
1220 lines
40 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
! License. See the file `LICENSE' in the root directory of the
! present distribution, or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft.gpl.txt .
PROGRAM dvscf_q2r
!! dvscf_q2r.x
!! Fourier transform the dvscf computed at coarse q points to real space.
!! Originally proposed by [1]. For charge neutrality correction see [2].
!! Dipole long-range part described in [3].
!! Quadrupole long-range part described in [4] (not implemented here).
!! Author: Jae-Mo Lihm
!! Input data: Namelist "input"
!! prefix : Prepended to input/output filenames; must be the same used
!! in the calculation of the phonon code.
!! (character, Default: 'pwscf')
!! outdir : Directory containing input, output, and scratch files; must
!! be the same as specified in the calculation of ph.x.
!! (character, Default: value of the ESPRESSO_TMPDIR environment
!! variable if set; current directory ('./') otherwise)
!! fildyn : File where the dynamical matrix is written. Normally, this
!! should be the same as specified on the input to ph.x.
!! Only "fildyn"0 is used here.
!! (character, Must be specified)
!! fildvscf : File where the potential variation is written. This should be
!! the same as specified on the input to ph.x.
!! (character, Default: 'dvscf')
!! wpot_dir : Directory where the w_pot binary files are written. Real space
!! potential files are stored in wpot_dir with names
!! prefix.wpot.irc$irc//"1".
!! (character, Default: outdir // 'w_pot/')
!! do_long_range : If .true., subtract the long-range part of the potential
!! before interpolation. Requires epsilon and Born effective
!! charge data in _ph0/prefix.phsave/tensor.xml.
!! (logical, Default: .false.)
!! do_charge_neutral : If .true., renormalize phonon potential to impose
!! neutrality of Born effective charges. See [2] for
!! details. Both the Hartree and exchange-correlation
!! parts are renormalized, while in [2] only the
!! Hartree part is renormalized.
!! (logical, Default: .false.)
!! verbosity : If 'high', write more information to stdout. Used by the
!! test-suite.
!! (character, Default: 'default'. Only 'high' is allowed.)
!! [1] A. Eiguren and C. Ambrosch-Draxl, PRB 78, 045124 (2008)
!! [2] S. Ponce et al, J. Chem. Phys. 143, 102813 (2015)
!! [3] Xavier Gonze et al, Comput. Phys. Commun. 248 107042 (2020)
!! [4] Guillaume Brunin et al, arXiv:2002.00628 (2020)
!! Not implemented for the following cases:
!! - PAW
!! - DFPT+U
!! - magnetism (both collinear and noncollinear magnetism)
!! - 2d Coulomb cutoff
!! dvscf = dvscf_ind + dvscf_bare (All are lattice periodic.)
!! dvscf_ind: computed in the ph.x run, read from files.
!! dvscf_bare: computed on the fly by subroutine calc_dvscf_bare.
!! All potentials are computed in the Cartesian basis of atomic displacements.
!! * Charge neutrality correction
!! If the sum of Born effective charge zeu is not zero, the potential has
!! has non-physical divergence around q = Gamma. To correct this problem,
!! renormalize the Hartree term by a q-dependent constant factor.
!! Since the dvscf file contains the sum of Hartree and xc contribution,
!! we renormalize the xc term as well as the Hartree term.
!! To renormalize only the Hartree term, one need to read drho and
!! compute the corresponding dvscf.
!! dvscf_ind_ren(q,iat,idir) = dvscf_ind(q,iat,idir) * coeff
!! coeff = ( Z*q_idir - sum_jdir (Z* - Z*avg)_{idir,jdir} * q_jdir / epsil_q )
!! / ( Z*q_idir - sum_jdir (Z*)_{idir,jdir} * q_jdir / epsil_q )
!! epsil_q = 1/q^2 * (q.T * epsil * q): dielectric constant
!! Z = upf(nt)%zp: bare valence charge of the atom iat
!! Z*(:,:) = zeu(:,:,iat): Born effective charge. Read from fildyn
!! Z*avg(:,:) = 1 / nat * sum_jatm zeu(:,:,jatm): average zeu
!! * Long-range part correction
!! dvlong: long-range part. Subtracted for smooth Fourier interpolation.
!! Taken from Eq.(13) of Ref. [3]
!! dvlong(G,q)_{a,x} = 1j * 4pi / Omega
!! * [ (q+G)_y * Zstar_{a,yx} * exp(-i*(q+G)*tau_a)) ]
!! / [ (q+G)_y * epsilon_yz * (q+G)_z ]
!! a: atom index, x, y: Cartesian direction index
!! w_pot(r,R) = 1/N_q * sum_q exp(-iqR) exp(iqr) (dvscf(r,q) - dvlong(r,q))
!! w_pot are computed and written to file.
!! Later, dvtot at fine q points can be computed as
!! dvscf(r,q) = exp(-iqr) (dvlong(r,q) + sum_R exp(iqR) w_pot(r,R))
!! Only the dipole (Frohlich) potential is considered. The quadrupole
!! potential [4] is not implemented.
!! * Parallelization
!! We use PW and pool parallelization.
!! Here, the pool parallelization is for the q points, not for the k points.
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE constants, ONLY : tpi
USE mp, ONLY : mp_bcast, mp_sum
USE mp_images, ONLY : my_image_id
USE mp_world, ONLY : world_comm
USE mp_global, ONLY : mp_startup, mp_global_end
USE mp_pools, ONLY : root_pool, me_pool, my_pool_id, inter_pool_comm, &
npool, intra_pool_comm
USE scatter_mod, ONLY : gather_grid
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode_id, ionode, stdout
USE io_files, ONLY : tmp_dir, prefix, diropn, create_directory
USE environment, ONLY : environment_start, environment_end
USE ions_base, ONLY : ntyp => nsp, nat, ityp
USE cell_base, ONLY : at, bg
USE fft_base, ONLY : dfftp
USE lsda_mod, ONLY : nspin
USE noncollin_module, ONLY : nspin_mag
USE uspp, ONLY : nlcc_any
USE paw_variables, ONLY : okpaw
USE eqv, ONLY : vlocq
USE qpoint, ONLY : eigqts
USE output, ONLY : fildyn
USE uspp_param, ONLY : upf
USE control_ph, ONLY : tmp_dir_ph
USE ph_restart, ONLY : ph_readfile
USE efield_mod, ONLY : zstareu, zstarue, zstarue0, zstareu0, epsilon
USE dvscf_interpolate, ONLY : dvscf_shift_center, dvscf_bare_calc, &
dvscf_long_range, multiply_iqr
! Input variables
CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: outdir
!! Directory containing input, output, and scratch files
CHARACTER(80) :: verbosity
!! if 'high', verbose output
LOGICAL :: do_charge_neutral
!! Renormalize dvscf to impose neutrality of Born effective charges
LOGICAL :: do_long_range
!! Subtract the long-range part of the potential before interpolation
CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: fildvscf
!! file where the potential variation is written
CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: wpot_dir
!! folder where w_pot binary files are written
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: wpot_file
!! filename of the w_pot binary file
LOGICAL :: verbose
!! if verbosity == 'high', set to .true.
LOGICAL :: exst
!! on output of diropn, exst is .True. if opened file already exists
LOGICAL :: needwf = .FALSE.
!! do not need to read wavefunction data
LOGICAL :: xmldyn
!! is fildyn xml format
INTEGER :: iq, iq1, iq2, iq3, irc, irc1, irc2, irc3, imode, lrwpot, rest, &
ierr, iat, idir, nt, is
!! indices
INTEGER :: nq1, nq2, nq3
!! Shape of the coarse q grid where ph.x calculation is done
INTEGER :: nqirr
!! number of irreducible q points computed in ph.x
INTEGER :: nqtot
!! nqtot = nq1 * nq2 * nq3
INTEGER :: ios
!! io status
! Pool parallelization of q points
INTEGER :: nqlocal
!! Numebr of q points to compute in given pool
INTEGER :: nqbase
!! Given pool reads nqbase + 1 to nqbase + nqlocal q points from dfile_dir
!! Index map from local q points (1 ~ nqlocal) to global q points
LOGICAL :: shift_half(3)
!! true when the center of the supercell is at (0.5).
INTEGER :: rlatt(3)
!! Real space unit cell index for w_pot
INTEGER :: iun
!! Unit for reading files
INTEGER :: iunrlatt
!! Unit for writing rlatt.txt file
INTEGER :: iunwpot
!! Unit for writing w_pot binary file
REAL(DP) :: epsil(3,3)
!! dynamical matrix, read from fildyn
REAL(DP) :: arg, xq_cart(3), w_pot_sum(3), coeff, epsil_q, zeu_avg(3, 3)
COMPLEX(DP) :: phase
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: xqirr(:, :)
!! (3, nqirr) irreducible q points computed in ph.x, in Cartesian corrdinate
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: zeu(:,:,:)
!! Born effective charge tensor, read from fildyn
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: xqs_cry_global(:, :)
!! (3, nqtot) coarse grid for phonon calculations, in crystal coordinate
! (dfftp%nnr) auxiliary variable for multiplying exp(iqr)
COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: dvscf(:, :, :, :)
!! (dfftp%nnr, nspin_mag, 3*nat, nqtot) Total (bare + induced) perturbed
!! potential.
COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: w_pot(:, :, :)
!! (dfftp%nnr, nspin_mag, 3*nat) Fourier transformed potential in real space.
!! Computed at one unit cell index R at a time to save memory.
COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: w_pot_gathered(:, :)
!! (dfftp%nnr, nspin_mag) Temporary storage for gathered w_pot
COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: dvscf_bare(:, :, :)
!! (dfftp%nnr, nspin_mag, 3*nat) Temporary storage foir the bare potential.
COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: dvscf_long(:, :, :)
!! (dfftp%nnr, nspin_mag, 3*nat) Temporary storage foir the long-range potential.
INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: find_free_unit
CHARACTER(LEN=256), EXTERNAL :: trimcheck
CHARACTER(len=6), EXTERNAL :: int_to_char
NAMELIST / input / prefix, outdir, wpot_dir, do_long_range, fildvscf, &
do_charge_neutral, fildyn, verbosity
CALL mp_startup()
CALL environment_start('DVSCF_Q2R')
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Reading input arguments
! Default values of input arguments
IF (ionode) CALL input_from_file()
prefix = 'pwscf'
CALL get_environment_variable( 'ESPRESSO_TMPDIR', outdir )
IF ( TRIM( outdir ) == ' ' ) outdir = './'
do_charge_neutral = .FALSE.
do_long_range = .FALSE.
fildyn = ''
wpot_dir = ' '
fildvscf = 'dvscf'
verbosity = 'default'
! Read input file
IF (ionode) READ (5, input, IOSTAT=ios)
CALL mp_bcast(ios, ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL errore('dvscf_q2r','error reading input namelist', ABS(ios))
! Broadcast input arguments
CALL mp_bcast(prefix, ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(outdir, ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(do_charge_neutral, ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(do_long_range, ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(fildyn, ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(wpot_dir, ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(fildvscf, ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(verbosity, ionode_id, world_comm)
! Check input arguments validity
IF (fildyn == '') CALL errore('dvscf_q2r', 'fildyn must be specified', 1)
IF (wpot_dir == ' ') wpot_dir = TRIM(outdir) // "/w_pot/"
tmp_dir = trimcheck(outdir)
wpot_dir = trimcheck(wpot_dir)
tmp_dir_ph = trimcheck(TRIM(tmp_dir) // '_ph' // int_to_char(my_image_id))
xmldyn = has_xml(fildyn)
IF (TRIM(verbosity) == 'high') THEN
verbose = .TRUE.
verbose = .FALSE.
! Create output directory
CALL create_directory(wpot_dir)
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Read xml data. Do not need wavefunction information.
needwf = .FALSE.
CALL read_file_new(needwf)
IF (nspin_mag /= 1) CALL errore('dvscf_q2r', 'magnetism not implemented', 1)
IF (nspin == 2) CALL errore('dvscf_q2r', 'LSDA magnetism not implemented', 1)
IF (okpaw) CALL errore('dvscf_q2r', 'PAW not implemented', 1)
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Read nq1, nq2, nq3, and irreducible q points from fildyn0
IF (ionode) THEN
WRITE(stdout,'(/,4x," Reading grid info from file ",a)') TRIM(fildyn)//'0'
iun = find_free_unit()
OPEN(UNIT=iun, FILE=TRIM(fildyn)//'0', STATUS='old', FORM='formatted', &
IF (ios /= 0) CALL errore('dvscf_q2r', 'problem opening fildyn0', ios)
READ(iun, *) nq1, nq2, nq3
READ(iun, *) nqirr
ALLOCATE(xqirr(3, nqirr))
DO iq = 1, nqirr
READ(iun, *) xqirr(:, iq)
CLOSE(UNIT=iun, STATUS='keep')
CALL mp_bcast(nq1, ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(nq2, ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(nq3, ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(nqirr, ionode_id, world_comm)
IF (.NOT. ionode) ALLOCATE(xqirr(3, nqirr))
CALL mp_bcast(xqirr, ionode_id, world_comm)
nqtot = nq1 * nq2 * nq3
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Read tensors.xml file for epsilon and Born effective charge
IF (do_charge_neutral .OR. do_long_range) THEN
ALLOCATE(zeu(3, 3, nat))
WRITE(stdout, *)
WRITE(stdout, '(5x,a)') 'Reading epsilon and Born effective charge from file'
! These arrays must be set to call ph_readfile
ALLOCATE(zstareu (3, 3, nat))
ALLOCATE(zstareu0(3, 3 * nat))
ALLOCATE(zstarue (3 , nat, 3))
ALLOCATE(zstarue0(3 * nat, 3))
CALL ph_readfile('tensors', 0, 0, ierr)
IF (ierr == 0) THEN
zeu = zstareu
epsil = epsilon
CALL errore('dvscf_q2r', &
'problem reading epsilon and zeu from tensors.xml', ierr)
! Write zeu and epsil to file. To be read in dvscf_r2q
IF (ionode) THEN
iun = find_free_unit()
OPEN(iun, FILE=TRIM(wpot_dir)//'tensors.dat', FORM='formatted', &
ACTION='write', IOSTAT=ios)
IF (ios /= 0) CALL errore('dvscf_q2r', &
'problem opening tensors.dat file for writing zeu and epsil', ios)
WRITE(iun, *) '# dielectric constant epsil and Born effective charge zeu'
WRITE(iun, *) epsil
WRITE(iun, *) zeu
WRITE(stdout, '(5x,a)') 'Done reading epsilon and Born effective charge'
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Determine q point parallelization parameters
! Adapted from PW/divide_et_impera.f90
IF (npool == 1) THEN
nqbase = 0
nqlocal = nqtot
nqlocal = nqtot / npool
rest = nqtot - nqlocal * npool
IF ( my_pool_id < rest ) nqlocal = nqlocal + 1
! nqbase: the position in the list of the first point that belongs to this
! pool, minus one
nqbase = nqlocal * my_pool_id
IF ( my_pool_id >= rest ) nqbase = nqbase + rest
! Define map of local q point index to global q point index
DO iq = 1, nqlocal
iq_l2g(iq) = iq + nqbase
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Set the coarse q grid points
ALLOCATE(xqs_cry_global(3, nqtot))
iq = 0
DO iq3 = 0, nq3 - 1
DO iq2 = 0, nq2 - 1
DO iq1 = 0, nq1 - 1
iq = iq + 1
xqs_cry_global(1, iq) = REAL(iq1, DP) / REAL(nq1, DP)
xqs_cry_global(2, iq) = REAL(iq2, DP) / REAL(nq2, DP)
xqs_cry_global(3, iq) = REAL(iq3, DP) / REAL(nq3, DP)
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Allocate dvscf
WRITE(stdout, *)
WRITE(stdout, '(5x,a,3I8)') "Allocating dvscf, shape", dfftp%nnr, nat*3, nqlocal
ALLOCATE(dvscf(dfftp%nnr, nspin_mag, nat*3, nqlocal))
dvscf = (0.d0, 0.d0)
WRITE(stdout, '(5x,a)') "Done allocating dvscf"
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Read dvscf files (induced part)
WRITE(stdout, *)
WRITE(stdout, '(5x,a)') "Reading and rotating dvscf files (induced part of dvscf)"
CALL read_rotate_dvscf()
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Renormalize induced part of dvscf for charge neutrality
IF (do_charge_neutral) THEN
WRITE(stdout, *)
WRITE(stdout, '(5x,a)') "Renormalize induced part of dvscf for charge neutrality"
zeu_avg = 0.d0
DO iat = 1, nat
zeu_avg = zeu_avg + zeu(:, :, iat)
zeu_avg = zeu_avg / REAL(nat, DP)
DO iq = 1, nqlocal
xq_cart = xqs_cry_global(:, iq_l2g(iq))
CALL cryst_to_cart(1, xq_cart, bg, +1)
! Skip q = Gamma
IF (SUM(ABS(xq_cart)) < 1.d-5) CYCLE
! epsil_q = 1/q^2 * (q.T * epsil * q)
epsil_q = 0.d0
DO idir = 1, 3
epsil_q = epsil_q + xq_cart(idir) * SUM(epsil(idir,:) * xq_cart(:))
epsil_q = epsil_q / SUM(xq_cart * xq_cart)
DO imode = 1, 3 * nat
iat = (imode - 1) / 3 + 1
idir = imode - 3 * (iat - 1)
nt = ityp(iat)
! Skip if xq_cart is orthonormal to atomic displacement
IF (ABS(xq_cart(idir)) < 1.d-5) CYCLE
!! coeff = ( Z*q_i - sum_j (Z* - Z*avg)_{i,j} * q(j) / epsil_q )
!! / ( Z*q_i - sum_j (Z*)_{i,j} * q_j / epsil_q )
coeff = ( upf(nt)%zp * xq_cart(idir) &
- SUM((zeu(idir,:,iat)-zeu_avg(idir,:)) * xq_cart(:)) / epsil_q ) &
/ ( upf(nt)%zp * xq_cart(idir) &
- SUM(zeu(idir,:,iat) * xq_cart(:)) / epsil_q )
dvscf(:, :, imode, iq) = dvscf(:, :, imode, iq) * coeff
ENDDO ! imode
ENDDO ! iq
WRITE(stdout, '(5x,a)') "Charge neutrality done"
ENDIF ! do_charge_neutral
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Compute bare part
WRITE(stdout, *)
WRITE(stdout, '(5x,a)') "Computing bare part of dvscf"
CALL start_clock('dvscf_bare')
ALLOCATE(dvscf_bare(dfftp%nnr, nspin_mag, nat*3))
DO iq = 1, nqlocal
WRITE (stdout, '(i8)', ADVANCE='no') iq
IF(MOD(iq, 10) == 0 ) WRITE(stdout,*)
xq_cart = xqs_cry_global(:, iq_l2g(iq))
CALL cryst_to_cart(1, xq_cart, bg, +1)
! Need to do some initializations before computing dvscf_bare
CALL init_phq_dvscf_q2r(xq_cart)
CALL dvscf_bare_calc(xq_cart, dvscf_bare, .FALSE.)
dvscf(:,:,:,iq) = dvscf(:,:,:,iq) + dvscf_bare(:,:,:)
CALL stop_clock('dvscf_bare')
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Subtract long-range part (dipole potential) from
! When charge neutrality renormalization is done, zeu must be modified
IF (do_long_range) THEN
WRITE(stdout, *)
WRITE(stdout, '(5x,a)') "Computing and subtracting long-range part of dvscf"
IF (do_charge_neutral) THEN
DO iat = 1, nat
zeu(:,:,iat) = zeu(:,:,iat) - zeu_avg
ALLOCATE(dvscf_long(dfftp%nnr, nspin_mag, nat*3))
DO iq = 1, nqlocal
xq_cart = xqs_cry_global(:, iq_l2g(iq))
CALL cryst_to_cart(1, xq_cart, bg, +1)
CALL dvscf_long_range(xq_cart, zeu, epsil, dvscf_long)
dvscf(:,:,:,iq) = dvscf(:,:,:,iq) - dvscf_long(:,:,:)
WRITE(stdout, '(5x,a)') "Long-range part done"
ENDIF ! do_long_range
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Shift center of the potential from tau to the center of the supercell
shift_half(1) = ( MOD(nq1, 2) == 1 )
shift_half(2) = ( MOD(nq2, 2) == 1 )
shift_half(3) = ( MOD(nq3, 2) == 1 )
DO iq = 1, nqlocal
xq_cart = xqs_cry_global(:, iq_l2g(iq))
CALL cryst_to_cart(1, xq_cart, bg, +1)
CALL dvscf_shift_center(dvscf(:, :, :, iq), xq_cart, shift_half, -1)
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Multiply exp(iqr) to dvscf
CALL start_clock('mul_iqr')
DO iq = 1, nqlocal
xq_cart = xqs_cry_global(:, iq_l2g(iq))
CALL cryst_to_cart(1, xq_cart, bg, +1)
aux = (1.d0, 0.d0)
CALL multiply_iqr(dfftp, xq_cart, aux)
DO imode = 1, 3 * nat
DO is = 1, nspin_mag
dvscf(:, is, imode, iq) = dvscf(:, is, imode, iq) * aux
ENDDO ! imode
ENDDO ! iq
CALL stop_clock('mul_iqr')
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Fourier transfrom dvscf to w_pot, write to file
WRITE(stdout, *)
WRITE(stdout, *)
WRITE(stdout, '(5x,a)') "Fourier transforming dvscf to w_pot, writing to file"
IF (ionode) THEN
iunrlatt = find_free_unit()
OPEN(iunrlatt, FILE=TRIM(wpot_dir)//'rlatt.txt', FORM='formatted', &
WRITE(iunrlatt, '(a)') "# Real space unit cell index for w_pot"
WRITE(iunrlatt, '(a)') "# ir ir1 ir2 ir3"
WRITE(iunrlatt, '(I8)') nqtot
iunwpot = find_free_unit()
lrwpot = 2 * dfftp%nr1x * dfftp%nr2x * dfftp%nr3x * nspin_mag
CALL start_clock('w_pot')
ALLOCATE(w_pot(dfftp%nnr, nspin_mag, nat*3))
ALLOCATE(w_pot_gathered(dfftp%nr1x*dfftp%nr2x*dfftp%nr3x, nspin_mag))
irc = 0
DO irc1 = -(nq1 - 1) / 2, nq1 / 2
DO irc2 = -(nq2 - 1) / 2, nq2 / 2
DO irc3 = -(nq3 - 1) / 2, nq3 / 2
irc = irc + 1
w_pot = (0.d0, 0.d0)
rlatt = (/ irc1, irc2, irc3 /)
IF (ionode) WRITE(iunrlatt, '(4I8)') irc, rlatt
! Calculate w_pot by slow Fourier transform
CALL start_clock('calc_w_pot')
DO iq = 1, nqlocal
arg = tpi * SUM(xqs_cry_global(:, iq_l2g(iq)) * REAL(rlatt(:), DP))
phase = CMPLX(COS(arg), -SIN(arg), KIND=DP)
! w_pot(:,:) = w_pot(:,:) + dvscf(:, :, iq) * phase
CALL ZAXPY(dfftp%nnr * 3 * nat * nspin_mag, phase, &
dvscf(1, 1, 1, iq), 1, w_pot(1, 1, 1), 1)
ENDDO ! iq
! sum w_pot over pools (q points)
CALL mp_sum(w_pot, inter_pool_comm)
w_pot = w_pot / REAL(nqtot, DP)
CALL stop_clock('calc_w_pot')
! Write SUM(ABS(w_pot)) to stdout for debugging and testing
IF (verbose) THEN
WRITE(stdout, '(5x,a,I8)') 'unit_cell_index ', irc
WRITE(stdout, '(5x,a,3I12)') 'rlatt_crys ', rlatt
WRITE(stdout, '(5x,a,3F12.4)') 'rlatt_cart ', MATMUL(at, REAL(rlatt, DP))
DO iat = 1, nat
DO idir = 1, 3
imode = 3 * (iat - 1) + idir
w_pot_sum(idir) = SUM(ABS(w_pot(:, :, imode)))
CALL mp_sum(w_pot_sum, intra_pool_comm)
WRITE(stdout, '(5x,a,3F16.6)') "sum_w_pot", w_pot_sum
ENDDO ! imode
WRITE(stdout, *)
! Write w_pot to file
CALL start_clock('write_w_pot')
WRITE(wpot_file, '(a,I0,a)') 'wpot.irc', irc, '.dat'
IF (ionode) THEN
CALL diropn(iunwpot, TRIM(wpot_file), lrwpot, exst, TRIM(wpot_dir))
DO imode = 1, 3 * nat
#if defined(__MPI)
! gather w_pot
DO is = 1, nspin_mag
CALL gather_grid(dfftp, w_pot(:, is, imode), w_pot_gathered(:, is))
ENDDO ! ispin
! write gathered file
IF (ionode) THEN
CALL davcio(w_pot_gathered, lrwpot, iunwpot, imode, +1)
CALL davcio(w_pot(:, :, imode), lrwpot, iunwpot, imode, +1)
ENDDO ! imode
IF (ionode) THEN
CLOSE(UNIT=iunwpot, STATUS='keep')
CALL stop_clock('write_w_pot')
ENDDO ! irc3
ENDDO ! irc2
ENDDO ! irc1
IF (ionode) CLOSE(iunrlatt, STATUS='keep')
IF (do_long_range .OR. do_charge_neutral) DEALLOCATE(zeu)
WRITE(stdout, *)
WRITE(stdout, *)
CALL print_clock('read_dvscf')
CALL print_clock('dvscf_bare')
CALL print_clock('mul_iqr')
CALL print_clock('dvscf_shift')
CALL print_clock('calc_w_pot')
CALL print_clock('write_w_pot')
CALL environment_end('DVSCF_Q2R')
CALL mp_global_end()
SUBROUTINE read_rotate_dvscf()
!! Read _ph0/prefix.dvscf files for irreducible q points, which are written
!! by ph.x. Rotate them to local coarse q points and add to dvscf.
!! Rotation of dvscf is adapted from dfile_star.f90
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE constants, ONLY : tpi
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode, ionode_id
USE io_files, ONLY : prefix, diropn
USE mp, ONLY : mp_sum, mp_barrier, mp_bcast
USE mp_pools, ONLY : me_pool, inter_pool_comm, root_pool
USE mp_images, ONLY : intra_image_comm
USE scatter_mod, ONLY : scatter_grid, gather_grid
USE ions_base, ONLY : nat, tau
USE cell_base, ONLY : at, bg
USE symm_base, ONLY : time_reversal, nsym, s, invs, ft, irt
USE fft_base, ONLY : dfftp
USE noncollin_module, ONLY : noncolin, nspin_mag, domag
USE control_flags, ONLY : noinv
USE control_ph, ONLY : tmp_dir_ph
USE cryst_ph, ONLY : magnetic_sym
USE ph_restart, ONLY : ph_readfile
USE modes, ONLY : u, npert
USE modes, ONLY : nirr, name_rap_mode, num_rap_mode
USE qpoint, ONLY : xq
USE disp, ONLY : nqs
USE lr_symm_base,ONLY : nsymq, invsymq, minus_q
CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: tmp_dir_phq
!! directory where dvscf file for iqirr is located
LOGICAL :: exst
!! on output of diropn, exst is .True. if opened file exists
LOGICAL :: imq_iq
!! apply time reversal
INTEGER :: ierr
!! error variable
INTEGER :: iudvscf
!! unit for reading dvscf
INTEGER :: i, j, k, ri, rj, rk, n, nn
!! index of real space lattice
!! index of spin
!! index of q point
INTEGER :: imode, jmode
!! index of mode
INTEGER :: iqirr
!! index of irreducible q point
INTEGER :: iat, iat_rot
!! index of atoms
INTEGER :: ipol, jpol
!! index of directions
INTEGER :: isym, isym_inv
!! index of symmetry operation
INTEGER :: imq
!! index of -q in the star (0 if not present)
INTEGER :: isq(48)
!! index of q in the star for a given sym
INTEGER :: lrdrho
!! the length of the deltarho files ( = length of dvscf files)
INTEGER :: ftau(3,nsym)
!! fractional translation in fft grid
INTEGER :: s_scaled(3,3,nsym)
!! scaled rotations
REAL(DP) :: xq_tau
!! xq dot tau phase factor
REAL(DP) :: xqtmp(3)
!! q point vector
REAL(DP) :: xq_diff(3)
!! q point sxq - xqs_cry
REAL(DP) :: sxq(3, 48)
!! list of vectors in the star of q
COMPLEX(DP) :: phase
!! phase factor
!! (nqirr) number of local q points found for each iqirr
!! (nqirr) nqs for each iqirr
INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: isym_iqloc(:)
!! (nqlocal) isq index for local q point. -1 if not in the star
LOGICAL, ALLOCATABLE :: imq_iqloc(:)
!! (nqlocal) .TRUE. if symmetry index for local q point have time reversal
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: g_residual(:, :)
!! (3, nqlocal) sxq = xqs_cry_global + g_residual
COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: rotmat(:, :)
!! matrix for rotating pattern basis to crystal basis
COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: dvscf_p_gathered(:)
!! (dfftp%nr1x*dfftp%nr2x*dfftp%nr3x) dvscf in gathered form
COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: dvscf_p_crys(:, :, :)
!! (dfftp%nr1x*dfftp%nr2x*dfftp%nr3x, nspin_mag, 3*nat)
!! dvscf for iqirr in crystal basis
COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: dvscf_p_rotated(:, :, :)
!! (dfftp%nr1x*dfftp%nr2x*dfftp%nr3x, nspin_mag, 3*nat)
!! dvscf rotated from iqirr to iq
COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: dvscf_p(:, :)
! (dfftp%nnr, nspin_mag) dvscf_p_gathered scattered to procs
COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: dvscf_iq(:, :, :)
! (dfftp%nnr, nspin_mag, 3*nat) Temporary storage of read dvscf data
! (dfftp%nnr) auxiliary variable for multiplying exp(iGr)
INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: find_free_unit
CHARACTER(len=6), EXTERNAL :: int_to_char
CALL start_clock('read_dvscf')
IF (me_pool == root_pool) THEN
ALLOCATE(dvscf_p_crys(dfftp%nr1x*dfftp%nr2x*dfftp%nr3x, nspin_mag, 3*nat))
ALLOCATE(dvscf_p_rotated(dfftp%nr1x*dfftp%nr2x*dfftp%nr3x, nspin_mag, 3*nat))
ALLOCATE(dvscf_p(dfftp%nnr, nspin_mag))
ALLOCATE(dvscf_iq(dfftp%nnr, nspin_mag, 3*nat))
ALLOCATE(rotmat(3*nat, 3*nat))
ALLOCATE(g_residual(3, nqlocal))
ALLOCATE(npert(3 * nat))
ALLOCATE(num_rap_mode(3 * nat))
ALLOCATE(name_rap_mode(3 * nat))
ALLOCATE(u(3 * nat, 3 * nat))
nq_iqirr = 0
nqs_save = 0
magnetic_sym = noncolin .AND. domag
time_reversal = .NOT. noinv .AND. .NOT. magnetic_sym
lrdrho = 2 * dfftp%nr1x * dfftp%nr2x * dfftp%nr3x * nspin_mag
DO iqirr = 1, nqirr
CALL mp_barrier(intra_image_comm)
CALL ph_readfile('data_u', iqirr, 0, ierr)
xq = xqirr(:, iqirr)
! Rotation matrix to rotate dvscf from pattern (u) to crystal basis
! (Adapted from dfile_star.f90)
rotmat = (0.d0, 0.d0)
DO iat = 1, nat
DO ipol = 1, 3
DO jpol = 1, 3
imode = 3 * (iat - 1) + ipol
jmode = 3 * (iat - 1) + jpol
rotmat(jmode, :) = rotmat(jmode, :) + at(ipol, jpol) * CONJG(u(imode, :))
! Setup small group of q symmetry
CALL set_small_group_of_q(nsymq, invsymq, minus_q)
! Rotate irreducible q points
CALL star_q(xq, at, bg, nsym, s, invs, nqs, sxq, isq, imq, verbose)
nqs_save(iqirr) = nqs
IF (time_reversal .AND. imq == 0) nqs_save(iqirr) = nqs * 2
isym_iqloc(:) = -1
imq_iqloc(:) = .FALSE.
! Find the coarse q points in xqs_cry_global from the star of xqirr
! sxq(:, isq(isym)) = xqs_cry + g_residual
! If using time reversal symmetry, also find
! -sxq(:, isq(isym)) = xqs_cry + g_residual
DO iq = 1, nqlocal
! check sxq = xqs_cry + g_residual
DO isym = 1, nsym
xq_diff = sxq(:, isq(isym))
CALL cryst_to_cart(1, xq_diff, at, -1)
xq_diff = xq_diff - xqs_cry_global(:, iq + nqbase)
IF ( ALL( ABS(xq_diff(:) - NINT(xq_diff(:))) < 1.d-5 ) ) THEN
nq_iqirr(iqirr) = nq_iqirr(iqirr) + 1
g_residual(:, iq) = xq_diff(:)
isym_iqloc(iq) = isym
imq_iqloc(iq) = .FALSE.
! if not found, check time reversal -sxq = xqs_cry + g_residual
IF (isym_iqloc(iq) == -1 .AND. time_reversal .AND. imq == 0) THEN
DO isym = 1, nsym
xq_diff = -sxq(:, isq(isym))
CALL cryst_to_cart(1, xq_diff, at, -1)
xq_diff = xq_diff - xqs_cry_global(:, iq + nqbase)
IF ( ALL( ABS(xq_diff(:) - NINT(xq_diff(:))) < 1.d-5 ) ) THEN
nq_iqirr(iqirr) = nq_iqirr(iqirr) + 1
g_residual(:, iq) = xq_diff(:)
isym_iqloc(iq) = isym
imq_iqloc(iq) = .TRUE.
ENDDO ! iq
! Open dvscf file
IF (iqirr == 1) THEN
tmp_dir_phq = TRIM(tmp_dir_ph)
tmp_dir_phq = TRIM(tmp_dir_ph) // TRIM(prefix) // '.q_' &
& // TRIM(int_to_char(iqirr)) // '/'
iudvscf = find_free_unit()
IF (ionode) THEN
CALL diropn(iudvscf, fildvscf, lrdrho, exst, tmp_dir_phq)
CALL mp_bcast(exst, ionode_id, intra_image_comm)
IF (.NOT. exst) CALL errore('read_rotate_dvscf', &
'dvscf file does not exist', iqirr)
! Read dvscf file ad rotate to crystal coordinate
! (Adapted from dfile_star.f90)
IF (me_pool == root_pool) dvscf_p_crys = (0.d0, 0.d0)
DO imode = 1, 3 * nat
! read dvscf file to dvscf_p, and gather back to dvscf_p_gathered
CALL davcio_drho(dvscf_p, lrdrho, iudvscf, imode, -1)
DO is = 1, nspin_mag
#if defined(__MPI)
CALL gather_grid(dfftp, dvscf_p(:, is), dvscf_p_gathered)
dvscf_p_gathered = dvscf_p(:, is)
! Rotate from pattern to crystal coordiate
IF (me_pool == root_pool) THEN
DO jmode = 1, 3 * nat
dvscf_p_crys(:, is, jmode) = dvscf_p_crys(:, is, jmode) &
+ rotmat(jmode, imode) * dvscf_p_gathered(:)
ENDDO ! imode
IF (ionode) CLOSE( UNIT = iudvscf, STATUS = 'KEEP' )
! take away the phase due to the q-point
CALL scale_sym_ops( nsym, s, ft, dfftp%nr1, dfftp%nr2, dfftp%nr3, &
s_scaled, ftau )
IF (me_pool == root_pool) THEN
DO iat = 1, nat
xq_tau = tpi * SUM(xq * tau(:, iat))
phase = CMPLX(COS(xq_tau), SIN(xq_tau), KIND=DP)
DO ipol = 1, 3
imode = (iat - 1) * 3 + ipol
dvscf_p_crys(:, :, imode) = phase * dvscf_p_crys(:, :, imode)
ENDIF ! root_pool
! If no q point belongs to this star, skip reading dvscf
IF ( ALL(isym_iqloc == -1) ) CYCLE
! Rotate dvscf from iqirr to iq (Adapted from dfile_star.f90)
DO iq = 1, nqlocal
dvscf_iq = (0.d0, 0.d0)
IF (isym_iqloc(iq) == -1) CYCLE
isym = isym_iqloc(iq)
isym_inv = invs(isym)
imq_iq = imq_iqloc(iq)
IF (me_pool == root_pool) THEN
dvscf_p_rotated = (0.d0, 0.d0)
DO is = 1, nspin_mag
KLOOP : DO k = 1, dfftp%nr3
JLOOP : DO j = 1, dfftp%nr2
ILOOP : DO i = 1, dfftp%nr1
! Here I rotate r
CALL rotate_grid_point(s_scaled(1,1,isym_inv),ftau(1,isym_inv),&
i, j, k, dfftp%nr1, dfftp%nr2, dfftp%nr3, ri, rj, rk)
n = (i-1) + (j-1)*dfftp%nr1 + (k-1)*dfftp%nr2*dfftp%nr1 + 1
nn = (ri-1) + (rj-1)*dfftp%nr1 + (rk-1)*dfftp%nr2*dfftp%nr1 + 1
DO iat = 1, nat
iat_rot = irt(isym_inv, iat)
jmode = (iat_rot - 1) * 3
DO ipol = 1, 3
imode = (iat - 1) * 3 + ipol
dvscf_p_rotated(n, is, imode) = dvscf_p_rotated(n, is, imode) &
+ ( s(ipol, 1, isym_inv) * dvscf_p_crys(nn, is, jmode + 1) + &
s(ipol, 2, isym_inv) * dvscf_p_crys(nn, is, jmode + 2) + &
s(ipol, 3, isym_inv) * dvscf_p_crys(nn, is, jmode + 3) )
ENDDO ! ispin
! Take complex conjugate if using time reversal symmetry
IF (imq_iq) THEN
dvscf_p_rotated = CONJG(dvscf_p_rotated)
! FIXME: magnetism
ENDIF ! root_pool
DO is = 1, nspin_mag
DO imode = 1, 3 * nat
! Scatter dvscf_p_rotated to dvscf_p. dvscf_p_rotated is allocated
! only at root_pool, so we copy it to dvscf_p_gathered.
#if defined(__MPI)
dvscf_p_gathered = (0.d0, 0.d0)
IF (me_pool == root_pool) THEN
dvscf_p_gathered = dvscf_p_rotated(:, is, imode)
CALL scatter_grid(dfftp, dvscf_p_gathered, dvscf_iq(:, is, imode))
dvscf_iq(1:dfftp%nnr, is, imode) = dvscf_p_rotated(1:dfftp%nnr, is, imode)
ENDDO ! imode
ENDDO ! ispin
! Add back the phase factor for the new q-point
xqtmp = sxq(:, isq(isym))
if (imq_iq) xqtmp = -xqtmp
DO iat = 1, nat
xq_tau = tpi * SUM(xqtmp * tau(:, iat))
phase = CMPLX(COS(xq_tau), -SIN(xq_tau), KIND=DP)
DO ipol = 1, 3
imode = (iat - 1) * 3 + ipol
dvscf_iq(:, :, imode) = dvscf_iq(:, :, imode) * phase
! Rotate from crystal to cartesian coordinates
DO is = 1, nspin_mag
DO iat = 1, nat
imode = (iat - 1) * 3
DO ipol = 1, 3
dvscf(:, is, imode + ipol, iq) = dvscf_iq(:, is, imode + 1) * bg(ipol, 1) &
+ dvscf_iq(:, is, imode + 2) * bg(ipol, 2) &
+ dvscf_iq(:, is, imode + 3) * bg(ipol, 3)
! Multiply phase factor exp(iGr) if necessary
IF ( ANY(ABS(g_residual(:, iq)) > 1.d-5) ) THEN
xqtmp = g_residual(:, iq)
CALL cryst_to_cart(1, xqtmp, bg, +1)
aux = (1.d0, 0.d0)
CALL multiply_iqr(dfftp, xqtmp, aux)
DO is = 1, nspin_mag
DO imode = 1, 3 * nat
dvscf(:, is, imode, iq) = dvscf(:, is, imode, iq) * aux(:)
ENDIF ! g_residual
ENDDO ! iq
ENDDO ! iqirr
! Check whether all q points are found.
CALL mp_sum(nq_iqirr, inter_pool_comm)
IF (ionode) THEN
DO iqirr = 1, nqirr
IF (nqs_save(iqirr) /= nq_iqirr(iqirr)) THEN
CALL errore('read_rotate_dvscf', 'problem finding q points from star', 1)
IF (SUM(nq_iqirr) < nqtot) CALL errore('read_rotate_dvscf', &
'Not all coarse q points are found in the star', 1)
IF (SUM(nq_iqirr) > nqtot) CALL errore('read_rotate_dvscf', &
'More than nq1*nq2*nq3 q points are found in the star', 1)
IF (me_pool == root_pool) THEN
CALL stop_clock('read_dvscf')
END SUBROUTINE read_rotate_dvscf
SUBROUTINE init_phq_dvscf_q2r(xq)
!! Do the initializations needed in dvscf_bare_calc
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE ions_base, ONLY : nsp, nat, tau
USE qpoint, ONLY : eigqts
USE gvect, ONLY : ngm
USE eqv, ONLY : vlocq
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: xq(3)
!! Input: q point (in cartesian coordinate)
INTEGER :: na, nt
REAL(DP) :: arg
! Adapted from PH/phq_init.f90, step 0 and b
DO na = 1, nat
arg = ( xq(1) * tau(1,na) + &
xq(2) * tau(2,na) + &
xq(3) * tau(3,na) ) * tpi
eigqts(na) = CMPLX(COS(arg), -SIN(arg), KIND=DP)
ALLOCATE ( vlocq (ngm, nsp) )
CALL init_vlocq ( xq )
END SUBROUTINE init_phq_dvscf_q2r
END PROGRAM dvscf_q2r