mirror of https://gitlab.com/QEF/q-e.git
300 lines
10 KiB
Executable File
300 lines
10 KiB
Executable File
# Copyright (C) 2017 Quantum ESPRESSO group
# This file is distributed under the terms of the
# GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
# in the root directory of the present distribution,
# or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
# Written by Lorenzo Paulatto 2017
from __future__ import print_function
from os.path import realpath, basename
from sys import argv
myname = basename(argv[0])
#ibrav2cell_x = realpath(__file__)
#ibrav2cell_x = ibrav2cell_x.replace(myname,"ibrav2cell.x")
ibrav2cell_x = argv[0].replace(myname,"ibrav2cell.x")
def main() :
from numpy import array
from argparse import ArgumentParser
parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-i', action='append', type=int, metavar="ibrav", dest="ibrav_list", default=[],
help="ibrav value to explore, can be repeated (default: all)")
parser.add_argument('-c', type=float, nargs=9, dest="at",
metavar=("a1x","a1y","a1z","a2x","a2y","a2z", "a3x", "a3y", "a3z"),
help="cell parameters (default: read from standard input)")
units = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
units.add_argument('-A', default=False, action="store_true", dest="angst", help="cell is entered in Agstrom units")
units.add_argument('-B', default=True, action="store_false", dest="angst", help="cell is entered in Bohr units (default)")
units.add_argument('--alat', type=float, dest="alat", help="cell is entered in units of alat (in bohr)", metavar="ALAT")
parser.add_argument('--celldm', type=float,
default=[1, 1, 1, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5], nargs=6,
dest="celldm", metavar=("1","2","3","4","5","6"),
help="initial values of celldm(1..6), you have to specify all 6 or none (default: 1 1 1 .5 .5 .5)")
parser.add_argument('--angle', type=float,
default=[0, 0, 0], nargs=3,
dest="angle", metavar=("1","2","3"),
help="initial rotation of the cell (degrees) around x,y,z")
# parser.add_argument('-t', type=float, default=1.e-3, dest="mthr", help="match threshold", metavar="THR")
parser.add_argument('-k', type=float, default=1.e-8, dest="kthr", help="convergence threshold", metavar="THR")
parser.add_argument('-x', type=str, dest="ibrav2cell_x", help="full path to the ibrav2cell.x tool from PW/tools/ \
(default: look in the same directory as this program)", metavar="/path/to/ibrav2cell.x")
args = parser.parse_args()
ibrav_list = [1,2,3,-3,4,5,-5,6,7,8,9,-9,91,10,11,12,-12,13,-13,14]
if args.ibrav_list == []:
args.ibrav_list = ibrav_list
global ibrav2cell_x
if args.ibrav2cell_x:
ibrav2cell_x = args.ibrav2cell_x
# test for ibrav = 5
# cell = [ 3.900896593574796, -2.252183691403927, 18.043044401344225,
# 0.000000000000000, 4.504367382807855, 18.043044401344225,
# -3.900896593574796, -2.252183691403927, 18.043044401344225]
# test for ibrav = 14
# cell = [ 1.200000000000000E+01, 0.000000000000000E+00, 0.000000000000000E+00,
# 1.224000000000000E+01, 7.585670702053973E+00, 0.000000000000000E+00,
# 7.979999999999999E+00, 1.474991525399383E+00, 2.168870673876157E+00]
if args.alat and args.angst:
print("You cannot specifiy both '-A' and '--alat'")
cell = args.at
if not cell:
cell = cell_stdin()
if args.angst:
cell = array(cell)*1.889725989
elif args.alat:
cell = array(cell)*args.alat
#bnds = ((0,None), (0,None), (0,None), (-1,1), (-1,1), (-1,1),
# (0,360), (0,360), (0,360))
#bnds = ((0,None), (0,0), (0,None), (0,0), (0,0), (0,0),
# (0,360), (0,360), (0,360))
for ibrav in args.ibrav_list:
#print p
args0 = { "ibrav" : ibrav,
"cell" : cell
options={"maxiter" : 100000,
"maxls" : 10000,
"maxcor" : 10000,
"eps" : 1.e-6,
"ftol" : pow(args.kthr,2),
"gtol" : args.kthr,
"disp" : False,
bnds = guess_bounds(p,ibrav)
#print bnds
#from scipy.optimize import basinhopping
#r = basinhopping(recompute, p, minimizer_kwargs={"method":"L-BFGS-B", "bounds":bnds, "args":tuple([args0])}, niter=10)
from scipy.optimize import minimize
r = minimize(recompute, p, args=tuple([args0]), method="L-BFGS-B",
tol=args.kthr, bounds=bnds, options=options)
#r = minimize(recompute, p, args=tuple([args0]), method="Powell", tol=args.kthr, bounds=bnds, options=options)
#print r
#!if r["fun"] < args.mthr:
if r["success"] and r["fun"]<.1:
#if True:
print(" ibrav =", ibrav )
check_zero(r["x"], ibrav)
print("Final discrepancy: {:.1e}".format(r["fun"]))
#elif r["fun"] < 100*args.mthr:
# print "possible noisy match found: ibrav =", ibrav
# check_zero(r["x"], ibrav)
def check_ibrav2cell():
from numpy import array
from sys import argv
if not is_exe(ibrav2cell_x):
print(" File '"+ibrav2cell_x+"' not found or not executable.")
print(" Specify the position of ibrav2cell.x with the '-x' command line option.")
print(" Use '-h' for more help.")
namelist = make_namelist(1,[1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0])
at = compute_cell(namelist)
if not at or len(at)!=9 or any(at != array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1])):
print(" File '"+ibrav2cell_x+"' not working as expected.")
print(" Please verify that it comes from the same distribution as '"+argv[0]+"'")
print(" and that it is running correctly.")
def is_exe(fpath):
import os
return os.path.isfile(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK)
def run_command(executable_file, input_data):
import subprocess
proc = subprocess.Popen(executable_file,
output, error = proc.communicate(input_data)
return (output, error)
def make_namelist(ibrav,p):
replacements = { "ibrav" : ibrav,
"celldm1" : p[0],
"celldm2" : p[1],
"celldm3" : p[2],
"celldm4" : p[3],
"celldm5" : p[4],
"celldm6" : p[5],
"angle1" : p[6],
"angle2" : p[7],
"angle3" : p[8]
systemnl = """
ibrav = {ibrav},
celldm(1) ={celldm1},
celldm(2) ={celldm2},
celldm(3) ={celldm3},
celldm(4) ={celldm4},
celldm(5) ={celldm5},
celldm(6) ={celldm6},
angle(1) ={angle1},
angle(2) ={angle2},
angle(3) ={angle3}
#print systemnl.format(**replacements)
return systemnl.format(**replacements)
def constraint(p):
result = all(p[0:3]>=0)
result = result and all(abs(p[4:7])<=1)
if result:
return 0
return 1
def cell_stdin():
#import fileinput
from sys import argv, stdin
print("Type '{} -h' for help".format(argv[0]))
print("Please enter cell parameters: ")
at = []
while len(at)<9:
line = stdin.readline()
for w in line.split():
print(" ok ")
return at
def compute_cell(namelist):
from numpy import isnan
output,error = run_command(ibrav2cell_x,namelist)
output_lines = output.splitlines()
#output_cell = output_lines[-3]+output_lines[-2]+output_lines[-1]
output_cell = output_lines[-7]+output_lines[-6]+output_lines[-5]
# print output_cell
at = list(map(float, output_cell.split()))
except ValueError:
at = [0,0,0, 0,0,0, 0,0,0]
if any(isnan(at)):
at = [0,0,0, 0,0,0, 0,0,0]
#print at
return at
def check_zero(p, ibrav):
from numpy import array
from numpy.linalg import norm
namelist = make_namelist(ibrav,p)
at0 = array(compute_cell(namelist))
for i in range(len(p)):
q = list(p)
q[i] = 0
namelist = make_namelist(ibrav,q)
at1 = array(compute_cell(namelist))
if norm(at0-at1)==0:
p_out[i] = 0
if i < 6:
print(" celldm({:d}) = {:.6f}".format(i+1, p[i]))
else :
print(" angle({:d}) = {:.6f}".format(i-5, p[i]))
return array(p_out)
def guess_bounds(p, ibrav):
from numpy import array
from numpy.linalg import norm
namelist = make_namelist(ibrav,p)
at0 = array(compute_cell(namelist))
bnds = [(0,None), (0,None), (0,None), (-1,1), (-1,1), (-1,1),
(-180,180), (-180,180), (-180,180)]
for i in range(len(p)):
q = list(p)
q[i] = 0
namelist = make_namelist(ibrav,q)
at1 = array(compute_cell(namelist))
q[i] = 1
namelist = make_namelist(ibrav,q)
at2 = array(compute_cell(namelist))
if norm(at0-at1)==0 and norm(at0-at2)==0:
#print i
bnds[i] = (0,0)
return array(tuple(bnds))
def recompute(p, options):
from numpy import array
from numpy.linalg import norm
namelist = make_namelist(options["ibrav"],p)
at = compute_cell(namelist)
at1 = array(at)
at0 = array(options["cell"])
pat = permutations(at0)
diff =1000000
for i in range(6):
diff = min( norm(at1-pat[i]), diff )
return diff
def permutations(c):
#w, h = 9, 6;
from numpy import array
p = [[]]
p[1].append(array([c[0], c[1], c[2], c[6], c[7], c[8], c[3], c[4], c[5]]))
p[2].append(array([c[3], c[4], c[5], c[0], c[1], c[2], c[6], c[7], c[8]]))
p[3].append(array([c[3], c[4], c[5], c[6], c[7], c[8], c[0], c[1], c[2]]))
p[4].append(array([c[6], c[7], c[8], c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3], c[4], c[5]]))
p[5].append(array([c[6], c[7], c[8], c[3], c[4], c[5], c[0], c[1], c[2]]))
return (p)