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57 lines
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! Copyright (C) 2017 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
PROGRAM ibrav2cell
USE Kinds, ONLY : DP
INTEGER :: ibrav, ios
REAL(DP) :: celldm(6)
REAL(DP) :: a(3,3), omega, e(3,3), alat
WRITE(*, '("Enter the lattice vectors (one per line)")')
READ(*,*) a(:,1)
READ(*,*) a(:,2)
READ(*,*) a(:,3)
WRITE(*, '(a)') "Enter alat (or 'x' to skip if axis are in bohr)"
READ(*,*,iostat=ios) alat
IF(ios/=0) alat=1._dp
ibrav = at2ibrav (a(:,1), a(:,2), a(:,3))
celldm = 0._dp
CALL at2celldm (ibrav,alat,a(:,1), a(:,2), a(:,3),celldm)
WRITE(*,'("ibrav = ",i6)') ibrav
WRITE(*,'(" celldm(1) = ",f15.8)') celldm(1)
IF( celldm(2) /= 0._dp) WRITE(*,'(" celldm(2) = ",f15.8)') celldm(2)
IF( celldm(3) /= 0._dp) WRITE(*,'(" celldm(3) = ",f15.8)') celldm(3)
IF( celldm(4) /= 0._dp) WRITE(*,'(" celldm(4) = ",f15.8)') celldm(4)
IF( celldm(5) /= 0._dp) WRITE(*,'(" celldm(5) = ",f15.8)') celldm(5)
IF( celldm(6) /= 0._dp) WRITE(*,'(" celldm(6) = ",f15.8)') celldm(6)
CALL latgen( ibrav, celldm, e(:,1), e(:,2), e(:,3), omega )
WRITE(*, '("New lattice vectors in bohr:")')
WRITE(*,'(3f15.8)') e(:,1)
WRITE(*,'(3f15.8)') e(:,2)
WRITE(*,'(3f15.8)') e(:,3)
WRITE(*, '("New lattice vectors in old alat:")')
WRITE(*,'(3f15.8)') e(:,1)/alat
WRITE(*,'(3f15.8)') e(:,2)/alat
WRITE(*,'(3f15.8)') e(:,3)/alat
WRITE(*, '("New lattice vectors in new alat:")')
WRITE(*,'(3f15.8)') e(:,1)/celldm(1)
WRITE(*,'(3f15.8)') e(:,2)/celldm(1)
WRITE(*,'(3f15.8)') e(:,3)/celldm(1)
WRITE(*,'("Discrepancy old/new in bohr = ", f12.6)') DSQRT(SUM((a*alat-e)**2))
END PROGRAM ibrav2cell