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244 lines
7.1 KiB
! Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine drho
!! Here we compute, for each mode the change of the charge density
!! due to the displacement, at fixed wavefunctions. These terms
!! are saved on disk. The orthogonality part is included in the
!! computed change.
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE gvecs, ONLY : doublegrid
USE fft_base, ONLY : dfftp, dffts
USE lsda_mod, ONLY : nspin
USE cell_base, ONLY : omega
USE ions_base, ONLY : nat
USE buffers, ONLY : save_buffer
USE noncollin_module, ONLY : noncolin, npol, nspin_lsda, nspin_mag
USE uspp_param, ONLY : upf, nhm
USE uspp, ONLY : okvan, nkb
USE wvfct, ONLY : nbnd
USE paw_variables, ONLY : okpaw
USE control_ph, ONLY : all_done, rec_code_read
USE lrus, ONLY : becp1
USE qpoint, ONLY : nksq
USE control_lr, ONLY : lgamma
USE dynmat, ONLY : dyn00
USE modes, ONLY : npertx, npert, nirr
USE phus, ONLY : becsumort, alphap
USE units_ph, ONLY : lrdrhous, iudrhous
USE mp_pools, ONLY : inter_pool_comm
USE mp_bands, ONLY : intra_bgrp_comm
USE mp, ONLY : mp_sum
USE becmod, ONLY : bec_type, allocate_bec_type, deallocate_bec_type
USE fft_interfaces, ONLY : fft_interpolate
implicit none
integer :: mode, is, ir, irr, iper, npe, nrstot, nu_i, nu_j, ik, &
! counter on modes
! counter on atoms and polarizations
! counter on atoms
! counter on spin
! counter on perturbations
! the number of points
! counter on modes
! counter on k-point
! counter on coordinates
real(DP), allocatable :: wgg (:,:,:)
! the weight of each point
complex(DP) :: wdyn (3 * nat, 3 * nat)
type (bec_type), pointer :: becq(:), alpq(:,:)
complex(DP), allocatable :: dvlocin (:), drhous (:,:,:),&
drhoust (:,:,:), dbecsum(:,:,:,:), dbecsum_nc(:,:,:,:,:)
! auxiliary to store bec at k+q
! auxiliary to store alphap at
! the change of the local potential
! the change of the charge density
! the change of the charge density
! the derivative
! The PAW case requires dbecsumort so we recalculate this starting part
! This will be changed soon
if (all_done) return
if ((rec_code_read >=-20 .and..not.okpaw)) return
dyn00(:,:) = (0.d0,0.d0)
if (.not.okvan) return
call start_clock ('drho')
! first compute the terms needed for the change of the charge density
! due to the displacement of the augmentation charge
call compute_becsum_ph()
call compute_alphasum()
! then compute the weights
call start_clock('compute_wgg')
allocate (wgg (nbnd ,nbnd , nksq))
if (lgamma) then
becq => becp1
alpq => alphap
allocate (becq ( nksq))
allocate (alpq ( 3, nksq))
do ik =1,nksq
call allocate_bec_type ( nkb, nbnd, becq(ik))
DO ipol=1,3
CALL allocate_bec_type ( nkb, nbnd, alpq(ipol,ik))
end do
call compute_weight (wgg)
call stop_clock('compute_wgg')
! becq and alpq are sufficient to compute the part of C^3 (See Eq. 37
! which does not contain the local potential
IF (.not.lgamma) call compute_becalp (becq, alpq)
call start_clock('nldyntot')
call compute_nldyn (dyn00, wgg, becq, alpq)
call stop_clock('nldyntot')
! now we compute the change of the charge density due to the change of
! the orthogonality constraint
allocate (drhous ( dfftp%nnr, nspin_mag , 3 * nat))
allocate (dbecsum( nhm * (nhm + 1) /2, nat, nspin_mag, 3 * nat))
call start_clock('drhous')
IF (noncolin) THEN
allocate (dbecsum_nc( nhm, nhm, nat, nspin, 3 * nat))
call compute_drhous_nc (drhous, dbecsum_nc, wgg, becq, alpq)
call compute_drhous (drhous, dbecsum, wgg, becq, alpq)
call stop_clock('drhous')
if (.not.lgamma) then
do ik=1,nksq
call deallocate_bec_type(becq(ik))
DO ipol=1,3
call deallocate_bec_type(alpq(ipol,ik))
end do
deallocate (becq)
deallocate (alpq)
deallocate (wgg)
! The part of C^3 (Eq. 37) which contain the local potential can be
! evaluated with an integral of this change of potential and drhous
allocate (dvlocin(dffts%nnr))
wdyn (:,:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
nrstot = dffts%nr1 * dffts%nr2 * dffts%nr3
do nu_i = 1, 3 * nat
call compute_dvloc (nu_i, dvlocin)
do nu_j = 1, 3 * nat
do is = 1, nspin_lsda
! FIXME: use zgemm instead of dot_product
wdyn (nu_j, nu_i) = wdyn (nu_j, nu_i) + &
dot_product (drhous(1:dffts%nnr,is,nu_j), dvlocin) * &
omega / DBLE (nrstot)
! collect contributions from all pools (sum over k-points)
call mp_sum ( dyn00, inter_pool_comm )
call mp_sum ( wdyn, inter_pool_comm )
! collect contributions from nodes of a pool (sum over G & R space)
call mp_sum ( wdyn, intra_bgrp_comm )
call zaxpy (3 * nat * 3 * nat, (1.d0, 0.d0), wdyn, 1, dyn00, 1)
! force this term to be hermitean
do nu_i = 1, 3 * nat
do nu_j = 1, nu_i
dyn00(nu_i,nu_j) = 0.5d0*( dyn00(nu_i,nu_j) + CONJG(dyn00(nu_j,nu_i)))
dyn00(nu_j,nu_i) = CONJG(dyn00(nu_i,nu_j))
! call tra_write_matrix('drho dyn00',dyn00,u,nat)
! add the augmentation term to the charge density and save it
allocate (drhoust(dfftp%nnr, nspin_mag , npertx))
! The calculation of dbecsum is distributed across processors (see addusdbec)
! Sum over processors the contributions coming from each slice of bands
IF (noncolin) THEN
call mp_sum ( dbecsum_nc, intra_bgrp_comm )
call mp_sum ( dbecsum, intra_bgrp_comm )
IF (noncolin.and.okvan) CALL set_dbecsum_nc(dbecsum_nc, dbecsum, 3*nat)
mode = 0
if (okpaw) becsumort=(0.0_DP,0.0_DP)
do irr = 1, nirr
npe = npert (irr)
if (doublegrid) then
do is = 1, nspin_mag
do iper = 1, npe
call fft_interpolate (dffts, drhous(:,is,mode+iper), dfftp, drhoust(:,is,iper))
call zcopy (dfftp%nnr*nspin_mag*npe, drhous(1,1,mode+1), 1, drhoust, 1)
call dscal (2*dfftp%nnr*nspin_mag*npe, 0.5d0, drhoust, 1)
call addusddens (drhoust, dbecsum(1,1,1,mode+1), mode, npe, 1)
do iper = 1, npe
nu_i = mode+iper
call save_buffer (drhoust (1, 1, iper), lrdrhous, iudrhous, nu_i)
mode = mode+npe
! Collect the sum over k points in different pools.
IF (okpaw) call mp_sum ( becsumort, inter_pool_comm )
deallocate (drhoust)
deallocate (dvlocin)
deallocate (dbecsum)
if (noncolin) deallocate(dbecsum_nc)
deallocate (drhous)
call stop_clock ('drho')
end subroutine drho