
67 lines
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source commands.tcl
module Dos\#auto -title "PWSCF GUI: module Dos.x" -script {
readfilter ::pwscf::dosReadFilter
namelist dos -name "DOS" {
optional {
var prefix {
-label "Prefix of punch file saved by program PW.X (prefix):"
-fmt %S -validate string
var outdir {
-label "Temporary directory where PW.X files resides (outdir):"
-widget entrydirselectquote
-fmt %S -validate string
var fildos {
-label "Prefix for output files containing DOS(E) (fildos):"
-validate string
separator -label "--- DOS ploting options ---"
var ngauss {
-label "Type of gaussian broadening (ngauss):"
-widget radiobox
-value {0 1 -1 99}
-textvalue {
"Simple Gaussian (default)"
"Methfessel-Paxton of order 1"
"Marzari-Vanderbilt \"cold smearing\""
"Fermi-Dirac function"
var degauss {
-label "Gaussian broadening \[in Ry\] (degauss):"
-validate fortranreal
var DeltaE {
-label "Resolution of PDOS plots \[in eV\] (DeltaE):"
-validate fortranreal
-default 0.01
var Emin {
-label "Minimum energy \[in eV\] (Emin):"
-validate fortranreal
var Emax {
-label "Maximum energy \[in eV\] (Emin):"
-validate fortranreal
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# source the HELP file
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
source dos-help.tcl