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561 lines
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561 lines
21 KiB
Program PWSCF v.6.5 starts on 30Apr2020 at 7: 7:44
This program is part of the open-source Quantum ESPRESSO suite
for quantum simulation of materials; please cite
"P. Giannozzi et al., J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 21 395502 (2009);
"P. Giannozzi et al., J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 29 465901 (2017);
URL http://www.quantum-espresso.org",
in publications or presentations arising from this work. More details at
Parallel version (MPI), running on 4 processors
MPI processes distributed on 1 nodes
R & G space division: proc/nbgrp/npool/nimage = 4
Fft bands division: nmany = 1
Waiting for input...
Reading input from standard input
Current dimensions of program PWSCF are:
Max number of different atomic species (ntypx) = 10
Max number of k-points (npk) = 40000
Max angular momentum in pseudopotentials (lmaxx) = 3
file Ni.pbe-spn-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF: wavefunction(s) 3P 3D renormalized
Subspace diagonalization in iterative solution of the eigenvalue problem:
one sub-group per band group will be used
scalapack distributed-memory algorithm (size of sub-group: 2* 2 procs)
Parallelization info
sticks: dense smooth PW G-vecs: dense smooth PW
Min 112 40 15 1604 351 82
Max 113 41 16 1607 354 83
Sum 451 163 61 6423 1411 331
bravais-lattice index = 2
lattice parameter (alat) = 6.6500 a.u.
unit-cell volume = 73.5199 (a.u.)^3
number of atoms/cell = 1
number of atomic types = 1
number of electrons = 18.00
number of Kohn-Sham states= 13
kinetic-energy cutoff = 27.0000 Ry
charge density cutoff = 300.0000 Ry
convergence threshold = 1.0E-08
mixing beta = 0.7000
number of iterations used = 8 plain mixing
Exchange-correlation= SLA PW PBX PBC
( 1 4 3 4 0 0 0)
celldm(1)= 6.650000 celldm(2)= 0.000000 celldm(3)= 0.000000
celldm(4)= 0.000000 celldm(5)= 0.000000 celldm(6)= 0.000000
crystal axes: (cart. coord. in units of alat)
a(1) = ( -0.500000 0.000000 0.500000 )
a(2) = ( 0.000000 0.500000 0.500000 )
a(3) = ( -0.500000 0.500000 0.000000 )
reciprocal axes: (cart. coord. in units 2 pi/alat)
b(1) = ( -1.000000 -1.000000 1.000000 )
b(2) = ( 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 )
b(3) = ( -1.000000 1.000000 -1.000000 )
PseudoPot. # 1 for Ni read from file:
MD5 check sum: fbefc39d1c7a23316498c537dff19ba3
Pseudo is Projector augmented-wave + core cor, Zval = 18.0
Generated using "atomic" code by A. Dal Corso v.6.3
Shape of augmentation charge: PSQ
Using radial grid of 1195 points, 6 beta functions with:
l(1) = 0
l(2) = 0
l(3) = 1
l(4) = 1
l(5) = 2
l(6) = 2
Q(r) pseudized with 0 coefficients
atomic species valence mass pseudopotential
Ni 18.00 58.69340 Ni( 1.00)
Starting magnetic structure
atomic species magnetization
Ni 0.500
48 Sym. Ops., with inversion, found
Cartesian axes
site n. atom positions (alat units)
1 Ni tau( 1) = ( 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 )
number of k points= 10 Marzari-Vanderbilt smearing, width (Ry)= 0.0200
cart. coord. in units 2pi/alat
k( 1) = ( -0.1250000 0.1250000 0.1250000), wk = 0.0312500
k( 2) = ( -0.3750000 0.3750000 -0.1250000), wk = 0.0937500
k( 3) = ( 0.3750000 -0.3750000 0.6250000), wk = 0.0937500
k( 4) = ( 0.1250000 -0.1250000 0.3750000), wk = 0.0937500
k( 5) = ( -0.1250000 0.6250000 0.1250000), wk = 0.0937500
k( 6) = ( 0.6250000 -0.1250000 0.8750000), wk = 0.1875000
k( 7) = ( 0.3750000 0.1250000 0.6250000), wk = 0.1875000
k( 8) = ( -0.1250000 -0.8750000 0.1250000), wk = 0.0937500
k( 9) = ( -0.3750000 0.3750000 0.3750000), wk = 0.0312500
k( 10) = ( 0.3750000 -0.3750000 1.1250000), wk = 0.0937500
Dense grid: 6423 G-vectors FFT dimensions: ( 25, 25, 25)
Smooth grid: 1411 G-vectors FFT dimensions: ( 15, 15, 15)
Estimated max dynamical RAM per process > 7.82 MB
Estimated total dynamical RAM > 31.26 MB
Check: negative core charge= -0.000008
Generating pointlists ...
new r_m : 0.2917 (alat units) 1.9397 (a.u.) for type 1
Initial potential from superposition of free atoms
starting charge 17.99975, renormalised to 18.00000
Starting wfcs are 10 randomized atomic wfcs + 3 random wfcs
Checking if some PAW data can be deallocated...
total cpu time spent up to now is 0.6 secs
Self-consistent Calculation
iteration # 1 ecut= 27.00 Ry beta= 0.70
Davidson diagonalization with overlap
ethr = 1.00E-02, avg # of iterations = 4.1
total cpu time spent up to now is 0.9 secs
total energy = -418.38304088 Ry
estimated scf accuracy < 6.01896294 Ry
total magnetization = 2.77 Bohr mag/cell
absolute magnetization = 2.81 Bohr mag/cell
iteration # 2 ecut= 27.00 Ry beta= 0.70
Davidson diagonalization with overlap
ethr = 1.00E-02, avg # of iterations = 2.0
total cpu time spent up to now is 1.1 secs
total energy = -419.77908504 Ry
estimated scf accuracy < 10.13430084 Ry
total magnetization = 0.00 Bohr mag/cell
absolute magnetization = 0.21 Bohr mag/cell
iteration # 3 ecut= 27.00 Ry beta= 0.70
Davidson diagonalization with overlap
ethr = 1.00E-02, avg # of iterations = 2.0
total cpu time spent up to now is 1.3 secs
total energy = -421.14966042 Ry
estimated scf accuracy < 0.22412075 Ry
total magnetization = 1.28 Bohr mag/cell
absolute magnetization = 1.29 Bohr mag/cell
iteration # 4 ecut= 27.00 Ry beta= 0.70
Davidson diagonalization with overlap
ethr = 1.25E-03, avg # of iterations = 1.4
total cpu time spent up to now is 1.5 secs
total energy = -421.19000931 Ry
estimated scf accuracy < 0.03920806 Ry
total magnetization = 0.54 Bohr mag/cell
absolute magnetization = 0.62 Bohr mag/cell
iteration # 5 ecut= 27.00 Ry beta= 0.70
Davidson diagonalization with overlap
ethr = 2.18E-04, avg # of iterations = 1.0
total cpu time spent up to now is 1.7 secs
total energy = -421.19033076 Ry
estimated scf accuracy < 0.01155070 Ry
total magnetization = 0.53 Bohr mag/cell
absolute magnetization = 0.57 Bohr mag/cell
iteration # 6 ecut= 27.00 Ry beta= 0.70
Davidson diagonalization with overlap
ethr = 6.42E-05, avg # of iterations = 1.2
total cpu time spent up to now is 1.8 secs
total energy = -421.19269324 Ry
estimated scf accuracy < 0.00110684 Ry
total magnetization = 0.39 Bohr mag/cell
absolute magnetization = 0.40 Bohr mag/cell
iteration # 7 ecut= 27.00 Ry beta= 0.70
Davidson diagonalization with overlap
ethr = 6.15E-06, avg # of iterations = 1.1
total cpu time spent up to now is 2.0 secs
total energy = -421.19264502 Ry
estimated scf accuracy < 0.00089405 Ry
total magnetization = 0.36 Bohr mag/cell
absolute magnetization = 0.37 Bohr mag/cell
iteration # 8 ecut= 27.00 Ry beta= 0.70
Davidson diagonalization with overlap
ethr = 4.97E-06, avg # of iterations = 1.3
total cpu time spent up to now is 2.2 secs
total energy = -421.19364545 Ry
estimated scf accuracy < 0.00026401 Ry
total magnetization = 0.23 Bohr mag/cell
absolute magnetization = 0.24 Bohr mag/cell
iteration # 9 ecut= 27.00 Ry beta= 0.70
Davidson diagonalization with overlap
ethr = 1.47E-06, avg # of iterations = 1.5
total cpu time spent up to now is 2.4 secs
total energy = -421.19411688 Ry
estimated scf accuracy < 0.00009266 Ry
total magnetization = 0.14 Bohr mag/cell
absolute magnetization = 0.14 Bohr mag/cell
iteration # 10 ecut= 27.00 Ry beta= 0.70
Davidson diagonalization with overlap
ethr = 5.15E-07, avg # of iterations = 1.2
total cpu time spent up to now is 2.6 secs
total energy = -421.19413507 Ry
estimated scf accuracy < 0.00001137 Ry
total magnetization = 0.15 Bohr mag/cell
absolute magnetization = 0.15 Bohr mag/cell
iteration # 11 ecut= 27.00 Ry beta= 0.70
Davidson diagonalization with overlap
ethr = 6.32E-08, avg # of iterations = 2.0
total cpu time spent up to now is 2.8 secs
total energy = -421.19415241 Ry
estimated scf accuracy < 0.00000348 Ry
total magnetization = 0.12 Bohr mag/cell
absolute magnetization = 0.12 Bohr mag/cell
iteration # 12 ecut= 27.00 Ry beta= 0.70
Davidson diagonalization with overlap
ethr = 1.93E-08, avg # of iterations = 1.9
total cpu time spent up to now is 2.9 secs
total energy = -421.19416191 Ry
estimated scf accuracy < 0.00000256 Ry
total magnetization = 0.10 Bohr mag/cell
absolute magnetization = 0.10 Bohr mag/cell
iteration # 13 ecut= 27.00 Ry beta= 0.70
Davidson diagonalization with overlap
ethr = 1.42E-08, avg # of iterations = 1.0
total cpu time spent up to now is 3.1 secs
total energy = -421.19415843 Ry
estimated scf accuracy < 0.00000305 Ry
total magnetization = 0.11 Bohr mag/cell
absolute magnetization = 0.11 Bohr mag/cell
iteration # 14 ecut= 27.00 Ry beta= 0.70
Davidson diagonalization with overlap
ethr = 1.42E-08, avg # of iterations = 2.0
total cpu time spent up to now is 3.3 secs
total energy = -421.19417467 Ry
estimated scf accuracy < 0.00000067 Ry
total magnetization = 0.08 Bohr mag/cell
absolute magnetization = 0.08 Bohr mag/cell
iteration # 15 ecut= 27.00 Ry beta= 0.70
Davidson diagonalization with overlap
ethr = 3.74E-09, avg # of iterations = 1.0
total cpu time spent up to now is 3.5 secs
total energy = -421.19417370 Ry
estimated scf accuracy < 0.00000058 Ry
total magnetization = 0.08 Bohr mag/cell
absolute magnetization = 0.08 Bohr mag/cell
iteration # 16 ecut= 27.00 Ry beta= 0.70
Davidson diagonalization with overlap
ethr = 3.21E-09, avg # of iterations = 2.0
total cpu time spent up to now is 3.7 secs
total energy = -421.19415338 Ry
estimated scf accuracy < 0.00000032 Ry
total magnetization = 0.07 Bohr mag/cell
absolute magnetization = 0.07 Bohr mag/cell
iteration # 17 ecut= 27.00 Ry beta= 0.70
Davidson diagonalization with overlap
ethr = 1.76E-09, avg # of iterations = 2.0
total cpu time spent up to now is 3.9 secs
total energy = -421.19417871 Ry
estimated scf accuracy < 0.00000004 Ry
total magnetization = 0.03 Bohr mag/cell
absolute magnetization = 0.03 Bohr mag/cell
iteration # 18 ecut= 27.00 Ry beta= 0.70
Davidson diagonalization with overlap
ethr = 2.23E-10, avg # of iterations = 2.0
total cpu time spent up to now is 4.1 secs
total energy = -421.19417660 Ry
estimated scf accuracy < 0.00000005 Ry
total magnetization = 0.04 Bohr mag/cell
absolute magnetization = 0.04 Bohr mag/cell
iteration # 19 ecut= 27.00 Ry beta= 0.70
Davidson diagonalization with overlap
ethr = 2.23E-10, avg # of iterations = 2.0
total cpu time spent up to now is 4.3 secs
total energy = -421.19416541 Ry
estimated scf accuracy < 0.00000002 Ry
total magnetization = 0.02 Bohr mag/cell
absolute magnetization = 0.02 Bohr mag/cell
iteration # 20 ecut= 27.00 Ry beta= 0.70
Davidson diagonalization with overlap
ethr = 1.08E-10, avg # of iterations = 3.0
Magnetic moment per site:
atom: 1 charge: 16.5719 magn: -0.0039 constr: 0.0000
total cpu time spent up to now is 4.5 secs
End of self-consistent calculation
------ SPIN UP ------------
k =-0.1250 0.1250 0.1250 ( 172 PWs) bands (ev):
-93.2760 -45.0268 -44.4041 -44.4041 10.0758 17.0604 17.0604 17.5597
17.8870 17.8870 38.8016 42.9555 44.4359
k =-0.3750 0.3750-0.1250 ( 171 PWs) bands (ev):
-93.1755 -45.0207 -43.7340 -43.3570 12.8159 16.8191 17.6475 18.3284
18.3793 18.8865 31.2287 36.7232 43.4822
k = 0.3750-0.3750 0.6250 ( 172 PWs) bands (ev):
-93.1773 -45.3659 -44.0483 -43.3966 15.1708 16.6791 17.1227 18.0818
18.9654 19.6537 24.8988 37.4978 39.9306
k = 0.1250-0.1250 0.3750 ( 169 PWs) bands (ev):
-93.1793 -44.5386 -44.2771 -42.7369 11.5749 17.0515 17.5722 18.1895
18.3150 19.7821 35.5001 40.0943 40.2683
k =-0.1250 0.6250 0.1250 ( 178 PWs) bands (ev):
-93.2383 -45.6656 -45.2014 -44.4528 13.8320 15.5087 16.4982 17.5070
17.5939 18.4870 31.9452 34.8007 36.1537
k = 0.6250-0.1250 0.8750 ( 179 PWs) bands (ev):
-93.2298 -45.8602 -45.4633 -44.4141 14.8865 15.7652 16.1637 17.2987
17.6022 22.6941 26.2612 29.7674 32.5573
k = 0.3750 0.1250 0.6250 ( 174 PWs) bands (ev):
-93.1874 -45.4340 -44.3970 -43.6402 14.5988 16.0414 17.1738 17.8888
18.2215 19.9875 27.8616 33.8226 36.9158
k =-0.1250-0.8750 0.1250 ( 176 PWs) bands (ev):
-93.1876 -45.8744 -44.4629 -43.9070 14.8896 16.7146 17.0405 17.6046
18.0311 20.6139 28.8560 30.7429 34.1069
k =-0.3750 0.3750 0.3750 ( 174 PWs) bands (ev):
-93.2053 -45.3062 -44.1478 -44.1478 13.8048 16.9505 16.9505 17.7081
18.4954 18.4954 26.7322 40.7312 42.9690
k = 0.3750-0.3750 1.1250 ( 176 PWs) bands (ev):
-93.2146 -45.7093 -44.5157 -44.3994 15.3104 15.8864 16.9183 16.9619
18.0940 21.6278 25.2165 31.3593 38.0426
------ SPIN DOWN ----------
k =-0.1250 0.1250 0.1250 ( 172 PWs) bands (ev):
-93.2803 -45.0310 -44.4083 -44.4083 10.0745 17.0556 17.0556 17.5561
17.8832 17.8832 38.8000 42.9545 44.4342
k =-0.3750 0.3750-0.1250 ( 171 PWs) bands (ev):
-93.1797 -45.0249 -43.7383 -43.3613 12.8143 16.8159 17.6430 18.3247
18.3754 18.8820 31.2267 36.7215 43.4809
k = 0.3750-0.3750 0.6250 ( 172 PWs) bands (ev):
-93.1816 -45.3702 -44.0526 -43.4008 15.1682 16.6762 17.1185 18.0779
18.9610 19.6508 24.8962 37.4963 39.9285
k = 0.1250-0.1250 0.3750 ( 169 PWs) bands (ev):
-93.1836 -44.5428 -44.2813 -42.7412 11.5735 17.0467 17.5687 18.1857
18.3114 19.7775 35.4983 40.0924 40.2671
k =-0.1250 0.6250 0.1250 ( 178 PWs) bands (ev):
-93.2425 -45.6698 -45.2056 -44.4570 13.8301 15.5050 16.4932 17.5033
17.5905 18.4832 31.9433 34.7990 36.1518
k = 0.6250-0.1250 0.8750 ( 179 PWs) bands (ev):
-93.2340 -45.8644 -45.4676 -44.4184 14.8829 15.7619 16.1600 17.2944
17.5985 22.6918 26.2590 29.7653 32.5553
k = 0.3750 0.1250 0.6250 ( 174 PWs) bands (ev):
-93.1916 -45.4383 -44.4013 -43.6444 14.5967 16.0380 17.1699 17.8850
18.2171 19.9840 27.8595 33.8208 36.9139
k =-0.1250-0.8750 0.1250 ( 176 PWs) bands (ev):
-93.1919 -45.8787 -44.4671 -43.9112 14.8863 16.7113 17.0361 17.6012
18.0267 20.6116 28.8537 30.7409 34.1051
k =-0.3750 0.3750 0.3750 ( 174 PWs) bands (ev):
-93.2096 -45.3104 -44.1520 -44.1520 13.8030 16.9466 16.9466 17.7056
18.4909 18.4909 26.7299 40.7306 42.9669
k = 0.3750-0.3750 1.1250 ( 176 PWs) bands (ev):
-93.2189 -45.7135 -44.5199 -44.4036 15.3074 15.8831 16.9147 16.9580
18.0894 21.6253 25.2141 31.3573 38.0406
the Fermi energy is 18.5313 ev
! total energy = -421.19417984 Ry
total all-electron energy = -3033.626287 Ry
estimated scf accuracy < 5.9E-09 Ry
smearing contrib. (-TS) = 0.00268909 Ry
internal energy E=F+TS = -421.19686894 Ry
The total energy is F=E-TS. E is the sum of the following terms:
one-electron contribution = -170.73958478 Ry
hartree contribution = 97.02836096 Ry
xc contribution = -33.53907065 Ry
ewald contribution = -223.38275369 Ry
one-center paw contrib. = -90.56382078 Ry
total magnetization = 0.00 Bohr mag/cell
absolute magnetization = 0.00 Bohr mag/cell
convergence has been achieved in 20 iterations
Forces acting on atoms (cartesian axes, Ry/au):
atom 1 type 1 force = 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000
Total force = 0.000000 Total SCF correction = 0.000000
Writing output data file ./nickelpaw.save/
init_run : 0.18s CPU 0.21s WALL ( 1 calls)
electrons : 3.46s CPU 3.88s WALL ( 1 calls)
forces : 0.01s CPU 0.01s WALL ( 1 calls)
Called by init_run:
wfcinit : 0.02s CPU 0.02s WALL ( 1 calls)
potinit : 0.10s CPU 0.12s WALL ( 1 calls)
hinit0 : 0.05s CPU 0.06s WALL ( 1 calls)
Called by electrons:
c_bands : 1.20s CPU 1.29s WALL ( 20 calls)
sum_band : 0.21s CPU 0.24s WALL ( 20 calls)
v_of_rho : 0.07s CPU 0.08s WALL ( 21 calls)
newd : 0.06s CPU 0.07s WALL ( 21 calls)
PAW_pot : 1.98s CPU 2.29s WALL ( 21 calls)
mix_rho : 0.01s CPU 0.01s WALL ( 20 calls)
Called by c_bands:
init_us_2 : 0.01s CPU 0.01s WALL ( 840 calls)
cegterg : 1.17s CPU 1.25s WALL ( 400 calls)
Called by *egterg:
cdiaghg : 0.58s CPU 0.62s WALL ( 1116 calls)
h_psi : 0.45s CPU 0.48s WALL ( 1136 calls)
s_psi : 0.01s CPU 0.01s WALL ( 1136 calls)
g_psi : 0.00s CPU 0.00s WALL ( 716 calls)
Called by h_psi:
h_psi:calbec : 0.02s CPU 0.02s WALL ( 1136 calls)
vloc_psi : 0.41s CPU 0.44s WALL ( 1136 calls)
add_vuspsi : 0.01s CPU 0.01s WALL ( 1136 calls)
General routines
calbec : 0.02s CPU 0.03s WALL ( 1616 calls)
fft : 0.04s CPU 0.05s WALL ( 538 calls)
ffts : 0.00s CPU 0.00s WALL ( 82 calls)
fftw : 0.44s CPU 0.49s WALL ( 29838 calls)
interpolate : 0.01s CPU 0.01s WALL ( 42 calls)
Parallel routines
fft_scatt_xy : 0.05s CPU 0.06s WALL ( 30458 calls)
fft_scatt_yz : 0.20s CPU 0.22s WALL ( 30458 calls)
PWSCF : 4.05s CPU 4.54s WALL
This run was terminated on: 7: 7:48 30Apr2020