
68 lines
3.6 KiB

`.+s+. .+ys--yh+ `./ss+.
-sh//yy+` +yy +yy -+h+-oyy
-yh- .oyy/.-sh. .syo-.:sy- /yh
`.-.` `yh+ -oyyyo. `/syys: oys `.`
`/+ssys+-` `sh+ ` oys` .:osyo`
-yh- ./syyooyo` .sys+/oyo--yh/
`yy+ .-:-. `-/+/:` -sh-
/yh. oys
``..---hho---------` .---------..` `.-----.` -hd+---.
+sy--/sdMMMhyyyyyyyNMMh- .oyNMMmyyyyyhNMMm+` -yMMMdyyo:` .oyyNMMNhs+syy`
-yy/ /MMM+.`-+/``mMMy- `mMMh:`````.dMMN:` `MMMy-`-dhhy```mMMy:``+hs
-yy+` /MMMo:-mMM+`-oo/. mMMh: `dMMN/` dMMm:`dMMMMy..MMMo-.+yo`
.sys`/MMMMNNMMMs- mMMmyooooymMMNo: oMMM/sMMMMMM++MMN//oh:
`sh+/MMMhyyMMMs- `-` mMMMMMMMMMNmy+-` -MMMhMMMsmMMmdMMd/yy+
`-/+++oyy-/MMM+.`/hh/.`mNm:` mMMd+/////:-.` NMMMMMd/:NMMMMMy:/yyo/:.`
+os+//:-..-oMMMo:--:::-/MMMo. .-mMMd+---` hMMMMN+. oMMMMMo. `-+osyso:`
/yh` :syyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy+.`+syyyyyyyyo:` .oyys:` .oyys:` +yh
-yh- ```````````````` ````````` `` `` oys
EPW v4 is part of the open-source Quantum ESPRESSO suite
for quantum simulation of materials; please cite
"P. Giannozzi et al., J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 21 395502 (2009);
URL http://www.quantum-espresso.org",
in publications or presentations arising from this work. More details at
Please also consider citing the EPW papers:
1) F. Giustino, M. L. Cohen, and S. G. Louie, Phys. Rev. B 76, 165108 (2007)
2) S. Ponc\'e, E. R. Margine, C. Verdi and F. Giustino, Comput. Phys. Commun. 209, 116 (2016)
The software tree of EPW v4 is composed of
/bin ==> Contains the epw.x soft link to the EPW executable.
/examples ==> Contains a lists of examples that are connected to the tutorials. The
tutorials can be found at http://epw.org.uk/Documentation/Tutorial
/src ==> Contains all the EPW source files.
/tests ==> Small tests useful for debugging and checking if the code works. Those tests are used
by the test farm. Do not expect physically relevant results out of it.
To compile the code you first need to issue ./configure in /espresso.
Indeed EPW rely on the make.sys file created by QE.
Then you can run ./make inside espresso/EPW.
EPW dedicated website and forum
EPW has a dedicated website that you can access at http://epw.org.uk/
If you have any questions, please use the forum at http://epwforum.uk/
Initial release inside Quantum ESPRESSO
SP, ERM, CV, FG, 1 March 2016