mirror of https://gitlab.com/QEF/q-e.git
1662 lines
48 KiB
1662 lines
48 KiB
source commands.tcl
module PW -title "PWSCF GUI: module PW.x" -script {
readfilter ::pwscf::pwReadFilter
writefilter ::pwscf::pwWriteFilter
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# devide the GUI on pages (each namelist on its own page)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ##
## ##
page controlPage -name "Control" {
namelist control -name "CONTROL" {
optional {
#-default "'PWSCF sample input'"
var title -label "Job Title (title):" -validate string
var calculation {
-label "Type of calculation (calculation):"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue {
"Self-Consistent-Field <scf>"
"Non-selfconsistent calculation <nscf>"
"Band structure calculation <bands>"
"Ionic relaxation <relax>"
"Ionic relaxation with Variable-Cell <vc-relax>"
"Molecular dynamics <md>"
"Molecular dynamics with Variable-Cell <vc-md>"
-value {
-default "Self-Consistent-Field <scf>"
var max_seconds {
-label "Maximum CPU time \[in seconds\] (max_seconds):"
-validate posint
var restart_mode {
-label "Restart mode (restart_mode):"
-widget optionmenu
-textvalue {
"from scratch <from_scratch>"
"from previous interrupted run <restart>"
-value {
var wf_collect {
-label "Make a single restart file (wf_collect):"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue { Yes No }
-value { .true. .false. }
separator -label "--- Directories/Files/Stdout ---"
var outdir {
-label "Temporary directory (outdir):"
-widget entrydirselectquote
-validate string
var wfcdir {
-label "Temp. directory for files generated by each CPU (wfcdir):"
-widget entrydirselectquote
-validate string
var pseudo_dir \
-label "Directory containing pseudopotential files (pseudo_dir:)" \
-widget [list entrybutton "Directory ..." "::pwscf::pwSelectPseudoDir $this"] \
-validate string
var prefix -label "Prefix for I/O filenames (prefix):" -validate string
var lkpoint_dir {
-label "Store each k-point in its own subdirectory (lkpoint_dir):"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue { Yes No }
-value { .true. .false. }
var disk_io {
-label "Disk Input/Output (disk_io):"
-textvalue {
high default low minimal none
-value {
'high' 'default' 'low' 'none'
-widget optionmenu
var verbosity {
-label "Verbosity of output (verbosity):"
-widget optionmenu
-textvalue {
-value {
var iprint {
-label "Interval (in SCF iterations) for printing band energies (iprint):"
-widget spinint
-validate nonnegint
separator -label "--- Ionic Minimization ---"
#-text "threshold on total energy for ionic minimization"
var etot_conv_thr {
-label "Convergence energy threshold \[in Ry\] (etot_conv_thr):"
-validate fortranposreal
#-text "Convergence threshold on forces for ionic minimization"
var forc_conv_thr {
-label "Convergence force threshold \[in Ry/Bohr\] (forc_conv_thr):"
-validate fortranposreal
separator -label "--- Miscellaneous control parameters ---"
var nstep {
-label "Number of ionic steps (nstep):"
-widget spinint
-validate posint
var tstress {
-label "Calculate stress (tstress):"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue { Yes No }
-value { .true. .false. }
var tprnfor {
-label "Calculate forces (tprnfor):"
-variable tprnfor
-widget radiobox
-textvalue { Yes No }
-value { .true. .false. }
var dt {
-label "Molecular-Dynamics time step (dt):"
-validate fortranposreal
separator -label "--- Electric field options ---"
var tefield {
-label "Add a sawlike potential to bare ionic potential (tefield):"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue { Yes No }
-value { .true. .false. }
var dipfield {
-label "Add a dipole correction to bare ionic potential (dipfield):"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue { Yes No }
-value { .true. .false. }
var lelfield {
-label "Add a homogeneous finite electric field (lelfield):"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue { Yes No }
-value { .true. .false. }
var nberrycyc {
-label "Num. of iterations for lelfield [see help] (nberrycyc):"
-validate posint
separator -label "--- Miscellaneous options ---"
var lorbm {
-label "Perform orbital magnetization calculation (lorbm):"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue { Yes No }
-value { .true. .false. }
var lfcpopt {
-label "Perform a constant bias potential calculation with ESM method (lfcpopt):"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue { Yes No }
-value { .true. .false. }
var gate {
-label "Perform charged cell calculation using counter charged plate (gate):"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue { Yes No }
-value { .true. .false. }
separator -label "--- Berry phase ---"
var lberry {
-label "Calculate Berry phase (lberry):"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue { Yes No }
-value { .true. .false. }
var gdir {
-label "Direction of the k-point strings (gdir):"
-widget optionmenu
-textvalue {
"along 1st reciprocal vector"
"along 2nd reciprocal vector"
"along 3rd reciprocal vector"
-value { 1 2 3 }
var nppstr {
-label "Num. of k-points along each symmetry-reduced string (nppstr):"
-validate posint
## ##
## ##
page systemPage -name "System" {
# ----------------------------------------------------
# REQUIRED variables
# ----------------------------------------------------
namelist system -name "SYSTEM" {
required {
# WARNING: if you change the strings among the possible
# ibrav values, then search the "tracevar ibrav"
# section in the file pwscf-special.tcl and change
# there the strings to match EXACTLY with the
# ones defined here !!!
var ibrav {
-label "Braivas lattice index (ibrav):"
-fmt %d
-widget combobox
-textvalue {
"Free lattice"
"Cubic P (sc)"
"Cubic F (fcc)"
"Cubic I (bcc)"
"Hexagonal and Trigonal P"
"Trigonal R, 3fold axis c"
"Trigonal R, 3fold axis <111>"
"Tetragonal P (st)"
"Tetragonal I (bct)"
"Orthorhombic P"
"Orthorhombic base-centered(bco)"
"Orthorhombic face-centered"
"Orthorhombic body-centered"
"Monoclinic P, unique axis c"
"Monoclinic P, unique axis b"
"Monoclinic base-centered"
"Triclinic P"
-value {0 1 2 3 4 5 -5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -12 13 14}
group lattice_spec -name "Lattice specification:" -decor normal {
auxilvar how_lattice {
-label "How to specify lattice:"
-value {celldm abc}
-textvalue {"by celldm()" "by A,B,C,cosAB,cosAC,cosBC"}
-widget radiobox
dimension celldm {
-label "Crystallographic constants (celldm)"
-validate fortranreal
-start 1
-end 6
group abc {
packwidgets left
var A -label "A:" -validate fortranposreal
var B -label "B:" -validate fortranposreal
var C -label "C:" -validate fortranposreal
group cosABC {
packwidgets left
var cosAB -label "cosAB:" -validate fortranreal
var cosAC -label "cosAC:" -validate fortranreal
var cosBC -label "cosBC:" -validate fortranreal
var nat {
-label "Number of atoms in the unit cell (nat):"
-fmt %d
-default 1
-widget spinint
-validate posint
var ntyp {
-label "Number of types of atoms in the unit cell (ntyp):"
-fmt %d
-default 1
-widget spinint
-validate posint
var ecutwfc {
-label "Kinetic energy cutoff for WAVEFUNCTION \[in Ry\] (ecutwfc):"
-validate fortranposreal
var ecutrho {
-label "Kinetic energy cutoff for DENSITY \[in Ry\] (ecutrho):"
-validate fortranposreal
# ----------------------------------------------------
# OPTIONAL variables
# ----------------------------------------------------
optional {
var nbnd {
-label "Number of electronic states (nbnd):"
-widget spinint
-validate posint
-fmt %d
var tot_charge {
-label "Total system charge (tot_charge):"
-validate fortranreal
-fmt %f
dimension starting_charge {
-label "Starting charge (starting_charge):"
-text "Starting charge for atomic species"
-validate fortranreal
-start 1 -end 1
var input_dft -label "Exchange-correlation functional (input_dft):"
separator -label "--- Symmetry ---"
group symmetry_group -decor normal {
var nosym {
-label "Do not use the symmetry (nosym):"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue { Yes No }
-value { .true. .false. }
var nosym_evc {
-label "Do not use the symmetry except for the k-points (nosym_evc):"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue { Yes No }
-value { .true. .false. }
var noinv {
-label "Disable time reversal symmetry in k-point generation (noinv):"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue { Yes No }
-value { .true. .false. }
var no_t_rev {
-label "Disable the symmetry operations that require time reversal (no_t_rev):"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue { Yes No }
-value { .true. .false. }
var force_symmorphic {
-label "Force the symmetry group to be symmorphic (force_symmorphic):"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue { Yes No }
-value { .true. .false. }
var use_all_frac {
-label "Use all symmetry operations with fractionary translations (use_all_frac):"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue { Yes No }
-value { .true. .false. }
separator -label "--- Occupations ---"
var occupations {
-label "Occupation of states (occupations):"
-widget optionmenu
-textvalue {
smearing tetrahedra tetrahedra_lin tetrahedra_opt fixed "read from input"
-value {
'smearing' 'tetrahedra' 'tetrahedra_lin' 'tetrahedra_opt' 'fixed' 'from_input'
var one_atom_occupations {
-text "For isolated atoms only (nat=1)"
-label "Order the wavefunctions as the atomic starting wavefunctions (one_atom_occupations):"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue { Yes No }
-value { .true. .false. }
var starting_spin_angle {
-text "For spin-orbit case when domag=.TRUE."
-label "Multiply the initial radial wavefunctions by spin-angle functions (starting_spin_angle):"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue { Yes No }
-value { .true. .false. }
var degauss {
-label "Gaussian spreading for BZ integration \[in Ry\] (degauss):"
-validate fortrannonnegreal
var smearing {
-label "Type of spreading/smearing (smearing):"
-textvalue {
"ordinary Gaussian spreading <gaussian>"
"first order interpolation in Methfessel-Paxton spreading <methfessel-paxton>"
"Marzari-Vanderbilt cold smearing <marzari-vanderbilt>"
"Fermi-Dirac smearing <fermi-dirac>"
-value {
-widget optionmenu
separator -label "--- Spin polarization ---"
group spinpol_group -decor normal {
var nspin {
-label "Perform spin-polarized calculation (nspin):"
-textvalue {No Yes}
-value {1 2}
-widget radiobox
group spin_polarization -decor none {
dimension starting_magnetization {
-label "Starting magnetization (starting_magnetization):"
-text "Specify starting magnetization (between -1 and 1) for each \"magnetic\" species"
-validate fortranreal
-start 1 -end 1
var tot_magnetization {
-label "Total magnetization (N el. up-down) (tot_magnetization):"
-validate posint
-widget spinint
separator -label "--- Noncolinear calculation ---"
group noncolin_topgroup -decor normal {
var noncolin {
-label "Perform noncolinear calculation (noncolin):"
-textvalue {No Yes}
-value {.false. .true.}
-widget radiobox
group noncolin_group {
dimension angle1 {
-label "Starting magnetization direction (angle1) :"
-text "Specify starting magnetization direction for each \"magnetic\" species"
-validate fortranreal
-start 1 -end 1
dimension angle2 {
-label "Starting magnetization direction (angle2):"
-text "Specify starting magnetization direction for each \"magnetic\" species"
-validate fortranreal
-start 1 -end 1
var lspinorb {
-label "Allow the use of a pseudopotential with spin-orbit (lspinorb):"
-textvalue {No Yes}
-value {.false. .true.}
-widget radiobox
separator -label "--- Constrained/Fixed magnetization ---"
group constrained_magnetization_group -decor normal {
var constrained_magnetization {
-label "Constrained magnetic calculation (constrained_magnetization):"
-textvalue {
"no constrain <none>"
"constrain TOTAL magnetization <total>"
"constrain ATOMIC magnetization <atomic>"
"constrain magnetization to \"ATOMIC DIRECTION\" <atomic direction>"
"constrain the direction of total magnetization <total directioin>"
-value {'none' 'total' 'atomic' {'atomic direction'} {'total direction'}}
-widget optionmenu
dimension fixed_magnetization {
-label "Fixed total magnetization"
-start 1 -end 3
-validate fortranreal
# dimension B_field {
# -label "Add a fixed magnetic field (B_field):"
# -start 1 -end 3
# -validate fortranreal
# }
var lambda {
-label "Lamda parameter for constrained magnetization (lambda):"
-validate fortranreal
var report {
-label "Interval (in iterations) for printing atomic magnetic moments (report):"
-validate posint
separator -label "--- Hartree Fock & Hybrid Functionals ---"
group HF_group -decor normal {
var ecutfock {
-label "Kinetic energy cutoff for exact exchange operator \[in Ry\] (ecutfock):"
-validate fortranposreal
var exx_fraction {
-label "Fraction of EXX for hybrid functional calculations (exx_fraction):"
-validate fortranreal
var exxdiv_treatment {
-label "Approach for treating Coulomb potential divergencies at small q vectors (exxdiv_treatment):"
-widget optionmenu
-value {
-textvalue {
var x_gamma_extrapolation {
-label "Extrapolate the G=0 term of the potential for EXX (x_gamma_extrapolation):"
-textvalue {No Yes}
-value {.false. .true.}
-widget radiobox
var ecutvcut {
-label "Reciprocal space cutoff for exxdiv_treatment (ecutvcut):"
-validate fortranreal
var screening_parameter {
-label "Screening_parameter for HSE like hybrid functionals (screening_parameter):"
-validate fortranreal
group nqx123 {
packwidgets left
var nqx1 -label "nqx1:" -validate fortranposreal
var nqx2 -label "nqx2:" -validate fortranposreal
var nqx3 -label "n1x3:" -validate fortranposreal
separator -label "--- LDA + U parameters ---"
group lda_plus_u_group -decor normal {
var lda_plus_u {
-label "Perform LDA + U calculation (lda_plus_u):"
-textvalue {No Yes}
-value {.false. .true.}
-widget radiobox
group hubbard -decor none {
var lda_plus_u_kind {
-label "type of LDA + U calculation (lda_plus_u_kind):"
-textvalue {
"simplified version of Cococcioni and de Gironcoli"
"rotationally invariant scheme of Liechtenstein et al."
-value {0 1}
-widget radiobox
dimension Hubbard_U {
-label "Hubbarb U (Hubbard_U):"
-validate fortranreal
-start 1 -end 1
dimension Hubbard_J0 {
-label "Hubbarb J0 (Hubbard_J0):"
-validate fortranreal
-start 1 -end 1
dimension Hubbard_alpha {
-label "Hubbard alpha (Hubbard_alpha):"
-validate fortranreal
-start 1 -end 1
dimension Hubbard_beta {
-label "Hubbard beta (Hubbard_beta):"
-validate fortranreal
-start 1 -end 1
# can't input Hubbard_J and starting_ns_eigenvalue
var U_projection_type {
-label "Type of projector on localized orbital (U_projector_type):"
-widget optionmenu
-textvalue {
"use atomic wfc's (as they are) to build the projector <atomic>"
"use Lowdin orthogonalized atomic wfc's <ortho-atomic>"
"use Lowdin normalization of atomic wfc <norm-atomic>"
"use the information from file \"prefix\".atwfc <file>"
"use the pseudopotential projectors <pseudo>"
-value {
separator -label "--- Variable cell parameters ---"
group vc_md -decor normal {
var ecfixed {
-label "ecfixed:"
-validate fortranreal
var qcutz {
-label "qcutz:"
-validate fortranreal
var q2sigma {
-label "q2sigma:"
-validate fortranreal
separator -label "--- Saw-like potential parameters ---"
group tefield_group -decor normal {
var edir {
-label "Direction of electric field (edir)"
-widget optionmenu
-textvalue {
"along 1st reciprocal vector"
"along 2nd reciprocal vector"
"along 3rd reciprocal vector"
-value { 1 2 3 }
var emaxpos {
-text "Position of maximum of sawlike potential within the unit cell"
-label "Position of maximum (emaxpos):"
-validate fortranreal
var eopreg {
-text "Part of the unit cell where the sawlike potential decreases"
-label "Where the sawlike potential decreases (eopreg):"
-validate fortranreal
var eamp -label "Amplitude of the electric field \[in a.u.\] (eamp):"
separator -label "--- Low-dimensional calculation ---"
var assume_isolated {
-label "Type of correction for isolated systems (assume_isolated):"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue {
"Makov-Payne <makov-payne>"
"Martyna-Tuckerman <martyna-tuckerman>"
"Effective Screening Medium <esm>"
"No correction <none>"
-value {'makov-payne' 'martyna-tuckerman' 'esm' 'none'}
separator -label "--- Effective screening medium ---"
group ESM -decor normal {
var esm_bc {
-label "Boundary conditions for ESM (esm_bc):"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue {
"vacuum-slab-vacuum (open boundary conditions) <bc1>"
"metal-slab-metal (dual electrode configuration) <bc2>"
"vacuum-slab-metal <bc3>"
"regular periodic calculation (no ESM) <pbc>"
-value {'bc1' 'bc2' 'bc3' 'pbc'}
var esm_w {
-label "Position offset [in a.u.] of the start of the ESM region (esm_w):"
-validate fortranreal
var esm_efield {
-label "Magnitude of the applied electric field [Ryd/a.u.] (esm_efield):"
-validate fortranreal
var esm_nfit {
-label "Number of z-grid points for the polynomial fit @ cell edge (esm_nfit):"
-validate posint
var fcp_mu {
-label "Target Fermi energy \[in Ry\] for constant bias \"lfcpopt\" calculation (fcp_mu):"
-validate fortranreal
separator -label "--- Semi-empirical van der Waals (aka DFT-D) ---"
group vdW -decor normal {
var vdw_corr {
-label "Type of Van der Waals correction (vdw_corr):"
-textvalue {Grimme-D2 Tkatchenko-Scheffler XDM None}
-value {'grimme-d2' 'ts-vdw' 'xdm' ''}
-widget optionmenu
group dftdG {
var london_s6 -label "Global scaling parameter for DFT-D (london_s6):" -validate fortranposreal
var london_rcut -label "Cutoff radius for dispersion interactions \[in a.u.\] (london_rcut):" -validate fortranposreal
dimension london_c6 -label "Atomic C6 coefficient for DFT-D (london_c6):" -start 1 -end 1 -validate fortranposreal
dimension london_rvdw -label "Atomic vdW radius for DFT-D (london_rvdw):" -start 1 -end 1 -validate fortranposreal
group tsG {
var ts_vdw_econv_thr {
-label "Convergence threshold of the vdW energy (ts_vdw_econv_thr):"
-validate fortranreal
var ts_vdw_isolated {
-label "Compute the Tkatchenko-Scheffler vdW energy for an isolated system (ts_vdw_isolated):"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue { Yes No }
-value { .true. .false. }
group xdmG {
var xdm_a1 -label "Damping function parameter a1 (xdm_a1):" -validate fortranreal
var xdm_a2 -label "Damping function parameter a1 (xdm_a2):" -validate fortranreal
group vdw_obsolete -name "Obsolete vdW variables:" -decor normal {
var london {
-label "Compute the semi-empirical dispersion term \[aka DFT-D\] (london):"
-textvalue {Yes No}
-value {.true. .false.}
-widget radiobox
var xdm {
-label "Compute the XDM-type dispersion term (xdm):"
-textvalue {Yes No}
-value {.true. .false.}
-widget radiobox
separator -label "--- Space group: crystal type structure specs ---"
group spaceGroup -decor normal {
var space_group {
-label "Crystal space group number (space_group):"
-validate nonnegint
var origin_choice {
-label "Which choice of origin to use (origin_choice):"
-widget radiobox
-value {1 2}
-textvalue {"first choice" "second choice"}
group for_monoclinc -name "For monoclinic lattice:" -decor normal {
var uniqueb {
-label "Set the axis b as unique (uniqueb):"
-textvalue {Yes No}
-value {.true. .false.}
-widget radiobox
group for_rhombohedral -name "For rhombohedral lattice:" -decor normal {
var rhombohedral {
-label "Specify the coordinates with respect to rhombohedral axes (rhombohedral):"
-textvalue {Yes No}
-value {.true. .false.}
-widget radiobox
separator -label "--- Charged plate (gate) options ---"
group gate_group -decor normal {
var zgate {
-label "Z position of the charged plate (zgate):"
-validate fortranposreal
var relaxz {
-label "Allow the system to relax towards the charged plate (relaxz):"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue { Yes No }
-value { .true. .false. }
var block {
-label "Add a potential barrier to the total potential (block):"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue { Yes No }
-value { .true. .false. }
var block_1 {
-label "Lower end of the potential barrier (block_1):"
-validate fortranposreal
var block_2 {
-label "Upper end of the potential barrier (block_2):"
-validate fortranposreal
var block_height {
-label "Height of the potential barrier \[in Ry\] (block_height):"
-validate fortranreal
separator -label "--- FFT meshes ---"
group fft_mesh_group -decor normal {
group nrx {
separator -label "--- hard grid for charge density ---"
packwidgets left
var nr1 -label "nr1:" -validate posint -widget spinint
var nr2 -label "nr2:" -validate posint -widget spinint
var nr3 -label "nr3:" -validate posint -widget spinint
group nrxs {
separator -label "--- soft grid for wavefunction ---"
packwidgets left
var nr1s -label "nr1s:" -validate posint -widget spinint
var nr2s -label "nr2s:" -validate posint -widget spinint
var nr3s -label "nr3s:" -validate posint -widget spinint
## ##
## ##
page electronsPage -name "Electrons" {
namelist electrons -name "ELECTRONS" {
optional {
var electron_maxstep {
-label "Max. \# of iterations in SCF step (electron_maxstep):"
-widget spinint
-validate posint
-fmt %d
var scf_must_converge {
-label "Stop MD or ionic relaxation if SCF fails to converge (scf_must_converge):"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue { Yes No }
-value { .true. .false. }
var conv_thr {
-label "Convergence threshold for selfconsistency (conv_thr):"
-validate fortranposreal
var startingpot {
-label "Type of starting potential (startingpot):"
-widget optionmenu
-textvalue {
"from atomic charge superposition <atomic>"
{from existing potential "prefix".pot file <file>}
-value {'atomic' 'file'}
var startingwfc {
-label "Type of starting wavefunctions (startingwfc):"
-widget optionmenu
-textvalue {
"from superposition of atomic orbitals <atomic>"
"from <atomic> + superimposed \"randomization\" <atomic+random>"
"from random wavefunctions <random>"
"from existing wavefunction file <file>"
-value {'atomic' 'atomic+random' 'random' 'file'}
separator -label "--- Adaptive convergence setup for EXX ---"
group adaptive_thr_group -decor normal {
var adaptive_thr {
-label "Use adaptive convergence threshold for EXX (adaptive_thr):"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue { Yes No }
-value { .true. .false. }
group adaptive_thr_setup -decor none {
var conv_thr_init {
-label "Convergence threshold used for the first scf cycle (conv_thr_init):"
-validate fortranposreal
var conv_thr_multi {
-label "Convergence threshold factor for the rest of scf cycles (conv_thr_multi):"
-validate fortranposreal
separator -label "--- SCF mixing ---"
group scf_mixing -decor normal {
var mixing_mode {
-label "Mixing mode (mixing_mode):"
-textvalue {
"charge density Broyden mixing <plain>"
"charge density Broyden mixing with simple Thomas-Fermi (TF) screening <TF>"
"charge density Broyden mixing with local-density-dependent TF screening <local-TF>"
-value {
-widget optionmenu
var mixing_beta {
-label "Mixing factor for self-consistency (mixing_beta):"
-validate fortranposreal
var mixing_ndim {
-label "Number of iterations used in mixing scheme (mixing_ndim):"
-widget spinint
-validate posint
-fmt %d
var mixing_fixed_ns {
-text "For LDA+U only: ns = atomic density appearing in the Hubbard term"
-label "Number of iterations with fixed ns (mixing_fixed_ns):"
-widget spinint
-validate posint
-fmt %d
separator -label "--- Diagonalization ---"
group diag_group -decor normal {
var diagonalization {
-label "Type of diagonalization (diagonalization):"
-textvalue {
"Davidson with overlap matrix <david>"
"Conjugate-gradient band-by-band <cg>"
-value {
-widget optionmenu
var diago_thr_init {
-label "Convergence threshold for 1st iterative diagonalization (diago_thr_init):"
-validate fortranreal
var diago_full_acc {
-label "Diagonalize empty states as precise as occupied states (diago_full_acc):"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue { Yes No }
-value { .true. .false. }
separator -label "--- Conjugate-Gradient diagonalization ---"
var diago_cg_maxiter {
-label "Max. \# of iterations (diago_cg_maxiter):"
-widget spinint
-validate posint
-fmt %d
separator -label "--- Davidson diagonalization ---"
var diago_david_ndim {
-label "Dimension of workspace (diago_david_ndim):"
-widget spinint
-validate posint
-fmt %d
separator -label "--- Finite electric field calculation ---"
group elfield_group -decor normal {
var efield {
-label "The intensity of the electric field (efield):"
-validate fortranreal
dimension efield_cart {
-label "Finite electric field in cartesian axis (efield_cart):"
-validate fortranreal
-start 1
-end 3
var efield_phase {
-label "Efield_phase (efield_phase):"
-widget optionmenu
-value { 'read' 'write' 'none' }
separator -label "--- Ultrasoft pseudopotentials ---"
var tqr {
-label "Use real-space algorithm for augmentation charges (tqr):"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue { Yes No }
-value { .true. .false. }
separator -label "--- Obsolete variables ---"
var ortho_para {
-text "OBSOLETE: use command-line option \" -ndiag XX\" instead"
-label "(ortho_para):"
-validate integer
## ##
## ##
page ionsPage -name "Ions" {
namelist ions -name "IONS" {
optional {
# this should be modified as it is CASE dependent
var ion_dynamics {
-label "Type of ionic dynamics (ion_dynamics):"
-widget optionmenu
-textvalue {
"BFGS quasi-newton method for structural optimization <bfgs>"
"damped dynamics (quick-min Verlet) for structural optimization <damp>"
"Verlet algorithm for molecular dynamics <verlet>"
"over-damped Langevin dynamics <langevin>"
"over-damped Langevin with Smart Monte Carlo <langevin-smc>"
"Beeman algorithm for variable cell damped dynamics <damp>"
"Beeman algorithm for variable cell MD <beeman>"
-value {
var ion_positions {
-label "Which ion positions to use when restarting (ion_positions):"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue {
"from restart file"
"from standard input"
-value { 'default' 'from_input' }
var pot_extrapolation {
-text "Extrapolation for the potential"
-label "Type of extrapolation (pot_extrapolation):"
-textvalue {
"no extrapolation <none>"
"extrapolate the potential as a sum of atomic-like orbitals <atomic>"
"extrapolate potential with first-order formula <first_order>"
"extrapolate potential with second-order formula <second_order>"
-value {
'none' 'atomic' 'first_order' 'second_order'
-widget optionmenu
var wfc_extrapolation {
-text "Extrapolation for the wavefunctions"
-label "Type of extrapolation (wfc_extrapolation):"
-textvalue {
"no extrapolation <none>"
"extrapolate wave-functions with first-order formula <first_order>"
"extrapolate wave-functions with second-order formula <second_order>"
-value {
'none' 'first_order' 'second_order'
-widget optionmenu
var remove_rigid_rot {
-label "Remove the total torque from internal forces (remove_rigid_rot):"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue { Yes No }
-value { .true. .false. }
separator -label "--- Molecular Dynamics ---"
group md -decor normal {
var ion_temperature {
-label "Temperature of ions (ion_temperature):"
-widget optionmenu
-textvalue {
"velocity rescaling via tempw&tolp <rescaling>"
"velocity rescaling via tempw&nraise <rescale-v>"
"velocity rescaling via delta_t <rescale-T>"
"reduce ionic temperature via delta_t&nraise <reduce-T>"
"\"soft\" Berendsen velocity rescaling via tempw&nraise <berendsen>"
"use Andersen thermostat via tempw&nraise <andersen>"
"initialize to temperature \"tempw\" and leave uncontrolled <initial>"
"not controlled <not_controlled>"
-value {
var tempw {
-label "Starting temperature in MD runs (tempw):"
-validate fortrannonnegreal
var tolp {
-label "Tolerance for velocity rescaling (tolp):"
-validate fortranreal
var delta_t {
-label "Temperature rescaling (delta_t):"
-validate fortranreal
var nraise {
-label "Rescaling interval (nraise):"
-validate integer
var refold_pos {
-label "Refolded ions at each step into the supercell (refold_pos):"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue { Yes No }
-value { .true. .false. }
separator -label "--- BFGS Structural Optimization ---"
group bfgs -decor normal {
var upscale {
-label "Maximum reduction factor for conv_thr during optimization (upscale):"
-validate fortranposreal
var bfgs_ndim {
-label "Number of old forces and displacements used in the Pulay mixing (bfgs_ndim):"
-widget spinint
-validate posint
var trust_radius_max {
-label "Maximum ionic displacement in the structural relaxation (trust_radius_max):"
-validate fortranposreal
var trust_radius_min {
-label "Minimum ionic displacement in the structural relaxation (trust_radius_min):"
-validate fortranposreal
var trust_radius_ini {
-label "Initial ionic displacement in the structural relaxation (trust_radius_ini):"
-validate fortranposreal
group w1_w2 -name "Parameters used in line search based on the Wolfe conditions:" -decor normal {
packwidgets left
var w_1 -label "w_1:" -validate fortranreal
var w_2 -label "w_2:" -validate fortranreal
## ##
## ##
page variableCellPage -name "Variable Cell" {
namelist cell -name "CELL" {
var cell_dynamics {
-label "Type of dynamics for the cell (cell_dynamics):"
-textvalue {
"None <none>"
"Damped (Beeman) dynamics of the Parrinello-Raman extended lagrangian <damp-pr>"
"Damped (Beeman) dynamics of the new Wentzcovitch extended lagrangian <damp-w>"
"BFGS quasi-newton algorithm (ion_dynamics must be 'bfgs' too) <bfgs>"
"(Beeman) dynamics of the Parrinello-Raman extended lagrangian <pr>"
"(Beeman) dynamics of the new Wentzcovitch extended lagrangian <w>"
-value {
-widget optionmenu
var press {
-label "Target pressure \[in KBar\] in a variable-cell MD (press):"
-validate fortranreal
var wmass {
-label "Ficticious cell mass for variable-cell MD (wmass):"
-validate fortranreal
var press_conv_thr {
-label "Convergence pressure threshold \[in KBar\] (press_conv_thr):"
-validate fortranposreal
var cell_factor {
-text "This variable is used in the construction of the pseudopotential tables. It should exceed the maximum linear contraction of the cell during a simulation"
-label "Cell factor (cell_factor):"
-validate fortranreal
var cell_dofree {
-label "Which of the cell parameters should be moved (cell_dofree):"
-textvalue {
"all = all axis and angles are propagated"
"x = only the x axis is moved"
"y = only the y axis is moved"
"z = only the z axis is moved"
"xy = only the x and y axis are moved, angles are unchanged"
"xz = only the x and z axis are moved, angles are unchanged"
"yz = only the y and z axis are moved, angles are unchanged"
"xyz = x, y and z axis are moved, angles are unchanged"
"shape = all axis and angles, keeping the volume fixed"
"volume = the volume changes, keeping all angles fixed"
"2Dxy = only x and y components are allowed to change"
"2Dshape = as above, keeping the area in xy plane fixed"
-value {
'all' 'x' 'y' 'z' 'xy' 'xz' 'yz' 'xyz' 'shape' 'volume' '2Dxy' '2Dshape'
-widget optionmenu
## ##
## ##
page latticeAtomdataPage -name "Lattice & Atoms" {
group cards__CELL_PARAMETERS -name "Card: CELL_PARAMETERS" -decor normal {
line lattice_type_line -decor none {
keyword cell_parameters CELL_PARAMETERS
-label "Cell parameter's unit:"
-value {alat bohr angstrom}
-textvalue {Alat Bohr Angstrom}
-widget radiobox
table lattice {
-caption "Lattice Basis Vectors:"
-head {X-Component Y-Component Z-Component}
-validate {fortranreal fortranreal fortranreal}
-cols 3
-rows 3
-outfmt {" %14.9f" %14.9f %14.9f}
group atomic_species_group -name "Card: ATOMIC_SPECIES" -decor normal {
keyword atomic_species_key ATOMIC_SPECIES\n
table atomic_species \
-caption "Atomic types:" \
-head {Atomic-label Atomic-Mass Pseudopotential-file} \
-cols 3 \
-rows 1 \
-outfmt {" %3s" %10.5f " %s"} \
-validate {whatever fortranreal whatever} \
-widgets [list entry entry [list entrybutton "Pseudopotential ..." [list ::pwscf::pwSelectPseudopotential $this atomic_species]]]
group atomic_positions_group -name "Card: ATOMIC_POSITIONS" -decor normal {
line atom_coor_unit -decor none {
keyword atomic_positions ATOMIC_POSITIONS
-label "Atomic coordinate length unit:"
-textvalue {
"Cartesian in ALAT (i.e. in length units of celldm(1)) <alat>"
"Cartesian in BOHR <bohr>"
"Cartesian in ANGSTROMS <angstroms>"
"Internal crystal coordinates <crystal>"
"Internal crystal coordinates of inequivalent atoms <crystal_sg>"
-value {alat bohr angstrom crystal crystal_sg}
-widget radiobox
-default "Cartesian in ALAT (i.e. in length units of celldm(1)) <alat>"
table atomic_coordinates {
-caption "Atomic coordinates:"
-head {Atomic-label X-Coordinate Y-Coordinate Z-Coordinate if_pos(1) if_pos(2) if_pos(3)}
-validate {string fortranreal fortranreal fortranreal binary binary binary}
-cols 7
-rows 1
-outfmt {" %3s" " %14.9f" %14.9f %14.9f " %2d" %2d %2d}
-widgets {entry entry entry entry checkbutton}
-onvalues 1
-offvalues 0
-optionalcols 4
# -optcols {4 5 6}
loaddata atomic_coordinates ::pwscf::pwLoadAtomCoor \
"Load atomic coordinates from file ..."
## ##
## ##
page kpointsPage -name "K-points" {
group k_points_group -name "Card: K_POINTS" -decor normal {
line kpoint_type_line -decor none {
keyword k_points K_POINTS
var K_POINTS_flags {
-label "K-points type:"
-textvalue {
"Manual specification in 2pi/a units <tpiba>"
"Manual specification in CRYSTAL units <crystal>"
"Automatic generation <automatic>"
"Gamma point only <gamma>"
"Manual \"2pi/a\" specification for band structure plot <tpiba_b>"
"Manual \"crystal\" specification for band structure plot <crystal_b>"
"Manual \"2pi/a\" specification for band structure contour plot <tpiba_c>"
"Manual \"crystal\" specification for band structure contour plot <crystal_c>"
-value {
tpiba crystal automatic gamma tpiba_b crystal_b tpiba_c crystal_c
-widget radiobox
-default "Manual specification in 2pi/a units <tpiba>"
line nks_line -decor none {
var nks -label "Number of K-points:" -widget spinint -validate posint -default 1
# if nks=0 then enter the mesh and shifts
group kmesh_shift_group -name "k-points mesh + shift" -decor normal {
line kmesh_line -decor none {
group kmesh -name Kmesh {
packwidgets left
var nk1 -label "nk1:" -widget spinint -validate posint -outfmt " %d " -default 1
var nk2 -label "nk2:" -widget spinint -validate posint -outfmt "%d " -default 1
var nk3 -label "nk3:" -widget spinint -validate posint -outfmt "%d " -default 1
group kshift -name Kshift {
packwidgets left
var sk1 -label "sk1:" -widget spinint -validate binary -outfmt " %d " -default 1
var sk2 -label "sk2:" -widget spinint -validate binary -outfmt "%d " -default 1
var sk3 -label "sk3:" -widget spinint -validate binary -outfmt "%d " -default 1
# elseif nks>0 enetr kpoint coordinates
table kpoints {
-caption "Enter the coordinates of the K-points below:"
-head {KX-Coordinate KY-Coordinate KZ-Coordinate Weight}
-cols 4
-rows 0
-validate {fortranreal fortranreal fortranreal fortranreal}
-outfmt {%14.9f %14.9f %14.9f " %14.9f"}
loaddata kpoints ::pwscf::pwLoadKPoints \
"Load K-point coordinates from file ..."
## ##
## ##
page otherPage -name "Other Cards" {
group constraints_group -name "Card: CONSTRAINTS" -decor normal {
auxilvar constraints_enable {
-label "Use constraints:"
-value {Yes No}
-widget radiobox
-default No
group constraints_card -decor none {
keyword constraints_key CONSTRAINTS\n
line constraints_line1 -decor none {
var nconstr {
-label "Number of constraints:"
-validate posint
-widget spinint
-default 1
-outfmt " %d "
var constr_tol {
-label "Tolerance for keeping the constraints satisfied:"
-validate fortranposreal
table constraints_table {
-caption "Enter constraints data:\n constraint-type constr(1,.) constr(2,.) ... { constr_target(.) }\n\n(see Help for the format of \"constraint-specification\")"
-head {constraint-type constraint-specifications ... ... ... ...}
-validate {string fortranreal}
-cols 6
-rows 1
-optionalcols 3
-widgets {{optionmenu {'type_coord' 'atom_coord' 'distance' 'planar_angle' 'torsional_angle' 'bennett_proj'}} entry}
-outfmt {" %s " %S}
-infmt {%d %S}
group occupations_card -name "Card: OCCUPATIONS" -decor normal {
keyword occupations_key OCCUPATIONS\n
text occupations_table \
-caption "Syntax for NON-spin polarized case:\n u(1) .... .... .... u(10)\n u(11) .... u(nbnd)\n\nSyntax for spin-polarized case:\n u(1) .... .... .... u(10)\n u(11) .... u(nbnd)\n d(1) .... .... .... d(10)\n d(11) .... d(nbnd)" \
-label "Specify occupation of each state (from 1 to nbnd) such that 10 occupations are written per line:" \
-readvar ::pwscf::pwscf($this,OCCUPATIONS)
group atomic_forces_group -name "Card: ATOMIC_FORCES" -decor normal {
auxilvar specify_atomic_forces {
-label "Specify atomic forces:"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue { Yes No }
-value { .true. .false. }
group atomic_forces_specs -decor none {
keyword atomic_forces_key ATOMIC_FORCES\n
table atomic_forces {
-caption "Atomic forces:"
-head {Atomic-label Fx-component Fy-component Fz-component}
-validate {string fortranreal fortranreal fortranreal}
-cols 4
-rows 1
-outfmt {" %3s" " %14.9f" %14.9f %14.9f}
-widgets {entry entry entry entry}
loaddata atomic_forces ::pwscf::pwLoadAtomicForces \
"Load atomic forces from file ..."
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# take care of specialities
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
source pw-event.tcl
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# source the HELP file
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
source pw-help.tcl