
104 lines
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! Copyright (C) 2001-2010 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine sym_and_write_zue
!! Symmetrize the effective charges in the U-E case (Us=scf,E=bare)
!! and write them on \(\text{iudyn}\) and standard output.
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE ions_base, ONLY : nat, zv, atm, ityp
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE cell_base, ONLY : at, bg
USE symme, ONLY : symtensor
USE efield_mod, ONLY : zstarue, zstarue0
USE modes, ONLY : u
USE ph_restart, ONLY : ph_writefile
USE control_ph, ONLY : zue, done_zue, xmldyn
USE units_ph, ONLY : iudyn
implicit none
integer :: ipol, jpol, icart, jcart, na, nu, mu, ierr
! counter on polarization
! counter on cartesian coordinates
! counter on atoms and modes
! counter on modes
real(DP) :: work (3, 3, nat)
! auxiliary space (note the order of indices)
IF (.NOT.zue.OR.done_zue) RETURN
zstarue(:,:,:) = 0.d0
do jcart = 1, 3
do mu = 1, 3 * nat
na = (mu - 1) / 3 + 1
icart = mu - 3 * (na - 1)
do nu = 1, 3 * nat
zstarue (icart, na, jcart) = zstarue (icart, na, jcart) + &
u (mu, nu) * zstarue0 (nu, jcart)
! copy to work (a vector with E-U index order) and transform to
! cartesian axis (NOTA BENE: the E index is in crystal axis)
work(:,:,:) = 0.d0
do jcart = 1, 3
do icart = 1, 3
work (jcart,icart,:) = zstarue(icart,:,1) * bg(jcart,1) + &
zstarue(icart,:,2) * bg(jcart,2) + &
zstarue(icart,:,3) * bg(jcart,3)
! symmetrize
call symtensor (nat, work)
! back to U-E ordering
do icart = 1, 3
do jcart = 1, 3
zstarue (icart, :, jcart) = work (jcart, icart, :)
! add the diagonal part
do ipol = 1, 3
do na = 1, nat
zstarue (ipol, na, ipol) = zstarue (ipol, na, ipol) + zv (ityp (na) )
! write Z_{s,alpha}{beta} on iudyn
IF (.NOT. xmldyn) THEN
write (iudyn, '(/5x, &
& "Effective Charges U-E: Z_{s,alpha}{beta}",/)')
do na = 1, nat
write (iudyn, '(5x,"atom # ",i4)') na
write (iudyn, '(3e24.12)') ( (zstarue (ipol, na, jpol) , jpol = 1, &
3) , ipol = 1, 3)
! write Z_{s,alpha}{beta} on standard output
CALL summarize_zue()
CALL ph_writefile('tensors', 0, 0, ierr)
end subroutine sym_and_write_zue