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222 lines
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Utility functions.
:copyright: (c) 2012 James Spencer.
:license: modified BSD; see LICENSE for more details.
import os.path
import re
import sys
import testcode2.compatibility as compat
import testcode2.exceptions as exceptions
def testcode_filename(stem, file_id, inp, args):
'''Construct filename in testcode format.'''
filename = '%s.%s' % (stem, file_id)
if inp:
filename = '%s.inp=%s' % (filename, inp)
if args:
filename = '%s.args=%s' % (filename, args)
filename = filename.replace(' ','_')
filename = filename.replace('/', '_')
return filename
def testcode_file_id(filename, stem):
'''Extract the file_id from a filename in the testcode format.'''
filename = os.path.basename(filename)
file_id = filename.replace('%s.' % (stem), '')
file_id = re.sub(r'\.inp=.*', '', file_id)
file_id = re.sub(r'\.args=.*', '', file_id)
return file_id
def try_floatify(val):
'''Convert val to a float if possible.'''
return float(val)
except ValueError:
return val
def extract_tagged_data(data_tag, filename):
'''Extract data from lines marked by the data_tag in filename.'''
if not os.path.exists(filename):
err = 'Cannot extract data: file %s does not exist.' % (filename)
raise exceptions.AnalysisError(err)
data_file = open(filename)
# Data tag is the first non-space character in the line.
# e.g. extract data from lines:
# data_tag Energy: 1.256743 a.u.
data_tag_regex = re.compile('^ *%s' % (re.escape(data_tag)))
data = {}
for line in data_file.readlines():
if data_tag_regex.match(line):
# This is a line containing info to be tested.
words = line.split()
key = []
# name of data is string after the data_tag and preceeding the
# (numerical) data. only use the first number in the line, with
# the key taken from all proceeding information.
for word in words[1:]:
val = try_floatify(word)
if val != word:
if key[-1] in ("=",':'):
key = '_'.join(key)
if key[-1] in ("=",':'):
key = key[:-1]
if not key:
key = 'data'
if key in data:
data[key] = [val]
# We shouldn't change the data from this point: convert entries to tuples.
for (key, val) in data.items():
data[key] = tuple(val)
return data
def dict_table_string(table_string):
'''Read a data table from a string into a dictionary.
The first row and any subsequent rows containing no numbers are assumed to form
headers of a subtable, and so form the keys for the subsequent subtable.
Values, where possible, are converted to floats.
e.g. a b c a -> {'a':(1,4,7,8), 'b':(2,5), 'c':(3,6)}
1 2 3 7
4 5 6 8
a b c -> {'a':(1,4,7), 'b':(2,5,8), 'c':(3,6), 'd':(9), 'e':(6)}
1 2 3
4 5 6
a b d e
7 8 9 6
data = [i.split() for i in table_string.splitlines()]
# Convert to numbers where appropriate
data = [[try_floatify(val) for val in dline] for dline in data]
data_dict = {}
head = []
for dline in data:
# Test if all items are strings; if so start a new subtable.
# We actually test if all items are not floats, as python 3 can return
# a bytes variable from subprocess whereas (e.g.) python 2.4 returns a
# str. Testing for this is problematic as the bytes type does not
# exist in python 2.4. Fortunately we have converted all items to
# floats if possible, so can just test for the inverse condition...
if compat.compat_all(type(val) is not float for val in dline):
# header of new subtable
head = dline
for val in head:
if val not in data_dict:
data_dict[val] = []
if len(dline) > len(head):
err = 'Table missing column heading(s):\n%s' % (table_string)
raise exceptions.AnalysisError(err)
for (ind, val) in enumerate(dline):
# Add data to appropriate key.
# Note that this handles the case where the same column heading
# occurs multiple times in the same subtable and does not
# overwrite the previous column with the same heading.
# We shouldn't change the data from this point: convert entries to tuples.
for (key, val) in data_dict.items():
data_dict[key] = tuple(val)
return data_dict
def wrap_list_strings(word_list, width):
'''Create a list of strings of a given width from a list of words.
This is, to some extent, a version of textwrap.wrap but without the 'feature'
of removing additional whitespace.'''
wrapped_strings = []
clen = 0
cstring = []
for string in word_list:
if clen + len(string) + len(cstring) <= width:
clen += len(string)
wrapped_strings.append(' '.join(cstring))
cstring = [string]
clen = len(string)
if cstring:
wrapped_strings.append(' '.join(cstring))
return wrapped_strings
def pretty_print_table(labels, dicts):
'''Print data in dictionaries of identical size in a tabular format.'''
# Loop through all elements in order to calculate the field width.
# Create header line as we go.
fmt = dict(_tc_label='%%-%is' % (max(len(str(label)) for label in labels)))
header = []
for key in sorted(dicts[0].keys()):
fmt[key] = len(str(key))
nitems = 1
if type(dicts[0][key]) is tuple or type(dicts[0][key]) is list:
nitems = len(dicts[0][key])
for dval in dicts:
for item in dval[key]:
fmt[key] = max(fmt[key], len(str(item)))
fmt[key] = max(len(str(dval[key])) for dval in dicts)
fmt[key] = max(fmt[key], len(str(key)))
# Finished processing all data items with this key.
# Covert from field width into a format statement.
fmt[key] = '%%-%is' % (fmt[key])
for item in range(nitems):
header.append(fmt[key] % (key))
# Wrap header line and insert key/label at the start of each line.
key = fmt['_tc_label'] % ('')
header = wrap_list_strings(header, 70)
header = ['%s %s' % (key, line_part) for line_part in header]
# Printing without a new line is different in python 2 and python 3, so for
# ease we construct the formatting for the line and then print it.
lines = [ header ]
for (ind, label) in enumerate(labels):
line = [fmt['_tc_label'] % (label)]
line = []
for key in sorted(dicts[ind].keys()):
if type(dicts[ind][key]) is tuple or type(dicts[ind][key]) is list:
for item in range(len(dicts[ind][key])):
line.append(fmt[key] % (dicts[ind][key][item]))
line.append(fmt[key] % (dicts[ind][key]))
# Wrap line and insert key/label at the start of each line.
key = fmt['_tc_label'] % (label)
line = wrap_list_strings(line, 70)
line = ['%s %s' % (key, line_part) for line_part in line]
# Now actually form table. Due to line wrapping we might actually form
# several subtables. As each line has the same number of items (or
# should!), this is quite simple.
table = []
for ind in range(len(lines[0])):
table.append('\n'.join([line[ind] for line in lines]))
table = '\n'.join(table)
return (table or
'No data for %s.' % ('; '.join(label.strip() for label in labels)))
def info_line(path, input_file, args, rundir):
'''Produce a (terse) string describing a test.'''
if rundir:
path = compat.relpath(path, rundir)
info_line = path
if input_file:
info_line += ' - %s' % (input_file)
if args:
info_line += ' (arg(s): %s)' % (args)
info_line += ': '
return info_line