mirror of https://gitlab.com/QEF/q-e.git
103 lines
2.6 KiB
103 lines
2.6 KiB
source commands.tcl
module Bands\#auto -title "PWSCF GUI: module Bands.x" -script {
readfilter ::pwscf::bandsReadFilter
namelist bands -name "BANDS" {
optional {
var prefix {
-label "Prefix of punch file saved by program PW.X (prefix):"
-fmt %S -validate string
var outdir {
-label "Temporary directory where PW.X files resides (outdir):"
-widget entrydirselectquote
-fmt %S -validate string
var filband {
-label "Output file containing the bands (filband):"
-validate string
var spin_component {
-label "Spin component (spin_component):"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue {
"spin up"
"spin down"
-value { 1 2 }
group sigma {
packwidgets left
dimension lsigma {
-start 1
-end 3
-label "Expectation values of the spin operator on the spinor wave-functions (lsigma)"
-textvalue { Yes No }
-value { .true. .false. }
-widget radiobox
var lp {
-label "Write matrix elements of the momentum operator p to a file (lp):"
-textvalue { Yes No }
-value { .true. .false. }
-widget radiobox
var filp {
-label "Output file containing matrix elements (filp):"
-validate string
file name for matrix elements of p
var lsym {
-label "Classify bands according to irreducible representations of small group of k (lsym):"
-textvalue { Yes No }
-value { .true. .false. }
-widget radiobox
var no_overlap {
-label "Don't change the order of eigenvalues in output file (no_overlap:)"
-textvalue { Yes No }
-value { .true. .false. }
-widget radiobox
var plot_2d {
-label "Print the eigenvalues in 2D gnuplot's format (plot_2d):"
-textvalue { Yes No }
-value { .true. .false. }
-widget radiobox
separator -label "--- Range of k-points for symmetry analysis ---"
group kpoints {
packwidgets left
var firstk -label "First k-point (firstk):" -widget spinint -validate posint
var lastk -label "Last k-point (firstk):" -widget spinint -validate posint
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# take care of specialities
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
source bands-event.tcl
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# source the HELP file
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
source bands-help.tcl