.
real(dp), dimension(ny), intent(in) :: yvec
!! array of length \(\text{nydata}) containing the data points in
!! the y-direction. \(\text{ydata}\) must be increasing.
real(dp), dimension(nz), intent(in) :: zvec
!! array of length \(\text{nzdata}) containing the data points in
!! the z-direction. \(\text{zdata}\) must be increasing.
real(dp), dimension(nx+kx), intent(in) :: xknot
!! array of length \(nx+kx\) containing the knot sequence in the
!! x-direction. \(\text{xknot}\) must be nondecreasing.
real(dp), dimension(ny+ky), intent(in) :: yknot
!! array of length \(ny+ky\) containing the knot sequence in the
!! y-direction. \(\text{yknot}\) must be nondecreasing.
real(dp), dimension(nz+kz), intent(in) :: zknot
!! array of length \(nz+kz\) containing the knot sequence in the
!! z-direction. \(\text{zknot}\) must be nondecreasing.
real(dp), dimension(ldf,mdf,nz), intent(in) :: xyzdata
!! array of size nx by ny by nz containing the values to be interpolated.
!! \(\text{xyzdata}(i,j,k)\) contains the value at \((\text{xvec}(i),
!! \text{yvec}(j),\text{zvec}(k))\).
real(dp), dimension(nx,ny,nz), intent(out) :: bcoef
!! array of length nx*ny*nz containing the tensor-product B-spline
!! coefficients. \(\text{bscoef}\) is treated internally as a matrix
!! of size \(\text{nx}\) by \(\text{ny}\) by \(\text{nz}\).
integer, intent(out) :: ierr
!! Error index.
! ... local variables
integer :: iz
real(dp), dimension(nx,ny,nz) :: work1
real(dp), dimension(nz) :: work2
real(dp), dimension((2*kz-1)*nz) :: work3
call spli3d(zvec,ldf,mdf,xyzdata,zknot,nz,kz,nx,ny,work2,work3,work1, &
& nx,ny,nz, ierr)
if (ierr /= 0) return
do iz = 1, nz
call dbs2in(nx,xvec,ny,yvec,work1(1,1,iz),nx,kx,ky,xknot,yknot, &
& bcoef(1,1,iz), ierr)
if (ierr /= 0) return
end do
end subroutine dbs3in
subroutine spli3d(xyzvec,ldf,mdf,xyzdata,xyzknot,n,k,m,l,work2,work3, &
& bcoef,nx,ny,nz, ierr)
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: ldf, mdf, n, k, m, l
integer, intent(in) :: nx, ny, nz
real(dp), dimension(n), intent(in) :: xyzvec
real(dp), dimension(n+k), intent(in) :: xyzknot
real(dp), dimension(ldf,mdf,*), intent(in) :: xyzdata
real(dp), dimension(nx,ny,nz), intent(out) :: bcoef
real(dp), dimension(n), intent(out) :: work2
real(dp), dimension((2*k-1)*n), intent(out) :: work3
integer, intent(out) :: ierr
integer :: np1, km1, kpkm2, left, lenq, i, ilp1mx, j, jj, iflag, in
real(dp) :: xyzveci
routine = 'spli3d'
ierr = 0
np1 = n + 1
km1 = k - 1
kpkm2 = 2 * km1
left = k
lenq = n * (k + km1)
do i = 1, lenq
work3(i) = 0._dp
end do
do i = 1, n
xyzveci = xyzvec(i)
ilp1mx = min0(i+k,np1)
left = max0(left,i)
if (xyzveci .lt. xyzknot(left)) go to 998
30 if (xyzveci .lt. xyzknot(left+1)) go to 40
left = left + 1
if (left .lt. ilp1mx) go to 30
left = left - 1
if (xyzveci .gt. xyzknot(left+1)) go to 998
40 call bsplvb(xyzknot,n+k,k,1,xyzveci,left,work2)
jj = i - left + 1 + (left - k) * (k + km1)
do j = 1, k
jj = jj + kpkm2
work3(jj) = work2(j)
end do
end do
call banfac(work3,k+km1,n,km1,km1,iflag)
if (iflag .ne. 1) then
write(errmsg,*) "no solution of linear equation system"
ierr = 1
end if
do j = 1, l
do i = 1, m
do in = 1, n
work2(in) = xyzdata(i,j,in)
end do
call banslv(work3,k+km1,n,km1,km1,work2)
do in = 1, n
bcoef(i,j,in) = work2(in)
end do
end do
end do
998 write(errmsg,*) "i with knot(i) <= x/y/z < knot(i+1) required: xyzknot(1),xyzknot(n+k)=", &
xyzknot(1), xyzknot(n+k)
ierr = 2
end subroutine spli3d
function dbs3vl(x,y,z,kx,ky,kz,xknot,yknot,zknot,nx,ny,nz,bcoef, ierr)
!! Evaluates a three-dimensional tensor-product spline, given its
!! tensor-product B-spline representation.
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: nx
!! number of B-spline coefficients in the x-direction.
integer, intent(in) :: ny
!! number of B-spline coefficients in the y-direction.
integer, intent(in) :: nz
!! number of B-spline coefficients in the z-direction.
integer, intent(in) :: kx
!! order of the spline in the x-direction.
integer, intent(in) :: ky
!! order of the spline in the y-direction.
integer, intent(in) :: kz
!! order of the spline in the z-direction.
real(dp), intent(in) :: x
!! x-coordinate of the point at which the spline is to be
!! evaluated.
real(dp), intent(in) :: y
!! y-coordinate of the point at which the spline is to be
!! evaluated.
real(dp), intent(in) :: z
!! z-coordinate of the point at which the spline is to be
!! evaluated.
real(dp), dimension(nx+kx), intent(in) :: xknot
!! array of length \(nx+kx\) containing the knot sequence in the
!! x-direction. \(\text{xknot}\) must be nondecreasing.
real(dp), dimension(ny+ky), intent(in) :: yknot
!! array of length \(ny+ky\) containing the knot sequence in the
!! y-direction. \(\text{yknot}\) must be nondecreasing.
real(dp), dimension(nz+kz), intent(in) :: zknot
!! array of length \(nz+kz\) containing the knot sequence in the
!! z-direction. \(\text{zknot}\) must be nondecreasing.
real(dp), dimension(nx,ny,nz), intent(in) :: bcoef
!! array of length nx*ny*nz containing the tensor-product B-spline
!! coefficients. \(\text{bscoef}\) is treated internally as a matrix
!! of size nx by ny by nz.
real(dp) :: dbs3vl
!! value of the spline at (x,y,z).
integer, intent(out) :: ierr
!! Error index
! ... local variables
integer :: iz, nintz
real(dp), dimension(kz) :: work
routine = 'dbs3vl'
ierr = 0
dbs3vl = 0.0_dp
! check if knot(i) <= knot(i+1) and calculation of i so that
! knot(i) <= x < knot(i+1)
nintz = 0
do iz = 1, nz+kz-1
if (zknot(iz) .gt. zknot(iz + 1)) then
write(errmsg,*) "zknot(iz) <= zknot(iz+1) required: iz,zknot(iz),zknot(iz+1)=", &
iz, zknot(iz), zknot(iz+1)
ierr = 1
if((zknot(iz) .le. z) .and. (z .lt. zknot(iz + 1))) nintz = iz
end do
if(nintz .eq. 0) then
write(errmsg,*) "iz with zknot(iz) <= z < zknot(iz+1) required: zknot(iz),z,zknot(iz+1)=", &
zknot(iz), z, zknot(iz+1)
ierr = 2
do iz = 1, kz
work(iz) = dbs2vl(x,y,kx,ky,xknot,yknot,nx,ny,bcoef(1,1,nintz-kz+iz), ierr)
end do
if (ierr /= 0) return
dbs3vl = dbsval(z,kz,zknot(nintz-kz+1),kz,work, ierr)
end function dbs3vl
function dbs3dr(iderx,idery,iderz,x,y,z,kx,ky,kz,xknot,yknot,zknot, &
& nx,ny,nz,bcoef, ierr)
!! Evaluates the derivative of a three-dimensional tensor-product spline,
!! given its tensor-product B-spline representation.
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: iderx
!! order of the x-derivative.
integer, intent(in) :: idery
!! order of the y-derivative.
integer, intent(in) :: iderz
!! order of the z-derivative.
integer, intent(in) :: nx
!! number of B-spline coefficients in the x-direction.
integer, intent(in) :: ny
!! number of B-spline coefficients in the y-direction.
integer, intent(in) :: nz
!! number of B-spline coefficients in the z-direction.
integer, intent(in) :: kx
!! order of the spline in the x-direction.
integer, intent(in) :: ky
!! order of the spline in the y-direction.
integer, intent(in) :: kz
!! order of the spline in the z-direction.
real(dp), intent(in) :: x
!! x-coordinate of the point at which the spline is to be
!! evaluated.
real(dp), intent(in) :: y
!! y-coordinate of the point at which the spline is to be
!! evaluated.
real(dp), intent(in) :: z
!! z-coordinate of the point at which the spline is to be
!! evaluated.
real(dp), dimension(nx+kx), intent(in) :: xknot
!! array of length \(nx+kx\) containing the knot sequence in
!! the x-direction. \(\text{xknot}\) must be nondecreasing.
real(dp), dimension(ny+ky), intent(in) :: yknot
!! array of length \(ny+ky\) containing the knot sequence in
!! the y-direction. \(\text{yknot}\) must be nondecreasing.
real(dp), dimension(nz+kz), intent(in) :: zknot
!! array of length \(nz+kz\) containing the knot sequence in
!! the z-direction. \(\text{zknot}\) must be nondecreasing.
real(dp), dimension(nx,ny,nz), intent(in) :: bcoef
!! array of length nx*ny*nz containing the tensor-product B-spline
!! coefficients. \(\text{bscoef}\) is treated internally as a matrix
!! of size nx by ny by nz.
real(dp) :: dbs3dr
!! value of the \((\text{iderx},\text{idery},\text{iderz})\) derivative
!! of the spline at (x,y,z).
integer, intent(out) :: ierr
!! Error index.
! ... local variables
integer :: iz, nintz
real(dp), dimension(kz) :: work
routine = 'dbs3dr'
ierr = 0
dbs3dr = 0.0_dp
! check if knot(i) <= knot(i+1) and calculation of i so that
! knot(i) <= x < knot(i+1)
nintz = 0
do iz = 1, nz+kz-1
if (zknot(iz) .gt. zknot(iz + 1)) then
write(errmsg,*) "zknot(iz) <= zknot(iz+1) required: iz,zknot(iz),zknot(iz+1)=", &
iz, zknot(iz), zknot(iz+1)
ierr = 1
if((zknot(iz) .le. z) .and. (z .lt. zknot(iz + 1))) nintz = iz
end do
if(nintz .eq. 0) then
write(errmsg,*) "iz with zknot(iz) <= z < zknot(iz+1) required: zknot(iz),z,zknot(iz+1)=", &
zknot(iz), z, zknot(iz+1)
ierr = 2
do iz = 1, kz
work(iz) = dbs2dr(iderx,idery,x,y,kx,ky,xknot,yknot,nx,ny, &
& bcoef(1,1,nintz-kz+iz),ierr)
end do
if (ierr /= 0) return
dbs3dr = dbsder(iderz,z,kz,zknot(nintz-kz+1),kz,work,ierr)
end function dbs3dr
subroutine dbs3gd(iderx,idery,iderz,nxvec,xvec,nyvec,yvec,nzvec,zvec, &
& kx,ky,kz,xknot,yknot,zknot,nx,ny,nz,bcoef,val,ldf,mdf, ierr)
!! Evaluates the derivative of a three-dimensional tensor-product spline,
!! given its tensor-product B-spline representation on a grid.
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: iderx
!! order of the x-derivative.
integer, intent(in) :: idery
!! order of the y-derivative.
integer, intent(in) :: iderz
!! order of the z-derivative.
integer, intent(in) :: nxvec
!! number of B-spline coefficients in the x-direction.
integer, intent(in) :: nyvec
!! number of B-spline coefficients in the y-direction.
integer, intent(in) :: nzvec
!! number of B-spline coefficients in the z-direction.
integer, intent(in) :: kx
!! order of the spline in the x-direction.
integer, intent(in) :: nx
!! number of grid points in the x-direction.
integer, intent(in) :: ky
!! order of the spline in the y-direction.
integer, intent(in) :: ny
!! number of grid points in the y-direction.
integer, intent(in) :: kz
!! order of the spline in the z-direction.
integer, intent(in) :: nz
!! number of grid points in the z-direction.
integer, intent(in) :: ldf
!! leading dimension of value exactly as specified in the
!! dimension statement of the calling program.
integer, intent(in) :: mdf
!! middle dimension of value exactly as specified in the
!! dimension statement of the calling program.
real(dp), dimension(nxvec), intent(in) :: xvec
!! array of length nx containing the x-coordinates at which the
!! spline is to be evaluated. The points in it should be
!! strictly increasing.
real(dp), dimension(nyvec), intent(in) :: yvec
!! array of length ny containing the y-coordinates at which the
!! spline is to be evaluated. The points in it should be
!! strictly increasing.
real(dp), dimension(nzvec), intent(in) :: zvec
!! array of length nz containing the z-coordinates at which the
!! spline is to be evaluated. The points in it should be
!! strictly increasing.
real(dp), dimension(nx+kx), intent(in) :: xknot
!! array of length \(nx+kx\) containing the knot sequence in
!! the x-direction. \(\text{xknot}\) must be nondecreasing.
real(dp), dimension(ny+ky), intent(in) :: yknot
!! array of length \(ny+ky\) containing the knot sequence in
!! the y-direction. \(\text{yknot}\) must be nondecreasing.
real(dp), dimension(nz+kz), intent(in) :: zknot
!! array of length \(nz+kz\) containing the knot sequence in
!! the z-direction. \(\text{zknot}\) must be nondecreasing.
real(dp), dimension(nx,ny,nz), intent(in) :: bcoef
!! array of length nx*ny*nz containing the tensor-product
!! B-spline coefficients. \(\text{bscoef}\) is treated
!! internally as a matrix of size nx by ny by nz.
real(dp), dimension(ldf,mdf,*), intent(out) :: val
!! array of size nx by ny by nz containing the values of the
!! \((\text{iderx},\text{idery},\text{iderz})\) derivative of
!! the spline on the nx by ny by nz grid.
!! \(\text{value}(i,j,k)\) contains the derivative of the spline
!! at the point \((\text{xvec}(i), \text{yvec}(j), \text{zvec}(k))\).
integer, intent(out) :: ierr
!! Error index.
! ... local variables
integer :: i, ik, il, ix, iy, iz
integer :: ikx, iky, ikz
integer, dimension(nxvec) :: leftx
integer, dimension(nyvec) :: lefty
integer, dimension(nzvec) :: leftz
real(dp), dimension(nxvec,kx) :: biatx
real(dp), dimension(nyvec,ky) :: biaty
real(dp), dimension(nzvec,kz) :: biatz
real(dp), dimension(max(nxvec,nyvec,nzvec)) :: term, save1
real(dp), dimension(max(nxvec,nyvec,nzvec), max(kx,ky,kz)) :: dl, dr
logical :: same,next
routine = 'dbs3gd'
ierr = 0
do i = 1, nx+kx-1
if (xknot(i) .gt. xknot(i+1)) then
write(errmsg,*) "xknot(i) <= xknot(i+1) required: i,xknot(i),xknot(i+1)=", &
i, xknot(i), xknot(i+1)
ierr = 1
end do
do i = 1, nxvec
if ((xvec(i).lt.xknot(1)).or.(xvec(i).gt.xknot(nx+kx))) then
write(errmsg,*) "ix with xknot(ix) <= x < xknot(ix+1) required: x=", xvec(i)
ierr = 2
end do
leftx(1) = 0
call huntn(xknot,nx+kx,kx,xvec(1),leftx(1))
do ix = 2, nxvec
leftx(ix) = leftx(ix-1)
same = (xknot(leftx(ix)) .le. xvec(ix)) &
& .and. (xvec(ix) .le. xknot(leftx(ix)+1))
if(.not. same ) then
leftx(ix) = leftx(ix) + 1
next = (xknot(leftx(ix)) .le. xvec(ix)) &
& .and. (xvec(ix) .le. xknot(leftx(ix)+1))
if (.not. next) call huntn(xknot,nx+kx,kx,xvec(ix),leftx(ix))
end do
do i = 1, ny+ky-1
if (yknot(i) .gt. yknot(i+1)) then
write(errmsg,*) "yknot(i) <= yknot(i+1) required: i,yknot(i),yknot(i+1)=", &
i, yknot(i), yknot(i+1)
ierr = 3
end do
do i = 1, nyvec
if ((yvec(i).lt.yknot(1)).or.(yvec(i).gt.yknot(ny+ky))) then
write(errmsg,*) "iy with yknot(iy) <= y < yknot(iy+1) required: y=", yvec(i)
ierr = 4
end do
lefty(1) = 0
call huntn(yknot,ny+ky,ky,yvec(1),lefty(1))
do iy = 2, nyvec
lefty(iy) = lefty(iy-1)
same = (yknot(lefty(iy)) .le. yvec(iy)) &
& .and. (yvec(iy) .le. yknot(lefty(iy)+1))
if(.not. same ) then
lefty(iy) = lefty(iy) + 1
next = (yknot(lefty(iy)) .le. yvec(iy)) &
& .and. (yvec(iy) .le. yknot(lefty(iy)+1))
if (.not. next) call huntn(yknot,ny+ky,ky,yvec(iy),lefty(iy))
end do
do i = 1,nz+kz-1
if (zknot(i) .gt. zknot(i+1)) then
write(errmsg,*) "zknot(i) <= zknot(i+1) required: i,zknot(i),zknot(i+1)=", &
i, zknot(i), zknot(i+1)
ierr = 5
end do
do i = 1, nzvec
if ((zvec(i).lt.zknot(1)).or.(zvec(i).gt.zknot(nz+kz))) then
write(errmsg,*) "iz with zknot(iz) <= z < zknot(iz+1) required: z=", zvec(i)
ierr = 6
end do
leftz(1) = 0
call huntn(zknot,nz+kz,kz,zvec(1),leftz(1))
do iz = 2, nzvec
leftz(iz) = leftz(iz-1)
same = (zknot(leftz(iz)) .le. zvec(iz)) &
& .and. (zvec(iz) .le. zknot(leftz(iz)+1))
if(.not. same ) then
leftz(iz) = leftz(iz) + 1
next = (zknot(leftz(iz)) .le. zvec(iz)) &
& .and. (zvec(iz) .le. zknot(leftz(iz)+1))
if (.not. next) call huntn(zknot,nz+kz,kz,zvec(iz),leftz(iz))
end do
if ((iderx .eq. 0) .and. (idery .eq. 0) .and. (iderz .eq.0)) then
do ix = 1, nxvec
biatx(ix,1) = 1.0_dp
end do
do ik = 1, kx-1
do ix = 1, nxvec
dr(ix,ik) = xknot(leftx(ix)+ik) - xvec(ix)
dl(ix,ik) = xvec(ix) - xknot(leftx(ix)+1-ik)
save1(ix) = 0._dp
end do
do il = 1, ik
do ix = 1, nxvec
term(ix) = biatx(ix,il) / (dr(ix,il) + dl(ix,ik+1-il))
biatx(ix,il) = save1(ix) + dr(ix,il) * term(ix)
save1(ix) = dl(ix,ik+1-il) * term(ix)
end do
end do
do ix = 1, nxvec
biatx(ix,ik+1) = save1(ix)
end do
end do
do iy = 1, nyvec
biaty(iy,1) = 1.0_dp
end do
do ik = 1, ky-1
do iy = 1, nyvec
dr(iy,ik) = yknot(lefty(iy)+ik) - yvec(iy)
dl(iy,ik) = yvec(iy) - yknot(lefty(iy)+1-ik)
save1(iy) = 0._dp
end do
do il = 1,ik
do iy = 1,nyvec
term(iy) = biaty(iy,il) / (dr(iy,il) + dl(iy,ik+1-il))
biaty(iy,il) = save1(iy) + dr(iy,il) * term(iy)
save1(iy) = dl(iy,ik+1-il) * term(iy)
end do
end do
do iy = 1,nyvec
biaty(iy,ik+1) = save1(iy)
end do
end do
do iz = 1,nzvec
biatz(iz,1) = 1.0_dp
end do
do ik = 1, kz-1
do iz = 1, nzvec
dr(iz,ik) = zknot(leftz(iz)+ik) - zvec(iz)
dl(iz,ik) = zvec(iz) - zknot(leftz(iz)+1-ik)
save1(iz) = 0._dp
end do
do il = 1, ik
do iz = 1, nzvec
term(iz) = biatz(iz,il) / (dr(iz,il) + dl(iz,ik+1-il))
biatz(iz,il) = save1(iz) + dr(iz,il) * term(iz)
save1(iz) = dl(iz,ik+1-il) * term(iz)
end do
end do
do iz = 1, nzvec
biatz(iz,ik+1) = save1(iz)
end do
end do
do iz = 1,nzvec
do iy = 1,nyvec
do ix = 1,nxvec
val(ix,iy,iz) = 0.0_dp
end do
end do
end do
do ikz = 1, kz
do iky = 1, ky
do ikx = 1, kx
do iz = 1, nzvec
do iy = 1, nyvec
do ix = 1, nxvec
val(ix,iy,iz) = val(ix,iy,iz) &
& + biatx(ix,ikx) * biaty(iy,iky) &
& * biatz(iz,ikz) &
& * bcoef(leftx(ix)-kx+ikx, &
& lefty(iy)-ky+iky,leftz(iz)-kz+ikz)
end do
end do
end do
end do
end do
end do
do iz = 1, nzvec
do iy = 1, nyvec
do ix = 1, nxvec
val(ix,iy,iz) = dbs3dr(iderx,idery,iderz,xvec(ix), &
& yvec(iy),zvec(iz),kx,ky,kz,xknot,yknot, &
& zknot,nx,ny,nz,bcoef, ierr)
end do
end do
end do
end subroutine dbs3gd
! Internal routines
subroutine bsplvb(t,n,jhigh,idx,x,left,biatx)
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: n, jhigh, idx, left
real(dp), intent(in) :: x
real(dp), dimension(n), intent(in) :: t
real(dp), dimension(jhigh), intent(out) :: biatx
integer :: j = 1
integer :: i, jp1
real(dp) :: saved, term
real(dp), dimension(jhigh) :: dl, dr
if (idx .eq. 1) then
j = 1
biatx(1) = 1.0_dp
if (j .ge. jhigh) return
end if
20 jp1 = j + 1
dr(j) = t(left+j) - x
dl(j) = x - t(left+1-j)
saved = 0._dp
do i = 1, j
term = biatx(i) / (dr(i) + dl(jp1-i))
biatx(i) = saved + dr(i) * term
saved = dl(jp1-i) * term
end do
biatx(jp1) = saved
j = jp1
if (j .lt. jhigh) go to 20
end subroutine bsplvb
subroutine banfac(w,nroww,nrow,nbandl,nbandu,iflag)
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: nroww,nrow
integer, intent(in) :: nbandl,nbandu
integer, intent(out) :: iflag
real(dp), dimension(nroww,nrow), intent(inout) :: w
real(dp) :: pivot, factor
integer :: middle, nrowm1, jmax, kmax, ipk, midmk, i, j, k
iflag = 1
middle = nbandu + 1
nrowm1 = nrow - 1
if (nrowm1 .lt. 0) goto 999
if (nrowm1 .eq. 0) goto 900
if (nrowm1 .gt. 0) goto 10
10 if (nbandl .gt. 0) go to 30
do i = 1, nrowm1
if (w(middle,i) .eq. 0._dp) go to 999
end do
go to 900
30 if (nbandu .gt. 0) go to 60
do i = 1, nrowm1
pivot = w(middle,i)
if(pivot .eq. 0._dp) go to 999
jmax = min0(nbandl, nrow - i)
do j = 1, jmax
w(middle+j,i) = w(middle+j,i) / pivot
end do
end do
60 do i = 1, nrowm1
pivot = w(middle,i)
if (pivot .eq. 0._dp) go to 999
jmax = min0(nbandl,nrow - i)
do j = 1,jmax
w(middle+j,i) = w(middle+j,i) / pivot
end do
kmax = min0(nbandu,nrow - i)
do k = 1, kmax
ipk = i + k
midmk = middle - k
factor = w(midmk,ipk)
do j = 1, jmax
w(midmk+j,ipk) = w(midmk+j,ipk) - w(middle+j,i) &
& * factor
end do
end do
end do
900 if (w(middle,nrow) .ne. 0._dp) return
999 iflag = 2
end subroutine banfac
subroutine banslv(w,nroww,nrow,nbandl,nbandu,b)
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: nroww,nrow
integer, intent(in) :: nbandl,nbandu
real(dp), dimension(nroww,nrow), intent(in) :: w
real(dp), dimension(nrow), intent(inout) :: b
integer :: middle, nrowm1, jmax, i, j
middle = nbandu + 1
if (nrow .eq. 1) goto 99
nrowm1 = nrow - 1
if (nbandl .eq. 0) goto 30
do i = 1, nrowm1
jmax = min0(nbandl, nrow - i)
do j = 1, jmax
b(i+j) = b(i+j) - b(i) * w(middle+j,i)
end do
end do
30 if (nbandu .gt. 0) goto 50
do i = 1, nrow
b(i) = b(i) / w(1,i)
end do
50 do i = nrow, 2, -1
b(i) = b(i)/w(middle,i)
jmax = min0(nbandu,i-1)
do j = 1, jmax
b(i-j) = b(i-j) - b(i) * w(middle-j,i)
end do
end do
99 b(1) = b(1) / w(middle,1)
end subroutine banslv
subroutine huntn(xx,n,kord,x,jlo)
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: n, kord
real(dp), intent(in) :: x
real(dp), dimension(n), intent(in) :: xx
integer, intent(inout) :: jlo
integer :: max, null, jhi, jm, inc
max = n - kord
null = kord
if (jlo.le.null.or.jlo.gt.max) then
jlo = null
jhi = max+1
goto 30
inc = 1
if (x .ge. xx(jlo)) then
10 jhi = jlo + inc
if (jhi .gt. max) then
jhi = max + 1
else if (x .ge. xx(jhi)) then
jlo = jhi
inc = inc + inc
goto 10
jhi = jlo
20 jlo = jhi - inc
if (jlo .le. null) then
jlo = null
else if (x .lt. xx(jlo)) then
jhi = jlo
inc = inc + inc
goto 20
30 if (jhi-jlo.eq.1) return
jm = (jhi + jlo) / 2
if (x .gt. xx(jm)) then
jlo = jm
jhi = jm
goto 30
end subroutine huntn
! error reporting routines
function get_error_routine()
character(80) :: get_error_routine
get_error_routine = routine
end function get_error_routine
function get_error_message()
character(256) :: get_error_message
get_error_message = errmsg
end function get_error_message
end module bspline