
1293 lines
60 KiB

Program turboTDDFT v.6.3 starts on 7Sep2018 at 11:54: 8
This program is part of the open-source Quantum ESPRESSO suite
for quantum simulation of materials; please cite
"P. Giannozzi et al., J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 21 395502 (2009);
"P. Giannozzi et al., J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 29 465901 (2017);
URL http://www.quantum-espresso.org",
in publications or presentations arising from this work. More details at
Parallel version (MPI), running on 8 processors
MPI processes distributed on 1 nodes
R & G space division: proc/nbgrp/npool/nimage = 8
Reading data from directory:
IMPORTANT: XC functional enforced from input :
Exchange-correlation = PZ ( 1 1 0 0 0 0)
Any further DFT definition will be discarded
Please, verify this is what you really want
file H.pz-vbc.UPF: wavefunction(s) 1S renormalized
Parallelization info
sticks: dense smooth PW G-vecs: dense smooth PW
Min 396 396 98 16878 16878 2106
Max 400 400 100 16882 16882 2112
Sum 3181 3181 793 135043 135043 16879
add environment contribution to local potential
Subspace diagonalization in iterative solution of the eigenvalue problem:
a serial algorithm will be used
Allocating 16 extra bands for projection
Please cite the TDDFPT project as:
X. Ge, S. J. Binnie, D. Rocca, R. Gebauer, and S. Baroni,
Comput. Phys. Commun. 185, 2080 (2014)
in publications and presentations arising from this work.
Virt read
Gamma point algorithm
Num of eigen values= 10
Allocating parameters for davidson ...
Estimating the RAM requirements:
For the basis sets: 123.75 M
For the eigenvectors: 20.62 M
Num_eign = 10 Num_basis_max = 80
Reference = 0.50 Ry
Do make sure that you have enough RAM.
poor_of_ram2 is set to .false.. This means that you would like to increase the speed
by storing the D_basis and C_basis vectors which will cause three time of the memory cost.
Switch it to .true. if you need to save memory.
Finished allocating parameters.
Initiating variables for davidson ...
Lowest energy electron-hole pairs are used as initial vectors ...
Calculating the electron-hole pairs for initiating trial vectors ...
1 4 1 0.631973665294
2 3 1 0.631973676324
3 2 1 0.631973705430
4 4 2 0.726716318982
5 3 2 0.726716330012
6 2 2 0.726716359118
7 4 3 0.739815446874
8 3 3 0.739815457904
9 4 4 0.739815471440
10 3 4 0.739815482471
11 2 3 0.739815487009
12 2 4 0.739815511576
13 4 5 0.739815631700
14 3 5 0.739815642730
15 2 5 0.739815671835
16 4 6 0.749339581341
17 3 6 0.749339592372
18 2 6 0.749339621477
19 4 7 0.749339913201
20 3 7 0.749339924231
21 2 7 0.749339953337
22 4 8 0.806787267871
23 3 8 0.806787278901
24 2 8 0.806787308006
25 4 9 0.806787551193
26 3 9 0.806787562223
27 2 9 0.806787591328
28 4 10 0.806788506605
29 3 10 0.806788517635
30 2 10 0.806788546740
31 4 11 0.834355068511
32 3 11 0.834355079541
33 2 11 0.834355108647
34 4 12 0.834356326591
35 3 12 0.834356337621
36 2 12 0.834356366726
37 4 13 0.834359663025
38 3 13 0.834359674055
39 2 13 0.834359703160
40 4 14 0.844106106942
Finished calculating the cv couples.
Finished initiating.
Precondition is used in the algorithm,
total cpu time spent up to now is 0.2 secs
Davidson iteration: 1
num of basis: 20 total built basis: 20
20 Transition energy 1 : 0.6338005356
20 Transition energy 2 : 0.6338022896
20 Transition energy 3 : 0.6338161984
20 Transition energy 4 : 0.7308376492
20 Transition energy 5 : 0.7308396718
20 Transition energy 6 : 0.7308649461
20 Transition energy 7 : 0.7373902050
20 Transition energy 8 : 0.7373907042
20 Transition energy 9 : 0.7374362817
20 Transition energy 10 : 0.7374391293
Residue(Squared modulus): 1 0.0090503 0.0000001
Residue(Squared modulus): 2 0.0090553 0.0000001
Residue(Squared modulus): 3 0.0090805 0.0000001
Residue(Squared modulus): 4 0.0107667 0.0000002
Residue(Squared modulus): 5 0.0107705 0.0000002
Residue(Squared modulus): 6 0.0108547 0.0000001
Residue(Squared modulus): 7 0.0014493 0.0000002
Residue(Squared modulus): 8 0.0014500 0.0000001
Residue(Squared modulus): 9 0.0064121 0.0000001
Residue(Squared modulus): 10 0.0064203 0.0000002
Largest residue: 0.010854653675
total cpu time spent up to now is 1.0 secs
Davidson iteration: 2
num of basis: 30 total built basis: 30
30 Transition energy 1 : 0.6324045782
30 Transition energy 2 : 0.6324046317
30 Transition energy 3 : 0.6324171622
30 Transition energy 4 : 0.7291483110
30 Transition energy 5 : 0.7291493897
30 Transition energy 6 : 0.7291777636
30 Transition energy 7 : 0.7363864108
30 Transition energy 8 : 0.7363870059
30 Transition energy 9 : 0.7367824749
30 Transition energy 10 : 0.7369871635
Residue(Squared modulus): 1 0.0006908 0.0003590
Residue(Squared modulus): 2 0.0006908 0.0003590
Residue(Squared modulus): 3 0.0006938 0.0004080
Residue(Squared modulus): 4 0.0009085 0.0006411
Residue(Squared modulus): 5 0.0009087 0.0006443
Residue(Squared modulus): 6 0.0009111 0.0006915
Residue(Squared modulus): 7 0.0003148 0.0003264
Residue(Squared modulus): 8 0.0003152 0.0003280
Residue(Squared modulus): 9 0.0023408 0.0003946
Residue(Squared modulus): 10 0.0000860 0.0003116
Largest residue: 0.002340805415
total cpu time spent up to now is 1.5 secs
Davidson iteration: 3
num of basis: 49 total built basis: 49
49 Transition energy 1 : 0.6322929946
49 Transition energy 2 : 0.6322930212
49 Transition energy 3 : 0.6322945869
49 Transition energy 4 : 0.7289614570
49 Transition energy 5 : 0.7289615327
49 Transition energy 6 : 0.7289750072
49 Transition energy 7 : 0.7362742154
49 Transition energy 8 : 0.7362753149
49 Transition energy 9 : 0.7363168542
49 Transition energy 10 : 0.7369114204
Residue(Squared modulus): 1 0.0000541 0.0000825
Residue(Squared modulus): 2 0.0000542 0.0000827
Residue(Squared modulus): 3 0.0000546 0.0000949
Residue(Squared modulus): 4 0.0000768 0.0001168
Residue(Squared modulus): 5 0.0000766 0.0001167
Residue(Squared modulus): 6 0.0000781 0.0001324
Residue(Squared modulus): 7 0.0001019 0.0000878
Residue(Squared modulus): 8 0.0001023 0.0000885
Residue(Squared modulus): 9 0.0001122 0.0003370
Residue(Squared modulus): 10 0.0001049 0.0000129
Largest residue: 0.000337041186
total cpu time spent up to now is 2.3 secs
Davidson iteration: 4
num of basis: 57 total built basis: 57
57 Transition energy 1 : 0.6322836487
57 Transition energy 2 : 0.6322837038
57 Transition energy 3 : 0.6322849965
57 Transition energy 4 : 0.7289496479
57 Transition energy 5 : 0.7289496854
57 Transition energy 6 : 0.7289613321
57 Transition energy 7 : 0.7362625899
57 Transition energy 8 : 0.7362635468
57 Transition energy 9 : 0.7362646753
57 Transition energy 10 : 0.7368747874
Residue(Squared modulus): 1 0.0000364 0.0000107
Residue(Squared modulus): 2 0.0000367 0.0000110
Residue(Squared modulus): 3 0.0000357 0.0000159
Residue(Squared modulus): 4 0.0000570 0.0000169
Residue(Squared modulus): 5 0.0000568 0.0000169
Residue(Squared modulus): 6 0.0000601 0.0000160
Residue(Squared modulus): 7 0.0000648 0.0000482
Residue(Squared modulus): 8 0.0000086 0.0000752
Residue(Squared modulus): 9 0.0000107 0.0000755
Residue(Squared modulus): 10 0.0000247 0.0000473
Largest residue: 0.000075548946
Davidson diagonalization has finished in 4 steps.
the number of current basis is 57
the number of total basis built is 57
Now print out information of eigenstates
K-S Oscillator strengths
occ con R-x R-y R-z
1 1 -0.63902728E-06 0.56474964E-06 -0.79105626E-07
1 2 0.24671494E-05 -0.16355203E-05 -0.17754633E-05
1 3 0.31234743E-01 0.48780862E-01 0.98691421E-02
1 4 -0.36204993E-01 0.30269661E-01 -0.34997927E-01
1 5 -0.34144822E-01 0.12532492E-01 0.46160070E-01
1 6 0.28361201E-05 -0.22819039E-05 0.24491893E-05
1 7 -0.65250409E-06 -0.46880508E-05 -0.46251502E-05
1 8 -0.83281387E-02 -0.19189642E-01 -0.59948214E-01
1 9 -0.25376593E-02 0.60525658E-01 -0.19037625E-01
1 10 0.62878719E-01 -0.79051675E-04 -0.86949482E-02
1 11 -0.55401608E-01 -0.40307880E-01 0.11846875E-03
1 12 0.11909236E-01 -0.16213106E-01 0.65514644E-01
1 13 -0.38450721E-01 0.52937805E-01 0.20155460E-01
1 14 -0.48562826E-05 0.43095729E-04 0.24378450E-04
1 15 0.96536102E-07 0.27675520E-04 -0.12955868E-04
2 1 -0.29376460E+00 0.29677736E+00 0.67212838E-01
2 2 -0.24898436E+00 0.25203655E+00 0.57009898E-01
2 3 0.10757259E-01 -0.14094592E-02 -0.87659820E-02
2 4 -0.14595649E-01 0.13632054E-01 -0.34191351E-01
2 5 0.25516177E-01 -0.27361416E-01 -0.24018944E-01
2 6 -0.42254819E-01 -0.16073427E+00 0.26698884E-01
2 7 -0.15945572E+00 -0.43680035E-01 -0.26607281E-01
2 8 0.40150105E+00 -0.35859231E+00 -0.66545573E-01
2 9 0.32969449E-01 -0.11423437E+00 0.38972676E+00
2 10 0.54937758E-01 -0.14212952E+00 -0.39331049E+00
2 11 -0.22036506E-02 -0.30694300E-02 -0.37097775E-02
2 12 0.13607745E-01 -0.15570395E-01 0.66671762E-02
2 13 0.52043615E-02 -0.92065193E-02 -0.21331507E-01
2 14 0.18390276E+00 -0.19002936E+00 -0.42354299E-01
2 15 -0.89711352E-01 0.87476222E-01 -0.40259458E-01
3 1 0.13520656E+00 0.43513520E-01 0.39843664E+00
3 2 0.11460475E+00 0.36941918E-01 0.33800785E+00
3 3 0.34563393E-01 0.23984885E-01 0.13840010E-01
3 4 0.18354982E-01 -0.33350727E-01 0.43535124E-02
3 5 0.12067507E-01 -0.12770346E-01 0.37550658E-03
3 6 0.19460424E-01 -0.23570320E-01 0.15838097E+00
3 7 0.73414559E-01 -0.64079279E-02 -0.15768791E+00
3 8 0.21568290E+00 0.24019406E+00 0.62231032E-01
3 9 -0.48963828E+00 0.75386271E-01 -0.16975162E+00
3 10 0.84881016E-02 -0.50222664E+00 -0.57358787E-01
3 11 -0.12593891E-01 -0.17458787E-01 -0.61257580E-02
3 12 -0.25734524E-02 0.10759525E-01 -0.13320702E-02
3 13 0.18611417E-01 -0.10286806E-01 0.46551401E-02
3 14 -0.84825828E-01 -0.27794828E-01 -0.25221542E+00
3 15 0.41198451E-01 0.13002898E-01 -0.23946571E+00
4 1 -0.27279791E+00 -0.29801960E+00 0.12509217E+00
4 2 -0.23123142E+00 -0.25308966E+00 0.10612462E+00
4 3 0.54710421E-02 0.21554554E-02 -0.39352826E-01
4 4 0.24738240E-01 0.87385963E-02 0.44174695E-02
4 5 -0.20998128E-01 -0.29539820E-01 0.11763125E-01
4 6 -0.39228328E-01 0.16142486E+00 0.49716037E-01
4 7 -0.14810380E+00 0.43873473E-01 -0.49515377E-01
4 8 -0.32541462E+00 -0.32199517E+00 -0.16225376E+00
4 9 -0.27877618E+00 -0.10225018E+00 0.33122970E+00
4 10 -0.53706166E-01 -0.21597538E+00 0.39380627E+00
4 11 -0.40806643E-02 -0.54533777E-02 0.21744794E-01
4 12 -0.17637018E-01 -0.12100411E-01 0.66583074E-03
4 13 -0.19148841E-02 -0.54065863E-02 -0.23823806E-02
4 14 0.17079346E+00 0.19102690E+00 -0.79138829E-01
4 15 -0.83280639E-01 -0.88325389E-01 -0.75151671E-01
! The 1 -th eigen state. The transition energy is: 0.63228365
The two digitals below indicate the importance of doing beyong TDA:
Components: X 1.00014; Y -0.00014
In the occ-virt project subspace the total Fxy is:
X 0.99935; Y -0.00002 total 0.99933 / 1.00000
The Chi_i_i is Total 1 2 3
0.35506108E-01 0.74870690E-03 0.26172750E-03 0.34495674E-01
Now is the components analysis of this transition.
First we print out only the principle components.
occ virt FX FY
2 1 0.19697 -0.00005
3 1 0.87230 -0.00021
4 1 0.44516 -0.00011
Now for all the calculated particle and hole pairs :
occ virt FX FY
1 1 0.78670523E-08 0.43888549E-07
1 2 0.13277799E-07 0.49892892E-07
1 3 -0.38981575E-04 -0.18792722E-04
1 4 0.12768422E-02 0.51778976E-03
1 5 -0.19798028E-02 -0.79733336E-03
1 6 0.26012518E-07 -0.51617355E-07
1 7 -0.85975839E-07 -0.13262213E-06
1 8 -0.34451651E-02 -0.12728719E-02
1 9 -0.14438615E-02 -0.53375676E-03
1 10 -0.10826549E-02 -0.39870979E-03
1 11 -0.42776512E-03 -0.18019339E-03
1 12 -0.23615153E-02 -0.10166418E-02
1 13 -0.76812312E-03 -0.32867387E-03
1 14 0.60338885E-07 -0.44482503E-07
1 15 -0.14934230E-05 -0.63183895E-06
2 1 0.19696638E+00 -0.48304547E-04
2 2 -0.53355198E-02 -0.37085650E-03
2 3 -0.67315283E-03 -0.52733224E-04
2 4 -0.21802331E-02 -0.17086784E-03
2 5 -0.16659467E-02 -0.13062078E-03
2 6 0.30871515E-02 0.26153898E-03
2 7 0.58351360E-04 -0.13979989E-04
2 8 -0.14219568E-02 -0.17249966E-03
2 9 0.59493510E-02 0.72038572E-03
2 10 -0.58621798E-02 -0.71044726E-03
2 11 0.12419120E-04 -0.74275455E-05
2 12 -0.18821564E-04 0.26210451E-04
2 13 0.94442848E-04 -0.56621222E-04
2 14 0.31997450E-02 0.47373145E-03
2 15 -0.95788035E-03 -0.12523707E-03
3 1 0.87229806E+00 -0.21424657E-03
3 2 -0.23624706E-01 -0.16417258E-02
3 3 0.43631801E-03 0.34140774E-04
3 4 0.30013759E-03 0.23477912E-04
3 5 -0.21124518E-04 -0.15608422E-05
3 6 0.10359762E-01 0.87781563E-03
3 7 -0.11045269E-01 -0.93590129E-03
3 8 0.14146163E-03 0.15640538E-04
3 9 -0.15688071E-02 -0.18727557E-03
3 10 -0.21884269E-03 -0.23600320E-04
3 11 0.13546739E-04 -0.18356462E-04
3 12 0.95728690E-05 -0.72999617E-05
3 13 -0.18731240E-04 0.16068774E-04
3 14 0.14105395E-01 0.20882501E-02
3 15 -0.68025508E-02 -0.91056146E-03
4 1 0.44515753E+00 -0.10933114E-03
4 2 -0.12056867E-01 -0.83786506E-03
4 3 -0.26484790E-02 -0.20758239E-03
4 4 0.55666856E-06 0.35413498E-07
4 5 0.11446663E-02 0.89709330E-04
4 6 0.27259010E-02 0.23098093E-03
4 7 -0.20729194E-02 -0.17564879E-03
4 8 -0.12952633E-02 -0.15353344E-03
4 9 0.57467416E-02 0.69910956E-03
4 10 0.63342518E-02 0.76785522E-03
4 11 -0.81491429E-04 0.63376998E-04
4 12 -0.63341059E-05 -0.67144195E-06
4 13 0.10088521E-04 -0.27500567E-05
4 14 0.72032000E-02 0.10701089E-02
4 15 -0.15277360E-02 -0.20242322E-03
! The 2 -th eigen state. The transition energy is: 0.63228370
The two digitals below indicate the importance of doing beyong TDA:
Components: X 1.00014; Y -0.00014
In the occ-virt project subspace the total Fxy is:
X 0.99931; Y -0.00002 total 0.99929 / 1.00000
The Chi_i_i is Total 1 2 3
0.35509386E-01 0.23485508E-02 0.33085136E-01 0.75699266E-04
Now is the components analysis of this transition.
First we print out only the principle components.
occ virt FX FY
2 1 -0.86248 0.00021
4 1 0.50033 -0.00012
Now for all the calculated particle and hole pairs :
occ virt FX FY
1 1 0.10702979E-06 0.85058741E-07
1 2 0.85481827E-07 0.58951176E-07
1 3 0.15880626E-02 0.64215507E-03
1 4 0.14820073E-02 0.59792173E-03
1 5 0.92225943E-03 0.37168692E-03
1 6 0.17039254E-06 0.18050615E-06
1 7 0.37850921E-07 0.16469442E-06
1 8 0.11742312E-02 0.43352083E-03
1 9 -0.35656642E-02 -0.13190329E-02
1 10 0.10196329E-02 0.37684774E-03
1 11 -0.90842888E-03 -0.39245281E-03
1 12 -0.57847402E-03 -0.24898490E-03
1 13 0.22793432E-02 0.98008859E-03
1 14 -0.78219668E-06 -0.26624060E-06
1 15 -0.22106491E-06 0.23833358E-07
2 1 -0.86247553E+00 0.21211408E-03
2 2 0.23356278E-01 0.16228398E-02
2 3 0.30145932E-03 0.23704125E-04
2 4 -0.10212571E-02 -0.80023580E-04
2 5 0.22760825E-02 0.17803049E-03
2 6 0.95436924E-02 0.80854492E-03
2 7 0.12151505E-03 0.19920333E-04
2 8 0.69119588E-02 0.84259261E-03
2 9 0.15446306E-02 0.18908815E-03
2 10 0.25848077E-02 0.31443069E-03
2 11 -0.90666770E-05 0.64327948E-05
2 12 -0.51106218E-04 0.59219643E-04
2 13 0.20989463E-04 0.36333804E-04
2 14 -0.13900909E-01 -0.20634880E-02
2 15 -0.29627732E-02 -0.40063152E-03
3 1 -0.60581925E-01 0.14959149E-04
3 2 0.16396873E-02 0.11386192E-03
3 3 -0.99182853E-03 -0.77729179E-04
3 4 0.24435603E-02 0.19152510E-03
3 5 0.10292276E-02 0.80546531E-04
3 6 0.13638601E-02 0.11555371E-03
3 7 0.21553894E-02 0.18273120E-03
3 8 -0.27429170E-02 -0.33545543E-03
3 9 -0.29102871E-02 -0.35510569E-03
3 10 0.74815054E-02 0.91348881E-03
3 11 -0.59913022E-04 0.48716709E-04
3 12 0.49618111E-04 -0.36248339E-04
3 13 -0.29064813E-04 0.46487563E-04
3 14 -0.96262214E-03 -0.14343387E-03
3 15 0.25909358E-03 0.33397509E-04
4 1 0.50032519E+00 -0.12330079E-03
4 2 -0.13545874E-01 -0.94091409E-03
4 3 0.78427380E-04 0.60512439E-05
4 4 -0.15107730E-03 -0.11894507E-04
4 5 0.14918949E-02 0.11739968E-03
4 6 -0.11223193E-01 -0.95079981E-03
4 7 -0.52008003E-02 -0.44123123E-03
4 8 0.35903623E-02 0.43934529E-03
4 9 0.17740850E-03 0.21858623E-04
4 10 0.27076364E-02 0.33308032E-03
4 11 -0.17910072E-04 0.15059417E-04
4 12 -0.66975634E-04 0.27833346E-04
4 13 -0.12187590E-03 0.11502077E-04
4 14 0.80118835E-02 0.11908569E-02
4 15 0.18764695E-02 0.25670467E-03
! The 3 -th eigen state. The transition energy is: 0.63228500
The two digitals below indicate the importance of doing beyong TDA:
Components: X 1.00014; Y -0.00014
In the occ-virt project subspace the total Fxy is:
X 0.99932; Y -0.00002 total 0.99930 / 1.00000
The Chi_i_i is Total 1 2 3
0.35430542E-01 0.32340237E-01 0.21584553E-02 0.93184932E-03
Now is the components analysis of this transition.
First we print out only the principle components.
occ virt FX FY
2 1 0.46390 -0.00011
3 1 -0.48300 0.00012
4 1 0.74120 -0.00018
Now for all the calculated particle and hole pairs :
occ virt FX FY
1 1 0.22634948E-07 0.10150247E-06
1 2 -0.27562175E-08 0.93859046E-07
1 3 0.17504199E-02 0.72613521E-03
1 4 -0.13139254E-02 -0.54918382E-03
1 5 -0.88550921E-03 -0.36760863E-03
1 6 0.12542591E-06 -0.13545049E-07
1 7 -0.28681562E-06 -0.77047241E-06
1 8 0.13818763E-02 0.50153924E-03
1 9 -0.58157342E-03 -0.21274454E-03
1 10 -0.36125845E-02 -0.13112260E-02
1 11 -0.23232551E-02 -0.10212968E-02
1 12 0.66444839E-03 0.29341376E-03
1 13 -0.75051951E-03 -0.33001600E-03
1 14 0.92511724E-06 0.30248806E-06
1 15 0.53153124E-06 -0.22023004E-06
2 1 0.46390200E+00 -0.11410316E-03
2 2 -0.12575014E-01 -0.87424199E-03
2 3 -0.57053250E-03 -0.44684634E-04
2 4 0.10749639E-02 0.84289071E-04
2 5 -0.90744309E-03 -0.71571604E-04
2 6 0.50557962E-02 0.42826137E-03
2 7 0.10590379E-01 0.54599082E-03
2 8 -0.43767685E-02 -0.64057754E-03
2 9 -0.10196023E-02 -0.15598518E-03
2 10 0.70619752E-03 0.10931916E-03
2 11 -0.17544440E-04 0.40507268E-04
2 12 0.91379604E-04 -0.76638248E-04
2 13 0.79224973E-04 0.12922812E-04
2 14 0.75704333E-02 0.11027498E-02
2 15 0.17592051E-02 0.19825751E-03
3 1 -0.48300334E+00 0.11904397E-03
3 2 0.13089536E-01 0.90974651E-03
3 3 -0.27465058E-02 -0.21521911E-03
3 4 -0.66388419E-03 -0.52044797E-04
3 5 -0.56242599E-03 -0.43933541E-04
3 6 -0.25691409E-02 -0.21764504E-03
3 7 -0.28633407E-02 -0.24271999E-03
3 8 -0.43074835E-02 -0.63042448E-03
3 9 0.74290549E-02 0.10903411E-02
3 10 0.19405308E-02 0.29331589E-03
3 11 -0.13783103E-03 0.15020486E-03
3 12 -0.55535884E-05 -0.91075386E-05
3 13 0.74376515E-04 -0.11474294E-03
3 14 -0.78431587E-02 -0.11464901E-02
3 15 -0.98195457E-04 -0.13735790E-04
4 1 0.74119864E+00 -0.18269580E-03
4 2 -0.20086782E-01 -0.13960644E-02
4 3 0.39872066E-04 0.31161888E-05
4 4 -0.17660967E-02 -0.13835717E-03
4 5 0.17014569E-02 0.13309625E-03
4 6 -0.68960152E-03 -0.58508473E-04
4 7 0.92516376E-02 0.78402185E-03
4 8 0.65196437E-02 0.95847357E-03
4 9 0.37193405E-02 0.54002598E-03
4 10 0.63482197E-03 0.85663921E-04
4 11 -0.40476071E-05 0.50044866E-05
4 12 -0.13474935E-03 0.15538639E-03
4 13 0.27883229E-04 0.37263819E-04
4 14 0.12030490E-01 0.17569536E-02
4 15 0.32485459E-02 0.46814569E-03
! The 4 -th eigen state. The transition energy is: 0.72894965
The two digitals below indicate the importance of doing beyong TDA:
Components: X 1.00014; Y -0.00014
In the occ-virt project subspace the total Fxy is:
X 0.99888; Y -0.00002 total 0.99887 / 1.00000
The Chi_i_i is Total 1 2 3
0.26498369E-01 0.23269137E-02 0.20714854E-01 0.34566008E-02
Now is the components analysis of this transition.
First we print out only the principle components.
occ virt FX FY
2 2 0.88136 -0.00135
3 2 0.33580 -0.00052
4 2 -0.32420 0.00050
Now for all the calculated particle and hole pairs :
occ virt FX FY
1 1 -0.20440244E-07 -0.48670510E-07
1 2 -0.90409795E-08 -0.25747092E-07
1 3 -0.25475201E-02 -0.69355178E-03
1 4 -0.16899922E-02 -0.45684833E-03
1 5 -0.25745644E-02 -0.69747319E-03
1 6 -0.13439254E-06 -0.23938918E-06
1 7 0.48915126E-06 -0.20269195E-06
1 8 -0.30984043E-02 -0.88571441E-03
1 9 0.40574228E-02 0.11615861E-02
1 10 -0.18646180E-02 -0.53383794E-03
1 11 0.10359840E-02 0.32086534E-03
1 12 -0.31315048E-03 -0.96408441E-04
1 13 -0.35388101E-02 -0.10847197E-02
1 14 0.10382249E-05 0.28536674E-06
1 15 -0.11416803E-06 -0.18481095E-06
2 1 0.21993899E-01 -0.15676535E-02
2 2 0.88135831E+00 -0.13522484E-02
2 3 0.23313224E-02 0.17176891E-04
2 4 -0.12302399E-02 -0.91099699E-05
2 5 0.12530595E-01 0.92962428E-04
2 6 -0.24431527E-01 -0.33689461E-03
2 7 -0.12106622E-03 -0.13320809E-04
2 8 -0.17499893E-02 -0.45134775E-04
2 9 0.72404253E-04 0.12823743E-05
2 10 -0.10723495E-02 -0.26403080E-04
2 11 0.31248140E-04 0.22734665E-05
2 12 -0.16509965E-04 0.19301975E-05
2 13 -0.55396993E-04 0.24178278E-05
2 14 0.25198495E-01 0.20559420E-02
2 15 0.30959360E-02 0.25279488E-03
3 1 0.83808218E-02 -0.59736131E-03
3 2 0.33579950E+00 -0.51519225E-03
3 3 -0.49420947E-02 -0.36597402E-04
3 4 0.10279055E-01 0.76026576E-04
3 5 0.45676875E-02 0.33932440E-04
3 6 0.62463716E-02 0.86210074E-04
3 7 -0.17219348E-01 -0.23767215E-03
3 8 0.68042792E-03 0.16770863E-04
3 9 0.55832663E-03 0.16298489E-04
3 10 -0.18014666E-02 -0.45546069E-04
3 11 0.38614277E-04 -0.31695455E-05
3 12 -0.22353819E-04 -0.12501090E-05
3 13 -0.45034601E-04 0.25711972E-05
3 14 0.96117312E-02 0.78224986E-03
3 15 -0.30276247E-02 -0.24280016E-03
4 1 -0.80886236E-02 0.57689130E-03
4 2 -0.32420000E+00 0.49701118E-03
4 3 0.43271028E-02 0.32102335E-04
4 4 -0.61713224E-03 -0.45081172E-05
4 5 0.47397215E-02 0.34514668E-04
4 6 0.35132745E-01 0.48450028E-03
4 7 0.13179118E-01 0.18247572E-03
4 8 -0.96912968E-03 -0.23898097E-04
4 9 0.41160255E-03 0.12008769E-04
4 10 -0.19151265E-03 -0.76675674E-05
4 11 0.16988362E-04 -0.71421034E-05
4 12 0.64467332E-04 -0.49337976E-05
4 13 0.13954844E-03 0.12659813E-04
4 14 -0.91744960E-02 -0.74869572E-03
4 15 -0.27984547E-02 -0.22643317E-03
! The 5 -th eigen state. The transition energy is: 0.72894969
The two digitals below indicate the importance of doing beyong TDA:
Components: X 1.00014; Y -0.00014
In the occ-virt project subspace the total Fxy is:
X 0.99892; Y -0.00002 total 0.99891 / 1.00000
The Chi_i_i is Total 1 2 3
0.26478414E-01 0.55515532E-04 0.40565769E-02 0.22366321E-01
Now is the components analysis of this transition.
First we print out only the principle components.
occ virt FX FY
3 2 -0.80868 0.00124
4 2 -0.57568 0.00088
Now for all the calculated particle and hole pairs :
occ virt FX FY
1 1 -0.17171165E-06 -0.62506326E-07
1 2 -0.14364863E-06 -0.55839864E-07
1 3 -0.77979808E-03 -0.20924737E-03
1 4 -0.28828200E-02 -0.78313519E-03
1 5 0.26589364E-02 0.72064876E-03
1 6 0.49054232E-06 0.47308697E-07
1 7 -0.25236228E-07 0.20185763E-06
1 8 0.40451074E-02 0.11562641E-02
1 9 0.35121842E-02 0.10052568E-02
1 10 0.91819104E-03 0.26312145E-03
1 11 0.99532383E-03 0.30296354E-03
1 12 0.35693326E-02 0.10950920E-02
1 13 -0.23033752E-04 -0.80201222E-05
1 14 0.31015326E-06 0.11779041E-06
1 15 0.16296927E-05 0.67864402E-06
2 1 0.24036618E-02 -0.17146708E-03
2 2 0.96359768E-01 -0.14769278E-03
2 3 -0.24796686E-02 -0.18384224E-04
2 4 -0.11143495E-01 -0.82464894E-04
2 5 -0.38411997E-02 -0.28221818E-04
2 6 -0.18225102E-01 -0.25134398E-03
2 7 0.19786238E-04 0.65113317E-05
2 8 -0.26529348E-03 -0.60833826E-05
2 9 -0.15419627E-02 -0.38350831E-04
2 10 0.11582860E-02 0.29661966E-04
2 11 0.89189111E-05 -0.11224405E-05
2 12 0.19791034E-04 -0.59425106E-05
2 13 -0.42572004E-04 -0.14899394E-04
2 14 0.27092387E-02 0.22116094E-03
2 15 0.23436850E-02 0.18514375E-03
3 1 -0.20183786E-01 0.14383739E-02
3 2 -0.80868134E+00 0.12410289E-02
3 3 0.56506709E-03 0.42249645E-05
3 4 0.50055681E-02 0.37059652E-04
3 5 0.14707106E-02 0.10914506E-04
3 6 -0.31364523E-01 -0.43275149E-03
3 7 0.29748611E-01 0.41028002E-03
3 8 0.20303870E-03 0.52371877E-05
3 9 0.62834367E-03 0.14015231E-04
3 10 -0.59786174E-03 -0.15322280E-04
3 11 -0.21835281E-04 0.51138151E-05
3 12 -0.14597746E-04 0.90649183E-06
3 13 0.29642258E-04 -0.61575654E-05
3 14 -0.23195044E-01 -0.18874417E-02
3 15 0.78755522E-02 0.63305132E-03
4 1 -0.14366017E-01 0.10239362E-02
4 2 -0.57567576E+00 0.88328270E-03
4 3 -0.11500329E-01 -0.85048799E-04
4 4 -0.12892465E-03 -0.93729196E-06
4 5 0.71565100E-02 0.52805600E-04
4 6 0.31805773E-02 0.43776490E-04
4 7 0.11359469E-01 0.15687396E-03
4 8 -0.19452494E-05 -0.16901995E-05
4 9 -0.13521947E-02 -0.35023856E-04
4 10 -0.17451701E-02 -0.43794503E-04
4 11 0.14030985E-04 0.10228509E-04
4 12 -0.25218132E-04 0.10365896E-04
4 13 0.52233801E-04 0.18852433E-05
4 14 -0.16507462E-01 -0.13457500E-02
4 15 0.10733432E-02 0.83755598E-04
! The 6 -th eigen state. The transition energy is: 0.72896133
The two digitals below indicate the importance of doing beyong TDA:
Components: X 1.00014; Y -0.00014
In the occ-virt project subspace the total Fxy is:
X 0.99884; Y -0.00002 total 0.99882 / 1.00000
The Chi_i_i is Total 1 2 3
0.26305132E-01 0.23933102E-01 0.17256894E-02 0.64633987E-03
Now is the components analysis of this transition.
First we print out only the principle components.
occ virt FX FY
2 2 -0.45692 0.00071
3 2 0.47765 -0.00074
4 2 -0.74747 0.00115
Now for all the calculated particle and hole pairs :
occ virt FX FY
1 1 -0.65191413E-06 -0.16451463E-06
1 2 -0.52454290E-06 -0.14443714E-06
1 3 -0.30010543E-02 -0.83145221E-03
1 4 0.22117810E-02 0.61375041E-03
1 5 0.15167708E-02 0.42035629E-03
1 6 -0.88296687E-06 0.56337796E-07
1 7 0.17793524E-06 0.85598314E-06
1 8 -0.19778494E-02 -0.54821613E-03
1 9 0.89457646E-03 0.24992607E-03
1 10 0.51786691E-02 0.14390903E-02
1 11 0.34568079E-02 0.10756531E-02
1 12 -0.95685344E-03 -0.29806603E-03
1 13 0.10980096E-02 0.33965655E-03
1 14 -0.81369636E-06 -0.26537429E-06
1 15 -0.32005555E-06 0.26692856E-06
2 1 -0.11502102E-01 0.81941189E-03
2 2 -0.45691914E+00 0.70530702E-03
2 3 -0.23916728E-02 -0.17725383E-04
2 4 0.44303759E-02 0.32663748E-04
2 5 -0.37625497E-02 -0.27240779E-04
2 6 -0.15345624E-01 -0.21150865E-03
2 7 -0.13781681E-01 -0.26860711E-05
2 8 0.19637716E-02 0.13841845E-03
2 9 0.49365066E-03 0.37448167E-04
2 10 -0.31665388E-03 -0.24591638E-04
2 11 -0.28366938E-04 -0.25334488E-04
2 12 -0.25170345E-03 0.26170728E-04
2 13 -0.54589797E-04 -0.14221511E-04
2 14 -0.12991128E-01 -0.10544920E-02
2 15 -0.17396551E-02 -0.94475750E-04
3 1 0.12023360E-01 -0.85681073E-03
3 2 0.47765421E+00 -0.73701879E-03
3 3 -0.12271743E-01 -0.90716245E-04
3 4 -0.31570884E-02 -0.23306608E-04
3 5 -0.28638864E-02 -0.21411876E-04
3 6 0.74058610E-02 0.10210867E-03
3 7 0.87033532E-02 0.12021990E-03
3 8 0.22943925E-02 0.15919908E-03
3 9 -0.38591292E-02 -0.27198380E-03
3 10 -0.92128542E-03 -0.65095915E-04
3 11 0.48265301E-03 -0.62089716E-04
3 12 0.17534138E-04 0.88214377E-05
3 13 -0.33662275E-03 0.38478316E-04
3 14 0.13554658E-01 0.11024894E-02
3 15 0.16090865E-03 0.15053835E-04
4 1 -0.18814278E-01 0.13407778E-02
4 2 -0.74746645E+00 0.11533085E-02
4 3 0.18769753E-03 0.13773258E-05
4 4 -0.81320731E-02 -0.60156659E-04
4 5 0.78494027E-02 0.58408042E-04
4 6 0.22573517E-02 0.31126420E-04
4 7 -0.27384509E-01 -0.37787319E-03
4 8 -0.35270710E-02 -0.24729114E-03
4 9 -0.19817547E-02 -0.13469164E-03
4 10 -0.27899748E-03 -0.13957668E-04
4 11 -0.47965884E-04 -0.10897725E-05
4 12 0.55535147E-03 -0.54829394E-04
4 13 -0.78772913E-04 -0.25979587E-04
4 14 -0.21208082E-01 -0.17229173E-02
4 15 -0.43160184E-02 -0.34826203E-03
! The 7 -th eigen state. The transition energy is: 0.73626259
The two digitals below indicate the importance of doing beyong TDA:
Components: X 1.00008; Y -0.00008
In the occ-virt project subspace the total Fxy is:
X 0.99894; Y -0.00001 total 0.99892 / 1.00000
The Chi_i_i is Total 1 2 3
0.23515932E-02 0.20232929E-02 0.34906394E-04 0.29339390E-03
Now is the components analysis of this transition.
First we print out only the principle components.
occ virt FX FY
2 3 -0.10899 -0.00026
2 4 0.39145 0.00094
2 5 -0.18845 -0.00045
3 3 -0.65017 -0.00156
3 4 -0.23869 -0.00057
3 5 -0.16220 -0.00039
4 3 0.14220 0.00034
4 4 -0.41767 -0.00100
4 5 0.31001 0.00075
Now for all the calculated particle and hole pairs :
occ virt FX FY
1 1 -0.53436929E-06 -0.93471125E-07
1 2 -0.39381535E-06 -0.54699120E-07
1 3 0.20862859E-02 0.58134132E-03
1 4 -0.22232977E-02 -0.66546820E-03
1 5 -0.77294530E-03 -0.20133530E-03
1 6 0.13028509E-07 -0.97007287E-06
1 7 -0.61920966E-06 -0.12593120E-05
1 8 -0.25833648E-02 -0.74202436E-03
1 9 -0.84699731E-04 -0.29429638E-04
1 10 0.45689529E-02 0.13118563E-02
1 11 -0.24086115E-02 -0.80736552E-03
1 12 0.13194046E-02 0.48121454E-03
1 13 -0.91414361E-03 -0.32392051E-03
1 14 0.52829340E-06 0.14552403E-06
1 15 -0.47121211E-06 -0.37629664E-06
2 1 -0.20505642E-02 0.15631988E-03
2 2 0.92430903E-02 -0.60075411E-04
2 3 -0.10899189E+00 -0.26255685E-03
2 4 0.39144829E+00 0.94185963E-03
2 5 -0.18844611E+00 -0.45381651E-03
2 6 -0.18893469E-02 -0.16938595E-04
2 7 0.10310159E-01 0.33438771E-03
2 8 -0.12070971E-01 -0.57190391E-03
2 9 -0.60995047E-02 -0.32206277E-03
2 10 0.40783295E-02 0.21058730E-03
2 11 0.41777216E-03 0.62230249E-04
2 12 -0.14288786E-02 -0.23330918E-03
2 13 0.17574229E-03 0.30840449E-04
2 14 0.19560061E-02 0.13130542E-03
2 15 0.13219550E-02 -0.45093894E-04
3 1 0.26033654E-02 -0.19846029E-03
3 2 -0.12000638E-01 0.78053646E-04
3 3 -0.65017238E+00 -0.15645629E-02
3 4 -0.23869299E+00 -0.57455569E-03
3 5 -0.16220349E+00 -0.39043952E-03
3 6 0.27448671E-02 0.24499624E-04
3 7 0.47662998E-03 0.42762309E-05
3 8 -0.95339039E-02 -0.42131001E-03
3 9 0.19366651E-01 0.90303847E-03
3 10 0.28686017E-02 0.10354539E-03
3 11 0.24794689E-02 0.28056219E-03
3 12 -0.33244491E-04 0.24673865E-04
3 13 -0.19311648E-02 -0.27864717E-03
3 14 -0.23509637E-02 -0.16208193E-03
3 15 0.46296763E-03 -0.88270369E-05
4 1 -0.23896090E-02 0.18233215E-03
4 2 0.10382976E-01 -0.67810774E-04
4 3 0.14220024E+00 0.34210075E-03
4 4 -0.41766824E+00 -0.10048590E-02
4 5 0.31001307E+00 0.74614722E-03
4 6 -0.16646575E-04 -0.58117366E-06
4 7 -0.57547486E-02 -0.50731935E-04
4 8 0.15080747E-01 0.67889858E-03
4 9 0.58239926E-02 0.22723244E-03
4 10 -0.24768198E-02 -0.16482321E-03
4 11 -0.82895718E-04 -0.56721180E-04
4 12 0.27052250E-02 0.29889339E-03
4 13 0.26144231E-03 0.22453126E-04
4 14 0.21334319E-02 0.13571670E-03
4 15 0.86089504E-03 0.25612746E-04
! The 8 -th eigen state. The transition energy is: 0.73626355
The two digitals below indicate the importance of doing beyong TDA:
Components: X 1.00008; Y -0.00008
In the occ-virt project subspace the total Fxy is:
X 0.99889; Y -0.00001 total 0.99888 / 1.00000
The Chi_i_i is Total 1 2 3
0.22504681E-02 0.31851193E-03 0.95509919E-04 0.18364462E-02
Now is the components analysis of this transition.
First we print out only the principle components.
occ virt FX FY
2 3 -0.20061 -0.00048
2 4 -0.36948 -0.00089
2 5 -0.60251 -0.00145
3 4 -0.16016 -0.00039
3 5 -0.11264 -0.00027
4 3 -0.60735 -0.00146
4 5 0.20446 0.00049
Now for all the calculated particle and hole pairs :
occ virt FX FY
1 1 -0.28593726E-06 0.41201875E-07
1 2 -0.15754123E-06 0.77553811E-07
1 3 -0.30447924E-03 -0.12162059E-03
1 4 0.51167946E-03 0.19184489E-03
1 5 -0.26176004E-02 -0.90384521E-03
1 6 -0.88374581E-06 -0.16819211E-06
1 7 -0.23172422E-05 0.37179204E-06
1 8 0.42541260E-02 0.12360700E-02
1 9 0.29425465E-03 0.85278840E-04
1 10 0.24527408E-02 0.71303343E-03
1 11 -0.48631101E-03 -0.18108921E-03
1 12 -0.18614738E-02 -0.77044985E-03
1 13 -0.15986242E-02 -0.64925560E-03
1 14 -0.13972418E-05 -0.58148184E-06
1 15 -0.31998229E-06 0.40877949E-06
2 1 -0.21571402E-02 0.16439887E-03
2 2 0.10499558E-01 -0.68266127E-04
2 3 -0.20061231E+00 -0.48283184E-03
2 4 -0.36947993E+00 -0.88910664E-03
2 5 -0.60250757E+00 -0.14495325E-02
2 6 -0.25932738E-03 -0.25900564E-05
2 7 0.12960715E-02 0.12412766E-04
2 8 -0.10845496E-01 -0.62330562E-03
2 9 0.11952109E-01 0.70168713E-03
2 10 -0.15342273E-01 -0.90476695E-03
2 11 -0.61334998E-04 -0.55286429E-04
2 12 -0.97213423E-04 -0.46554172E-04
2 13 -0.38501684E-03 -0.43964822E-03
2 14 0.20664370E-02 0.16832767E-03
2 15 0.27662681E-03 -0.86954071E-05
3 1 -0.29310355E-02 0.22341187E-03
3 2 0.14548181E-01 -0.94599347E-04
3 3 0.73814815E-01 0.17733475E-03
3 4 -0.16015867E+00 -0.38537078E-03
3 5 -0.11264157E+00 -0.27088385E-03
3 6 -0.46168378E-02 -0.41090283E-04
3 7 0.60255974E-02 0.53007882E-04
3 8 0.93195365E-03 0.65434590E-04
3 9 0.17809156E-02 0.84522909E-04
3 10 -0.60327519E-02 -0.35451572E-03
3 11 0.55954004E-04 -0.85566830E-04
3 12 0.28860591E-04 0.38923842E-04
3 13 -0.17256958E-03 -0.89239772E-04
3 14 0.26838049E-02 0.24784113E-03
3 15 -0.28255223E-02 0.18345196E-03
4 1 -0.14387498E-02 0.10977524E-03
4 2 0.68715185E-02 -0.44845922E-04
4 3 -0.60734965E+00 -0.14614891E-02
4 4 -0.56750954E-01 -0.13631480E-03
4 5 0.20445624E+00 0.49194854E-03
4 6 -0.33030497E-02 -0.29340927E-04
4 7 -0.73838298E-03 -0.66887682E-05
4 8 -0.34301159E-02 -0.21643597E-03
4 9 0.14494584E-01 0.84217158E-03
4 10 0.12576728E-01 0.73797853E-03
4 11 0.33396922E-03 0.37563403E-03
4 12 0.25713576E-03 0.81902044E-04
4 13 -0.99428487E-04 -0.78494651E-04
4 14 0.13584230E-02 0.11162045E-03
4 15 -0.66269457E-03 0.52934024E-04
! The 9 -th eigen state. The transition energy is: 0.73626468
The two digitals below indicate the importance of doing beyong TDA:
Components: X 1.00008; Y -0.00008
In the occ-virt project subspace the total Fxy is:
X 0.99887; Y -0.00001 total 0.99886 / 1.00000
The Chi_i_i is Total 1 2 3
0.22462783E-02 0.19134145E-05 0.21203911E-02 0.12397374E-03
Now is the components analysis of this transition.
First we print out only the principle components.
occ virt FX FY
2 4 0.35662 0.00086
2 5 -0.35907 -0.00086
3 3 0.30741 0.00074
3 4 -0.55563 -0.00134
3 5 -0.21101 -0.00051
4 3 0.18227 0.00044
4 4 0.10734 0.00026
4 5 -0.49885 -0.00120
Now for all the calculated particle and hole pairs :
occ virt FX FY
1 1 0.65479000E-08 -0.60359518E-07
1 2 -0.25165772E-07 -0.60017389E-07
1 3 -0.20674301E-02 -0.70065165E-03
1 4 -0.16871277E-02 -0.62875046E-03
1 5 -0.71670942E-04 -0.43622240E-04
1 6 -0.63080998E-06 -0.12896968E-06
1 7 -0.23297469E-06 -0.46631026E-06
1 8 0.35481930E-03 0.10164547E-03
1 9 -0.49343368E-02 -0.14265608E-02
1 10 -0.41767824E-04 -0.93983961E-05
1 11 0.14317195E-02 0.55353018E-03
1 12 0.11147049E-02 0.47777051E-03
1 13 -0.17101435E-02 -0.72420657E-03
1 14 -0.16002989E-05 -0.52739321E-06
1 15 -0.10777069E-05 -0.85773494E-06
2 1 -0.25946104E-02 0.19765142E-03
2 2 0.12911460E-01 -0.83988120E-04
2 3 0.62328232E-02 0.14735658E-04
2 4 0.35661984E+00 0.85822207E-03
2 5 -0.35907114E+00 -0.86321837E-03
2 6 0.54688500E-02 0.47620035E-04
2 7 -0.18131089E-02 -0.59827608E-04
2 8 -0.12703769E-01 -0.80119011E-03
2 9 -0.74902504E-02 -0.46301884E-03
2 10 -0.16650069E-02 -0.10258650E-03
2 11 -0.16603948E-03 -0.30914660E-04
2 12 -0.68149972E-04 -0.29797538E-03
2 13 -0.14564258E-03 -0.31459555E-04
2 14 0.23444333E-02 0.21173600E-03
2 15 0.11663273E-02 -0.78751832E-04
3 1 0.50555261E-03 -0.38613420E-04
3 2 -0.26422643E-02 0.17269057E-04
3 3 0.30741353E+00 0.73958857E-03
3 4 -0.55563361E+00 -0.13366658E-02
3 5 -0.21101193E+00 -0.50751454E-03
3 6 0.20663603E-02 0.18219921E-04
3 7 -0.96080366E-03 -0.82849926E-05
3 8 0.77784492E-02 0.45072968E-03
3 9 0.47949472E-02 0.33480025E-03
3 10 -0.17545267E-01 -0.10600615E-02
3 11 -0.68615276E-03 -0.26793583E-03
3 12 0.20162366E-03 0.19616702E-03
3 13 0.93785313E-04 -0.21274447E-03
3 14 -0.52526414E-03 -0.49011094E-04
3 15 0.79869333E-03 -0.58201794E-04
4 1 0.28906170E-02 -0.22014920E-03
4 2 -0.13911982E-01 0.90163465E-04
4 3 0.18226662E+00 0.43882921E-03
4 4 0.10734258E+00 0.25850672E-03
4 5 -0.49885330E+00 -0.11998769E-02
4 6 -0.49576076E-02 -0.43297559E-04
4 7 -0.19452700E-02 -0.17233065E-04
4 8 -0.96739217E-02 -0.55328741E-03
4 9 -0.62364103E-02 -0.35470890E-03
4 10 -0.11052932E-01 -0.67039186E-03
4 11 -0.20732332E-03 -0.19176430E-03
4 12 -0.58179973E-03 -0.21248275E-03
4 13 -0.24922126E-03 -0.13699121E-03
4 14 -0.25337298E-02 -0.22409787E-03
4 15 -0.53921047E-03 0.34287527E-04
! The 10 -th eigen state. The transition energy is: 0.73687479
The two digitals below indicate the importance of doing beyong TDA:
Components: X 1.00004; Y -0.00004
In the occ-virt project subspace the total Fxy is:
X 0.99923; Y -0.00001 total 0.99921 / 1.00000
The Chi_i_i is Total 1 2 3
0.81497370E-09 0.79954963E-09 0.36003220E-13 0.15388074E-10
Now is the components analysis of this transition.
First we print out only the principle components.
occ virt FX FY
2 3 -0.23356 -0.00047
2 4 -0.37422 -0.00075
3 4 -0.43050 -0.00086
3 5 0.61102 0.00122
4 3 0.44844 0.00089
4 5 0.18867 0.00038
Now for all the calculated particle and hole pairs :
occ virt FX FY
1 1 0.42675731E-06 0.14334389E-06
1 2 -0.56403694E-06 -0.19912430E-06
1 3 -0.26837214E-05 0.79724983E-07
1 4 0.16261712E-05 -0.33422101E-06
1 5 0.17806893E-06 -0.41721935E-06
1 6 0.17904678E-02 0.56412435E-03
1 7 -0.10412243E-02 -0.32787860E-03
1 8 0.16041060E-05 0.64958564E-06
1 9 -0.12288190E-06 0.26740471E-06
1 10 -0.33554602E-05 -0.11550845E-05
1 11 0.32537768E-05 0.12891800E-07
1 12 0.21706596E-05 0.11654562E-05
1 13 0.10241036E-04 0.32013657E-05
1 14 0.75287516E-05 0.26216894E-05
1 15 -0.18901226E-02 -0.65178045E-03
2 1 0.10178189E-05 -0.91234362E-07
2 2 0.14078268E-05 0.22556313E-07
2 3 -0.23355988E+00 -0.46515130E-03
2 4 -0.37421646E+00 -0.74518436E-03
2 5 -0.74230638E-01 -0.14787694E-03
2 6 0.33627436E-05 0.13056392E-06
2 7 -0.91475460E-04 -0.28039173E-05
2 8 -0.41764071E-03 -0.33408236E-04
2 9 -0.11365655E-01 -0.84105072E-03
2 10 0.34868763E-02 0.25872874E-03
2 11 0.40829797E-02 0.22298564E-03
2 12 0.84637134E-02 0.46319676E-03
2 13 -0.12557465E-01 -0.68623352E-03
2 14 0.21032598E-04 -0.12337363E-05
2 15 -0.27893275E-04 -0.80015464E-06
3 1 -0.14745926E-05 0.80028031E-07
3 2 -0.72607468E-05 -0.12846156E-07
3 3 0.39373918E-01 0.78404749E-04
3 4 -0.43049818E+00 -0.85735998E-03
3 5 0.61102172E+00 0.12167707E-02
3 6 0.77334061E-05 0.46676405E-07
3 7 -0.26495976E-04 -0.38657172E-07
3 8 -0.17949300E-01 -0.13276753E-02
3 9 -0.73465956E-02 -0.54284570E-03
3 10 -0.45334657E-02 -0.33420227E-03
3 11 0.32158587E-02 0.17577855E-03
3 12 0.24991172E-01 0.13665800E-02
3 13 0.74630943E-02 0.40700586E-03
3 14 0.19676843E-05 0.15817417E-05
3 15 -0.36639860E-04 -0.70313745E-06
4 1 0.19202010E-05 -0.98826539E-07
4 2 0.10575418E-05 -0.52399323E-07
4 3 0.44844355E+00 0.89291093E-03
4 4 -0.16131878E-01 -0.32182549E-04
4 5 0.18866936E+00 0.37564102E-03
4 6 0.24899180E-05 0.24579460E-07
4 7 -0.11850232E-04 -0.20069768E-07
4 8 -0.95930056E-02 -0.70838561E-03
4 9 0.82464801E-02 0.60984644E-03
4 10 0.27827637E-02 0.20628999E-03
4 11 -0.12270121E-01 -0.67151605E-03
4 12 0.53080953E-02 0.29152706E-03
4 13 0.10667515E-01 0.58211539E-03
4 14 0.18325000E-04 0.10262624E-05
4 15 -0.58865795E-05 -0.56913322E-06
Now generate the eigenvalues list...
Now generate the spectrum plot file...
Finished linear response calculation...
lr_dav_main : 2.65s CPU 2.69s WALL ( 1 calls)
read_wf : 0.00s CPU 0.01s WALL ( 1 calls)
lr_solve_e : 0.06s CPU 0.06s WALL ( 1 calls)
calc_residue : 0.04s CPU 0.04s WALL ( 4 calls)
expan_basis : 0.14s CPU 0.15s WALL ( 3 calls)
matrix : 0.00s CPU 0.00s WALL ( 4 calls)
mGS_orth : 0.13s CPU 0.13s WALL ( 9 calls)
mGS_orth_pp : 0.00s CPU 0.00s WALL ( 9 calls)
one_step : 2.25s CPU 2.24s WALL ( 4 calls)
lr_apply : 2.14s CPU 2.13s WALL ( 114 calls)
lr_apply_int : 2.05s CPU 2.05s WALL ( 57 calls)
lr_apply_no : 0.09s CPU 0.08s WALL ( 57 calls)
h_psi : 0.21s CPU 0.21s WALL ( 156 calls)
lr_calc_dens : 0.06s CPU 0.06s WALL ( 57 calls)
lr_dvpsi_e : 0.06s CPU 0.06s WALL ( 3 calls)
lr_dv_setup : 0.00s CPU 0.00s WALL ( 1 calls)
dv_of_drho : 0.10s CPU 0.10s WALL ( 57 calls)
interaction : 0.04s CPU 0.05s WALL ( 57 calls)
lr_dot : 0.10s CPU 0.09s WALL ( 12428 calls)
ortho : 0.01s CPU 0.01s WALL ( 120 calls)
lr_ortho : 0.00s CPU 0.00s WALL ( 97 calls)
US routines
lr_dot_us : 0.19s CPU 0.19s WALL ( 12428 calls)
lr_sm1_psi : 0.00s CPU 0.00s WALL ( 114 calls)
General routines
calbec : 0.00s CPU 0.00s WALL ( 204 calls)
fft : 1.05s CPU 1.08s WALL ( 1554 calls)
fftw : 0.23s CPU 0.24s WALL ( 848 calls)
interpolate : 0.00s CPU 0.00s WALL ( 57 calls)
davcio : 0.00s CPU 0.00s WALL ( 5 calls)
Parallel routines
Environ routines
calc_velect : 1.31s CPU 1.31s WALL ( 116 calls)
dielectric : 0.00s CPU 0.00s WALL ( 4 calls)
calc_vsolven : 1.74s CPU 1.73s WALL ( 57 calls)
turboTDDFT : 2.65s CPU 2.69s WALL
This run was terminated on: 11:54:11 7Sep2018