
168 lines
4.0 KiB

proc ::helpdoc::attr2array_ {arrayName attributes} {
upvar $arrayName arrayVar
catch {array unset arrayVar}; # EXPERIMENTAL: this should be the
# desired behavior, because one wants to
# tranform attribute-list to associative
# array, hence the previous key-value
# pairs should be cleared
foreach {name value} [::textutil::splitx $attributes "=\"|\"\[ \n\r\\t\]|\"$"] {
if { $name != "" } {
set arrayVar($name) [string trim $value =]
proc ::helpdoc::arr {elem} {
variable arr
if { [info exists arr($elem)] } {
return $arr($elem)
return ""
proc ::helpdoc::printf {content {extraSpace 0}} {
variable txtDepth
variable indentNum
variable fid
set indent [indent $txtDepth]
if { $extraSpace > 0 } {
set indent $indent[::textutil::blank $extraSpace]
foreach line [split $content \n] {
puts $fid(txt) ${indent}$line
proc helpdoc::printfNormalize {content} {
variable txtDepth
variable fid
puts $fid(txt) [formatString $content $txtDepth]
proc helpdoc::labelMsg {label msg} {
set il 1
set len [string length $label]
set message {}
foreach line [split [string trim $msg] \n] {
if { $il == 1 } {
append message [::format "%${len}s %s" $label $line]
incr il
} else {
append message [::format "\n%${len}s %s" {} $line]
return $message
proc ::helpdoc::txt_ref_link {content} {
set re_ref {(@ref)\s+(\w+([%]\w)*)}
set re_link {(@link)\s+([.,;:]*[\w\+-]+([.,;:][\w\+-]+)*)}
set re "($re_ref|$re_link)"
return [regsub -all $re $content {"\3"}]
proc ::helpdoc::txt_tag_enter {tree node tag attr content depth} {
variable txtDepth
variable indentNum
variable fid
variable arr
variable vargroup
variable dimensiongroup
variable colgroup
variable rowgroup
variable card
variable mode
variable rows
variable cols
variable info
variable options
variable options_first
if { [info exists arr] } {
unset arr
set content [formatString [trimEmpty [txt_atTags [txt_ref_link $content]]]]
attr2array_ arr $attr
global sourcedir
source [file join $sourcedir txt_enter.tcl]
proc ::helpdoc::txt_tag_leave {tree node tag attr content depth} {
variable fid
variable txtDepth
variable vargroup
variable dimensiongroup
variable colgroup
variable rowgroup
variable mode
variable card
variable rows
variable cols
variable arr
variable options
variable options_first
attr2array_ arr $attr
global sourcedir
source [file join $sourcedir txt_leave.tcl]
proc ::helpdoc::txt_subtree {tree node newMode} {
variable mode
lappend mode $newMode
set newTree [::struct::tree]
$newTree deserialize [$tree serialize $node]
$newTree walkproc [$newTree rootname] -order both txt_subtree_print
$newTree destroy
::tclu::lpop mode
proc ::helpdoc::txt_subtree_print {tree node action} {
set depth [$tree depth $node]
set tag [$tree get $node tag]
set attributes [getFromTree $tree $node attributes]
set content [getFromTree $tree $node text]
set content [formatString [trimEmpty [txt_atTags [txt_ref_link $content]]]]
txt_tag_${action} $tree $node $tag $attributes $content [expr $depth - 1]
proc ::helpdoc::printableVarDescription {tree node} {
variable mode
# Purpose: the description of variable in the card is printed only
# when at least one of info, status or see records is present.
set Info [getTextFromDescendant $tree $node info]
set Status [getTextFromDescendant $tree $node status]
set See [getTextFromDescendant $tree $node see]
set Opt [getTextFromDescendant $tree $node opt]
if { ! [::tclu::lpresent $mode card] || ($Info != "" || $Status != "" || $See != "" || $Opt != "") } {
return 1
return 0