
261 lines
10 KiB

Program PWSCF v.6.2.2 starts on 9May2018 at 12:36:24
This program is part of the open-source Quantum ESPRESSO suite
for quantum simulation of materials; please cite
"P. Giannozzi et al., J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 21 395502 (2009);
"P. Giannozzi et al., J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 29 465901 (2017);
URL http://www.quantum-espresso.org",
in publications or presentations arising from this work. More details at
Parallel version (MPI), running on 1 processors
MPI processes distributed on 1 nodes
Reading input from vdw-d2.in
Current dimensions of program PWSCF are:
Max number of different atomic species (ntypx) = 10
Max number of k-points (npk) = 40000
Max angular momentum in pseudopotentials (lmaxx) = 3
Parameters for Dispersion (Grimme-D2) Correction:
atom VdW radius C_6
C 2.744 60.710
gamma-point specific algorithms are used
Subspace diagonalization in iterative solution of the eigenvalue problem:
a serial algorithm will be used
G-vector sticks info
sticks: dense smooth PW G-vecs: dense smooth PW
Sum 301 109 31 10915 2349 287
bravais-lattice index = 4
lattice parameter (alat) = 4.6600 a.u.
unit-cell volume = 227.8567 (a.u.)^3
number of atoms/cell = 4
number of atomic types = 1
number of electrons = 16.00
number of Kohn-Sham states= 12
kinetic-energy cutoff = 18.0000 Ry
charge density cutoff = 200.0000 Ry
convergence threshold = 1.0E-06
mixing beta = 0.5000
number of iterations used = 8 plain mixing
Exchange-correlation = SLA PW PBE PBE ( 1 4 3 4 0 0)
celldm(1)= 4.660000 celldm(2)= 0.000000 celldm(3)= 2.600000
celldm(4)= 0.000000 celldm(5)= 0.000000 celldm(6)= 0.000000
crystal axes: (cart. coord. in units of alat)
a(1) = ( 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 )
a(2) = ( -0.500000 0.866025 0.000000 )
a(3) = ( 0.000000 0.000000 2.600000 )
reciprocal axes: (cart. coord. in units 2 pi/alat)
b(1) = ( 1.000000 0.577350 -0.000000 )
b(2) = ( 0.000000 1.154701 0.000000 )
b(3) = ( 0.000000 -0.000000 0.384615 )
PseudoPot. # 1 for C read from file:
MD5 check sum: 221bd0865b555dfe45f643e49cead3b6
Pseudo is Ultrasoft, Zval = 4.0
Generated by new atomic code, or converted to UPF format
Using radial grid of 721 points, 4 beta functions with:
l(1) = 0
l(2) = 0
l(3) = 1
l(4) = 1
Q(r) pseudized with 8 coefficients, rinner = 0.800 0.800 0.800
atomic species valence mass pseudopotential
C 4.00 12.00000 C ( 1.00)
24 Sym. Ops., with inversion, found (12 have fractional translation)
Cartesian axes
site n. atom positions (alat units)
1 C tau( 1) = ( -0.5000000 0.8660254 1.9500000 )
2 C tau( 2) = ( 0.5000005 0.2886748 1.9500000 )
3 C tau( 3) = ( -0.5000000 0.8660254 0.6500000 )
4 C tau( 4) = ( -0.0000005 0.5773506 0.6500000 )
number of k points= 1 Marzari-Vanderbilt smearing, width (Ry)= 0.0200
cart. coord. in units 2pi/alat
k( 1) = ( 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000), wk = 2.0000000
Dense grid: 5458 G-vectors FFT dimensions: ( 24, 24, 60)
Smooth grid: 1175 G-vectors FFT dimensions: ( 15, 15, 36)
Estimated max dynamical RAM per process > 9.41 MB
Initial potential from superposition of free atoms
starting charge 15.99984, renormalised to 16.00000
Starting wfcs are 16 randomized atomic wfcs
total cpu time spent up to now is 0.4 secs
Self-consistent Calculation
iteration # 1 ecut= 18.00 Ry beta= 0.50
Davidson diagonalization with overlap
ethr = 1.00E-02, avg # of iterations = 3.0
total cpu time spent up to now is 1.0 secs
total energy = -44.19116247 Ry
Harris-Foulkes estimate = -44.45937591 Ry
estimated scf accuracy < 0.67592845 Ry
iteration # 2 ecut= 18.00 Ry beta= 0.50
Davidson diagonalization with overlap
ethr = 4.22E-03, avg # of iterations = 2.0
total cpu time spent up to now is 1.1 secs
total energy = -44.18910615 Ry
Harris-Foulkes estimate = -44.22327487 Ry
estimated scf accuracy < 0.09638631 Ry
iteration # 3 ecut= 18.00 Ry beta= 0.50
Davidson diagonalization with overlap
ethr = 6.02E-04, avg # of iterations = 2.0
total cpu time spent up to now is 1.1 secs
total energy = -44.19768722 Ry
Harris-Foulkes estimate = -44.19758856 Ry
estimated scf accuracy < 0.00295111 Ry
iteration # 4 ecut= 18.00 Ry beta= 0.50
Davidson diagonalization with overlap
ethr = 1.84E-05, avg # of iterations = 1.0
total cpu time spent up to now is 1.2 secs
total energy = -44.19781955 Ry
Harris-Foulkes estimate = -44.19780412 Ry
estimated scf accuracy < 0.00001563 Ry
iteration # 5 ecut= 18.00 Ry beta= 0.50
Davidson diagonalization with overlap
ethr = 9.77E-08, avg # of iterations = 3.0
total cpu time spent up to now is 1.2 secs
End of self-consistent calculation
k = 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ( 144 PWs) bands (ev):
-11.7021 -11.2390 -0.8842 1.6711 5.7089 5.7090 5.8642 5.8642
12.1734 16.7939 16.7939 16.8277
the Fermi energy is 9.9674 ev
! total energy = -44.19783228 Ry
Harris-Foulkes estimate = -44.19782416 Ry
estimated scf accuracy < 0.00000051 Ry
The total energy is the sum of the following terms:
one-electron contribution = -6.74572555 Ry
hartree contribution = 12.73927070 Ry
xc contribution = -14.27895272 Ry
ewald contribution = -35.87244982 Ry
Dispersion Correction = -0.03997490 Ry
smearing contrib. (-TS) = -0.00000000 Ry
convergence has been achieved in 5 iterations
Forces acting on atoms (cartesian axes, Ry/au):
atom 1 type 1 force = -0.00000000 -0.00000000 0.00000000
atom 2 type 1 force = 0.00000000 -0.00000000 0.00000000
atom 3 type 1 force = 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000
atom 4 type 1 force = -0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00000000
Total force = 0.000000 Total SCF correction = 0.000112
Computing stress (Cartesian axis) and pressure
total stress (Ry/bohr**3) (kbar) P= -382.74
-0.00277839 0.00000000 0.00000000 -408.71 0.00 0.00
0.00000000 -0.00277839 0.00000000 0.00 -408.71 0.00
0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.00224859 0.00 0.00 -330.78
Writing output data file pwscf.save
init_run : 0.21s CPU 0.21s WALL ( 1 calls)
electrons : 0.81s CPU 0.82s WALL ( 1 calls)
forces : 0.57s CPU 0.57s WALL ( 1 calls)
stress : 0.88s CPU 0.88s WALL ( 1 calls)
Called by init_run:
wfcinit : 0.00s CPU 0.00s WALL ( 1 calls)
potinit : 0.04s CPU 0.04s WALL ( 1 calls)
hinit0 : 0.16s CPU 0.16s WALL ( 1 calls)
Called by electrons:
c_bands : 0.02s CPU 0.03s WALL ( 5 calls)
sum_band : 0.04s CPU 0.03s WALL ( 5 calls)
v_of_rho : 0.16s CPU 0.16s WALL ( 6 calls)
newd : 0.03s CPU 0.03s WALL ( 6 calls)
mix_rho : 0.00s CPU 0.01s WALL ( 5 calls)
Called by c_bands:
init_us_2 : 0.00s CPU 0.00s WALL ( 11 calls)
regterg : 0.02s CPU 0.03s WALL ( 5 calls)
Called by sum_band:
sum_band:bec : 0.00s CPU 0.00s WALL ( 5 calls)
addusdens : 0.02s CPU 0.03s WALL ( 5 calls)
Called by *egterg:
h_psi : 0.02s CPU 0.02s WALL ( 17 calls)
s_psi : 0.00s CPU 0.00s WALL ( 17 calls)
g_psi : 0.00s CPU 0.00s WALL ( 11 calls)
rdiaghg : 0.00s CPU 0.00s WALL ( 16 calls)
Called by h_psi:
h_psi:pot : 0.02s CPU 0.02s WALL ( 17 calls)
h_psi:calbec : 0.00s CPU 0.00s WALL ( 17 calls)
vloc_psi : 0.02s CPU 0.02s WALL ( 17 calls)
add_vuspsi : 0.00s CPU 0.00s WALL ( 17 calls)
General routines
calbec : 0.01s CPU 0.00s WALL ( 27 calls)
fft : 0.03s CPU 0.03s WALL ( 72 calls)
ffts : 0.00s CPU 0.00s WALL ( 11 calls)
fftw : 0.01s CPU 0.02s WALL ( 196 calls)
interpolate : 0.00s CPU 0.00s WALL ( 6 calls)
Parallel routines
PWSCF : 2.65s CPU 2.66s WALL
This run was terminated on: 12:36:27 9May2018