mirror of https://gitlab.com/QEF/q-e.git
505 lines
14 KiB
505 lines
14 KiB
source commands.tcl
set ::guib::settings(filename_only_tail) 1
# maximum number of nconf
set ::pwscf::atomic_max_nconf 20
module LD1\#auto -title "PWSCF GUI: module LD1.x" -script {
readfilter ::pwscf::atomicReadFilter
writefilter ::pwscf::atomicDFTFilter
# PAGE: General
page general -name "General" {
namelist input -name "INPUT" {
required {
var iswitch {
-label "Type of calculation (iswitch):"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue {
"PseudoPotential Generation"
"PseudoPotential Test"
"LDA-1/2 correction"
-value {1 3 2 4}
-default "All-Electron"
var zed {
-label "Nuclear charge (zed):"
-validate fortranreal
var atom {
-label "Atomic symbol (atom):"
-fmt %S
-validate string
var config {
-label "Electronic configuration (config):"
-fmt %S
-validate string
var relpert {
-label "Compute relativistic corrections to non-relativistic\nKohn-Sham energy levels (relpert):"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue {Yes No} -value {.true. .false.}
var rel_dist {
-label "How to fill the electronic states (rel_dist):"
-value {'energy' 'average'}
-textvalue {
"by increasing energy of states <energy>"
"distrubute electrons uniformly <average>"
-widget optionmenu
var write_coulomb {
-label "Write a fake pseuopotential (write_coulomb):"
-textvalue {Yes No} -value {.true. .false.} -widget radiobox
var rel {
-label "Relativistic Effects (rel):"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue {"Non Relativistic (Schroedinger)"
"Scalar Relativistic"
"Full Relativistic (Dirac)"}
-value {0 1 2}
var lsmall {
-label "Write on files the small component (lsmall):"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue {Yes No} -value {.true. .false.}
var max_out_wfc {
-label "Maximum number of atomic wavefunctions written (max_out_wfc):"
-validate posint
-widget spinint
var noscf {
-label "Skip charge calculation and ignore the occupations (noscf):"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue {Yes No} -value {.true. .false.}
var lsd {
-label "LSDA Spin Polarization (lsd):"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue {"No" "Yes"}
-value {0 1}
-default 0
var dft {
-label "Exchange-Correlation (dft):"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue {"Ceperley-Alder LDA, Perdew-Zunger data (PZ)"
"Perdew-Wang GGA (PW91)"
"Becke-Perdew GGA (BP)"
"Perdew-Becke-Ernzerhof (PBE)"
"Becke-Lee-Yang-Parr (BLYP)"
-value {'PZ' 'PW91' 'BP' 'PBE' 'BLYP' 'REPLACE_ME'}
var dft_ {
-label "Enter Exchange-Correlation Functional (dft_):"
-fmt %S -validate string
optional {
var title {
-label "Job name or Comment (optional):"
-fmt %S -validate string
var prefix {
-label "Prefix for output file names (prefix):"
-fmt %S -validate string
var verbosity {
-label "Verbosity of output (verbosity):"
-textvalue {low high} -value {'low' 'high'}
-widget radiobox
var file_charge {
-widget entryfileselectquote
-label "Name of the file containing the all-electron total charge (file_charge):"
-fmt %S -validate string
var beta {
-label "Mixing parameter for self-consistency (beta):"
-validate fortranposreal
var tr2 {
-label "Convergence Threshold for self-consistency (tr2):"
-validate fortranposreal
var latt {
-label "Latter Correction (latt):"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue {"No" "Yes"}
-value {0 1}
-default 0
var isic {
-label "Self-Interaction Correction (isic):"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue {"No" "Yes"}
-value {0 1}
-default 0
var rytoev_fact {
-label "Conversion factor from Ry to eV (rytoev_fact):"
-validate fortranposreal
var cau_fact {
-label "Speed of light in a.u. (cau_fact):"
-validate fortranposreal
var vdw {
-label "Calculation of van der Waals coefficients:"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue {"No" "Yes"}
-value {.true. .false.}
-default .false.
separator -label "--- Grid: r(i)= exp (xmin + (i-1)*dx) / Z ---"
var xmin {
-label "Grid parameter (xmin):"
-validate fortrannegreal
var dx {
-label "Grid parameter (dx):"
-validate fortranposreal
var rmax {
-label "Grid parameter (rmax):"
-validate fortranposreal
separator -label "--- Parameters for Logarithmic derivative calculation ---"
var nld {
-label "Number of logarithmic derivatives to calculate (nld):"
-widget optionmenu
-textvalue {
"None" "1" "2" "3" "4"
-value { 0 1 2 3 4 }
-default "None"
var rlderiv {
-label "Radius at which logarithmic derivatives are calculated (rlderiv):"
-validate fortranposreal
var eminld {
-label "Minimum energy [Ry] for Plotting (eminld):"
-validate fortranreal
var emaxld {
-label "Maximum energy [Ry] for Plotting (emaxld):"
-validate fortranreal
var deld {
-label "Plotting in steps of Delta E [Ry] (deld):"
-validate fortranposreal
var rpwe {
-label "Radius [a.u.] for partial wave expansions (rpwe):"
-validate fortranposreal
# all-electron cards
group AE_cards -name "All-electron cards" -decor normal {
line nwf_line -decor none {
var nwf -label "Number of states:" -validate posint -widget spinint -default 1 -outfmt %3d
table AE_wfs {
-caption "Wavefunction specifications:"
-head {Label N L Occupancy "Spin index"}
-cols 5
-rows 1
-validate {string int int fortranreal fortranreal}
-outfmt {" %s " %3d %3d %f " %s"}
# PAGE: pseudo
page pseudoPotential -name "PseudoPotential Generation" {
namelist inputp -name "InputP" {
required {
var pseudotype {
-label "Type of PseudoPotential (pseudotype):"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue {
"Norm Conserving, one channel per angular momentum"
"Norm Conserving, more than one channel per angular momentum"
"Ultrasoft PP or PAW"}
-value {1 2 3}
var file_pseudopw {
-widget entryfileselectquote
-label "Name of the file containing the output PP (file_pseudopw):"
-fmt %S -validate string
var lloc {
-label "Local Potential channel (lloc):"
-widget optionmenu
-textvalue {
"all-electron potential" "L=0" "L=1" "L=2" "L=3" "L=4"
-value { -1 0 1 2 3 4 }
-default "all-electron potential"
var rcloc {
-label "Matching Radius for Local Potential\n [optional if an L channel was specified] (rcloc):"
-validate fortranposreal
var new_core_ps {
-label "Pseudize the core charge with bessel functions (new_core_ps):"
-textvalue {Yes No} -value {.true. .false.} -widget radiobox
var tm {
-label "Type of pseudization procedure (tm):"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue {
-value {.true. .false.}
var rho0 {
-label "Charge at r=0 ( rho0):"
-validate fortrannonnegreal
-default 0.0
optional {
var nlcc {
-label "Nonlinear Core Correction (nlcc):"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue {"No" "Yes"}
-value {.false. .true.}
-default "No"
var rcore {
-label "Matching Radius for Nonlinear Core Correction (rcore):"
-validate fortranposreal
var lpaw {
-label "Generate PAW dataset [experimental feature] (lpaw):"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue {"No" "Yes"}
-value {.false. .true.}
-default "No"
var which_augfun {
-label "Which pseudization augmentation functions (which_augfun):"
-value {'AE' 'BESSEL' 'GAUSS' 'BG' 'PSQ'}
-widget optionmenu
var rmatch_augfun {
-label "Pseudization radius for the augmentation functions (rmatch_augfun):"
-validate fortranposreal
var rmatch_augfun_nc {
-label "Pseudize augmentation functions from origin to min(rcut(ns),rcut(ns1) (rmatch_augfun_nc):"
-widget radiobox
-textvalue {"No" "Yes"}
-value {.false. .true.}
var lsave_wfc {
-label "Save all-electron and pseudo wavefunctions (lsave_wfc):"
-textvalue {Yes No} -value {.true. .false.} -widget radiobox
var lgipaw_reconstruction {
-label "Generate all-electron data for GIPAW (lgipaw_reconstruction):"
-textvalue {Yes No} -value {.true. .false.} -widget radiobox
var use_paw_as_gipaw {
-label "Use PAW as GIPAW (use_paw_as_gipaw):"
-textvalue {Yes No} -value {.true. .false.} -widget radiobox
var author {
-label "Name of the author (author):"
-validate string
var file_recon {
-widget entryfileselectquote
-label "Name of the file containing data needed for PAW reconstruction (file_recon):"
-fmt %S -validate string
var file_chi {
-widget entryfileselectquote
-label "Name of the file containing the output pseudo-orbitals (file_chi):"
-fmt %S -validate string
var file_beta {
-widget entryfileselectquote
-label "Name of the file containing the output beta functions (file_beta):"
-fmt %S -validate string
var file_qvan {
-widget entryfileselectquote
-label "Name of the file containing the output Q functions (file_qvan):"
-fmt %S -validate string
var file_screen {
-widget entryfileselectquote
-label "Name of the file containing the output screeing potential (file_screen):"
-fmt %S -validate string
var file_core {
-widget entryfileselectquote
-label "Name of the file containing the output total and core charge (file_core):"
-fmt %S -validate string
var file_wfcaegen {
-label "Name of the output file with all-electron wfc (file_wfcaegen):"
-validate string
-fmt %S -validate string
var file_wfcncgen {
-label "Name of the output file with norm-conserving wfc (file_wfcncgen):"
-validate string
-fmt %S -validate string
var file_wfcusgen {
-label "Name of the output file with ultra-soft wfc (file_wfcusgen):"
-validate string
-fmt %S -validate string
var zval {
-label "Valence charge [for special cases only!] (zval):"
-validate fortranreal
group PP_cards -name "All-electron cards" -decor normal {
line PP_nwf_line -decor none {
var nwfs -label "Number of states:" -validate posint -widget spinint -default 1 -outfmt %3d
table PP_wfs {
-caption "Enter Wavefunctions to be Pseudized:"
-head {Label N L Occupancy Energy Rcut "US Rcut" "Tot.ang.moment"}
-validate {whatever int int fortranreal fortranreal fortranreal fortranreal fortranreal}
-cols 8
-rows 1
-outfmt {" %s " %3d %3d %8.3f %8.3f %6.2f %6.2f}
# PAGE: test
page testing -name "PseudoPotential Test" {
namelist test -name "TEST" {
scriptvar old_nconf
var nconf {
-label "Number of testing configurations (nconf):"
-widget spinint
-validate posint
var file_pseudo {
-widget entryfileselectquote
-label "Name of the file containing the input PP (file_pseudo):"
-fmt %S -validate string
dimension configts {
-label "Test electronic configurations:"
-start 1
-end 1
-validate string
-fmt %S -validate string
dimension lsdts {
-label "Use LSDA in test of electronic configurations:"
-start 1
-end 1
-widget radiobox
-textvalue {"No" "Yes"} -value {0 1}
var frozen_core {
-label "Calculate only the core wavefunctions of 1st configuration (frozen_core):"
-value {.false. .true.} -textvalue {"Yes" "No"}
-widget radiobox
var rm {
-label "Box radius for spherical Bessel basis set (rm):"
-validate fortranposreal
var ecutmin {
-label "Minimum energy cutoff [Ry] for ghost/convergence test (ecutmin):"
-validate fortranposreal
var ecutmax {
-label "Maximum energy cutoff [Ry] for ghost/convergence test (ecutmax):"
-validate fortranposreal
var decut {
-label "Step [Ry] for cutoff in ghost/convergence test (decut):"
-validate fortranposreal
var rcutv {
-label "Cutoff distance for the inclusion of LDA-1/2 potential (rcutv):"
-validate fortranreal
# testing configuration cards
group test_cards -name "Testing configurations not specified by configts(*)" -decor normal {
for {set ic 1} {$ic <= $::pwscf::atomic_max_nconf} {incr ic} {
group test_conf_$ic -name "Testing configuration \#.$ic" -decor normal [subst -nocommands {
line nwfts_line_$ic -decor none [list var nwfts_$ic -label "Number of states:" -validate posint -widget spinint -default 1 -outfmt %3d]
table test_wfs_$ic {
-caption "Wavefunctions specifications:"
-head {Label N L Occupancy enerts rcutts rcutusts "Spin index"}
-cols 8
-rows 1
-validate {string int int fortranreal}
-outfmt {" %s " %3d %3d %8.3f %8.3f %6.2f %6.2f " %s"}
}] ]
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# take care of specialities
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
source atomic-event.tcl
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# source the HELP file
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
source atomic-help.tcl