mirror of https://gitlab.com/QEF/q-e.git
319 lines
5.7 KiB
319 lines
5.7 KiB
proc ::helpdoc::syntaxAppend {txt} {
variable syntax
if { [info exists syntax(count)] } {
append syntax(txt) " "
} else {
set syntax(count) 0
append syntax(txt) $txt
incr syntax(count)
proc ::helpdoc::syntaxFlush {} {
variable syntax
variable fid
if { [info exists syntax] } {
printf $syntax(txt)
unset syntax
proc ::helpdoc::manageRow {{add 0}} {
variable rows
set diff -1
if { [string is integer $rows(start)] && [string is integer $rows(end)] } {
set diff [expr $rows(end) - $rows(start)]
if { $diff > 0 } {
# numerical arguments ...
if { $diff < $add } {
} elseif { $add == 2 } {
if { $diff > $add } { append rows(text) ". . .\n" }
manageRow_ $rows(end)
} else {
manageRow_ [expr $rows(start) + $add]
} else {
# string arguments ...
if { ! [string is integer $rows(start)] } {
if { $add == 0 } {
set index $rows(start)
} elseif { $add < 2 } {
set index "$rows(start)+$add"
} else {
set index "$rows(end)"
append rows(text) ". . .\n"
manageRow_ $index
} elseif { ! [string is integer $rows(end)] } {
if { $add == 0 } {
set index $rows(start)
} elseif { $add < 2 } {
if { [string is integer $rows(start)] } {
set index [expr $rows(start)+$add]
} else {
set index "$rows(start)+$add"
} else {
set index "$rows(end)"
append rows(text) ". . .\n"
manageRow_ $index
proc ::helpdoc::manageRow_ {index} {
variable rows
foreach field $rows(line) {
switch -- $field {
__conditional::begin__ {
append rows(text) "\[ "
__conditional::end__ {
append rows(text) "\] "
__optional::begin__ - __optional::end__ {
append rows(text) "$field "
default {
append rows(text) "${field}(${index}) "
append rows(text) "\n"
proc ::helpdoc::printRows {} {
variable rows
# scan $rows(text) for width
foreach line [split $rows(text) \n] {
set count 0
foreach field $line {
if { $field == "__optional::begin__" } {
set field \{
if { $field == "__optional::end__" } {
set field \}
set len [string length $field]
if { ! [info exists max($count)] } {
set max($count) $len
} else {
if { $len > $max($count) } {
set max($count) $len
incr count
# now print
foreach line [split $rows(text) \n] {
set pl ""
set count 0
foreach field $line {
if { $field == "__optional::begin__" } {
set field \{
if { $field == "__optional::end__" } {
set field \}
if { $field == "." } {
append pl ". "
} else {
append pl [format "%-$max($count)s " $field]
incr count
printf ${pl}
proc ::helpdoc::manageCol {{add 0}} {
variable cols
set diff -1
if { [string is integer $cols(start)] && [string is integer $cols(end)] } {
set diff [expr $cols(end) - $cols(start)]
if { $diff > 0 } {
# numerical arguments ...
if { $diff < $add } {
} elseif { $add < 2 } {
lappend cols(indices) [expr $cols(start) + $add]
} elseif { $add == 2 } {
if { $diff > $add } { lappend cols(indices) "..." }
lappend cols(indices) $cols(end)
} else {
# string arguments ...
if { ! [string is integer $cols(start)] } {
if { $add == 0 } {
lappend cols(indices) $cols(start)
} elseif { $add < 2 } {
lappend cols(indices) "$cols(start)+$add"
} elseif { $add == 2 } {
lappend cols(indices) ...
lappend cols(indices) $cols(end)
} elseif { ! [string is integer $cols(end)] } {
if { $add == 0 } {
lappend cols(indices) $cols(start)
} elseif { $add < 2 } {
lappend cols(indices) [expr $cols(start)+$add]
} elseif { $add == 2 } {
lappend cols(indices) ...
lappend cols(indices) $cols(end)
proc ::helpdoc::printCols {} {
variable cols
# scan for field-width
set extra 0
foreach row $cols(vline) {
switch -- $row {
__conditional::begin__ - __optional::begin__ {
incr extra
__conditional::end__ - __optional::end__ {
set count 0
foreach ind $cols(indices) {
if { ! [info exists max($count)] } {
set max($count) [string length ${row}(${cols(start)})]
set _len [string length ${row}(${ind})]
if { $_len > $max($count) } {
set max($count) $_len
incr count
# now print
set ct ""
set fie 0
set newline 0
foreach row $cols(vline) {
if { $extra } {
switch -- $row {
__conditional::begin__ {
set cbe 1
__conditional::end__ {
set cen 1
append ct "\] "
__optional::begin__ {
set obe 1
__optional::end__ {
set oen 1
append ct "\} "
default {
if { [info exists obe] } { incr fie }
if { [info exists cbe] } { incr fie }
if { $newline } {
append ct \n
append ct [::textutil::blank [expr ($extra - $fie) * 2]]
if { [info exists obe] } { append ct "\{ " }
if { [info exists cbe] } { append ct "\[ " }
set count 0
foreach ind $cols(indices) {
if { $ind == "..." } {
append ct ". . . "
} else {
append ct [format "%-$max($count)s " ${row}(${ind})]
incr count
foreach var {obe oen cbe cen} {
if { [info exists $var] } {
unset $var
set fie 0
set newline 1
# must be here, if "en" is the last row ...
if { [info exists oen] || [info exists cen] } {
append ct \n
printf $ct