mirror of https://gitlab.com/QEF/q-e.git
697 lines
34 KiB
697 lines
34 KiB
Program PW4GWW v.6.3 starts on 14Dec2018 at 22:17:55
This program is part of the open-source Quantum ESPRESSO suite
for quantum simulation of materials; please cite
"P. Giannozzi et al., J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 21 395502 (2009);
"P. Giannozzi et al., J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 29 465901 (2017);
URL http://www.quantum-espresso.org",
in publications or presentations arising from this work. More details at
Parallel version (MPI & OpenMP), running on 64 processor cores
Number of MPI processes: 4
Threads/MPI process: 16
MPI processes distributed on 1 nodes
R & G space division: proc/nbgrp/npool/nimage = 4
Reading data from directory:
IMPORTANT: XC functional enforced from input :
Exchange-correlation = PZ ( 1 1 0 0 0 0)
Any further DFT definition will be discarded
Please, verify this is what you really want
Parallelization info
sticks: dense smooth PW G-vecs: dense smooth PW
Min 123 123 30 2095 2095 254
Max 126 126 31 2098 2098 259
Sum 497 497 121 8385 8385 1021
Message from routine read_rhog:
Conversion: K charge Gamma charge
nkstot= 1
after first init
after g stuff
after wfc waves
after davcio
bravais-lattice index = 8
lattice parameter (alat) = 10.2600 a.u.
unit-cell volume = 1080.0456 (a.u.)^3
number of atoms/cell = 8
number of atomic types = 1
number of electrons = 32.00
number of Kohn-Sham states= 32
kinetic-energy cutoff = 15.0000 Ry
charge density cutoff = 60.0000 Ry
Exchange-correlation = PZ ( 1 1 0 0 0 0)
celldm(1)= 10.260000 celldm(2)= 1.000000 celldm(3)= 1.000000
celldm(4)= 0.000000 celldm(5)= 0.000000 celldm(6)= 0.000000
crystal axes: (cart. coord. in units of alat)
a(1) = ( 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 )
a(2) = ( 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 )
a(3) = ( 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 )
reciprocal axes: (cart. coord. in units 2 pi/alat)
b(1) = ( 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 )
b(2) = ( 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 )
b(3) = ( 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 )
PseudoPot. # 1 for Si read from file:
MD5 check sum: 6dfa03ddd5817404712e03e4d12deb78
Pseudo is Norm-conserving, Zval = 4.0
Generated by new atomic code, or converted to UPF format
Using radial grid of 431 points, 2 beta functions with:
l(1) = 0
l(2) = 1
atomic species valence mass pseudopotential
Si 4.00 1.00000 Si( 1.00)
24 Sym. Ops. (no inversion) found
Cartesian axes
site n. atom positions (alat units)
1 Si tau( 1) = ( 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 )
2 Si tau( 2) = ( 0.5000000 0.5000000 0.0000000 )
3 Si tau( 3) = ( 0.0000000 0.5000000 0.5000000 )
4 Si tau( 4) = ( 0.5000000 0.0000000 0.5000000 )
5 Si tau( 5) = ( 0.2500000 0.2500000 0.2500000 )
6 Si tau( 6) = ( 0.7500000 0.7500000 0.2500000 )
7 Si tau( 7) = ( 0.7500000 0.2500000 0.7500000 )
8 Si tau( 8) = ( 0.2500000 0.7500000 0.7500000 )
number of k points= 1
cart. coord. in units 2pi/alat
k( 1) = ( 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000), wk = 2.0000000
Dense grid: 4193 G-vectors FFT dimensions: ( 25, 25, 25)
k = 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 band energies (ev):
-5.8356 -1.6936 -1.6936 -1.6936 -1.6936 -1.6936 -1.6935 3.2044
3.2044 3.2044 3.2044 3.2044 3.2044 6.0789 6.0789 6.0789
6.7558 6.7558 6.7558 6.7558 6.7558 6.7558 8.6434 8.6434
8.6434 9.3574 13.7717 13.9854 13.9854 16.1090 16.1090 16.1090
highest occupied, lowest unoccupied level (ev): 6.0789 6.7558
MAX_NGM: 130 1048
BG1 1.00000000000000 0.000000000000000E+000 0.000000000000000E+000
BG2 0.000000000000000E+000 1.00000000000000 0.000000000000000E+000
BG3 0.000000000000000E+000 0.000000000000000E+000 1.00000000000000
V(G=0) = 0.475999213263315
KS energy: 1 -5.83560506668316
KS energy: 2 -1.69355912705121
KS energy: 3 -1.69355912705121
KS energy: 4 -1.69355142655584
KS energy: 5 -1.69355142655584
KS energy: 6 -1.69355142655584
KS energy: 7 -1.69353424616859
KS energy: 8 3.20442776691910
KS energy: 9 3.20442776691910
KS energy: 10 3.20442776691911
KS energy: 11 3.20443827790201
KS energy: 12 3.20443827790200
KS energy: 13 3.20443827790200
KS energy: 14 6.07888629841760
KS energy: 15 6.07888629841761
KS energy: 16 6.07888629841761
KS energy: 17 6.75582563393215
KS energy: 18 6.75582563393216
KS energy: 19 6.75582798693772
KS energy: 20 6.75582798693772
KS energy: 21 6.75582798693773
KS energy: 22 6.75583349596492
KS energy: 23 8.64343419702107
KS energy: 24 8.64343419702108
KS energy: 25 8.64343419702107
KS energy: 26 9.35741242579914
KS energy: 27 13.7716724970379
KS energy: 28 13.9853570959443
KS energy: 29 13.9853570959443
KS energy: 30 16.1089624299217
KS energy: 31 16.1089625653331
KS energy: 32 16.1089628152977
Routine energies_xc : 1 -10.4485040738564
Routine energies_xc : 2 -10.7978145172359
Routine energies_xc : 3 -10.7978145172353
Routine energies_xc : 4 -10.7978130166188
Routine energies_xc : 5 -10.7978130166154
Routine energies_xc : 6 -10.7978130166163
Routine energies_xc : 7 -10.7978095031907
Routine energies_xc : 8 -10.5663676396241
Routine energies_xc : 9 -10.5663676396242
Routine energies_xc : 10 -10.5663676396206
Routine energies_xc : 11 -10.5663454794279
Routine energies_xc : 12 -10.5663454794307
Routine energies_xc : 13 -10.5663454794318
Routine energies_xc : 14 -11.2462642502820
Routine energies_xc : 15 -11.2462642502588
Routine energies_xc : 16 -11.2462642502792
Routine energies_xc : 17 -9.11113168621507
Routine energies_xc : 18 -9.11113168621485
Routine energies_xc : 19 -9.11112940896240
Routine energies_xc : 20 -9.11112940894490
Routine energies_xc : 21 -9.11112940895805
Routine energies_xc : 22 -9.11112351290690
Routine energies_xc : 23 -10.0491309298117
Routine energies_xc : 24 -10.0491309298166
Routine energies_xc : 25 -10.0491309298225
Routine energies_xc : 26 -10.8380119968911
Routine energies_xc : 27 -8.08653729915475
Routine energies_xc : 28 -10.0635018656489
Routine energies_xc : 29 -10.0635018656740
Routine energies_xc : 30 -10.5496166822179
Routine energies_xc : 31 -10.5496074620991
Routine energies_xc : 32 -10.5496165062649
Routine energies_h : 1 3.23571940841686
Routine energies_h : 2 4.18670143282068
Routine energies_h : 3 4.18670143282151
Routine energies_h : 4 4.18670422504955
Routine energies_h : 5 4.18670422504182
Routine energies_h : 6 4.18670422504303
Routine energies_h : 7 4.18670986100049
Routine energies_h : 8 3.49146422664741
Routine energies_h : 9 3.49146422664885
Routine energies_h : 10 3.49146422664169
Routine energies_h : 11 3.49144624519045
Routine energies_h : 12 3.49144624519870
Routine energies_h : 13 3.49144624520215
Routine energies_h : 14 5.26337193907416
Routine energies_h : 15 5.26337193901917
Routine energies_h : 16 5.26337193906636
Routine energies_h : 17 -0.176557551364233
Routine energies_h : 18 -0.176557551356941
Routine energies_h : 19 -0.176560076847873
Routine energies_h : 20 -0.176560076894090
Routine energies_h : 21 -0.176560076863469
Routine energies_h : 22 -0.176566660955213
Routine energies_h : 23 2.21139841120808
Routine energies_h : 24 2.21139841122108
Routine energies_h : 25 2.21139841124191
Routine energies_h : 26 4.95040639538324
Routine energies_h : 27 -2.52100075369262
Routine energies_h : 28 2.08601353408378
Routine energies_h : 29 2.08601353415898
Routine energies_h : 30 3.77526108059659
Routine energies_h : 31 3.77522966563979
Routine energies_h : 32 3.77526155433651
stop_clock: clock # 15 for h_psi not running
Transform to real wfcs
NRS 25 25 25
NRXS 25 25 25
Calculate grid
Calculate US
Out of matrix_wannier_gamma_big
Spread 183.162029061035 19.1249976905012
Spread 287.647569375888 183.162029061035
Spread 295.679105879591 287.647569375888
Spread 295.752498360033 295.679105879591
Spread 295.752871278810 295.752498360033
Spread 295.752872169275 295.752871278810
Spread 295.752872171555 295.752872169275
Spread 295.752872171562 295.752872171555
Center Wannier: 6.41249930202769 3.84750069942029
Center Wannier: 8.97749537661297 3.84750069529218
Center Wannier: 6.41249930594110 1.28250462385788
Center Wannier: 6.41249930700067 6.41249930330846
Center Wannier: 1.28249681541838 1.28249681707554
Center Wannier: 1.28250462367619 3.84750069351428
Center Wannier: 1.28249681689300 8.97750318365633
Center Wannier: 8.97750318243865 1.28249681677065
Center Wannier: 3.84750069684902 3.84750069278610
Center Wannier: 3.84750069400662 6.41249930537776
Center Wannier: 8.97749537614632 6.41249930545751
Center Wannier: 6.41249930478915 8.97749537570314
Center Wannier: 3.84750069511585 8.97749537584044
Center Wannier: 1.28250462453887 6.41249930457486
Center Wannier: 3.84750069526539 1.28250462397890
Center Wannier: 8.97750318326716 8.97750318361493
Call initialize_fft_custom
15 15 15
15 15 15
Planes per process (custom) : nr3t = 15 nr3p = 4 ncplane = 225
Proc/ planes cols G
1 4 31 259
2 4 30 254
3 4 30 254
4 3 30 254
tot 15 121 1021
Number of projected orthonormalized plane waves: 81
FK state: 1 900 130 81
FK GS 81
FK state: 2 900 130 81
FK GS 81
FK state: 3 900 130 81
FK GS 81
FK state: 4 900 130 81
FK GS 77
FK state: 5 900 130 81
FK GS 71
FK state: 6 900 130 81
FK GS 44
FK state: 7 900 130 81
FK GS 38
FK state: 8 900 130 81
FK GS 10
FK state: 9 900 130 81
FK GS 15
FK state: 10 900 130 81
FK GS 15
FK state: 11 900 130 81
FK GS 14
FK state: 12 900 130 81
FK GS 14
FK state: 13 900 130 81
FK state: 14 900 130 81
FK state: 15 900 130 81
FK state: 16 900 130 81
Calculate FK matrix
f_conduction : 23.68s CPU 2.24s WALL ( 1 calls)
ATT1 568
ATT2 568
ATT3 568
ATT4 568
ATT5 568
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 1 4.59895980742100
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 2 4.60045803758258
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 3 4.69375625824739
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 4 4.88508355103152
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 5 4.88809390853696
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 6 5.19223019449142
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 7 5.19570925725167
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 8 5.19690567364832
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 9 5.19774814475977
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 10 5.19806793942818
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 11 5.19887178890312
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 12 5.70597215614079
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 13 5.72913752307082
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 14 5.73010763182776
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 15 5.73160349832924
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 16 5.73200123112977
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 17 5.73246641652447
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 18 5.73341646549616
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 19 5.83456235665013
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 20 5.83606557612798
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 21 5.83800391980048
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 22 5.83853803863665
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 23 5.84003738512927
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 24 5.84061079198322
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 25 5.96460259713282
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 26 5.96671155150013
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 27 5.96772736148275
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 28 5.96913723632106
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 29 5.97050495257606
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 30 5.97083050546220
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 31 6.14849320581158
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 32 6.15157587992501
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 33 6.15279214537094
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 34 6.29087318730757
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 35 6.29550749890973
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 36 6.29636406654830
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 37 6.85669587046498
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 38 6.86124028324535
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 39 6.86255447256629
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 40 6.86391202223508
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 41 6.86514659892734
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 42 6.86558410956437
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 43 7.05152374955520
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 44 7.05387315934943
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 45 7.05526663095619
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 46 7.37859572872017
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 47 7.38406123990767
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 48 7.38690607285920
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 49 8.56148993348970
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 50 8.56559084389708
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 51 8.56710568233060
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 52 8.56908677692533
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 53 8.57097341054949
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 54 8.57233391052173
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 55 9.02286959051835
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 56 9.03110064667600
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 57 9.57870921569511
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 58 9.58311192847629
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 59 9.58626872469227
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 60 9.58704563413763
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 61 9.58853526968935
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 62 9.59075273598981
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 63 9.78356684502023
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 64 9.78623776954395
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 65 9.78806448011286
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 66 9.78988911179999
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 67 9.79117036365981
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 68 9.79160341466826
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 69 9.90234539562305
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 70 9.90430258022957
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 71 9.90595722773421
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 72 9.90691001627340
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 73 9.90840261921527
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 74 9.90889329796567
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 75 10.9741276639151
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 76 10.9747818282066
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 77 10.9762554649120
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 78 11.3407242376120
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 79 11.3414370035873
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 80 11.3427055600294
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 81 11.3443257607478
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 82 11.3459924714623
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 83 11.3465923968739
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 84 11.4192295684209
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 85 11.4242006759575
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 86 11.4256099641524
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 87 11.4261887647079
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 88 11.4273071119744
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 89 11.4283988039896
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 90 11.5576476796791
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 91 11.5630353609503
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 92 11.5654859410924
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 93 12.7440741722779
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 94 12.7470038577793
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 95 12.7496726806390
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 96 12.7502697867452
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 97 12.7508480633085
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 98 12.7522668004483
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 99 14.0750107540741
POLARIZABILITY eigen: 100 14.7012834121230
NGM MAX: 130 1048
Routine wannier_uterms : start
NGM MAX: 130 1048
uterms iiw 1
uterms jjw 1
Routine pola_basis_lanczos
15 15 15
15 15 15
Planes per process (custom) : nr3t = 15 nr3p = 4 ncplane = 225
Proc/ planes cols G
1 4 31 259
2 4 30 254
3 4 30 254
4 3 30 254
tot 15 121 1021
EIGEN T LOCAL: 1 1 4.400282832431589E-030
EIGEN T LOCAL: 1 101 22.4880893960114
pola_basis update merge-split 1 1
pola_basis update merge-split 2 1
pola_basis update merge-split 3 1
pola_basis update merge-split 4 1
EIGEN T LOCAL: 5 1 4.880369848065886E-030
EIGEN T LOCAL: 5 101 22.6044856055235
pola_basis update merge-split 5 5
pola_basis update merge-split 6 5
pola_basis update merge-split 7 5
pola_basis update merge-split 8 5
EIGEN T LOCAL: 9 1 1.954576379352257E-030
EIGEN T LOCAL: 9 101 22.5290856546960
pola_basis update merge-split 9 9
pola_basis update merge-split 10 9
pola_basis update merge-split 11 9
pola_basis update merge-split 12 9
EIGEN T LOCAL: 13 1 2.840645586018841E-030
EIGEN T LOCAL: 13 101 22.5655068006677
pola_basis update merge-split 13 13
pola_basis update merge-split 14 13
pola_basis update merge-split 15 13
pola_basis update merge-split 16 13
EIGEN GLOBAL: 1 -2.760832888944469E-054
EIGEN GLOBAL: 101 486.239650261461
orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension: 43
EIGEN GLOBAL: 1 -6.679988317338830E-059
EIGEN GLOBAL: 101 478.845911578028
orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension: 60
EIGEN GLOBAL: 1 1.884420398520843E-058
EIGEN GLOBAL: 101 484.843212535238
orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension: 79
EIGEN GLOBAL: 1 -9.998168145494961E-057
EIGEN GLOBAL: 101 495.040974652280
orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension: 98
EIGEN GLOBAL: 1 4.071883306728242E-059
EIGEN GLOBAL: 101 469.328412191682
orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension: 115
EIGEN GLOBAL: 1 -1.177012573076562E-057
EIGEN GLOBAL: 101 475.448628000715
orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension: 133
EIGEN GLOBAL: 1 1.266324540858388E-059
EIGEN GLOBAL: 101 422.778977182752
orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension: 145
EIGEN GLOBAL: 1 -1.078582745433357E-062
EIGEN GLOBAL: 101 431.993528065648
orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension: 159
EIGEN GLOBAL: 1 5.492264780144082E-058
EIGEN GLOBAL: 101 427.879643475457
orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension: 172
EIGEN GLOBAL: 1 4.618069713750413E-057
EIGEN GLOBAL: 101 446.140284947048
orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension: 188
EIGEN GLOBAL: 1 -2.031661674769384E-058
EIGEN GLOBAL: 101 416.712276301212
orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension: 203
EIGEN GLOBAL: 1 -4.931546761997841E-054
EIGEN GLOBAL: 101 425.226581379331
orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension: 217
EIGEN GLOBAL: 1 1.631857622198510E-053
EIGEN GLOBAL: 101 321.656678776017
orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension: 228
EIGEN GLOBAL: 1 8.171358198641295E-055
EIGEN GLOBAL: 101 356.669037501091
orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension: 238
EIGEN GLOBAL: 1 -5.729590263338599E-058
EIGEN GLOBAL: 101 334.391268886452
orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension: 248
lanczos_state: 1 1
Routine self_basis_lanczos
15 15 15
15 15 15
Planes per process (custom) : nr3t = 15 nr3p = 4 ncplane = 225
Proc/ planes cols G
1 4 31 259
2 4 30 254
3 4 30 254
4 3 30 254
tot 15 121 1021
EIGEN S LOCAL: 1 1 3.989208215956037E-005
EIGEN S LOCAL: 1 101 0.226652510586673
EIGEN S LOCAL: 5 1 8.173154739355191E-006
EIGEN S LOCAL: 5 101 0.228679107934684
EIGEN S LOCAL: 9 1 1.052136116013939E-005
EIGEN S LOCAL: 9 101 0.227545548292690
EIGEN S LOCAL: 13 1 2.487832520272122E-006
EIGEN S LOCAL: 13 101 0.227452152314486
EIGEN S LOCAL: 17 1 1.144254270701505E-005
EIGEN S LOCAL: 17 101 0.227617097044748
EIGEN S LOCAL: 21 1 1.501745040184014E-005
EIGEN S LOCAL: 21 101 0.227323463415431
EIGEN S LOCAL: 25 1 2.214068420008975E-005
EIGEN S LOCAL: 25 101 0.226687640943910
EIGEN S LOCAL: 29 1 1.935925194786299E-005
EIGEN S LOCAL: 29 101 0.226628135644597
self_basis : 28.60s CPU 2.03s WALL ( 1 calls)
sl_loop : 27.88s CPU 1.97s WALL ( 8 calls)
EIGEN GLOBAL: 1 1.436438512491372E-012
EIGEN GLOBAL: 101 8.528221672214116E-004
orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension: 115
EIGEN GLOBAL: 1 1.657730095105502E-012
EIGEN GLOBAL: 101 5.174166288922544E-004
orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension: 127
EIGEN GLOBAL: 1 1.977438073069155E-011
EIGEN GLOBAL: 101 4.881654355172325E-004
orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension: 137
EIGEN GLOBAL: 1 4.629448592950937E-012
EIGEN GLOBAL: 101 4.503779935622548E-004
orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension: 146
EIGEN GLOBAL: 1 9.476327222774338E-012
EIGEN GLOBAL: 101 3.752716792387548E-004
orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension: 155
EIGEN GLOBAL: 1 1.593758513100019E-011
EIGEN GLOBAL: 101 4.692013571662051E-004
orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension: 163
EIGEN GLOBAL: 1 3.428001918810986E-011
EIGEN GLOBAL: 101 3.581464341807010E-004
orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension: 177
EIGEN GLOBAL: 1 1.852553875267752E-011
EIGEN GLOBAL: 101 3.006495949946641E-004
orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension: 190
EIGEN GLOBAL: 1 4.441291640576244E-011
EIGEN GLOBAL: 101 3.209185965661853E-004
orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension: 201
EIGEN GLOBAL: 1 1.387370698449709E-012
EIGEN GLOBAL: 101 3.040409696757827E-004
orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension: 213
EIGEN GLOBAL: 1 9.748112959299161E-013
EIGEN GLOBAL: 101 2.310698143764341E-004
orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension: 221
EIGEN GLOBAL: 1 1.060416303194630E-012
EIGEN GLOBAL: 101 1.352318284805272E-004
orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension: 228
EIGEN GLOBAL: 1 1.844607055702705E-011
EIGEN GLOBAL: 101 1.645881834748785E-004
orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension: 238
EIGEN GLOBAL: 1 3.214963192224026E-011
EIGEN GLOBAL: 101 1.411330472723531E-004
orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension: 246
EIGEN GLOBAL: 1 1.466788780118601E-011
EIGEN GLOBAL: 101 1.659717953253858E-004
orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension: 255
EIGEN GLOBAL: 1 2.104299613656073E-011
EIGEN GLOBAL: 101 3.320621599252115E-004
orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension: 265
EIGEN GLOBAL: 1 1.954770517908213E-011
EIGEN GLOBAL: 101 2.867063342960830E-004
orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension: 274
EIGEN GLOBAL: 1 2.221350029807296E-011
EIGEN GLOBAL: 101 2.998355853404281E-004
orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension: 282
EIGEN GLOBAL: 1 2.464797210095617E-011
EIGEN GLOBAL: 101 2.303524791264964E-004
orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension: 289
EIGEN GLOBAL: 1 1.750915400510959E-011
EIGEN GLOBAL: 101 2.040854007195806E-004
orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension: 297
EIGEN GLOBAL: 1 7.164261431073943E-012
EIGEN GLOBAL: 101 2.340869095945888E-004
orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension: 303
EIGEN GLOBAL: 1 2.363079494874371E-011
EIGEN GLOBAL: 101 4.974126884510908E-005
orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension: 310
EIGEN GLOBAL: 1 2.240896049420567E-011
EIGEN GLOBAL: 101 5.013589252167481E-005
orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension: 317
EIGEN GLOBAL: 1 2.222305157092328E-011
EIGEN GLOBAL: 101 3.988503417896216E-005
orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension: 323
EIGEN GLOBAL: 1 2.162582307695202E-011
EIGEN GLOBAL: 101 6.878752322411882E-005
orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension: 327
EIGEN GLOBAL: 1 1.065271592734482E-011
EIGEN GLOBAL: 101 1.067721772088393E-004
orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension: 328
EIGEN GLOBAL: 1 4.242163127901506E-011
EIGEN GLOBAL: 101 1.964793518595724E-004
orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension: 340
EIGEN GLOBAL: 1 3.214304909786771E-011
EIGEN GLOBAL: 101 1.635600136375674E-004
orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension: 350
EIGEN GLOBAL: 1 3.194942988873734E-011
EIGEN GLOBAL: 101 4.218495124992403E-005
orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension: 362
EIGEN GLOBAL: 1 1.216035417110163E-011
EIGEN GLOBAL: 101 4.388690707309375E-005
orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension: 374
EIGEN GLOBAL: 1 2.151701063651237E-011
EIGEN GLOBAL: 101 3.683555359037097E-005
orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension: 386
lanczos_state: 1 1
Routine calculate_wing
Exchange energy 1 1 -1.23031460941134
Exchange energy 2 1 -1.14541693176661
Exchange energy 3 1 -1.14541693176719
Exchange energy 4 1 -1.14541707664411
Exchange energy 5 1 -1.14541707664386
Exchange energy 6 1 -1.14541707664374
Exchange energy 7 1 -1.14541729977065
Exchange energy 8 1 -1.00398930281509
Exchange energy 9 1 -1.00398930281551
Exchange energy 10 1 -1.00398930281356
Exchange energy 11 1 -1.00398754892874
Exchange energy 12 1 -1.00398754893013
Exchange energy 13 1 -1.00398754892940
Exchange energy 14 1 -1.03946632436196
Exchange energy 15 1 -1.03946632435937
Exchange energy 16 1 -1.03946632436112
Exchange energy 17 1 -0.300975416205380
Exchange energy 18 1 -0.300975416204987
Exchange energy 19 1 -0.300975482246717
Exchange energy 20 1 -0.300975482245050
Exchange energy 21 1 -0.300975482245145
Exchange energy 22 1 -0.300975620660011
Exchange energy 23 1 -0.364683304508648
Exchange energy 24 1 -0.364683304508195
Exchange energy 25 1 -0.364683304510821
Exchange energy 26 1 -0.369172857115859
Exchange energy 27 1 -0.164294229296755
Exchange energy 28 1 -0.298192990760610
Exchange energy 29 1 -0.298192990761015
Exchange energy 30 1 -0.283042733219488
Exchange energy 31 1 -0.283042201703363
Exchange energy 32 1 -0.283042776874975
produce_wann : 400.17s CPU 84.66s WALL ( 1 calls)
f_conduction : 23.68s CPU 2.24s WALL ( 1 calls)
o_bands : 3.36s CPU 0.27s WALL ( 1 calls)
pola_basis : 16.39s CPU 1.18s WALL ( 1 calls)
global_pola : 66.24s CPU 5.29s WALL ( 1 calls)
self_basis : 28.60s CPU 2.03s WALL ( 1 calls)
cft3t : 24.48s CPU 1.59s WALL ( 3975 calls)
h_psi : 161.80s CPU 10.60s WALL ( 61 calls)
fft : 5.92s CPU 0.41s WALL ( 518 calls)
fftw : 138.32s CPU 8.84s WALL ( 20539 calls)
davcio : 27.51s CPU 3.50s WALL ( 17904 calls)
global_self : 182.92s CPU 13.30s WALL ( 1 calls)
lanczos_stat : 201.65s CPU 14.94s WALL ( 2 calls)