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1143 lines
55 KiB
1143 lines
55 KiB
Program turboTDDFT v.6.3 starts on 6Sep2018 at 11:40:15
This program is part of the open-source Quantum ESPRESSO suite
for quantum simulation of materials; please cite
"P. Giannozzi et al., J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 21 395502 (2009);
"P. Giannozzi et al., J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 29 465901 (2017);
URL http://www.quantum-espresso.org",
in publications or presentations arising from this work. More details at
Parallel version (MPI), running on 8 processors
MPI processes distributed on 1 nodes
R & G space division: proc/nbgrp/npool/nimage = 8
Reading data from directory:
IMPORTANT: XC functional enforced from input :
Exchange-correlation = PZ ( 1 1 0 0 0 0)
Any further DFT definition will be discarded
Please, verify this is what you really want
file H.pz-rrkjus.UPF: wavefunction(s) 1S renormalized
file C.pz-rrkjus.UPF: wavefunction(s) 2S renormalized
Parallelization info
sticks: dense smooth PW G-vecs: dense smooth PW
Min 2545 1014 252 226917 57394 7160
Max 2548 1016 254 226922 57400 7170
Sum 20369 8121 2029 1815357 459173 57327
negative rho (up, down): 9.030E-04 0.000E+00
Subspace diagonalization in iterative solution of the eigenvalue problem:
a serial algorithm will be used
Allocating 15 extra bands for projection
Please cite the TDDFPT project as:
X. Ge, S. J. Binnie, D. Rocca, R. Gebauer, and S. Baroni,
Comput. Phys. Commun. 185, 2080 (2014)
in publications and presentations arising from this work.
Ultrasoft (Vanderbilt) Pseudopotentials
Virt read
Gamma point algorithm
Num of eigen values= 5
Allocating parameters for davidson ...
Estimating the RAM requirements:
For the basis sets: 3150.88 M
For the eigenvectors: 131.29 M
Num_eign = 5 Num_basis_max = 120
Reference = 0.50 Ry
Do make sure that you have enough RAM.
poor_of_ram is set to .false.. This means that you would like to increase the speed of
your calculation with USPP by paying double memory.
Switch it to .true. if you need to save memory.
poor_of_ram2 is set to .false.. This means that you would like to increase the speed
by storing the D_basis and C_basis vectors which will cause three time of the memory cost.
Switch it to .true. if you need to save memory.
Finished allocating parameters.
Initiating variables for davidson ...
Lowest energy electron-hole pairs are used as initial vectors ...
Calculating the electron-hole pairs for initiating trial vectors ...
1 13 1 0.502211465235
2 12 1 0.502227286226
3 13 2 0.502314984693
4 12 2 0.502330805685
5 14 7 0.494985930156
6 15 7 0.494876311165
7 15 8 0.506278747264
8 14 8 0.506388366255
9 15 9 0.507160951613
10 14 9 0.507270570604
11 14 6 0.484044971466
12 15 6 0.483935352475
13 15 10 0.518831243357
14 14 10 0.518940862348
15 14 5 0.478373884325
16 14 4 0.478371264920
17 15 5 0.478264265334
18 15 4 0.478261645929
19 15 11 0.523871555895
20 14 11 0.523981174886
Finished calculating the cv couples.
Finished initiating.
Precondition is used in the algorithm,
total cpu time spent up to now is 5.2 secs
Davidson iteration: 1
num of basis: 10 total built basis: 10
10 Transition energy 1 : 0.5037844812
10 Transition energy 2 : 0.4949562316
10 Transition energy 3 : 0.4947498630
10 Transition energy 4 : 0.5069917211
10 Transition energy 5 : 0.5070912878
Residue(Squared modulus): 1 0.0010057 0.0000000
Residue(Squared modulus): 2 0.0007810 0.0000003
Residue(Squared modulus): 3 0.0002946 0.0000003
Residue(Squared modulus): 4 0.0122273 0.0000007
Residue(Squared modulus): 5 0.0122294 0.0000007
Largest residue: 0.012229357835
total cpu time spent up to now is 13.2 secs
Davidson iteration: 2
num of basis: 15 total built basis: 15
15 Transition energy 1 : 0.5037103827
15 Transition energy 2 : 0.4948464890
15 Transition energy 3 : 0.4946939441
15 Transition energy 4 : 0.5055106687
15 Transition energy 5 : 0.5056087087
Residue(Squared modulus): 1 0.0000396 0.0000295
Residue(Squared modulus): 2 0.0001581 0.0001234
Residue(Squared modulus): 3 0.0000675 0.0000719
Residue(Squared modulus): 4 0.0011085 0.0002343
Residue(Squared modulus): 5 0.0011057 0.0002330
Largest residue: 0.001108516118
total cpu time spent up to now is 17.9 secs
Davidson iteration: 3
num of basis: 21 total built basis: 21
21 Transition energy 1 : 0.5037103638
21 Transition energy 2 : 0.4948441411
21 Transition energy 3 : 0.5051912495
21 Transition energy 4 : 0.5052922083
21 Transition energy 5 : 0.4946937882
Residue(Squared modulus): 1 0.0000395 0.0000295
Residue(Squared modulus): 2 0.0000988 0.0001180
Residue(Squared modulus): 3 0.0004065 0.0003515
Residue(Squared modulus): 4 0.0004020 0.0003464
Residue(Squared modulus): 5 0.0000674 0.0000719
Largest residue: 0.000406504739
total cpu time spent up to now is 23.2 secs
Davidson iteration: 4
num of basis: 26 total built basis: 26
26 Transition energy 1 : 0.5037102323
26 Transition energy 2 : 0.4948658626
26 Transition energy 3 : 0.5052315955
26 Transition energy 4 : 0.4947183051
26 Transition energy 5 : 0.5053611670
Residue(Squared modulus): 1 0.0000394 0.0000289
Residue(Squared modulus): 2 0.0001869 0.0000403
Residue(Squared modulus): 3 0.0004581 0.0002176
Residue(Squared modulus): 4 0.0001582 0.0000857
Residue(Squared modulus): 5 0.0005598 0.0002902
Largest residue: 0.000559768236
total cpu time spent up to now is 27.9 secs
Davidson iteration: 5
num of basis: 32 total built basis: 32
32 Transition energy 1 : 0.4962986595
32 Transition energy 2 : 0.5037059581
32 Transition energy 3 : 0.5046243255
32 Transition energy 4 : 0.5049401642
32 Transition energy 5 : 0.5050543113
Residue(Squared modulus): 1 0.0028867 0.0025273
Residue(Squared modulus): 2 0.0000465 0.0000314
Residue(Squared modulus): 3 0.0043813 0.0042420
Residue(Squared modulus): 4 0.0008340 0.0006949
Residue(Squared modulus): 5 0.0012316 0.0007960
Largest residue: 0.004381278777
total cpu time spent up to now is 33.8 secs
Davidson iteration: 6
num of basis: 40 total built basis: 40
40 Transition energy 1 : 0.4984823994
40 Transition energy 2 : 0.5037066137
40 Transition energy 3 : 0.5040046607
40 Transition energy 4 : 0.5042774699
40 Transition energy 5 : 0.4948274357
Residue(Squared modulus): 1 0.0057497 0.0063352
Residue(Squared modulus): 2 0.0000384 0.0000122
Residue(Squared modulus): 3 0.0020374 0.0031076
Residue(Squared modulus): 4 0.0019549 0.0020697
Residue(Squared modulus): 5 0.0000468 0.0000534
Largest residue: 0.006335189953
total cpu time spent up to now is 41.0 secs
Davidson iteration: 7
num of basis: 46 total built basis: 46
46 Transition energy 1 : 0.5018557671
46 Transition energy 2 : 0.5037064210
46 Transition energy 3 : 0.5041694885
46 Transition energy 4 : 0.4948268088
46 Transition energy 5 : 0.4947026663
Residue(Squared modulus): 1 0.0066544 0.0063765
Residue(Squared modulus): 2 0.0000381 0.0000117
Residue(Squared modulus): 3 0.0056737 0.0060689
Residue(Squared modulus): 4 0.0000455 0.0000524
Residue(Squared modulus): 5 0.0000671 0.0000356
Largest residue: 0.006654419223
total cpu time spent up to now is 46.4 secs
Davidson iteration: 8
num of basis: 50 total built basis: 50
50 Transition energy 1 : 0.4999005148
50 Transition energy 2 : 0.4984965986
50 Transition energy 3 : 0.5037064178
50 Transition energy 4 : 0.4948266250
50 Transition energy 5 : 0.4947002543
Residue(Squared modulus): 1 0.0072140 0.0087560
Residue(Squared modulus): 2 0.0090897 0.0073145
Residue(Squared modulus): 3 0.0000381 0.0000117
Residue(Squared modulus): 4 0.0000451 0.0000522
Residue(Squared modulus): 5 0.0000308 0.0000206
Largest residue: 0.009089688118
total cpu time spent up to now is 50.3 secs
Davidson iteration: 9
num of basis: 54 total built basis: 54
54 Transition energy 1 : 0.4971523708
54 Transition energy 2 : 0.4963467048
54 Transition energy 3 : 0.5037064167
54 Transition energy 4 : 0.4948265196
54 Transition energy 5 : 0.4947000959
Residue(Squared modulus): 1 0.0071003 0.0068532
Residue(Squared modulus): 2 0.0070290 0.0055479
Residue(Squared modulus): 3 0.0000381 0.0000117
Residue(Squared modulus): 4 0.0000451 0.0000520
Residue(Squared modulus): 5 0.0000307 0.0000202
Largest residue: 0.007100349019
total cpu time spent up to now is 54.5 secs
Davidson iteration: 10
num of basis: 58 total built basis: 58
58 Transition energy 1 : 0.5037064134
58 Transition energy 2 : 0.4955604275
58 Transition energy 3 : 0.4951250286
58 Transition energy 4 : 0.4948263802
58 Transition energy 5 : 0.4946999672
Residue(Squared modulus): 1 0.0000381 0.0000116
Residue(Squared modulus): 2 0.0052323 0.0047532
Residue(Squared modulus): 3 0.0046849 0.0040602
Residue(Squared modulus): 4 0.0000451 0.0000521
Residue(Squared modulus): 5 0.0000305 0.0000204
Largest residue: 0.005232260773
total cpu time spent up to now is 59.0 secs
Davidson iteration: 11
num of basis: 62 total built basis: 62
62 Transition energy 1 : 0.5037064117
62 Transition energy 2 : 0.4948263341
62 Transition energy 3 : 0.4947412283
62 Transition energy 4 : 0.4946963648
62 Transition energy 5 : 0.4945039402
Residue(Squared modulus): 1 0.0000381 0.0000116
Residue(Squared modulus): 2 0.0000456 0.0000531
Residue(Squared modulus): 3 0.0035719 0.0031336
Residue(Squared modulus): 4 0.0002846 0.0003251
Residue(Squared modulus): 5 0.0034232 0.0028376
Largest residue: 0.003571928558
total cpu time spent up to now is 63.5 secs
Davidson iteration: 12
num of basis: 68 total built basis: 68
68 Transition energy 1 : 0.5037064108
68 Transition energy 2 : 0.4948260360
68 Transition energy 3 : 0.4946924326
68 Transition energy 4 : 0.4942135925
68 Transition energy 5 : 0.4940360566
Residue(Squared modulus): 1 0.0000381 0.0000116
Residue(Squared modulus): 2 0.0000445 0.0000512
Residue(Squared modulus): 3 0.0000137 0.0000117
Residue(Squared modulus): 4 0.0026298 0.0021457
Residue(Squared modulus): 5 0.0021699 0.0017458
Largest residue: 0.002629811624
total cpu time spent up to now is 69.1 secs
Davidson iteration: 13
num of basis: 72 total built basis: 72
72 Transition energy 1 : 0.5037064073
72 Transition energy 2 : 0.4948254394
72 Transition energy 3 : 0.4946921033
72 Transition energy 4 : 0.4938996859
72 Transition energy 5 : 0.4937666365
Residue(Squared modulus): 1 0.0000381 0.0000116
Residue(Squared modulus): 2 0.0000431 0.0000502
Residue(Squared modulus): 3 0.0000129 0.0000111
Residue(Squared modulus): 4 0.0017085 0.0013323
Residue(Squared modulus): 5 0.0013269 0.0009752
Largest residue: 0.001708541091
total cpu time spent up to now is 73.4 secs
Davidson iteration: 14
num of basis: 76 total built basis: 76
76 Transition energy 1 : 0.5037063992
76 Transition energy 2 : 0.4948250333
76 Transition energy 3 : 0.4946916450
76 Transition energy 4 : 0.4937096306
76 Transition energy 5 : 0.4936263636
Residue(Squared modulus): 1 0.0000381 0.0000116
Residue(Squared modulus): 2 0.0000424 0.0000493
Residue(Squared modulus): 3 0.0000124 0.0000114
Residue(Squared modulus): 4 0.0011061 0.0008147
Residue(Squared modulus): 5 0.0008512 0.0006010
Largest residue: 0.001106051505
total cpu time spent up to now is 77.6 secs
Davidson iteration: 15
num of basis: 80 total built basis: 80
80 Transition energy 1 : 0.5037063689
80 Transition energy 2 : 0.4948248763
80 Transition energy 3 : 0.4946915624
80 Transition energy 4 : 0.4935836276
80 Transition energy 5 : 0.4935246485
Residue(Squared modulus): 1 0.0000381 0.0000117
Residue(Squared modulus): 2 0.0000422 0.0000491
Residue(Squared modulus): 3 0.0000126 0.0000111
Residue(Squared modulus): 4 0.0007145 0.0004971
Residue(Squared modulus): 5 0.0005917 0.0003578
Largest residue: 0.000714496817
total cpu time spent up to now is 82.0 secs
Davidson iteration: 16
num of basis: 84 total built basis: 84
84 Transition energy 1 : 0.5037064576
84 Transition energy 2 : 0.4948249733
84 Transition energy 3 : 0.4946916211
84 Transition energy 4 : 0.4935955803
84 Transition energy 5 : 0.4934930666
Residue(Squared modulus): 1 0.0000385 0.0000120
Residue(Squared modulus): 2 0.0000428 0.0000497
Residue(Squared modulus): 3 0.0000149 0.0000133
Residue(Squared modulus): 4 0.0012079 0.0010048
Residue(Squared modulus): 5 0.0004295 0.0002921
Largest residue: 0.001207936997
total cpu time spent up to now is 86.3 secs
Davidson iteration: 17
num of basis: 88 total built basis: 88
88 Transition energy 1 : 0.5037063878
88 Transition energy 2 : 0.4948247745
88 Transition energy 3 : 0.4946913303
88 Transition energy 4 : 0.4934844510
88 Transition energy 5 : 0.4934403215
Residue(Squared modulus): 1 0.0000381 0.0000117
Residue(Squared modulus): 2 0.0000420 0.0000488
Residue(Squared modulus): 3 0.0000128 0.0000118
Residue(Squared modulus): 4 0.0002244 0.0001554
Residue(Squared modulus): 5 0.0002606 0.0001740
Largest residue: 0.000260596789
total cpu time spent up to now is 91.2 secs
Davidson iteration: 18
num of basis: 92 total built basis: 92
92 Transition energy 1 : 0.4999966673
92 Transition energy 2 : 0.5037063690
92 Transition energy 3 : 0.4948247519
92 Transition energy 4 : 0.4946904390
92 Transition energy 5 : 0.4934565306
Residue(Squared modulus): 1 0.0779331 0.0856722
Residue(Squared modulus): 2 0.0000381 0.0000117
Residue(Squared modulus): 3 0.0000421 0.0000487
Residue(Squared modulus): 4 0.0000258 0.0000242
Residue(Squared modulus): 5 0.0001282 0.0000885
Largest residue: 0.085672202495
total cpu time spent up to now is 95.9 secs
Davidson iteration: 19
num of basis: 95 total built basis: 95
95 Transition energy 1 : 0.5037063659
95 Transition energy 2 : 0.4948247134
95 Transition energy 3 : 0.4946913927
95 Transition energy 4 : 0.4934535564
95 Transition energy 5 : 0.4934411083
Residue(Squared modulus): 1 0.0000380 0.0000116
Residue(Squared modulus): 2 0.0000422 0.0000487
Residue(Squared modulus): 3 0.0000122 0.0000115
Residue(Squared modulus): 4 0.0001494 0.0001006
Residue(Squared modulus): 5 0.0001036 0.0000781
Largest residue: 0.000149388557
total cpu time spent up to now is 99.7 secs
Davidson iteration: 20
num of basis: 98 total built basis: 98
98 Transition energy 1 : 0.5037063642
98 Transition energy 2 : 0.4948245851
98 Transition energy 3 : 0.4946912810
98 Transition energy 4 : 0.4934396656
98 Transition energy 5 : 0.4934247400
Residue(Squared modulus): 1 0.0000380 0.0000116
Residue(Squared modulus): 2 0.0000418 0.0000482
Residue(Squared modulus): 3 0.0000122 0.0000109
Residue(Squared modulus): 4 0.0000474 0.0000334
Residue(Squared modulus): 5 0.0000812 0.0000556
Largest residue: 0.000081154513
Davidson diagonalization has finished in 20 steps.
the number of current basis is 98
the number of total basis built is 98
Now print out information of eigenstates
K-S Oscillator strengths
occ con R-x R-y R-z
11 1 0.20220191E-04 0.44569342E-04 0.15577720E-04
11 2 0.49983109E-04 0.52682446E-05 -0.13875992E-05
11 3 0.60709212E-05 -0.21756882E-05 0.34713317E+00
11 4 -0.83131556E-05 0.58630313E-05 0.56711546E-04
11 5 0.69354129E-05 0.32464067E-05 0.16364695E-03
11 6 0.55356143E-04 0.97803505E-05 -0.20831604E+00
11 7 0.62094494E-04 0.85345886E-04 0.10087558E-02
11 8 0.16767598E-04 -0.62051263E-04 0.10999793E-02
11 9 -0.12103454E-03 0.60284258E-04 0.32488856E+00
11 10 -0.81027213E-07 0.10416186E-04 0.66789343E-04
11 11 0.90027021E-04 -0.48838306E-04 0.19234112E-03
11 12 -0.10542874E-04 -0.10126086E-03 -0.63749246E-04
11 13 0.74349381E-03 -0.45375570E-03 0.39469223E+00
11 14 0.20904491E-02 -0.45866667E-03 0.13962511E+00
11 15 0.85156829E-03 0.58290993E-03 -0.95965973E-03
12 1 0.23071853E-05 -0.70072865E-05 -0.31376501E-01
12 2 0.35389738E-05 -0.26208386E-06 -0.10705230E+00
12 3 -0.54330853E-05 -0.90520470E-04 0.18558515E-05
12 4 -0.11116106E+00 0.19921057E+00 0.80356311E-05
12 5 0.20583124E+00 0.10725259E+00 0.12455723E-04
12 6 0.85542982E-04 0.12544333E-03 -0.22306190E-04
12 7 -0.10295118E-03 0.70816460E-04 -0.27088266E-06
12 8 -0.40307853E-04 -0.18728320E-04 0.19200985E-04
12 9 -0.46473953E-04 0.75461019E-04 -0.31655459E-04
12 10 0.43458795E-04 -0.12484706E-04 -0.50055047E-05
12 11 -0.47811807E-01 -0.65733252E-01 0.24847359E-04
12 12 -0.51319152E-01 0.10239697E+00 -0.81182699E-05
12 13 -0.19483238E-03 -0.83595609E-04 0.15537665E-04
12 14 -0.37637927E-02 -0.20939942E-02 -0.36791935E-04
12 15 0.14242773E-02 0.10211959E-03 -0.15456387E-04
13 1 0.93001007E-06 -0.92629365E-05 -0.10709175E+00
13 2 -0.47281757E-05 -0.20113059E-07 0.31370410E-01
13 3 0.32562136E-05 -0.14236165E-03 -0.29326254E-05
13 4 -0.18958335E+00 -0.10916590E+00 0.21715600E-05
13 5 -0.11294612E+00 0.18274055E+00 -0.10258658E-04
13 6 -0.51811205E-04 0.11976592E-03 -0.22593158E-04
13 7 0.78429077E-05 -0.79732237E-05 -0.11627417E-04
13 8 -0.54558703E-04 -0.55388055E-05 0.40879106E-04
13 9 0.68812834E-04 0.14362717E-03 -0.30962031E-04
13 10 -0.12056144E-03 -0.88555176E-04 -0.27645751E-05
13 11 0.14755370E-01 -0.20266810E+00 -0.12194931E-04
13 12 -0.15668220E+00 -0.32213712E-01 0.34507369E-05
13 13 0.41599065E-04 -0.24446218E-03 0.12640469E-04
13 14 0.20970220E-02 0.67021834E-03 -0.89241762E-04
13 15 -0.64132386E-03 -0.20912242E-03 -0.10385917E-03
14 1 0.13738841E+01 0.17092228E+00 -0.45596623E-05
14 2 0.17095934E+00 -0.13737456E+01 -0.23135969E-05
14 3 0.91859423E-05 -0.34048302E-05 -0.23974682E-04
14 4 0.11089694E-04 -0.46588389E-05 0.28032847E+00
14 5 -0.33504449E-04 -0.35208941E-05 0.30166889E-01
14 6 0.17230688E-04 -0.66251399E-05 -0.68175684E-04
14 7 -0.58877388E-04 0.32123148E-05 0.36669560E-04
14 8 0.23573202E+00 -0.21827604E-01 -0.38790586E-04
14 9 -0.62256771E-03 0.61088845E-04 -0.39418954E-04
14 10 -0.11797190E-04 -0.29898166E-05 0.37617582E-04
14 11 -0.20448809E-03 0.14381818E-04 0.13986296E-01
14 12 0.17052413E-03 -0.12266221E-04 0.13989426E+00
14 13 0.10679612E-03 -0.12146612E-04 0.62782070E-04
14 14 -0.41664931E-01 0.38550786E-02 0.56986904E-03
14 15 -0.17888451E-01 0.16569708E-02 0.86835336E-04
15 1 -0.17095519E+00 0.13739336E+01 -0.73686548E-05
15 2 0.13738642E+01 0.17090451E+00 0.66863955E-05
15 3 0.21503632E-05 -0.39033898E-05 0.17434400E-04
15 4 0.26598562E-05 -0.11187530E-04 0.30042710E-01
15 5 0.10953311E-04 0.47694633E-04 -0.28011180E+00
15 6 0.34407152E-05 -0.16077980E-04 0.15186904E-04
15 7 0.78335869E-05 0.62095853E-04 0.25350211E-03
15 8 -0.21851329E-01 -0.23575923E+00 -0.63611168E-04
15 9 0.49558126E-04 0.57311057E-03 0.35398396E-04
15 10 0.57927775E-05 0.15657774E-04 -0.58621647E-05
15 11 0.25275235E-04 0.22497532E-03 0.14193515E+00
15 12 -0.19304092E-04 -0.17122428E-03 -0.13672031E-01
15 13 -0.54629172E-05 -0.84068508E-04 0.62075219E-04
15 14 0.38610367E-02 0.41636866E-01 -0.12236683E-02
15 15 0.16503040E-02 0.17813495E-01 0.18974175E-03
! The 1 -th eigen state. The transition energy is: 0.50370636
The two digitals below indicate the importance of doing beyong TDA:
Components: X 1.00001; Y -0.00001
In the occ-virt project subspace the total Fxy is:
X 0.99999; Y -0.00000 total 0.99999 / 1.00000
The Chi_i_i is Total 1 2 3
0.22748105E-08 0.11599845E-08 0.11106234E-08 0.42026424E-11
Now is the components analysis of this transition.
First we print out only the principle components.
occ virt FX FY
12 1 0.68258 -0.00100
12 2 -0.19718 0.00027
13 1 -0.20037 0.00030
13 2 -0.67457 0.00093
Now for all the calculated particle and hole pairs :
occ virt FX FY
11 1 -0.38781931E-04 -0.47637252E-05
11 2 -0.49315450E-04 -0.70711069E-05
11 3 0.81054651E-05 0.33615176E-05
11 4 0.66045071E-05 -0.40690231E-06
11 5 0.36118432E-05 -0.80395527E-06
11 6 -0.34121127E-05 -0.13273366E-05
11 7 -0.27721309E-05 -0.31018819E-05
11 8 -0.47889482E-05 0.70185989E-06
11 9 0.13503318E-05 0.18463542E-05
11 10 0.11629557E-04 0.10281994E-04
11 11 -0.97039530E-06 0.33488115E-06
11 12 0.39719174E-05 0.54818860E-06
11 13 0.24156447E-05 0.19876413E-05
11 14 0.72184452E-06 0.58672499E-06
11 15 0.14803066E-05 0.16906200E-05
12 1 0.68258219E+00 -0.10037406E-02
12 2 -0.19718424E+00 0.26974445E-03
12 3 0.26100550E-04 0.41423482E-05
12 4 0.12709401E-05 -0.39299332E-05
12 5 0.56883406E-05 0.67260685E-05
12 6 -0.52969184E-05 -0.15727607E-05
12 7 0.19115342E-05 -0.14983659E-05
12 8 -0.16842508E-04 -0.93973904E-05
12 9 -0.21202830E-05 0.39724999E-06
12 10 -0.83027762E-05 -0.57991125E-06
12 11 -0.79527337E-06 0.28005399E-05
12 12 -0.28105983E-05 0.40348238E-06
12 13 0.75102657E-07 0.52718362E-06
12 14 0.46328424E-06 0.14219887E-05
12 15 0.20409980E-06 0.29355688E-05
13 1 -0.20037001E+00 0.29769306E-03
13 2 -0.67456578E+00 0.93304808E-03
13 3 0.10051857E-04 0.15335310E-05
13 4 -0.63274624E-05 -0.43645278E-05
13 5 0.21941227E-04 0.44514062E-05
13 6 -0.22863587E-05 -0.73813339E-06
13 7 -0.13735708E-04 -0.27852547E-05
13 8 0.10369003E-04 0.77717573E-05
13 9 -0.41918327E-05 -0.10707671E-05
13 10 -0.98399103E-05 -0.17638853E-05
13 11 -0.67937059E-05 -0.43585112E-05
13 12 0.33064029E-05 0.46550594E-05
13 13 -0.16014825E-05 -0.21294189E-06
13 14 -0.33240475E-05 -0.15953157E-05
13 15 0.13170207E-04 0.23096861E-05
14 1 -0.19106245E-05 0.31715165E-05
14 2 -0.22501363E-04 -0.89053762E-06
14 3 0.36715941E-04 -0.17934289E-05
14 4 0.18237460E-03 -0.42079541E-05
14 5 -0.16009692E-02 0.42294619E-04
14 6 0.40952417E-04 -0.44942008E-06
14 7 0.14702971E-04 -0.10994729E-06
14 8 0.35188856E-04 0.83379457E-07
14 9 -0.62116880E-04 -0.22693252E-06
14 10 0.18684082E-04 -0.10871948E-05
14 11 -0.12181749E-02 -0.20757168E-04
14 12 0.98256958E-04 0.36924700E-05
14 13 -0.16241003E-05 -0.24718783E-05
14 14 -0.47401039E-06 -0.15720060E-05
14 15 -0.22644843E-05 -0.86996747E-06
15 1 -0.63630906E-05 -0.42116136E-05
15 2 -0.14052315E-04 -0.71282885E-06
15 3 0.21957096E-04 0.75217973E-06
15 4 -0.14255433E-02 0.39967117E-04
15 5 -0.10190950E-03 0.59074603E-05
15 6 -0.36076191E-04 0.11127398E-05
15 7 -0.58864631E-06 0.13080349E-07
15 8 0.19614773E-04 0.45650284E-07
15 9 0.66890505E-04 0.22866338E-06
15 10 0.61839663E-04 0.16461004E-05
15 11 0.15041881E-03 0.52362603E-05
15 12 0.11182904E-02 0.27743793E-04
15 13 0.30479848E-04 0.26020847E-05
15 14 0.24138793E-04 0.34147098E-05
15 15 0.66588046E-05 0.41266899E-05
! The 2 -th eigen state. The transition energy is: 0.49482459
The two digitals below indicate the importance of doing beyong TDA:
Components: X 1.00002; Y -0.00002
In the occ-virt project subspace the total Fxy is:
X 0.99988; Y -0.00000 total 0.99988 / 1.00000
The Chi_i_i is Total 1 2 3
0.23779169E-06 0.13931023E-06 0.53527228E-07 0.44954231E-07
Now is the components analysis of this transition.
First we print out only the principle components.
occ virt FX FY
14 7 0.18021 0.00003
15 7 0.98337 0.00005
Now for all the calculated particle and hole pairs :
occ virt FX FY
11 1 0.36125673E-04 -0.11391499E-05
11 2 -0.13087304E-04 -0.85138648E-05
11 3 0.20616656E-04 0.21561093E-04
11 4 -0.10865929E-03 -0.52873577E-04
11 5 0.11102461E-02 0.33835261E-03
11 6 -0.41555748E-05 -0.21916863E-05
11 7 -0.14909401E-04 -0.19113979E-04
11 8 -0.23725446E-07 -0.15191520E-05
11 9 0.19780438E-04 0.25054824E-04
11 10 -0.56317520E-05 -0.16137745E-04
11 11 -0.34651611E-03 -0.83755552E-04
11 12 0.62248643E-04 0.79443867E-05
11 13 0.75534006E-05 0.16243282E-04
11 14 0.12627068E-04 0.13082484E-04
11 15 -0.31937320E-05 0.91480161E-05
12 1 -0.13837609E-04 -0.98845845E-07
12 2 -0.35137084E-04 -0.26457510E-06
12 3 -0.24484182E-04 -0.29835699E-04
12 4 0.10537510E-03 -0.98939877E-05
12 5 -0.39368951E-04 -0.98079256E-06
12 6 -0.71450916E-05 -0.77639216E-05
12 7 -0.50513132E-05 -0.65681142E-05
12 8 -0.84941598E-05 -0.58381005E-05
12 9 0.24271539E-05 0.29439847E-05
12 10 0.31625417E-05 -0.40393126E-05
12 11 -0.11739901E-05 -0.34741656E-04
12 12 -0.28123951E-04 -0.27089848E-04
12 13 -0.54485655E-05 -0.78273535E-06
12 14 -0.26815021E-04 -0.56161182E-05
12 15 -0.63447161E-06 0.65374716E-05
13 1 -0.17367805E-04 -0.12672648E-06
13 2 0.11061592E-05 0.10613760E-07
13 3 -0.20297311E-04 -0.13444538E-05
13 4 0.28029517E-04 0.11615046E-04
13 5 0.98046234E-04 0.84508017E-04
13 6 -0.37879484E-05 -0.42548063E-05
13 7 0.87277961E-05 0.93327522E-05
13 8 0.30168402E-04 0.30573321E-04
13 9 -0.27396625E-05 -0.74156361E-06
13 10 0.40722076E-05 0.11004456E-04
13 11 0.20508789E-04 0.96607859E-06
13 12 0.17048834E-04 -0.14132721E-04
13 13 -0.88944955E-05 -0.20683814E-05
13 14 -0.19164234E-04 -0.92863271E-05
13 15 0.55544126E-05 -0.30613640E-07
14 1 -0.23990682E-03 0.41984057E-04
14 2 -0.21907575E-03 -0.19212878E-04
14 3 0.77177729E-04 -0.35153597E-04
14 4 0.12087752E-04 -0.26905646E-05
14 5 0.23975129E-03 -0.13066722E-04
14 6 0.53510167E-03 0.11886002E-04
14 7 0.18020797E+00 0.29366719E-04
14 8 -0.21709786E-03 -0.25345823E-05
14 9 0.15602826E-03 0.19881112E-05
14 10 0.26408521E-02 0.55882891E-03
14 11 -0.12704012E-03 -0.96113133E-05
14 12 -0.35989881E-04 -0.12797655E-04
14 13 0.79302784E-04 -0.37617355E-04
14 14 -0.17483451E-03 -0.50030717E-05
14 15 -0.37022567E-03 -0.33310506E-04
15 1 -0.97682984E-03 0.83656774E-04
15 2 -0.43863654E-03 0.52845167E-04
15 3 0.10485493E-01 -0.15896989E-03
15 4 0.36470443E-03 -0.23829286E-04
15 5 0.56885526E-03 -0.16297890E-04
15 6 -0.69686582E-02 0.28666280E-04
15 7 0.98336977E+00 0.51230923E-04
15 8 0.18370581E-03 0.22452218E-05
15 9 -0.14593627E-01 -0.18042026E-03
15 10 0.10280129E-03 -0.24242197E-04
15 11 0.41204541E-03 0.27931522E-04
15 12 -0.72189470E-03 -0.47598781E-04
15 13 -0.24704381E-02 -0.89379692E-04
15 14 0.46462073E-03 -0.27991119E-03
15 15 -0.16535968E-02 -0.20864470E-03
! The 3 -th eigen state. The transition energy is: 0.49469128
The two digitals below indicate the importance of doing beyong TDA:
Components: X 1.00001; Y -0.00001
In the occ-virt project subspace the total Fxy is:
X 0.99993; Y -0.00000 total 0.99993 / 1.00000
The Chi_i_i is Total 1 2 3
0.17295741E-06 0.25299048E-07 0.12858596E-06 0.19072402E-07
Now is the components analysis of this transition.
First we print out only the principle components.
occ virt FX FY
14 7 0.98342 0.00029
15 7 -0.18022 -0.00003
Now for all the calculated particle and hole pairs :
occ virt FX FY
11 1 0.10506320E-03 -0.22092504E-04
11 2 -0.10790272E-03 0.90180060E-05
11 3 0.34917624E-05 0.65925800E-05
11 4 0.10094885E-02 0.24340523E-03
11 5 0.12422861E-03 0.37055051E-04
11 6 0.47939250E-05 -0.19394503E-05
11 7 0.61828266E-05 0.27087434E-05
11 8 0.31852403E-04 -0.27047367E-05
11 9 0.14197841E-04 0.74278872E-06
11 10 -0.15594947E-05 0.64640202E-05
11 11 0.23808373E-04 0.45346503E-05
11 12 0.57292591E-03 0.15831490E-03
11 13 0.78063084E-05 0.32723113E-05
11 14 0.94932055E-05 0.21408060E-05
11 15 -0.26694369E-05 0.45726517E-05
12 1 -0.29520987E-04 -0.22474105E-06
12 2 -0.11425089E-03 -0.87548007E-06
12 3 0.25438560E-04 -0.54071728E-05
12 4 -0.76943421E-04 -0.35034526E-04
12 5 -0.12607062E-03 0.10927772E-04
12 6 0.86879659E-05 -0.62797469E-06
12 7 0.61655104E-05 0.12760742E-05
12 8 -0.23224250E-04 0.16364429E-05
12 9 0.37616595E-05 0.82352030E-06
12 10 0.27773432E-04 -0.63034722E-05
12 11 0.97282689E-04 0.39369944E-05
12 12 -0.34211976E-05 -0.48066878E-06
12 13 -0.96008704E-05 -0.15335057E-06
12 14 -0.19301634E-06 -0.44736576E-05
12 15 -0.43206906E-05 -0.20439948E-05
13 1 -0.17314256E-04 -0.12455429E-06
13 2 0.28003427E-04 0.21298069E-06
13 3 -0.18517073E-06 0.60780728E-05
13 4 0.14040721E-03 -0.66642020E-05
13 5 -0.77399089E-04 -0.17303326E-04
13 6 0.59966757E-05 -0.19748621E-05
13 7 -0.28821338E-05 0.13632617E-04
13 8 -0.33357447E-06 -0.17004523E-04
13 9 -0.79392203E-05 0.77029407E-06
13 10 -0.17579138E-04 0.56717983E-05
13 11 -0.54207676E-05 -0.87211427E-05
13 12 0.96393186E-04 -0.41667330E-05
13 13 -0.24061257E-04 -0.18648826E-05
13 14 -0.26175966E-04 -0.72894569E-05
13 15 -0.12849224E-04 -0.15372241E-04
14 1 0.65826295E-03 -0.10450458E-03
14 2 0.39338394E-03 -0.81725417E-04
14 3 -0.37423816E-02 0.21521915E-03
14 4 -0.62183854E-03 0.32063004E-04
14 5 -0.29289704E-03 0.12591707E-04
14 6 0.43113505E-02 -0.26041833E-04
14 7 0.98341877E+00 0.29266694E-03
14 8 0.32894597E-03 0.39752244E-05
14 9 0.14531294E-01 0.18267279E-03
14 10 0.41362237E-03 0.13601131E-04
14 11 -0.14938726E-03 -0.20636019E-04
14 12 0.52934796E-03 0.21688809E-04
14 13 0.17631043E-02 0.40460736E-04
14 14 0.33148184E-02 0.80838454E-04
14 15 -0.56714907E-02 -0.30939843E-03
15 1 -0.57644153E-04 -0.11096165E-04
15 2 0.16307069E-03 -0.24001452E-05
15 3 -0.45074792E-04 -0.29333605E-05
15 4 0.80085614E-03 -0.23856933E-04
15 5 -0.72299279E-03 -0.24125531E-05
15 6 -0.10645627E-03 -0.66842351E-05
15 7 -0.18022207E+00 -0.33652814E-04
15 8 0.75905737E-04 0.92514383E-06
15 9 -0.14876431E-03 -0.18651269E-05
15 10 0.64362133E-02 0.28575919E-03
15 11 -0.57210717E-03 0.56948457E-05
15 12 -0.39799106E-03 -0.17239373E-04
15 13 0.73040255E-04 0.43746208E-05
15 14 -0.80773952E-04 0.64463484E-05
15 15 0.43339176E-03 -0.42920963E-05
! The 4 -th eigen state. The transition energy is: 0.49343967
The two digitals below indicate the importance of doing beyong TDA:
Components: X 1.01935; Y -0.01935
In the occ-virt project subspace the total Fxy is:
X 0.95631; Y -0.01436 total 0.94195 / 1.00000
The Chi_i_i is Total 1 2 3
0.31254637E+00 0.30954622E+00 0.30001479E-02 0.44888773E-09
Now is the components analysis of this transition.
First we print out only the principle components.
occ virt FX FY
14 1 0.57902 -0.08244
14 2 0.13157 -0.01862
14 8 0.49735 0.00646
15 1 -0.13018 0.01861
15 2 0.58095 -0.08256
Now for all the calculated particle and hole pairs :
occ virt FX FY
11 1 -0.16931874E-03 0.13699175E-04
11 2 0.36522518E-03 0.17109768E-03
11 3 0.31807520E-04 0.31398637E-04
11 4 -0.82178484E-04 0.19126040E-04
11 5 -0.25822965E-04 0.13293213E-04
11 6 0.18641722E-04 0.43802752E-05
11 7 0.35105754E-04 0.38650489E-05
11 8 0.32722993E-04 -0.39664182E-04
11 9 -0.32328788E-04 0.35844626E-05
11 10 -0.84028542E-05 0.37940461E-05
11 11 0.44164375E-04 0.69173923E-05
11 12 -0.42620285E-04 0.43519875E-04
11 13 0.33732027E-03 0.74892310E-04
11 14 0.85565083E-03 0.19328398E-03
11 15 0.31549180E-03 0.65787464E-04
12 1 -0.22911286E-04 -0.66232529E-07
12 2 0.11632207E-04 0.69630530E-07
12 3 -0.16257030E-03 -0.49787724E-04
12 4 -0.11614331E-01 -0.11981040E-02
12 5 0.16159640E-01 0.17263348E-02
12 6 0.43512098E-04 -0.38706713E-04
12 7 -0.57459940E-04 0.47035542E-05
12 8 0.31885425E-05 0.19384833E-05
12 9 0.64286733E-04 -0.85144686E-05
12 10 0.87405902E-04 -0.28894812E-04
12 11 -0.52982639E-02 -0.74290157E-03
12 12 -0.13353994E-02 -0.12716977E-03
12 13 0.28321071E-04 -0.22393865E-05
12 14 0.36594947E-04 0.79675371E-06
12 15 0.68528122E-04 -0.91198618E-05
13 1 -0.31944900E-04 -0.30158652E-06
13 2 -0.56848890E-05 0.80257162E-07
13 3 0.12005904E-04 -0.80543790E-05
13 4 -0.17193910E-01 -0.18402757E-02
13 5 -0.11751447E-01 -0.12141824E-02
13 6 -0.78208188E-05 0.33145243E-05
13 7 0.36219786E-04 0.16893815E-04
13 8 -0.13989011E-04 -0.23703311E-04
13 9 0.12457905E-04 0.50536660E-06
13 10 0.31640892E-04 0.85503057E-06
13 11 0.25216507E-02 0.41316363E-03
13 12 -0.59728657E-03 -0.11385598E-03
13 13 0.18636156E-04 -0.67137854E-05
13 14 0.18636522E-03 0.36844301E-04
13 15 -0.38658795E-04 -0.26581141E-04
14 1 0.57901874E+00 -0.82442245E-01
14 2 0.13157025E+00 -0.18618204E-01
14 3 -0.15365548E-03 0.28482563E-04
14 4 -0.73526931E-03 -0.18164108E-04
14 5 -0.31734576E-03 -0.28628004E-04
14 6 0.62853609E-03 -0.24565095E-04
14 7 -0.66809898E-03 -0.34915611E-05
14 8 0.49735208E+00 0.64614382E-02
14 9 -0.13916424E-02 -0.12517427E-04
14 10 -0.38708381E-03 0.35306837E-04
14 11 -0.85628336E-04 -0.11582097E-04
14 12 0.41464759E-03 -0.15263203E-04
14 13 0.72395359E-05 0.48212915E-04
14 14 -0.29703319E-01 -0.14164307E-02
14 15 -0.12718467E-01 -0.60419382E-03
15 1 -0.13017860E+00 0.18608613E-01
15 2 0.58094650E+00 -0.82556286E-01
15 3 -0.12024704E-03 -0.24798373E-04
15 4 -0.16625804E-02 -0.53002521E-04
15 5 -0.46289329E-03 -0.41543526E-05
15 6 0.16145411E-03 0.85483335E-05
15 7 0.56482352E-03 -0.20359643E-07
15 8 0.26390115E-02 0.34124387E-04
15 9 0.36840304E-03 0.62758981E-05
15 10 -0.12528973E-02 0.23995443E-04
15 11 -0.15802178E-03 0.33292644E-05
15 12 0.71702031E-03 -0.22195283E-04
15 13 -0.61740685E-05 0.60696613E-04
15 14 -0.25365439E-03 0.17837764E-03
15 15 -0.11311731E-03 0.66119668E-04
! The 5 -th eigen state. The transition energy is: 0.49342474
The two digitals below indicate the importance of doing beyong TDA:
Components: X 1.01926; Y -0.01926
In the occ-virt project subspace the total Fxy is:
X 0.95647; Y -0.01431 total 0.94217 / 1.00000
The Chi_i_i is Total 1 2 3
0.31187982E+00 0.29808861E-02 0.30889893E+00 0.41701881E-08
Now is the components analysis of this transition.
First we print out only the principle components.
occ virt FX FY
14 1 -0.13026 0.01856
14 2 0.58383 -0.08273
15 1 -0.57421 0.08195
15 2 -0.13077 0.01856
15 8 0.49983 0.00645
Now for all the calculated particle and hole pairs :
occ virt FX FY
11 1 0.52939382E-03 0.21498173E-03
11 2 -0.22751135E-03 0.91165510E-05
11 3 -0.26890316E-04 -0.12283098E-04
11 4 0.80655134E-04 -0.96730450E-04
11 5 0.10782630E-04 -0.24626914E-04
11 6 0.26711705E-04 0.16887904E-04
11 7 -0.39948585E-04 -0.77880617E-05
11 8 -0.43150430E-04 0.83767837E-04
11 9 0.29659193E-04 -0.19255892E-04
11 10 -0.24785856E-04 -0.12214676E-04
11 11 0.18869142E-04 0.65582385E-05
11 12 0.76825849E-04 -0.77916015E-04
11 13 0.15295316E-03 0.34320344E-04
11 14 0.13441706E-03 -0.19949244E-04
11 15 -0.24470793E-03 -0.26691292E-04
12 1 0.19214541E-04 0.95572558E-07
12 2 0.35688852E-04 0.34812016E-06
12 3 -0.33244193E-04 -0.24098519E-04
12 4 -0.15045928E-01 -0.17470419E-02
12 5 -0.11057760E-01 -0.12918573E-02
12 6 0.33182753E-04 0.50942137E-04
12 7 0.18595065E-04 0.21646595E-04
12 8 0.42126358E-05 -0.12475985E-04
12 9 0.43934604E-04 0.14576213E-04
12 10 0.41119714E-04 0.24461166E-04
12 11 0.28019498E-02 0.19586686E-03
12 12 -0.11349808E-01 -0.15409638E-02
12 13 0.23355758E-05 -0.15857498E-04
12 14 -0.32935133E-04 0.13459378E-04
12 15 -0.98749586E-05 0.23905178E-04
13 1 0.50901177E-04 0.29992201E-06
13 2 -0.21273633E-06 0.15618622E-07
13 3 -0.16582888E-03 -0.33433247E-04
13 4 0.11028223E-01 0.13213267E-02
13 5 -0.15972839E-01 -0.18097341E-02
13 6 0.66680144E-04 0.20528308E-04
13 7 0.29105631E-04 0.87685871E-04
13 8 0.71236428E-05 -0.32607295E-04
13 9 0.63716690E-04 0.58861219E-05
13 10 -0.14900984E-04 0.18594280E-04
13 11 0.69800407E-02 0.86056342E-03
13 12 0.37636672E-02 0.33866002E-03
13 13 0.15599664E-04 -0.53404964E-05
13 14 0.93594930E-04 0.15550100E-04
13 15 -0.12235641E-04 0.54837146E-05
14 1 -0.13026127E+00 0.18558312E-01
14 2 0.58382780E+00 -0.82727533E-01
14 3 0.69673084E-04 -0.63877301E-04
14 4 -0.97918039E-03 0.28359302E-04
14 5 -0.21177899E-03 -0.39083476E-04
14 6 -0.85071146E-03 0.26719797E-04
14 7 -0.34395492E-03 -0.13588260E-05
14 8 -0.30352205E-02 -0.39294939E-04
14 9 0.45427083E-03 0.74970930E-05
14 10 0.38898739E-03 -0.64446876E-05
14 11 0.12740542E-03 0.64556900E-04
14 12 0.46566460E-03 -0.48337814E-04
14 13 -0.10809167E-03 -0.25487313E-05
14 14 0.44260042E-03 0.58512941E-05
14 15 -0.15522459E-04 0.32190064E-04
15 1 -0.57421491E+00 0.81947377E-01
15 2 -0.13077157E+00 0.18556142E-01
15 3 -0.36833493E-03 0.16549239E-04
15 4 -0.18945731E-02 -0.25512321E-05
15 5 -0.67844295E-03 0.58534778E-04
15 6 0.90561015E-03 0.97252827E-05
15 7 -0.64115669E-03 -0.50375763E-05
15 8 0.49982849E+00 0.64481920E-02
15 9 -0.68942107E-03 -0.10310348E-04
15 10 0.17848339E-02 -0.72938234E-05
15 11 -0.50524081E-03 -0.61950791E-04
15 12 0.93611289E-03 0.46434497E-04
15 13 0.13480196E-03 0.44081927E-05
15 14 -0.29689470E-01 -0.15442724E-02
15 15 -0.12894819E-01 -0.61702050E-03
Now generate the eigenvalues list...
Now generate the spectrum plot file...
Finished linear response calculation...
lr_dav_main : 98.10s CPU 102.85s WALL ( 1 calls)
read_wf : 0.07s CPU 0.08s WALL ( 1 calls)
lr_solve_e : 3.31s CPU 3.31s WALL ( 1 calls)
calc_residue : 5.60s CPU 5.65s WALL ( 20 calls)
expan_basis : 13.73s CPU 13.82s WALL ( 19 calls)
matrix : 0.03s CPU 0.03s WALL ( 20 calls)
mGS_orth : 10.61s CPU 10.68s WALL ( 57 calls)
mGS_orth_pp : 1.44s CPU 1.44s WALL ( 57 calls)
one_step : 73.48s CPU 77.99s WALL ( 20 calls)
lr_apply : 70.13s CPU 74.61s WALL ( 196 calls)
lr_apply_int : 64.17s CPU 68.61s WALL ( 98 calls)
lr_apply_no : 5.97s CPU 6.00s WALL ( 98 calls)
h_psi : 13.62s CPU 13.65s WALL ( 250 calls)
lr_calc_dens : 29.17s CPU 31.65s WALL ( 98 calls)
lr_dvpsi_e : 3.30s CPU 3.30s WALL ( 3 calls)
lr_dv_setup : 0.02s CPU 0.02s WALL ( 1 calls)
dv_of_drho : 7.72s CPU 7.84s WALL ( 98 calls)
interaction : 3.19s CPU 3.21s WALL ( 98 calls)
lr_dot : 7.82s CPU 8.26s WALL ( 39489 calls)
ortho : 0.18s CPU 0.17s WALL ( 202 calls)
lr_ortho : 0.22s CPU 0.22s WALL ( 278 calls)
US routines
s_psi : 3.26s CPU 3.28s WALL ( 2989 calls)
lr_apply_s : 6.85s CPU 6.87s WALL ( 2681 calls)
lr_dot_us : 7.36s CPU 7.40s WALL ( 2583 calls)
lr_sm1_psi : 0.47s CPU 0.47s WALL ( 199 calls)
General routines
calbec : 3.91s CPU 3.84s WALL ( 3301 calls)
fft : 19.14s CPU 19.67s WALL ( 595 calls)
ffts : 1.17s CPU 1.26s WALL ( 197 calls)
fftw : 14.45s CPU 14.52s WALL ( 5394 calls)
interpolate : 8.19s CPU 8.58s WALL ( 197 calls)
davcio : 0.00s CPU 0.01s WALL ( 5 calls)
Parallel routines
turboTDDFT : 1m38.10s CPU 1m42.85s WALL
This run was terminated on: 11:41:58 6Sep2018