
87 lines
2.6 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine syme2 (dvsym)
!! This routine symmetrizes the second order derivative of a scalar
!! function read in input, with respect to electric field perturbations.
!! The function in input has only the six independent components.
!! The correspondence between the six components and the matrix elements of
!! the symmetric 3x3 tensor are given by the common variables: \(\text{jab};
!! \text{a1j}; \text{a2j}\).
use kinds, only : DP
USE fft_base, ONLY: dfftp
USE symm_base, ONLY: nsym, s, ft
USE ramanm, ONLY: jab
implicit none
complex(DP) :: dvsym(dfftp%nr1x,dfftp%nr2x,dfftp%nr3x,6)
!! see main comment.
! ... local variables
complex(DP), allocatable :: aux(:,:,:,:)
! the function to symmetrize
! auxiliary space
integer :: ftau(3,nsym), s_scaled(3,3,nsym)
integer :: ix, jx, kx, ri, rj, rk, irot, ip, jp, lp, mp
! define a real-space point on the grid
! the rotated points
! counter on symmetries
! counter on polarizations
if (nsym.eq.1) return
allocate (aux(dfftp%nr1x , dfftp%nr2x , dfftp%nr3x , 6))
do ip = 1, 6
call zcopy (dfftp%nr1x * dfftp%nr2x * dfftp%nr3x, dvsym (1, 1, 1, ip), &
1, aux (1, 1, 1, ip), 1)
dvsym (:,:,:,:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
! symmmetrize
CALL scale_sym_ops( nsym, s, ft, dfftp%nr1, dfftp%nr2, dfftp%nr3, &
s_scaled, ftau )
do kx = 1, dfftp%nr3
do jx = 1, dfftp%nr2
do ix = 1, dfftp%nr1
do irot = 1, nsym
CALL rotate_grid_point(s_scaled(1,1,irot), ftau(1,irot), &
ix, jx, kx, dfftp%nr1, dfftp%nr2, dfftp%nr3, ri, rj, rk)
do ip = 1, 3
do jp = 1, ip
do lp = 1, 3
do mp = 1, 3
dvsym (ix, jx, kx, jab (ip, jp)) = &
dvsym (ix, jx, kx, jab (ip, jp)) + &
DBLE (s (ip, lp, irot))* &
DBLE (s (jp, mp, irot))* &
aux (ri, rj, rk, jab(lp, mp))
do ip = 1, 6
call dscal (2 * dfftp%nr1x * dfftp%nr2x * dfftp%nr3x, 1.d0 / DBLE (nsym), &
dvsym (1, 1, 1, ip), 1)
deallocate (aux)
end subroutine syme2